Citizens & Living

To keep Amsterdam liveable the municipality collaborates with its citizens. On average Amsterdam’s population grows with 10.000 people a year. This small big city has a density of 5065 people per square km, over 180 different nationalities. 19% of the total Dutch GDP is earned in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Between 2015 and 2016, the amount of tourists in Amsterdam increased by 7%. To keep Amsterdam’s 162 canals, monumental centre and residential areas liveable, innovative initiatives are required. Share your innovative concepts and ideas here!

Toon Jansen, citymaker , posted

Nut en noodzaak van een compassie-platform in tijden van corona

Ik wil onderzoeken of het mogelijk is om op korte termijn een compassie-Contactplatform op internet te creëren en te organiseren waar mensen elkaar kunnen ontmoeten via skype en andere apps.

Mensen die ziek of slecht ter been zijn en veel risico lopen, kunnen dan via het platform met elkaar skypen of appen. Ook vrijwilligers kunnen dan met iemand skypen die daar veel behoefte aan heeft.

Zorginstellingen zouden cliënten kunnen aanmelden voor wie contact heel belangrijk is. Kinderen die zich thuis niet veilig voelen omdat er teveel spanningen zijn, kunnen een apart deel van het platform gebruiken.

Wie kan hierbij helpen en of adviseren om dat op korte termijn mogelijk te maken?

Meer informatie over compassie:

Toon Jansen's picture #Citizens&Living
Kristof van der Fluit, posted

OpenIdeo 24 Hour Covid-19 challenge - team members

I am a Service Design student at Royal College of Art, and have been grouping together experts/designer/makers for the upcoming 24 Hour OpenIDEO Covid-19 challenge. This is a chance to use our time to contribute to this global emergency; if you are keen to work with multi-cultural/multi-talented/cross-disciplinary doers this is a great opportunity. So far been in contact with fellows from Imperial College (engineers), and Royal College of Art designers. Looking to broaden the team skillset. Everyone is welcome. Send an email to ;

more details;

Kristof van der Fluit's picture #Citizens&Living
Juliette Crespel, Project Manager at EVBox, posted


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On March 31 we will host the first-ever REVOLUTION Digital. Expect a two-hour live video broadcast, hosted by EV advocate Roger Atkins, that features interviews, special announcements, and a few surprises! Industry experts and thought leaders will participate in engaging conversations about various developments and trends in the eMobility industry.

The live video broadcast will be publicly accessible, so be sure to add this to your agenda and spread the word!
/// To make sure you get the webinar link, go to the event webpage and sign up. ///



14.00 Welcome Words by Roger Atkins

14.05 Opening Interview
with Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO EVBox & Everon

14.15 Electric vehicle trends
with Marcus Fendt, Managing Director The Mobility House & Colin McKerracher, Head of Advanced Transport BloombergNEF

14.45 Zero-emission urban mobility
with Joseph Constanty, Director of International NIU & Geert de Jong, Program Manager Air Quality, City of Amsterdam

15.15 Opportunities & barriers for European EV charging
with Mathieu Bonnet, CEO Allego & Christopher Burghardt, Managing Director Europe ChargePoint & Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO EVBox & Everon

15.35 Surprise Announcement

15.55 Closing Words

Juliette Crespel's picture Event on Mar 31st
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

The EU is looking for startups and SMEs with innovations to tackle Corona outbreak

Only two days to apply for this EU call to tackle the Corona outbreak!

Could your solution help in treating, testing, monitoring or other aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak? Then apply urgently to the next round of funding from the European Innovation Council. Deadline is Wednesday 18 March 17:00h (Brussels time).

Nancy Zikken's picture #DigitalCity
Teska Drosten, Communicator at Waag, posted

Hackathon de groene stad

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Wat zijn de alternatieven voor het vergroenen van steden als de ondergrond geen ruimte biedt? Hoe kunnen we de biodiversiteit in de stad versterken? Met welke vergroening maken we de stad weerbaarder tegen de klimaatcrisis? Met deze vragen gaan we aan de slag op woensdag 17 juni tijdens de hackathon de groene stad. Ben je groenfanaat, ontwerper, data-expert of zit je gewoon vol goede ideeën voor meer groen in de stad? Doe mee en maak kans op 20.000 euro subsidie om jouw idee te realiseren.

Voor wie?
We zijn op zoek naar een bont gezelschap stadmakers, natuurexperts, studenten, onderzoekers, kunstenaars, stadsboeren, ontwerpers, techneuten, ondernemers, projectontwikkelaars en beleidsmakers die hun kennis en creativiteit willen inzetten voor een groene, gezonde en duurzame stad. Aanmelden met een team? Dat kan!

