Citizens & Living

To keep Amsterdam liveable the municipality collaborates with its citizens. On average Amsterdam’s population grows with 10.000 people a year. This small big city has a density of 5065 people per square km, over 180 different nationalities. 19% of the total Dutch GDP is earned in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Between 2015 and 2016, the amount of tourists in Amsterdam increased by 7%. To keep Amsterdam’s 162 canals, monumental centre and residential areas liveable, innovative initiatives are required. Share your innovative concepts and ideas here!

Lotte Duursma, posted

A hundred newsletters later... 💯

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Most community members on this platform find their way via the Weekly Update which we send out every week. This week the 100th edition will be out, what a number! This means 100 weeks of great content, active community and you who read, comment and share the writings of smart city topics.

Did you know ...

Did you know...

1. That the first newsletter was in August 2016?

Once a week for two years makes 100 weekly updates! The weekly update started together with the formation of the online smart city community. The Amsterdam Smart City program has been running since 2009, but we are an open collective, so with this community everybody can join! We now have over 5000 people connected to our network.

2. Our first newsletter was sent to 384 people?

The first newsletter was called "the latest news" and was sent to 384 people. Now the updates are sent to 4233 people all over the world!

3. The best read articles are about open data and startups

There is high interest in articles about the open use of data by governments, such as the open data portal of Amsterdam at Also startups are a hot topic, and the startup ecosystem in Amsterdam is something to keep an eye on! Of course the job openings are clicked a lot too! Did you know we are currently looking for an intern?

4. That you can be in the newsletter too?

Everything you read in the newsletter comes straight from the platform! So you can upload your update, request, eventor project, and get a chance to be featured in next week's Weekly Update! We don't receive advertising money or let something else influence our editor's pick.

You can find our Weekly Update archive here:

And tomorrow number 100 in your mailbox!

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Lotte Duursma's picture #Citizens&Living
Anonymous posted

Een kijkje achter de schermen bij een duurzame werkgever

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Beste lezer,

De komende weken zetten we werkgevers extra in het zonnetje. We zijn naar een paar bedrijven geweest waarvan we trots zijn dat ze gebruik maken van Greenjobs. Benieuwd? Lees snel verder!

We gebruiken hiervoor de People Planet Profit indeling.

Waarom? We vinden het niet okay om snelle winst te maken ten koste van mensen en het milieu. Daarom helpen we organisaties People, Planet en Profit Proof te worden, óf helpen we organisaties hun boodschap naar buiten te brengen en het juiste talent aan te trekken!


Het volgende bedrijf is Food Cabinet waar met Marleen is gesproken. Marleen werkt nu 2,5 jaar bij Food Cabinet en heeft daarvoor 6 jaar bij een campagnebureau gewerkt. Ze is Chief Operations Officer (COO) en is verantwoordelijk voor onder andere lopende projecten, kwaliteit, planning en financiën. Momenteel bestaat Food Cabinet uit een team van 17 mensen, inclusief management. De cultuur bij Food Cabinet is open, leuk en zonder sterke hiërarchie. Het is een hecht team van gepassioneerde mensen dat zich inzet voor het verbeteren van het voedselsysteem.

Het kantoor van Food Cabinet staat in Amsterdam Oud West en bestaat uit twee voormalige benedenverdieping woningen met een binnentuin. Van deze binnentuin wordt, zeker met dit mooie weer, dankbaar gebruik gemaakt! Zo luncht het hele team hier iedere dag met elkaar. De lunch wordt verzorgd door de BuurtBoer behalve op donderdag, dan kookt de medewerker met lunchdienst voor het hele team. Op het kantoor wordt eigenlijk altijd vegetarisch gegeten.

Het team van Food Cabinet houdt zich bezig met een breed scala aan werkzaamheden. Denk hierbij aan campagne ontwikkeling, strategie, advies, en het organiseren van evenementen. Sinds een jaar heeft het bureau eigen designers in huis, wat ze de gelegenheid geeft projecten van begin tot einde uit te voeren.

