Circular City

Moving from a linear to a circular economy means minimising the waste and pollution by reducing, recycling and reusing. The City of Amsterdam aims to redesign twenty product- or material chains. The implementation of material reuse strategies has the potential to create a value of €85 million per year within the construction sector and €150 million per year with more efficient organic residual streams. Amsterdam set up an innovation program on the circular economy; By converting waste into electricity, urban heating and construction materials, the Amsterdam Electricity Company generates 900 kWh per 1000 kg of waste. 75% of the sewage system is separated for waste and rain water and the silt which remains after treating waste water is converted into natural gas. Share your innovative concepts and ideas on circular economy here.

Katie Hans, Product Manager, Benelux - Endoscopy at Circle Economy, posted

The Circular Events Challenge: Now Open for Ideas

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From setting up to cleaning up, there is an opportunity every step of the way for circular strategies to improve the impact and legacy of high-profile events and conferences. Organisations around the world are already playing their part: from edible cutlery and biodegradable food packaging to harvesting rainwater, urban farming, and take-back schemes- countless case studies have inspired and energised us as we worked on formulating this challenge, and we hope they spark your imagination and inspire you to submit your own ideas to the platform.

Sponsored by Circular Glasgow, an initiative of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, the challenge is a global call for ideas on how the circular economy can enable local businesses to drive positive change in the events industry. Anyone, anywhere in the world - regardless of field or level of expertise - is welcome to submit their ideas starting today until March 28. Together with partners Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Event Campus and the Glasgow Convention Bureau and Major Events team at Glasgow Life, Circular Glasgow will be supporting the implementation of winning solutions locally and sharing learnings along the way with our online community.

Read the brief and join the challenge here:

Event from Mar 19th to Mar 28th
Joris H., Python Trainer , posted

Circular Amsterdam

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'Amsterdam Smart City' inspired me to live more sustainable. I am going to write about some of my projects on 'Circular Amsterdam' ( Hopefully you will enjoy my posts!

Joris H.'s picture #CircularCity
Anonymous posted

Open call Circular & Digital - to be expected April 2018

750 k euro for your circular business idea!
Circular initiatives and experiments are striving in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, and the opportunities for growth and scale are enormous. Therefore, the City of Amsterdam, on behalf of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA), will launch an open call circular & digital in April. The call addresses parties with creative, smart and innovative business ideas that will strengthen the competitiveness of the circular and the economic activity in the Metropolitan Area. A total sum of 750,000€ in public funds is available.

The Metropolitan Area wants to become the hub for circular products and services. Ground-breaking innovations and digital solutions are needed to close material loops at a large scale and to stimulate high-value reuse of resources. But new and profitable products do need initial support to get off the ground. The call for tenders will give these circular innovations a boost. The best plan is awarded a sum in co-financing to go ahead with the business case and make the innovative idea a reality!

Market Consultation
The Amsterdam Economic Board, together with the municipality of Amsterdam conducted a market consultation prior to the tendering procedure to ensure that the requirements put up by the AMA are in line with market possibilities.

48 players in the market have submitted their written input. Participants of the consultation were then invited for a stakeholder meeting to give further insight and answer potential questions.

This report provides further information about the makings of the call and the results (anonymised and aggregated) of the market consultation.

The call is currently in the preparation phase and will be published in April 2018 on TenderNed. The winners will be selected before the summer. Weigh your chances of winning the call and read the report. Or do you want to join forces? Forming open call consortia is highly encouraged!

Find the report on the website of the Amsterdam Economic Board:

Yvonne Roos, Smart Health Amsterdam at Smart Health Amsterdam, posted

Vote for Hem-Col® to win the National Health Innovation Award

Health innovation Hem-Col makes diabetes testing at the dentist office possible.
Labonovum won the regional pre-rounds for the National Innovation Award 2018 with the innovative bloodcollection method Hem-Col®. The Health Innovation Award is a price for the most promising scale-up in the life science and health sector.

