Circular City

Moving from a linear to a circular economy means minimising the waste and pollution by reducing, recycling and reusing. The City of Amsterdam aims to redesign twenty product- or material chains. The implementation of material reuse strategies has the potential to create a value of €85 million per year within the construction sector and €150 million per year with more efficient organic residual streams. Amsterdam set up an innovation program on the circular economy; By converting waste into electricity, urban heating and construction materials, the Amsterdam Electricity Company generates 900 kWh per 1000 kg of waste. 75% of the sewage system is separated for waste and rain water and the silt which remains after treating waste water is converted into natural gas. Share your innovative concepts and ideas on circular economy here.

Mathieu Dasnois, Communications Manager at Metabolic, posted

Metabolic Impact Report is live!

Last year we worked with some incredible partners to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable economy. From future-proof food systems, and circular products and services, to finance within planetary boundaries, and resilient cities and regions, this report reflects on some of the key outcomes and projects that emerged across the Metabolic ecosystem in 2019. Follow the link to learn what we've been up to!

Mathieu Dasnois's picture #CircularCity
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Refurbishment survey

The CEDaCI project launches an online survey on refurbishment of ICT equipment. The questionnaire can be found in the link below.

The CEDaCI project is building a circular economy for the data center industry. The project, funded by the European Union, is developing circular solutions to reduce the environmental impact of the IT equipment used by the data center industry (DCI).

All important findings and results of the CEDaCI project will be made public at to help DCI on its way to circularity.

Julie Chenadec's picture #CircularCity
Harmen van Sprang, co-founder & CEO Sharing Cities Alliance , posted

Circular Economy X Collaborative Economy in European Urban Cities and Regions

A brand new research report creating a common understanding of the 'Urban Circular Collaborative Economy': a concept bringing together the circular and the collaborative (sharing) economy. This study provides a template for local and regional authorities trying to understand the impacts of circular collaborative economy initiatives in their regions.

This study showed the diversity of the impacts of Urban Circular Collaborative Economy initiatives in different circumstances. While some initiatives have a very strong focus and impact on resource use (e,g. waste collection initiatives or renewable energy initiatives), other initiatives are mainly focused on social objectives but can have important environmental consequences nonetheless (urban gardening or repair cafés). Impacts can also depend on circumstances. Car sharing can add to environmental burden if it replaces public transport but can have beneficial impacts if it reduces car ownership and single car use. The research therefore showed the importance of understanding the impact chain of the initiatives so that regions and cities can make use of it. Another key finding is that impacts of Urban Circular Collaborative Economy initiatives are not different by nature from the ones assessed for collaborative economy initiatives in general. The difference is that, due to the small scale and not-for-profit nature of most initiatives, larger impacts can only be achieved through a multiplication of the number of initiatives, not necessarily through the scaling-up on the initiatives in terms of size.

To help regions and cities in that task and to ensure that the initiatives contribute to circular economy objectives, a set of policy recommendations have been developed around three pivotal areas: better knowledge, better regulation and better funding.

Find all key insights, the full research report, 6 case studies and a practical guide at

Harmen van Sprang's picture #CircularCity
Henrike Slob, Marketing Communications Lead at Impact Hub Amsterdam, posted

Circulair ondernemen, doe je samen

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In de transitie naar een circulaire economie worden ondernemers steeds meer gevraagd na te denken over onze keten en hoe we inkopen. Hoe transparant moet je zijn naar je klanten? Wat mag je verwachten van je leveranciers? Hoe denk je in oplossingen in plaats van problemen? Je wilt wel innovatief zijn, maar hoe en wie gaat dat betalen?
Om ondernemers te helpen bij deze vraagstukken, organiseren we deze circulaire meetup dat volledig in het teken staat van samenwerking in de circulaire economie. De meetup wordt geopend door expert Erick Wuestman die zijn inzichten deelt over het belang van samenwerking om uitdagingen in een circulaire economie aan te gaan en de transitie te versnellen.

In de transitie naar een circulaire economie worden ondernemers steeds meer gevraagd na te denken over onze keten en hoe we inkopen. Hoe transparant moet je zijn naar je klanten? Wat mag je verwachten van je leveranciers? Hoe denk je in oplossingen in plaats van problemen? Je wilt wel innovatief zijn, maar hoe en wie gaat dat betalen?