Food Cabinet heeft de volgende functiegroepen:

• Strategie/Creatie
• Projectmanagement
• Uitvoering waaronder Communicatie, Online Advertisement en Marketing

Samen met The Food Line Up, een cateringbedrijf met een verse visie op catering, heeft Food Cabinet een studieprogramma opgericht genaamd the School of Food. In dit studieprogramma kan het team het voedselsysteem nóg beter leren kennen. Dat doen ze bijvoorbeeld door middel van excursies, zo gingen ze vorige week in gesprek met fruittelers over de praktische haken en ogen van biologische fruitteelt. Of denk aan een excursie over de aardappelsector om met eigen ogen te zien hoe de ontwikkeling van aardappelzaad zich ontvouwt. Er worden ook lezingen gegeven over inhoudelijke onderwerpen, zoals genetische modificatie of documentaires vertoond over de relatie tussen suiker en obesitas.

Behalve the School of Food gaat het team ook buiten werktijd naar avonden in Pakhuis de Zwijger of andere interessante evenementen. Naast deze uitstapjes worden er vrijdagmiddagborrels, ’Little Fridays’ (donderdagmiddagborrel) en FCFun borrels georganiseerd, waarbij mensen uit het netwerk worden uitgenodigd op kantoor!

Enthousiast en wil je solliciteren? Dan kom je waarschijnlijk Marleen tegen. Het sollicitatieproces bestaat uit een CV-selectie waarna de eerste kandidaten worden uitgenodigd voor een kennismakingsronde. In een half uurtje wordt er gekeken of de kandidaat past op de functie en in het bedrijf. Na deze ronde vindt er een intensievere tweede ronde plaats, waarbij 2 à 3 selectieopdrachten worden gegeven om beeld te krijgen van de potentie van de kandidaten. De geselecteerde kandidaten krijgen vervolgens in de laatste ronde ter plaatse cases voorgeschoteld.


Samuel Levie en Helen Kranstauber zijn bekende figuren bij het Slow Food Youth Netwokr (voorheen de Youth Food Movement) en het Food Film Festival in Amsterdam. Ze werden daar vaak gevraagd programma’s te schrijven en campagnes te initiëren op het gebied van voedsel en duurzaamheid, wat leidde tot de oprichting van Food Cabinet, ongeveer 5 jaar geleden. Niet lang daarna sloot ook Sebastiaan Aalst zich aan als een van de drie oprichters.

Met een team van denkers, ontwerpers, makers en veranderaars zet Food Cabinet dagelijks voedselvraagstukken op de kaart. Deze voedselvraagstukken zijn divers, met als gemeenschappelijke factor dat ze worden benaderd vanuit de insteek een duurzamer, gezonder en eerlijker voedselsysteem te bewerkstelligen. De hele keten wordt hierin meegenomen - het begin van de keten in de vorm van gespreksgroepen met boeren en omwonenden en inhoudelijke workshops over eerlijke handel, maar ook het einde van de keten in de vorm van campagnes voor consumenten om meer groenten en fruit te eten en voedselverspilling tegen te gaan. Ook vraagstukken als waar eten vandaan komt of hoe we over 50 jaar nog kunnen voorzien in de voedselvraag worden behandeld.

Opdrachtgevers van Food Cabinet zijn ondernemers (bijvoorbeeld Albert Heijn, Fairtrade Original en Vezet), overheden (bijvoorbeeld het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit voor de organisatie van de Wereldvoedseldag, brancheorganisaties (bijvoorbeeld de Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie), maar ook NGO’s (bijvoorbeeld Oxfam Novib en Max Havelaar). Ze helpen deze partijen bij het uitdenken van strategieën en concepten en het succesvol uitvoeren van hun duurzame ambities. Daarnaast initiëren ze eigen projecten en campagnes die in samenwerking met andere partijen op een grassroots manier verder worden ontwikkeld.


Food Cabinet wordt ingehuurd door haar opdrachtgevers om deze partijen te helpen bij het succesvol uitvoeren van hun duurzame ambities.

Wil je solliciteren? Op het moment staat er een vacature open voor een ervaren campagne- en projectmanager. Kijk voor meer info op

Meer weten over Greenjobs en Einstein & Jones? Neem dan contact op met mij via, 020 303 78 03 of 06 835 968 58.

Marjolein Bot, Lead Energy&Digital at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Duurzaamheidsmaand Nieuw-Sloten | Verduurzaming woning

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Het stadsdeel Nieuw-West organiseert in samenwerking met verschillende partijen in juni een duurzaamheidsmaand. Op zaterdag 23 juni staat het thema ‘energie’ centraal. Wilt u meer weten over hoe u uw eigen huis kunt verduurzamen, van het gas af kunt komen, over de aanschaf van zonnepanelen of het City-zen Vehicle-to-Grid project? Kom dan naar het Huis van de Wijk België.