Thursday March 15th Labonovum, supported by the Amsterdam Economic Board, The Dutch Chambre of Commerce, Sigra and Rabo Bank will present their innovative blood collection method Hem-Col® to the jury and the public of the Health Valley Event in Nijmegen.

You can support Hem-Col too! Do you want them to win the National Health Innovation Award?

Vote here:

Yvonne Roos's picture #CircularCity
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

De duurzame stad

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© Foto Sebastiaan ter Burg

Let op! Dit programma is niet in Pakhuis de Zwijger. Het vindt plaats bij Broedplaats LELY.

Hoe bouwen we een toekomstbestendige stad?

Nu de bouwproductie op volle toeren draait is het essentieel om toekomstbestendige woningen te bouwen die generaties lang meegaan. Technisch zijn tal van mogelijkheden en pioniers laten zien dat het kan. Tijd om keuzes te maken. Welke warmtevoorziening past bij nieuw te bouwen wijken? Welke keuzes maken we om extreme regenbuien en warmte op te vangen? En hoe scheiden en hergebruiken we ons afval zo effectief mogelijk? We gaan in gesprek met duurzaamheidsdeskundigen, ambtenaren en betrokken Amsterdammers over een toekomstbestendig Amsterdam.

Met in dit programma onder anderen
Abdeluheb Choho
Wethouder Duurzaamheid, Openbare Ruimte & Groen, gemeente Amsterdam

Pieter Klomp
Adjunct Directeur Ruimte en Duurzaamheid Gemeente Amsterdam

Babette Porcelijn
Auteur De Verborgen Impact | Ontwerper bij Studio Babette Porcelijn

Daniel Goedbloed
Programmamanager Amsterdam Rainproof

Albert van Winden
Programmamanager Optimaliseren Afvalketen Amsterdam

Robert de Wit
USG Engineering NL

Saskia Müller
Stadslab Buiksloterham

Bob Mantel
Ruimte en Duurzaamheid Gemeente Amsterdam

Maarten Markus
Projectmanager Duurzaamheid at AM

Jaap de Jong
Directeur De Gezonde Stad

Cees Midden
Emeritus hoogleraar Human Technology Interaction Universiteit Eindhoven

Teun Vercauteren
Project developer sustainable energy at Eteck B.V.

Adjunct-directeur Ruimte en Duurzaamheid Pieter Klomp trapt de avond af met een introductie van Koers 2025 – Ruimte voor de stad. Voor welke opgave staat Amsterdam? Wethouder Duurzaamheid Abdeluheb Choho neemt het stokje over en bespreekt vraagstukken zoals warmtevoorziening, klimaatadaptie en afval in de stad. Keynote spreker Babette Porcelijn, vernieuwer, adviseur en publicist van onder meer van het boek Verborgen impact, biedt inzicht in wat de impact is van bepaald gedrag en welke keuzes de meest winst opleveren voor het klimaat. Hierna discussiëren panels, samengesteld uit een divers gezelschap experts, aan de hand van stellingen met elkaar en het publiek in de zaal.

Met een veranderend klimaat komen extreme regenbuien steeds vaker voor. Daniel Goedbloed, trekker van Rainproof vertelt voor welke opgave we staan en hoe we onze stad warmte- en waterbestendig kunnen inrichten.
In de nieuw te bouwen wijken met hoogbouw is zelfs geen ruimte meer voor ondergrondse afvalcontainers. Hoe gaan we hier als stad mee om? Albert van Winden vertelt ons meer.
Hoe kunnen datacenters bijdragen aan het opwarmen van gebouwen en hoe realiseren we dan zo’n dergelijk netwerk? Robert de Wit zal namens de Dutch Datacenter Association in gesprek gaan over de mogelijkheden voor Amsterdam.
De afdeling Ruimte en Duurzaamheid, waar Bob Mantel voor werkt, ontwikkelt een duurzame visie op ieder schaalniveau, van portiek tot metropool. Daarnaast zet de afdeling zich in voor het uitwerken van die visie tot concrete voorstellen en inrichtingsplannen en het mogelijk maken van die ontwikkelingen.
Welke lessen kunnen we trekken vanuit het living-lab Circulair Buiksloterham voor het ontwikkelen van onze stad? Kwartiermaker Saskia Müller gaat hierover in gesprek.