Om ondernemers te helpen bij deze vraagstukken, organiseren we deze circulaire meetup dat volledig in het teken staat van samenwerking in de circulaire economie. De meetup wordt geopend door expert Erick Wuestman die zijn inzichten deelt over het belang van samenwerking om uitdagingen in een circulaire economie aan te gaan en de transitie te versnellen.

Voor wie? ondernemers en meedenkers!

Ondernemers | Tijdens dit event krijg je als ondernemer de kans om een eigen casus in te brengen waaraan gezamenlijk wordt gewerkt. Casussen op het gebied van circulair ondernemen staan centraal, daarbij valt te denken aan de volgende uitdagingen:

  • Circulair ondernemen in de voedingsindustrie
  • Circulaire plastics
  • Circulair ondernemen in de textielindustrie
  • Circulaire businessmodellen

Meld jouw casus gratis aan via het aanmeldformulier.

Meedenkers | Wil je graag meedenken met uitdagende casussen op het gebied van circulair ondernemen, vanuit jouw praktijkervaring, expertise, opleiding of interesse? We nodigen circulaire ondernemers, beleidsmakers, circulaire experts en andere circulaire initiatiefnemers uit om mee te denken!

Meld je gratis aan via deze Eventbrite pagina.


Het event vindt online plaats op 25 juni van 15.00 uur tot 17.00 uur.


15:00 - 15:15 Welkom

15:15 - 15:45 Spreker Erick Wuestman, over het belang van samenwerken voor een circulaire economie en de rol van circulair inkopen.

15:45 - 16:30 Crowdsolve your challenge

16:30 - 16:45 Afsluiting en vervolgstappen

Doe mee en werk samen!

  • Ontmoet collega-ondernemers en experts op het gebied van circulariteit in de Provincie Noord-Holland
  • Krijg waardevolle input vanuit verschillende invalshoeken voor je eigen vraagstukken en/of help (andere) ondernemers met jouw expertise.
  • Krijg concrete tools om circulariteit te versterken in jouw bedrijf en pas het toe na de meetup.
  • Maak impact en werk aan zaken waar je echt omgeeft.

Circulair Ecosysteem

Dit event is georganiseerd door Impact Hub Amsterdam en de provincie van Noord-Holland. De provincie Noord-Holland en Impact Hub Amsterdam werken samen om circulaire ondernemers met elkaar in contact te brengen om de transitie naar een volledig circulaire economie in 2050 te versnellen.

Henrike Slob's picture Online event on Jun 25th
Jacqueline Chang, AMC®, Circular Economy Consultant , posted

Developing Pilot Project in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Looking for the experts behind Circle Scan, Amsterdam on mappin material flows in the city. Applying the “Circle Scan” methodology meant identifying the top contributing sectors in terms of environmental and economic impact and mapping the material flows of such sectors in the city. That is, organizing the information about the inputs used (energy, water, etc) and the outputs generated (types of waste, where they end up, etc). These mapping exercise allows for a clear understanding of where resources come from and where waste goes to, which actors in specific sectors are key and whether there are empty spaces that can be utilized differently, providing solutions to create closed loops

Email me at <> or <>

Jacqueline Chang, AMC®'s picture #CircularCity
Anne-Ro Klevant Groen, Marketing and Communications director at Fashion for Good Museum, posted

The Role of Circular Business Models During COVID-19 & Beyond

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Join us to find out more about the opportunities that lie within circular business models in the fashion industry.

About this Event
COVID-19 has had an immense impact on the fashion supply chain, putting everything on hold and highlighting the problems that require immediate actions.

In this session, we focus on some of the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has created in the fashion industry and how this catalyzing moment can be an opportunity for brands to seriously explore new business models. We'll address both the short term actions in utilising innovative solutions to deal with excess inventory and the longer term objectives towards disrupting the status quo around consumption patterns.

Two of our Fashion for Good innovator alumni, Reflaunt and Lizee, will be offering their insights on the topic and sharing how their innovative solutions can accelerate digital transformation and help with excess stock.

We’re also joined by Daniel Newton from Accenture Strategy and Georgia Parker from Fashion for Good, who worked on the ‘Future of Circular Fashion’ report which was published in 2019.


Felix Winckler – Co-Founder, Reflaunt
Felix is the co-founder and CCO of Reflaunt, a circular technology which bridges first-hand and second-hand markets, enabling high-end brands to give customers the option to re-sell, donate or recycle their wardrobes. An ex-New York State lawyer, Felix has co-founded several startups including Voicepolls and Votebox. Felix has an extensive expertise in growth, sales and online marketing.