Verduurzamen van uw woning
- Koploper in de energie transitie en City-zen subsidiënt vertelt -
Vanaf 14:00 uur zijn diverse deskundigen aanwezig die alles kunnen vertellen over hoe u uw woning het beste kunt verduurzamen. Waaronder ook een subsidiënt vanuit City-zen. Deze koploper heeft zijn huis geheel verduurzaamd en heeft veel ervaring opgedaan welke hij graag deelt. Lees hier alvast het artikel waarin hij zijn verhaal doet:

Meer informatie
Heeft u vragen, opmerkingen of ideeën voor de duurzaamheidsmaand? Dan kunt u contact opnemen met Joris Zevenbergen (projectleider) via

Marjolein Bot's picture Event on Jun 23rd
Floris Uleman, posted

P!TCH Summer Edition

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P!TCH is the event for students to share their start-up businesses - or just listen, connect, and be inspired by others! It is an event organized by the Amsterdam Student Investment Fund, a venture capital investing in student startups.

This time with a bigger venue, an outdoor location, and MORE pitches - the special summer edition will be hosted at one of the most unique locations in the heart of the city: Hotel Arena Amsterdam.

SIX students will take the stage to deliver a 5-minute pitch on their start-up (APPLY BELOW).
The GRAND WINNER will be awarded a 1-on-1 session with a seasoned ASIF partner to help make the next step in the development of their business. The audience will determine the GRAND WINNER, as well as the winners of three other AWARDS.

If you want to attend this exciting night as a guest, please reserve your FREE ticket to claim your FREE drink!

Floris Uleman's picture Event on Jun 14th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

5000 innovators! Let's introduce you to: Eva

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Let's celebrate! You are part of an amazing community of 5000 members. We just passed this milestone, so it is time to ask some new members what they think!

Meet Eva,

She recently joined the smart city community. Eva is an economist at a multi IT (Oracle) - and recently started to work as freelance architect in parallel. She lives in Budaörs, a city near Budapest. "Important characteristic of the city is that citizens define Budaörs as an independent and innovative city. We are improving public space in our own way".

We asked her a few questions:

What brought you to join the community?

I am an IT expert dealing with emerging technology in applications eg. ML supported IOT for predictive maintenance, while I am also an enthusiastic architect, fond of contemporary Dutch architecture. I have an interest in both smart building and smart city topics. I was looking for possibilities of visiting EDGE Amsterdam, that's how I have found Amsterdam Smart City. Then I saw a lot of interesting programs (like WeMakeThe.City, which I will attend), the possibility to exchange experiences and ideas and making contacts, which lead me to join the community.

Which smart city topic do you find most important?

I am personally interested in Infrastructure & Technology. I cannot judge which one is the most important for Amsterdam now. For us, Mobility and Citizens & Living are the hot topics.

What should the city of the future look like?

Creative, vivid, human-centric & green (in all senses).

Anything else you want to share with the community?
I worked for 1 year in the Netherlands earlier. Based on my experiences I believe that if Amsterdam aims to be the most innovative smart capital in Europe, than it will happen. So anyone interested in smart city topic should keep an eye on what and how Amsterdam Smart City is doing in Amsterdam.

We also interviewed Mathilde, find her story here!

Thank you all, for being such a great community!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Citizens&Living
Marco Marechal, Strategic (Communication) advisor (CEO) , posted

Adding knowledge towards your project in the area of the enduser...

Adding knowledge towards a project you have (City level) in the area of water or smart city and smart mobility. To actively envolve the end- user, citizens engagement and participation;. We have large survey results in the area of smart city and smart mobility to actively involve the end user in the project you have. To make your project more succesfull because people actually use it.

Looking for a project and / or partnership in a city or area of the city to conduct further study in the area of citizens engagement and to add the human factor within the project or city for you.

Marco Marechal's picture #Citizens&Living
Hannah de Bruijn, Communication at Waag, posted

Datafysicalisatie workshop

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Kun je data aanraken? Is informatie over onze leefomgeving of consumptiegedrag op een andere manier inzichtelijk maken? En hoe maak je dit vervolgens 3D tastbaar maken? Tijdens deze workshop gaan we aan de slag met (complexe) data en abstracte informatie en kijken we hoe we deze begrijpelijk en fysiek kunnen maken.