Meld je hier aan

Wat kan je verwachten?
Twaalf uur lang gaan we samen op zoek naar slimme oplossingen voor het vergroenen van steden binnen vier thema’s:

  • Bovengronds vergroenen met ondergronds ruimtegebrek;
  • Met participatie meer biodiversiteit in de stad;
  • Vasthouden van de waarde van groen in stedelijke planning;
  • Met groen weerbaarder tegen de klimaatcrisis.

Tijdens de hackathon word je uitgedaagd om je creativiteit, expertise en goede ideeën in te zetten om duurzame en slimme oplossingen te bedenken voor meer groen in de stad. Je bepaalt zelf met welke challenge je aan de slag gaat en wordt vervolgens ingedeeld in een interdisciplinair team. Elk thema wordt begeleid door een coach en er zijn verschillende experts aanwezig. In de ochtend staan inspirerende sprekers op het podium en gedurende de dag helpen boeiende datasets, een datavisualisatie helpdesk en verschillende creation stations jouw groep bij het bouwen van slimme oplossingen voor de verschillende challenges.

De hackathon biedt een unieke kans om andere specialisten te leren kennen en van elkaar te leren. Bovendien is er een prijs te winnen! De dag wordt afgesloten door presentaties van de verschillende resultaten voor een jury. Het winnende concept ontvangt 20.000 euro subsidie voor de uitwerking van het idee. Carola Schouten, Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit, sluit de dag af.

De hackathon vindt plaats in de monumentale en duurzame Mauritskazerne in Ede, vlakbij station Ede-Wageningen.

Deelname is inclusief lunch en diner.

Start programma: 10:00 uur.

Meld je hier aan

Let op: we zijn op zoek naar een divers gezelschap en hebben in totaal plek voor 150 deelnemers.

Teska Drosten's picture Event on Sep 30th
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Uber forms privacy coalition to halt city data collection

Mobility provider Uber has joined forces with seven community advocacy groups to create a privacy coalition that aims to stop cities collecting certain data on passenger journeys.

Folkert Leffring's picture #Citizens&Living
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Amsterdam and Barcelona breaking new ground on data

A groundbreaking technology project offering solutions to people concerned about the control of their personal data has just concluded after three years of pilot projects in Amsterdam and Barcelona.

DECODE, an EU Horizon 2020 project delivered by a consortium of 14 European partners, has developed new technology that allows people to decide who they share their data with, and on what terms.

Folkert Leffring's picture #Citizens&Living
Anne-Ro Klevant Groen, Marketing and Communications director at Fashion for Good Museum, posted

A Bed Collection - Behind the Scenes

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Join us on March 5th to meet Luca Kemkes, the designer behind our latest exhibition 'A Bed Collection'.

The exhibition is a showcase of streetwear pieces made entirely out of repurposed bedding. Kemkes will introduce the collection, providing some insights into her design process, and her challenge to the streetwear industry in particular to look past trends and think outside the box with materials and construction.

Having worked previously as a menswear designer at Calvin Klein, Kemkes' own streetwear collection makes use of bedding sourced from secondhand shops and online marketplaces. The design process is led by the variety of textures and details in each piece of material – showcasing intricate pattern making and patchwork techniques in creating a unique garment from every bit of fabric.

"Sometimes people see sustainability as difficult. But with this collection I want to show how to use sustainable ways of creating fashion to make truly unique and more beautiful items than are possible in conventional ways."

Your ticket price is a donation that goes towards the Fashion for Good Experience, helping to bring these kinds of events to life!

Event on Mar 5th
Anne-Ro Klevant Groen, Marketing and Communications director at Fashion for Good Museum, posted

A Bed Collection - Exhibit

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"Sometimes people see sustainability as difficult. But with this collection I want to show how to use sustainable ways of creating fashion to make truly unique and more beautiful items than are possible in conventional ways." - Luca Kemkes
From the 29th of Feb til the 12th of March we have a new exhibition on display at Fashion for Good - a showcase of streetwear pieces from Luca Kemkes' 'A Bed Collection' - made entirely out of repurposed bedding.
Having worked previously as a menswear designer at Calvin Klein, Kemkes' own streetwear collection makes use of bedding sourced from secondhand shops and online marketplaces. The design process is led by the variety of textures and details in each piece of material – showcasing intricate pattern making and patchwork techniques in creating a unique garment from every bit of fabric.
We invite you to come and be inspired by how textile choices and garment construction can challenge the status quo of streetwear design.
The exhibition entry is free of charge, but cash donations are appreciated to support our museum!

Event from Feb 29th to Mar 12th
Emilio Costales, PhD Candidate , posted

Looking for Entrepreneurs to participate in research interviews.

Hi all!

My research examines the role of entrepreneurs in human-centric smart cities. In particular, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of how entrepreneurs navigate the city system in order to acquire and utilise resources to increase their impact. I would like to speak with all types of entrepreneurs (serial entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, commercial entrepreneurs, ecopreneurs, etc) to identify different sources of support and challenges experienced in different initiatives. This will provide me with a nuanced understanding of the entrepreneurial process, the relationship between entrepreneurs and their environment, and the impact of this relationship from the perspective of the entrepreneurs.