Tanguy Frécon – Co-Founder, Lizee
Tanguy is the co-founder & CEO of Lizee, the leading eCommerce and Logistics Solution dedicated to rental. Before becoming an entrepreneur, he worked for various retail-tech solution providers such as Cegid, Microsoft or Wynd in NY, London and Paris. Aware of the impact of retail on the environment, he is determined to help brands in their ecological transition from a linear to a circular model.

Daniel Newton – Sustainability Strategy Consultant, Accenture Strategy
Daniel has extensive experience in the circular economy, with a particular focus on new business models. He was part of the team that developed The Future of Circular Fashion report, in collaboration with Fashion for Good, which analysed the financial viability of Rental, Recommerce and Subscription-Rental and recently contributed to The Circular Economy Handbook: Realising the Circular Advantage, focused on the circular business model, technology and retail chapters.


Georgia Parker – Innovation Manager, Fashion for Good
Georgia Parker is responsible for scouting, screening and scaling innovators in the areas of raw materials, wet processing and circular business models. She also looks after impact reporting, tracking both FFG's and the innovators progress across key KPIs. Georgia joined Fashion for Good from adidas, where she worked in the Brand Sustainability team.

Online event on Jun 9th
Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Circulaire schorten frontlinie in regio

In Nederland worden in deze coronacrisis 6 miljoen beschermende schorten per week gebruikt en weggegooid. Deze schorten komen grotendeels uit Azië, zijn daarmee onderdeel van de internationale ‘strijd’ voor beschermende middelen en bovendien van plastic.

Nieuw lid van de Network Council Reade centrum voor revalidatie en reumatologie, Gemeente Amsterdam en RE LOVE Foundation – zijn een initiatief gestart en produceren lokaal de eerste circulaire schorten voor zorgmedewerkers in zorginstellingen.

Lees verder:

Amsterdam Economic Board's picture #CircularCity
Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

MRA University: coronacrisis circulaire ramp of ‘blessing in disguise’?

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Thomas Rau (RAU) gaat in op de kansen die een circulaire economie biedt in de Metropool Amsterdam. Thomas Rau, oprichter van architectenbureau RAU, was architect van het jaar in 2013 en is al jaren een toonaangevend denker en doener op het gebied van de circulaire economie. In 2013 verscheen zijn boek Material Matters. Hij is oprichter van Madaster (een materialen-kadaster) en bedenker van het materialenpaspoort. Hij staat al enkele jaren in de top 10 van de Trouw Duurzame top 100.

Heeft het gebruik van wegwerpplastic een boost gekregen? Is het mogelijk om je anderhalvemeterkantoor in te richten op een duurzame manier? Is de coronacrisis een circulaire ramp of een ‘blessing in disguise’? Nu de samenleving langzaam weer opstart, moeten en kunnen organisaties zaken anders aanpakken. Al jaren pleit Thomas Rau voor ingrijpende stappen om van duurzaamheid te komen tot levensvatbaarheid. Een circulaire samenleving vraagt om te doen wat in de toekomst nodig is en niet wat er nu haalbaar is. Wie hebben we daarvoor nodig? Welke data hebben we daarvoor nodig? En welke keuzes horen daarbij?

Kijk mee op dinsdag 2 juni van 16:30-17:30 uur. Gebruik de app van Zoom of ga naar de website en voer de volgende ‘Meeting ID’ in: 842 – 8008 – 9765.

MRA University biedt elke dinsdag van 16:30-17:30 uur online en interactieve colleges van wetenschappers en belangrijke denkers aan beleidsmakers, ondernemers, onderzoekers en bestuurders van bedrijven en overheden om beter te kunnen begrijpen wat de impact is van de coronacrisis op de regio Amsterdam en hoe we daarop kunnen reageren.

De reeks webinars van MRA University richt zich op de gevolgen van de coronacrisis die cruciaal zijn voor de Metropoolregio Amsterdam. Het gaat daarbij om onderwerpen die hun urgentie tijdens en na de coronacrisis zullen behouden zoals arbeidsmarkt, bouwen en wonen, mobiliteit, circulaire economie en energietransitie. MRA University wordt georganiseerd door de Metropoolregio Amsterdam in samenwerking met de Amsterdam Economic Board en de gemeente Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Economic Board's picture Online event on Jun 2nd
Robert Versteeg, Consultant , posted

Tips on designing a 1.5m society using crowd management principles

Society is slowly opening up for business again. More people are going outside. And many businesses and government institutions are redesigning their spaces to give people enough room to keep 1.5m distance. While keeping distance seems like a simple rule, in practice many people find it difficult to stick to them.