Samen duiken we in de database van de gemeente Amsterdam. Benieuwd naar de hoeveelheid afval per buurt? Of kunnen we gezondheid van bewoners vergelijken? Deelnemers bepalen zelf met welke data ze aan de slag gaan om vervolgens te bedenken hoe dit tastbaar te maken.
Heb jij thuis nog verhuis dozen, grote gekleurde paraplu’s of ander materiaal wat je kan gebruiken in het fysiek presenteren van data? Of heb je een data vraagstuk die je graag tastbaarder zou willen maken? Neem deze vooral mee!

Datafysicalisatie gaat een stap verder dan datavisualisatie, het gaat om het creëren en vormgeven van tastbare representaties van data om zo inzichten te krijgen en kennis te delen. De betekenis van data is niet eenduidig vooraf aanwezig, maar wordt actief geconstrueerd. Tijdens deze avond onderzoeken we welke vragen je moet stellen als je een fysieke, tastbare representatie van data gaat maken. Hoe kan je data ervaren?

19:30 – 20:00 Inloop
20:00 – 20:05 Introduction Critical Makingg
20:05 – 20:20 Introductie datafysicalisatie door Marije Kanis
20:20 – 20:35 Datafysiscalisatie in de praktijk
20:35 – 21:40 Workshop
21:40 – 22:00 Presenteren resultaten en reflectie

Zichtbaar Slimmer
Het project “Zichtbaar slimmer” heeft als doel om praktijkgericht onderzoek te doen naar de potentie van datafysicalisatie – het tastbaar maken van data – als middel om datageletterheid en 21st century skills te stimuleren.

Tegenwoordig wordt data op exponentiële schaal verzameld, gedeeld en gebruikt. Dit leidt echter niet per se en direct tot meer kennis en vaardigheden. Datasystemen zijn immers vaak complex en verborgen. Nieuwe technologische ontwikkelingen, zoals digitale fabricage bieden wel de mogelijkheid om data systemen zichtbaarder en tastbaarder te maken. Middels datafysicalisatie willen wij op zoek gaan naar handvatten die in staat stellen deze ontwikkelingen te omarmen en mede vorm te geven.

De hoofdvraag is: Wat is de potentiele waarde van datafysicalisatie - voor het (basis)onderwijs? Het project is een samenwerking tussen de HvA, St Janschool en Waag en wordt gefinanceerd vanuit de KIEM 21st century skills regeling vanuit NWO/SIA.

Event on Jun 14th
Hannah de Bruijn, Communication at Waag, posted

MakeHealth meetup: personalised healthcare

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‘Open’ design applications in healthcare for and by citizens: how do you personalise designs? Discover the possibilities of digital fabrication for you as a healthcare professional, care giver, or citizen with a care need.

‘One size fits all’ is known in the clothing industry but does it work in healthcare? There are various examples of healthcare tools that are suitable for everyone. In practice, however, it appears that these tools are only really suitable for a small number of people. With the emergence of digital fabrication technology and the accessibility of online knowledge, it is possible for citizens and healthcare professionals to adapt (high-quality) healthcare applications to personal measurements or settings.

During this MakeHealth meetup we discuss how digital fabrication tools can be applied within healthcare. Together we discover the possibilities of parametric design: a form of design in which sizes can be easily adjusted. We discuss the use of hard- and software to make personalised tools with experts. And we show inspiring examples used in practice. Finally we discuss what the impact of this development means for our own situation and professional practice.

Ida Poortinga
Erik Robberts van E-nable NL

About Made4You
In Made4You, citizens, healthcare professionals and makers work together to design and develop personalised care applications. Healthcare has changed radically over the past century. For a growing group of citizens, products and services in healthcare are either too expensive, do not match their needs, or simply do not exist yet. With the advent of better technology, the possibilities for developing digital healthcare applications have increased. With MakeHealth we want to develop new, open design applications and publish them online.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 780298.

Event on Jun 7th
Yvonne Roos, Smart Health Amsterdam at Smart Health Amsterdam, posted

Join the Health2025 meet-up on June 5th!