It is not necessary for participants to be working on a particular smart city project. Rather, I am interested in how entrepreneurs operate within the city environment and how they interact with the city.

Emilio Costales's picture #Citizens&Living
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Outdoor Office Day

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In het Nieuwe Werken staan gezondheid en vitaliteit centraal. Voor iedereen is bewegen en werken in het stedelijke groen een ‘must’. Wist je dat wetenschappelijke onderzoeken hebben aangetoond dat een groene omgeving bij mensen creativiteit stimuleert, de concentratie verbetert en een rustgevend effect heeft? Buiten bewegen is noodzakelijk voor je gezondheid. Het sluit perfect aan bij de breed gevoelde noodzaak om het werkgeluk en het welzijn van medewerkers te verbeteren.

Staat het idee van een #OutdoorOfficeDay je wel aan?

Verlang je ook naar een werkoverleg buiten in het stedelijk groen, in de omgeving van je kantoor? Wil je bij voorkeur je plannen wandelend bespreken met een collega? Of gewoon ergens in een park in de buurt een werklunch organiseren? Of het liefst dat belangrijke telefoongesprek buiten voeren?

Initiatiefnemer Nature Desks wil ook andere mensen, organisaties en bedrijven in Nederland uitnodigen om ook dit jaar op 23 juni hun ‘werkplek’ letterlijk buiten in het stedelijk groen te plaatsen.

Ook jij kunt aan de slag met deze landelijke Outdoor Office Day! Ga naar buiten. Maak je collega’s enthousiast en verzin een gaaf idee voor de #outdoorofficeday!

Ioana Biris's picture #Citizens&Living
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Urban Nature Amsterdam

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#UrbanNatureAmsterdam, de eerste papieren groene en blauwe kaart van de stad.

Amsterdam is veel meer dan een verzameling straten, gebouwen, cultuur en economische activiteit. Het doel van deze stadskaart is om te laten zien dat we leven temidden van parken, (binnen)tuinen, plantsoenen, natuurspeeltuinen, groene daken, meren, grachten, rivieren, polders en bossen. Een uniek groen en blauw stadslandschap dat we ongemerkt delen met meer dan 10.000 soorten flora en fauna.

Ioana Biris's picture #Citizens&Living
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

The five cornerstones of effective governance to drive urban innovation.

For urban innovation and digitalisation efforts to succeed, a municipality needs to think through its internal organisation and governance structures. Few ingredients more sharply define the difference between success and failure than having the right governance structures in place.

We asked member city leaders from the Cities Today Institute to share their organisational structure and governance choices. What does their mandate look like? How do they operate across silos? And what to do with the traditional IT manager?

Folkert Leffring's picture #DigitalCity
Lina Penninkhof, Content Creator/Event Producer at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Knowledge Mile Morning Meetup #28 | FCB Amsterdam

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Benieuwd wie zich actief inzetten op de Knowledge Mile? Kom dan naar onze meetup en ontmoet de gebruikers van dit stukje Amsterdam dat zich uitstrekt van het Amstelplein tot aan het stadhuis op het Waterlooplein. De Morning Meetup vindt ditmaal plaats bij FCB Amsterdam. Een van de grootste zelfstandige reclamebureaus in Nederland met sterke internationale connecties. Creativiteit is de basis voor resultaat: dat is het credo van FCB. Met die attitude werken ze voor klanten als Nivea, Mastercard, L’Oreal, easyJet, DAF Paccar Parts, Nationale Politie, ING en OPEL.

We beginnen de meetup met een korte introductie van de Knowledge Mile en de bedrijfsinvesteringszone. Vervolgens deelt FCB haar activiteiten, vraagstukken of ideeën. Daarna is er alle tijd om nieuwe mensen te leren kennen en ideeën uit te wisselen.

08:30 | Inloop met koffie & croissant
08:45 | Welkom en introductie door:
- Cora Kreikamp (Business Community Manager)
- Maarten Terpstra (Learning Community Manager)
- Carla van der Linden (Project Manager Knowledge Mile Park)
08:55 | FCB deelt eigen activiteiten/vraagstukken/ideeën
09:10 | Tijd om nieuwe mensen te leren kennen
09:30 | Einde


Lina Penninkhof's picture Event on Mar 10th
Anne-Ro Klevant Groen, Marketing and Communications director at Fashion for Good Museum, posted

The Best of the Best Clothing Swap - Fashion for Good

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Our first clothing swap of 2020 was an overwhelming success, so we're back in February running a special 'The Best of the Best' edition to try something a little different - focusing on unique or statement pieces that have sat unworn in your wardrobe and deserve a second life out in the open!