That is why I wrote a short blog about the main crowd management principles that are useful to design public spaces for the 1.5m society. These principles are key to optimize the use of our public spaces and make it easier for people to keep their distance (blog is in Dutch).

Robert Versteeg's picture #CircularCity
Audrie van Veen, Director Strategic Partnerships at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Webinar Beyond COVID-19 and the CEOs Call: A European Pact for Sustainable Industry

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Over the last months, 380 CEOs have come together in our Call to Action for a New Deal for Europe: a Europe that has sustainability, climate action and inclusiveness at its core.

Now, as we are slowly starting to ease the COVID-19 lockdown, there is an urgency for togetherness: for enterprises, industry federations, policymakers, and civil society organisations to build back better.

How? By transforming the CEOs Call into a big action under the umbrella of a European Pact for Sustainable Industry to incubate collaborations on practical solutions.

Join Stefan Crets, CSR Europe Executive Director, Jan Noterdaeme, CSR Europe Senior Advisor, and Jérémy Bossu, Head of Edelman BeLux, at the webinar "Beyond COVID-19 and the CEOs Call: A European Pact for Sustainable Industry" on 6 May. They will explain the Pact, its targets and ambition, as well as the many opportunities your company has to engage.

Audrie van Veen's picture Online event on May 6th
Roel van de Weijer, Cashew Officer , posted

Vote for Johnny Cashew @Kraak de Crisis

Did you know that your cashew nuts travel 12.500 km more than is required before it hits the shelves in your supermarket? Johnny Cashew sources cashew nuts directly from Africa (Tanzania, to be precise). Our nuts ensure a good price for the farmers, reduced food miles for transport and from the profit we make we plant cashew trees in Tanzania.
Out nuts taste good, look good and do good!
We look for your support to vote for us at Kraak de Crisis, an initiative that supports new ideas to fight the crisis.
With your vote we can get free advice from PWC and, above all, 25.000 euros to kick off!
Lots of love from Johnny Cashew x

Roel van de Weijer's picture #CircularCity
Roel van de Weijer, Cashew Officer , posted

Johnny Cashew

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Be a superhero! Our cashew travel 12.500 km less than the cashew you will find in your local supermarket and they are better for the farmer, the environment and you.

Did you know that 90% of all cashew nuts travel 27.000 km before they end up at a store near you (3/4 the glove)? Did you know that Africa is the world largest producer, but that 90% of the nuts are being processed in Vietnam & India under harsh conditions, only to be shipped all the way back to the Netherlands?

Neither did we...

But as soon as we realized this, we started this project: Johnny Cashew. We decided to ship cashew straight from Tanzania, while making sure the farmer and the local processor got a fair price. Also, we found a home for the broken cashew nuts that are normally cast aside: we started workshops in Amsterdam to turn them into bars, pasta and maybe also a dressing on your next ice cream :).
Part of our profits will go to planting new cashew trees in Tanzania: good for the farmer, the environment and your karma.

In other words: our nuts taste good, look good and do good!

More info at

Roel van de Weijer's picture #CircularCity
Lina Penninkhof, Content Creator/Event Producer at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Campus Amsterdam Living Room Session #1 met Amsterdam Green Campus

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Wij brengen de changemakers van de campussen en hubs in de kennisregio Amsterdam naar jouw woonkamer! Hoe? Je zet een kopje koffie, neemt plaats op een comfortabele stoel en klapt je laptop open. In iedere sessie staat een campus of hub centraal, die zijn eigen hot topic bespreekt.

Tijdens de eerste Living Room Session staat Amsterdam Green Campus centraal. Het groene innovatienetwerk is sinds 2016 bezig om projecten - gericht op stedelijke duurzaamheidskwesties - aan te jagen en te faciliteren. Directeur Niek Persoon zal ons meenemen in de werkwijze en projecten. Ook leren we meer over hun Student Lab: de plek waar mbo-, hbo- en wo-studenten samenkomen om te werken aan projecten.