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Theme: 'Prevention and recovery with your own stem cell'

How can we use stem cells and cultured mini-organs for faster and better healing? During this meeting we will try to give insights on what is already possible, what is waiting for us in the future. We will look at the consequences for people and society. Three speakers with a different perspective will take the stage.

Jasper Mullenders, Hubrecht institute.
The future of stem cell research and organoids in the fight against diseases.

Janine Roodhart - UMC Utrecht
Can a mini-organ cultivated in the laboratory be a good predictor of the most appropriate treatment for a particular patient? And what does that mean for care provider and patient?

Tessa de Korte - Ncardia
How can the cultured human heart muscle cells of Ncardia help in the testing and development of medicines?

The afterdrink starts at 17.00 hours. There is sufficient opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and care professionals. Admittion is free.

About Zorg2025
The Amsterdam Economic Board organises the Zorg2025 meet-ups 4 times a year, together with Rabobank, SIGRA and the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce. These events are aimed at connecting and bringing together Health- and Care innovators and professionals, business, reserachers and knowledge institutes in the field off Health, Prevention and data . Startingpoint is to share knowldege, trends and developments , new research outcomes and applicable innovations.

Tuesday June 5,
Café Restaurant Dauphine, Amsterdam
The Health Cafe; Zorg2025 (Dutch)

Language: Dutch. Admittion is free but you need to register here:

For more info:

Yvonne Roos's picture #Citizens&Living
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

5000 innnovators! Let's introduce you to: Mathilde

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Let's celebrate! You are part of an amazing community of 5000 members. We just passed this milestone, so it is time to ask some new members what they think!

Meet Mathilde,

She recently joined the smart city community. Mathilde is from France and arrived in Amsterdam 4 years ago. "Before Amsterdam, I thought I was not a city person. Now I love it! I think this is because it is advanced on smart city topics and keeps taking concrete actions to make it even better."

We asked her a few questions:

What brought you to join the community?

I joined the community to be a part of this vibrant crowd motivated to create a livable and sustainable city. I believe thanks to communities like Amsterdam Smart city lots of good ideas can spread faster, be reused wherever it is relevant, and inspire others. Also, motivated people can connect and get on board the movement much easier because of this community.

Which smart city topic do you find most important?

My favorite topic is the circular economy. Just because it makes so much sense, economically and environmentally speaking. And it can be applied to such a wide range of topics. Whatever you do, you can think about how to engage in the circular economy.

What should the city of the future look like?

For me the city is the future. Urban growth is extremely fast and most people live in cities. We need to make it possible. Then, I would say the key word for the city of the future is sustainability. I see sustainability as a giant interdisciplinary problem-solving challenge. It might be a tall goal to meet, but it as an exceptional opportunity for our future.

Anything else you want to share with the community?

I am today looking to join an international company with strong values and leading concrete actions for sustainability within which I can dedicate myself to project management or consultancy.

We also interviewed Eva, find her story here!

Thank you all, for being such a great community!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Citizens&Living
Catalina Iorga, Content Lead at Amsterdam Impact (City of Amsterdam) , posted

10-Year Anniversary of Impact Hub Amsterdam | Unlikely Allies

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This is your chance to discover an entire impact ecosystem under one roof and to learn from our network of entrepreneurs, investors, corporates, techies and creatives!

During our 10 year-anniversary we'll celebrate impactmaking in Amsterdam and the world with a full-day programme featuring the latest in sustainability, startups and entrepreneurship, and building a new economy. Buy your ticket > It's FREE for students, as well as Impact Hub, SDG House and Fashion for Good members!

Our highlights per topic:

Integral City framework | 9:00 AM
Living Cities | 11 AM
Startup bike tour | 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM
De Gezonde Stad – 3 pitches for a healthier city | 1 PM
Architecture agency AKKA's vision | 4 PM

Startup bike tours - including a visit to Mevrouw Cous | 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM
Bites made by African Clean Energy on a solar biomass stove | 1 PM and 2 PM
Zeewaar - scaling sustainable crops | 3 PM
Chocolatemakers during our Unpack Impact session | 3:15 PM

Sustainable clothing brand Afriek during our Unpack Impact session | 3:15 PM
Head of Circular Transformation at C&A Foundation, Douwe-Jan Joustra, gives a talk at 6:30 PM
Networking drinks together with Fashion for Good and Circle Economy | 6:30 PM
Fashion show - 7 sustainable brands share their stories and collections | 6:45 PM