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Mar 6th
Kim van den Anker, Communication Manager , posted

Rauw op je dak

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Do you want to know more about circular buying?
Come prepared and discuss with two experts the following two challenges:
– Challenge 1: How do I get my company involved?
– Challenge 2: How do I create demand?
Session and text is in Dutch.

Circu- leren met Thomas Rau en Jacqueline Cramer

Hoe ver ben je al met circulair inkopen? De eerste stappen gezet?
Of nog in de beginfase?
Eerlijk is eerlijk we lopen allemaal tegen drempels aan, interne processen, gebrek aan kennis, andere prioriteiten, we willen maar…
Kom op 8 maart naar een inspirerend event over circulair inkopen met gelegenheidsduo Thomas Rau en Jacqueline Cramer.
De stap naar daadwerkelijke actie.

Thomas Rau kan inspirerend vertellen over hoe het beter kan, maar veel belangrijker: hij doet het ook.

Aan de hand van de praktijk neemt hij ons mee in zijn gedachten en oplossingen en daarna gaan we samen in gesprek en aan de slag.

Jacqueline Cramer, ondertussen gepokt en gemazeld ten aanzien van circulair inkopen, zal haar licht laten schijnen op het onderwerp.

Verwacht dus geen comfortabele stoelen — maar debat, discussie, voorbeelden, goed zweet en tranen zodat je gelijk verder kunt om dagelijks het verschil te maken.

Lezing, best practices en hands-on met Thomas Rau aan de slag
Bereid je voor, Thomas Rau en Jacqueline Cramer gaan 2 uitdagingen met je aan:
– Challenge 1: hoe krijg ik mijn organisatie mee?
– Challenge 2: hoe creëer ik vraag in de markt?

Aansluitend is er volop mogelijkheid om door te praten en samen plannen te maken.

Over Thomas Rau
Thomas Rau is ondernemer, architect, innovator, inspirator en visionair. Zijn motto is ‘guided by the future’. Hij laat zich in al zijn handelen leiden door wat er in de toekomst nodig is en niet door wat op dit moment haalbaar is. Bij zijn woorden voegt hij ook daden; met zijn architectenbureau RAU heeft hij diverse innovaties en nieuwe standaarden opgezet op het gebied van CO2-neutraal, energieneutraal en energiepositief bouwen en recentelijk ook voor de circulaire architectuur.

Over Jacqueline Cramer
Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Cramer is Ambassadeur circulaire economie en trekker van de grootstedelijke uitdaging Circulaire Economie in de Amsterdam Economic Board.

Kim van den Anker's picture Event on Mar 8th
Catalina Iorga, Content Lead at Amsterdam Impact (City of Amsterdam) , posted

Workbench: Reach B2B & B2G customers

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You run an impact-driven enterprise and wonder what works best when contacting potential clients. Questions you may have: ‘What organisations have most potential?’ // ‘How do I prevent talking to the wrong person?’ // ‘Do I focus on the positive impact I aim for, just briefly mention it?’


In this workshop you will learn about the best way to approach potential customers (B2B and B2G), using first-hand experience of impact entrepreneur Remko Brilman of Videobutler and Bart Krull, business developer at Social Enterprise NL.

You will also gain insight into how large businesses and governments look at social enterprises as potential suppliers. This includes:
// finding the right balance between focusing on your product / service and on social impact
// upselling and the risks of being too service=minded
// going through a sales process – from tech talk to process talks – with relevant sales approaches and skills
// discussing case studies such as Ahold and Strukton.