For this special edition we ask that you bring a maximum of 2 items - only items you consider real gems and in great condition but for whatever reason you haven't been wearing. The quality is more important than the label as we want to focus on high quality materials, statement designs, interesting patterns and intricate details.

We'll also ask you to write a little note about each garment when you bring it in for the swap so the new owner can learn about its previous life and appreciate it even more. Loved clothes last!

How does it work?

Bring 1 or 2 good quality, statement items of clothing to Fashion for Good any time between now and the swap - the sooner the better. This will mean we can pre sort and organise your items so we are able to start the swap on time! We are located on Rokin 102 and are open from 11am to 6pm every day for you to come in to drop off your items. You will receive 1 blue token per item accepted - hold on to them as this is your 'money' for the swap.

We will again have sustainable stylist Chiara on hand during the evening, to help you pick out the perfect item for you!

Event on Feb 26th
Zéger Nieuweboer, Founder / Teacher at Learning is, posted

Vegan Protein Cooperation wins Rabo Food Forward 2019

The Dutch Vegan Protein Cooperation "Lekker Lupine" wins de Rabo Food Forward 2019. De Rabo Food Forward is an innovation track in food, supported by the Rabobank. The jury praises the winner for the diversity of the track team and the focus at innovation. The track team consist of Andre Jurrius (food grower), Zéger Nieuweboer (urban grower), Thomas Poels (student food), Marieke Laméris (Proeflab Wageningen) en Machiel Kommers (Ministry of Agriculture & Food) . The new born cooperation dedicates 10% of their return to innovation, in participation with startups and Wageningen University. The 4 months food forward track is based upon the change method Theory U of Otto Scharmer. The Rabo Food Forward initiative will be deployed to all 14 kringen of the Rabobank, including the Amsterdam metropol.

Zéger Nieuweboer's picture #Citizens&Living
Mathieu Dasnois, Communications Manager at Metabolic, posted

Week of the Circular Economy #5: getting buy-in for products-as-a-serivce

The concept of products-as-a-service is a promising avenue to ensure more re-usability, more repairing, more recycling, and less needless consumption. Gerrard Street co-founder Dorus Galama shared insights about rentable headphones and when people commit to a circular product. Creating modular headphones was the easy part. The challenge was convincing customers to rent something they are used to buying. Check out this extract and follow the link for more:

"Metabolic: How did you convince people to try a product-as-a-service approach out before it became popular?

DG: What we did is we bought a caravan and installed our prototypes, before we even had a production line, and toured around the country to festivals. We staged a silent disco to market our research and development, and listened to the feedback from people. The main barrier we found was asking for a minimum of a one year commitment from customers, that was huge for them. Once we dropped that and allowed people to try it out for one month, that made it a lot easier. Now we go even further, putting out the offer of the first month for free.

On the website, we explain why the service exists. It is a combination of explaining the sustainability aspect and why this approach works for the customer. We find the sustainability doesn’t convince a lot of people to buy on its own. Most are actually convinced by the flexibility this approach offers: you can switch models to an upgraded model if anything breaks, or they can order in new parts at no cost.

In direct sales, sustainability doesn’t work too much. But when we ask the people who become paying customers what they like about it afterwards and what they tell their peers, sustainability is a big thing. It is not necessarily the reason to buy, but something people like to associate themselves with the brand about. It’s a better story.

Especially in the beginning, we found sustainability enthusiasts subscribed to support us, but didn’t stay with it and use the headphones because they weren’t necessarily music lovers, so they eventually cancel because it was just to support us. You can’t build a business off that."

This interview is part of a series, by Metabolic, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute), Gemeente Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Economic Board and Amsterdam Smart City. Together we aim to showcase what a circular economy can look like.

Meet the pioneers, learn from them and get inspired!

Mathieu Dasnois's picture #Citizens&Living
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

Healthy food for anyone

Land use and agriculture have a significant share in greenhouse gas emissions and the rapid decline of biodiversity, and with that the endangered food security.

Not farmers in the first place, but the agro-industrial complex as a whole - we consumers included - are responsible for this huge and often underestimated problem.

In my newest post, I argue that city governments as intermediates have an important role to play in the solution of this problem, given the complex interactions between multiple actors,

You will have to wait a couple of weeks for the English version of my newest post. The Dutch version is available.

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Citizens&Living
Arjun Nandanuri, Manager- Smart City Weather Solution , posted

Pilot +Partnership

Vaisala Oyj is a Finnish based company (, pioneer in providing weather and Environmental solutions ( includes: sensors, systems and solutions, digital and data services )
I am looking for a pilot project in integration of all the above mentioned weather related complete solution. please contact me at

Looking forward to discuss in detail.

Thank you


Arjun Nandanuri's picture #Citizens&Living