Een passieve sessie wordt het absoluut niet. Er is alle ruimte voor interactie en het stellen van vragen. Daarnaast gaan we ons best doen om gelijkgestemden met elkaar te verbinden in break-out sessies.

08.20 | Online room is open
08.30 | Welkom en inleiding door Campus Amsterdam
08.50 | Presentatie door Amsterdam Green Campus
09.10 | Q&A
09:30 | Reflect & Connect
10:00 | Afronding

Wil je hierbij zijn? Ga naar onze website om je aan te melden:


Campus Amsterdam is een netwerk van campussen, innovatiedistricten en labs in metropoolregio Amsterdam. Ons doel is om mensen, kennis en faciliteiten in onze diverse kennisregio met elkaar te verbinden, zodat we samen kunnen werken aan urgente, stedelijke vraagstukken.

Lina Penninkhof's picture Event on May 19th
Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Nieuwe dingen zijn vaak het mooist

In een circulaire economie herbruiken we spullen, waardoor we ze veel langer gebruiken. Dat is natuurlijk prachtig, maar het druist in tegen onze diepgewortelde waardering voor nieuwe dingen. In deze tijd van de #coronacrisis zie je dat een tekort of juist een overschot met onverkochte voorraad een andere dimensie toevoegt, aan een toch al duivels dilemma.

“Als we volledig circulair willen worden zullen we moeten afkicken van onze verslaving aan nieuw en anders naar kopen van (nieuwe) spullen moeten kijken.”

Lees verder in de blog van Claire Teurlings - Challenge Lead Circulaire Economie:

Amsterdam Economic Board's picture #CircularCity
Dimitri Bak, Strategic Communication Advisor at City of Amsterdam, posted

Amsterdam Circular strategy 2020-2025 Live (public version and City Doughnut)

Today the City of Amsterdam published the new Strategy Amsterdam Circular 2020-2025. In the next 5 years this strategy and the related implementation programme will guide us towards a circular capital in 2050. Not only do we want to be sustainable within our city walls and improve local employment. We also want to significantly reduce our footprint which our consumer behaviour causes in other places in the world. Like the depletion of natural recources and CO2-emissions in other countries where our consumer goods are being produced right now. But also to improve working conditions of people who are responsible for the production of our clothes and electronics in that same countries.

Furthermore, the City published a Monitor for the circular economy. A tool which will track and trace (raw) materials from the moment they come into our city till they will be discharged and (hopefully) reused.

With the world's first City Doughnut (developed by Kate Raworth) we will monitor our progress towards a circular city. We will challenge ourselves on ecological and social themes, both local and global.

Dimitri Bak's picture #CircularCity
Jonathan Bloch, Consultancy Intern at TheRockGroup, posted


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Jonathan Bloch's picture #CircularCity
Jonathan Bloch, Consultancy Intern at TheRockGroup, posted

Circular Economy Course - UvA

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PPLE at the University of Amsterdam is an intense interdisciplinary program for bright bachelor’s students. Within this faculty, international (including Dutch) students are brought together and posed with challenging courses designed to help them think critically about society and the world around them. These dedicated driven students typically have strong backgrounds in social sciences, however, lack education in the area of sustainability. TheRockGroup sees it as its mission to fill this gap by presenting practical societal perspectives on our current sustainability challenges.

The courses invited guest speakers from relevant societal actors (businesses, government and/or NGO’s) to provide real-life examples to students. This brought the studied theory and our class debates to a higher level. Not only did it show the relevance of what we studied, it also portrayed the complexity of current challenges in a world without perfection information.

Jonathan Bloch's picture #CircularCity
Letícia Bueno, Student , posted

Thinking Tech Partner Needed!

Hello community!
Me and 2 colleagues are structuring a circular business here in the Netherlands and we are looking for a tech partner to help us with the creation of an app and develop a communication system that will improve logistics for transportation, all this to boost circularity in our business model. The tech solution we build together will be part of a circular chain project that we will present for governments.
I am more than happy to discuss this further with whoever is interested :)

Letícia Bueno's picture #CircularCity
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Amsterdam launches next stage of circular economy programme

Amsterdam will launch the fourth stage of its circular economy initiative next week, with 200 new projects planned for the coming year. Its 2020-2025 strategy, set to be published 8 April, will build on last year’s programme that saw 116 projects implemented.

Folkert Leffring's picture #CircularCity