Remko started Videobutler 10 years ago and hasn’t lost a single client since. His company employs people with a distance from the job market, who - in their roles as Videobutlers - mediate between the technology and processes on one side and the users on the other. This way, the business can make high quality virtual communication work. And save some serious CO2 along the way!

Bart initiated the Buy Social platform together with Social Impact Factory Utrecht. This platform aims stimulate the purchasing departments of public and private organisations to buy from social enterprises, as well as to promote the Dutch impact sector.

Catalina Iorga's picture Event on Mar 1st
Steve Duncan, Head of Product & Design , posted

Jaspr: Circular Economy Meetup

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Mingle with other sustainability, circular economy, and forward-thinking people, hosted by Jaspr. You'll hear about some great circular-economy & sustainability initiatives going on around the city while enjoying some food prepared by a celebrated Korean chef.

Food and drink is free if you bring an item to donate to the Amsterdam BLEND Weggeefmarkt, a gift market that will take place the next day, an official partner of Jaspr. More information can be found here, please contact us if you are interested in volunteering!

**The event is invite-only to those in the Jaspr community, please contact for more information. Either here, or through**

Steve Duncan's picture Event on Mar 9th
Kim van den Anker, Communication Manager , posted

Circular initiatives on a map. Is yours already on here?

Claim your circular initiative on a regional map. The Amsterdam Economic Board already started a draft. (Text below in Dutch)
Staat jouw circulaire initiatief op de kaart?
Onze regio bruist van de circulaire initiatieven. Circulaire startups & scale-ups, van bezit naar delen, circulaire gebiedsontwikkeling, slim ontwerpen, etc. Allemaal met hetzelfde doel; slimme oplossingen voor behoud van grondstoffen.

Voor het gemak hebben we alles op een kaart geplot, wel zo overzichtelijk. Wil jij jezelf ook op de kaart zetten?

Kim van den Anker's picture #CircularCity
Arpad Gerecsey, Director/Chief Innovation Officer/Board member at A Lab Amsterdam, posted

Internships at Vertical Farm in A Lab

One of our members, OneFarm, a vertical farm initiative, is looking for 3 interns. Design , Research and Project. Can you help them out?

OneFarm's goal is to provide affordable fresh healthy food to local communities on a global scale to mitigate the upcoming food crisis.
To that end OneFarm implements large scale vertical farms together with local partners to ensure food security for all parts of the population.
We believe community relationships are key to providing long term sustainable food security. It also ensures community support, access to sites for development, inclusion of local agricultural knowledge and industries, local institutional support, employment, distribution.
Localization opportunities in a global context will also allow South-South food chain development in regions that are disaster prone and climate change affected.

We are looking for interns! Join our dynamic and passionate team.

3 new internships! Join OneFarm's team working with the world’s leading network of experts to provide affordable fresh healthy food and plant pharmaceuticals to local communities on a global scale to mitigate the upcoming food crisis. OneFarm internship program will provide you with exceptional experience, extensive knowledge and access to the incredible network of the fast-growing field of vertical farming, and potential employment prospect at OneFarm! If you are ready to join our vibrant startup, check the different positions: Design , Research and Project Assistants!

Check out the positions in on careers section, or through the links below:

Design assistant:
Project assistant:
Research assistant:

Arpad Gerecsey's picture #CircularCity
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

How to follow up Tired of Trash event?

Vorige week, op 8 februari 2018, hebben Amsterdam Smart City en Pakhuis de Zwijger het event 'Exit Afval' georganiseerd.

We hebben het gehad over de pilot van de Gemeenten en PostNL waarin de meldingen over afval worden gecontroleerd en over de data die hiermee verzameld wordt. De gemeente zelf geeft aan dat meer schoonmaken geen oplossing biedt. De participatie van bewoners is erg belangrijk. De Zwerfinator maakt bijvoorbeeld inzichtelijk waar zwerfafval ligt en kan ook de bron achterhalen. Startup RecyQ motiveert bewoners en belichtte de belangrijke rol van voldoende afvalbakken en het scheiden van afval.