De Gezonde Stad – 3 pitches about health in the city | 1 PM
Speed dates with fem care industry brand Yoni | 11 AM and 1 PM

Keynote by impact investor Dr. Charly Kleissner | 2 PM
Unpack Impact sessions with Afriek, Chocolatemakers and Milieuwerk and their investors | 3:15 PM
Co-vester Collective Generous Minds | 4 PM


9:30 AM - The story of the global Impact Hub movement by Impact Hub Amsterdam founder Tatiana Glad at 9:30 AM | 5:15 PM Young Impactmakers special edition | 7 PM - DJ and party!

See it all and build your schedule >

Catalina Iorga's picture Event on Jun 22nd
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

The Green Map of Amsterdam:

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.. a tribute to the city we love. But also the start of a dialogue about the importance of nature in the urban environment. Last week we launched the crowdfunding campaign helped by Daniel Raven-Ellison, the creative mind and campaigner behind London National Park City, Bennie Meek from Gewildgroei and Theun Karelse from Proeftuin Midwest. They all inspired us start this crowdfunding. Here's the video we made last week:

In short: when you love #Amsterdam, the urban green and/ or beautifully crafted maps, please help us to realise the #greenmapofAmsterdam.

Ioana Biris's picture #Citizens&Living
Anonymous posted


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The TechMeetups Drinks & Demo Night aims to bring tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurial spirits together as well as to share innovative ideas and new-age technologies! The Drinks & Demo night is one not to be missed; with its vibrant atmosphere it is ideal for those searching for great networking opportunities.

If you want to demo your company or share ideas with the crowd, this event is for you! We’ll have 5 presentation slots, 10 mins each followed by discussion panel with our community. Apply and find out more about presenters here:

Event on Jun 5th
Jeske Eekelaar, Volunteer Coordinator , posted

Wanted: volunteers WeMakeThe.City

During WeMakeThe.City (20-24 juni) we will transform Amsterdam and the metropole region for five days into one big festival: more than 300 programs and more than a thousand visitors. This means there is an enormous amount of work to pull off, which would be impossible without help, because the future of the city can only be designed together. Therefore we need your support!

We are looking for:
People who would like to contribute to a better city by supporting various program parts, as hosting our speakers and visitors, help out with setting up and dismantling events, scanning tickets, runner activities and much more. Please make your strengths known so that we can put you in a position where you are most valuable.

What’s in it for you:
- An intriguing evening training in collaboration with de Vrijwilligersacademie in Pakhuis de Zwijger on how to contribute as a volunteer in making the city better
- A free Festivalpass for you and 2 friends
- Free entrance to the closing party
- A WeMakeThe.City T-shirt
- The possibility to extend your professional network

[When you work more than 6 shifts]
- A free Festivalpass for you and 4 friends
- Free entrance to ROEF on June, 22

We expect:
- A minimum availability of 3 shifts (morning, afternoon or night) during WeMakeThe.City
- Presence at one of the two evenings of training beginning of June
- Characteristics: hospitable, involved, proficient, environment-conscious

Sign up here: www.wemakethecity.volunteers

Jeske Eekelaar's picture #Citizens&Living
Linda Meeuwissen, posted


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Op 15, 16 en 17 juni vindt het allereerste VEGGIE festival plaats op de NDSM-werf in Amsterdam. Wees verzekerd van kleurrijke groentegerechten, stoere veggie burgers die de vleeseter verrassen, mezzes en falafel, homemade lemonades, de nodige GT’s, speciaalbier en natuurlijk een goede vibe, bruisende tunes en een toffe locatie. Dé plek om te borrelen samen met vrienden, collega’s en kids. And guess what? Terwijl je met een biertje in je hand je tweede burger zit te verorberen, doe je ook nog iets goeds voor mens, dier en milieu! Wat ons betreft is VEGGIE the future, en dat smaakt fantastisch! Kom jij ook uit de VEGGIE kast?

Event from Jun 15th to May 20th
Gertjan de Vries, Partner at Learn Adapt Build, posted

Prevent noise nuisance from a youth hangout

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Noise pollution is one of the biggest social problems in densely populated areas. To monitor and solve noise pollution problems in cities SensorTeam developed a novel automated platform and sound sensor for distributed noise measurements.