Uit de reacties na afloop van de sessie begrepen wij dat dit onderwerp bij de aanwezigen enorm leeft. Heb jij een idee waarover een eventueel tweede event zou moeten gaan? Welk onderwerp is bijvoorbeeld onderbelicht gebleven of waar moeten we over doorpraten om nog beter te gaan samenwerken? We horen het graag van je! Laat een reactie achter!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #CircularCity
Fabian Hein, Student , posted

Contact person for holistic plastic waste reduction strategy

We are two students from Gothenburg trying to identify a holistic approach on how to reduce plastic waste, combining circularity, prevention, replacement, reuse, etc. in order to reach the European targets and Sustainability Development Goals. We would like to get in contact with someone who can tell us about how Amsterdam is approaching this problem.

Kate Black, Communications Director at Metabolic, posted

Zero-Waste Festivals: A How-To Handbook

Together with our partners at Green Events Nederland, Metabolic is excited to announce that we've produced a handbook on how to strategize and implement a waste-free festival.

Festivals are the perfect playgrounds for testing circular design, responsible upcycling and waste-free strategies. Interested in mapping the material flows of your festival? Take a look at our handbook.

Kate Black's picture #CircularCity
Steve Duncan, Head of Product & Design , posted

Jaspr Trade, Swap & Share Platform - Amsterdam kick-off!

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Love the idea of cash-free swap on a massive scale?
Jaspr lets you trade your talents and unneeded stuff, cash-free, with great people nearby, like a Peerby for trade. We are on a mission to help people save money, make friends, and have cool experiences that money can't buy.

We've built up an amazing swap community in Berlin, but it's always been a dream of this team-of-five to bring Jaspr to Amsterdam.

So come have a beer on us! We'll tell you about why we've taken on this lofty mission, how we got here, why we're coming to Amsterdam, and the ups and downs of bootstrapping a startup.

Bring some friends, have some fun, and be on the ground floor of a new trade community !

See the trades happening now in Amsterdam!

Learn more about why we're doing this

Steve Duncan's picture Event on Feb 1st
Tyr Astaroth Ding, Founder , posted

Travel and Fashion in the circular economy

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"Defying Conventions: How Travel and Fashion can work together to form a sustainable business model in the circular economy" is a Panel discussion organised by Travel Rental Marketplace GIBBON ( for the New Business Summit 2018.
The event is organised in cooperation with World Startup Factory, and the Province Zuid-Holland, and will feature notable industry players from the Travel, Fashion and Circular Economy industries.

Tyr Astaroth Ding's picture Event from Jan 25th to Jan 18th
Anonymous posted

Innovatielab: een duurzamer BovenIJ ziekenhuis

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Denk mee: een duurzamer ziekenhuis
Het BovenIJ ziekenhuis wil samen met collega’s, patiënten, groene lokale ondernemers, leveranciers en inwoners uit Noord in gesprek hoe we het ziekenhuis nog meer kunnen verduurzamen. Op donderdag 25 januari geven we er tijdens de innovatielabs invulling aan. U kunt zich aansluiten bij één van de onderwerpen: energie, afval en duurzaam gedrag. Doet u mee?
We zijn al goed op weg
Er gaat al heel veel goed. Op het dak van het ziekenhuis liggen al 600 zonnepanelen. Daarmee wekken we stroom op voor gemiddeld 32 gezinnen per jaar. In het nieuwe jaar gaan we samenwerken met een duurzamer afvalverwerkingsbedrijf en is onlangs de verlichting op de parkeerplaatsen vervangen. Dit is uw kans om mee te denken. Zo werken we samen aan een beter, groener ziekenhuis!
Doe mee!
Samen met de Duurzame 100 van Amsterdam-Noord organiseren we in het nieuwe jaar het innovatielab. Vindt u het leuk om hier over mee te denken? Geef u dan op bij Nathalie van Loon via

Event on Jan 25th
Catalina Iorga, Content Lead at Amsterdam Impact (City of Amsterdam) , posted

Explore Colombia's entrepreneurial opportunities

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Join us for this special session to learn more about the impact entrepreneurship opportunities that exist in Colombia, as well the opportunities for collaboration between Dutch and Colombian entrepreneurs and investors.


This event is specifically organised for corporates, startups, investors and buyers who want to do business in Colombia.

Are you an impact entrepreneur or impact investor with trans-local ambitions? Are you interested in exciting new collaborations? Are you curious about new markets that help you grow positive impact? Are you seeking to expand impact enterprises in fields such as renewable energy, circular economy, sustainable agriculture and ethical tourism?


1. Hear from ProColombia about the country's emerging post-peace deal landscape and what that means for impact entrepreneurs and investors. And get to know what sectors in Colombia are ripe for new business.
2. Witness a conversation between Impact Hub Amsterdam and Impact Hub Bogota about learnings for impact entrepreneurs working across these cultures.
3. Hear entrepreneurs share stories about working in and with their Colombian peers and what they see possible for Dutch entrepreneurs and impact investors.

Starting with 6pm, you can enjoy a Dutch borrel with a special Colombian twist!

This event is a co-production of the Embassy of Colombia, ProColombia and Impact Hubs Amsterdam & Bogota.

Catalina Iorga's picture Event on Feb 20th
Catalina Iorga, Content Lead at Amsterdam Impact (City of Amsterdam) , posted

Workbench: Finance your impact enterprise

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Want to find investment that matches the growth stage of your impact-driven startup? The ABN Amro Social Impact Fund will share how you can approach the right investors.

You will also get practical tools to start investment applications and achieve maximum efficiency in this time-consuming process.

FOR WHOM | You had a first funding round - ranging from grants to informal financing and crowdfunding - and are now ready for a more serious investment round.

MEET YOUR TRAINERS | The ABN AMRO Social Impact Fund has been active since 2013 and currently holds 13 investments in its portfolio.

The Fund's Director, Eric Buckens, and Investment Manager, Hanna Zwietering, will share their expertise and insights on the dos and don'ts of reaching out to investors.

Catalina Iorga's picture Event on Feb 1st
Paula Land, Liaison Circular Economy , posted

Circular innovators and procurement professionals - matchmaking event

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Ontmoet je circulaire match!
We nodigen inkoop professional van harte uit om kennis te maken met start-ups, scale-ups en bedrijven die circulaire producten en diensten leveren en innovatie oplossingen ontwikkelen die passen bij circulaire inkoop en aanbestedingen.
Het evenement biedt volop ruimte om elkaar te leren kennen en om toekomstige samenwerkingen te verkennen. Een mooie kans voor deze (jonge) bedrijven om invulling te geven aan alle vragen op weg naar een circulaire toekomst.

Paula Land's picture Event on Feb 22nd
Lotte Duursma, posted

One circular shoe, fits all?

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One circular shoe, fits all?
Circular city development and the challenges of international collaboration and implementation.

The challenge of climate change has inspired citizens all over the world to work on the transition towards circular cities. The spirit of globalization, moreover, has incited international collaboration in the dealing with these global challenges. But while these initiatives all work towards the same circular goal, do local contexts and approaches vary greatly. What can Amsterdam learn from Buenos Aires, Taipei or Seoul -and the other way around? In this second meeting, A Goood Foundation and its partners share their experiences and insights in the establishing BACircular (a collaboration in setting up circular hubs between Buenos Aires and Amsterdam), while looking at the possibilities and challenges of implementing circular cities principles in cities abroad.

This event is in English, and can be viewed via livestream.

Lotte Duursma's picture Event on Jan 23rd