In a partnership with the city of Amstelveen we have installed a professional audio system in a hangout at the Zetterij in Amstelveen. We use wireless sensors to measure the sound level (dB) produced around this meeting place to avoid public nuisance.

These sensors are placed in the area around the hangout. Maximum sound levels can be remotely monitored and adjusted from SensorTeam’s cloud platform.

In this smart city project the city of Amstelveen gives substance to the local youth’s wish to play music at their own hangout.

About the technique
SensorTeam’s sound level meter is solar powered and is using low power network (LoRa) communication for realtime cloud monitoring. Measurements are accurate and independent and are displayed on SensorTeam’s cloud dashboard. To visualise the recorded data (sound levels) the varying decibels are represented on a coloured map, using inverse distance weighted technique.

LoRa Sound Sensor

SensorTeam IoT Dashboard

Gertjan de Vries's picture #Citizens&Living
Anonymous posted

Photography x Mental Health (Launch)

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In many of our advanced societies and cities around the world, mental health issues are on the increase. Amsterdam is no different. For example, over 550,000 Dutch adults suffer from depression each year*. Yet we don’t talk about it.

How can we explore the issue through a creative lens and break the taboo surrounding it?

We’ve briefed 10 photographers to explore the subject of mental health, either through a personal story or that of a subject. Opening on Thursday, May 24, the exhibition of works and stories will run through to Sunday, May 27.

At our launch event, we’ll have guest speaker Steve Wallington (The Photography Movement, UK) and in-conversations with some of the photographers. Some of the works will be available to buy with all profits donated to a local mental health foundation.

Please join us for an evening of inspiration, reflection, and discussion.

Access to the event is free, but we have limited availability so please sign up via the Eventbrite link.


This event is brought to you by Made By People Lab, part of A City Made By People network. Across our network of 24 cities and 100+ correspondents our mission is to deliver insights, projects and collaborations which make cities more liveable. We bring together different groups; such as brands, institutions, organizations, the municipality and citizens, to raise awareness and positively impact cities across our network.

The Photography x Mental Health experience is a collaboration between Made By People Lab and TOMS, the lifestyle brand with giving at its core.

Thanks to design firm SAI (Society of Arts and Interaction) for hosting and co-producing this exhibition.

*Mental Health Foundation Netherlands

Event on May 24th
Anonymous posted

Creativity x Liveability

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What does liveability mean in a city like Amsterdam? What strategies and actions are the municipality taking to make our capital better and more liveable? How can organizations, brands, and citizens get involved and help play a role in the city?

Join us as we bring the municipality, brands, and citizens together to explore how creativity can impact liveability in Amsterdam.


We’ll hear from the municipality’s Hiske De Ridder (Stad in Balans) and Egon Van Wees (Amsterdam Impact). We’ll examine the role of brands in city-making with a panel discussion featuring:
• Lisa Hogg - EMEA Marketing Director at TOMS
• Leslie McGibbon - Brand Consultant and former Global Head of Communications at AkzoNobel
• Tijmen van der Poel - Lead Specialist Local Community Connection at Albert Heijn
• Maurice Seleky - Head of Marketing and Communications at Pakhuis de Zwijger

In collaboration with our friends at Hearsay, the last part of the evening is your chance to have your say, share experiences about living in Amsterdam and explore what liveability means to you.

Please join us for an evening of inspiration, reflection, and discussion: let’s creatively co-define what liveability in Amsterdam means. Bring your ideas…and afterwards join us at the bar!

Access to the event is free, but we have limited availability so please sign up via the Eventbrite link.


This event is brought to you by Made By People Lab, part of A City Made By People network. Across our network of 24 cities and 100+correspondents our mission is to deliver insights, projects, and collaborations which make cities more liveable. We bring together different groups, whether they are brands, institutions, organizations, the municipality, and citizens, to raise awareness and positively impact cities across our network.

We have teamed up with TSH Collab to host the first of our Creativity x Liveability experiences at Het Parool Theatre. Located at Wibautstraat, TSH Collab offers interactive and creative environments for Amsterdammers and beyond to connect, work, and be inspired.

And stay tuned for a whole host of exciting things planned later this year!

Image courtesy to Jan Arsenović.

Event on May 23rd
Anonymous posted

Food x Loneliness

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Did you know that 300.000 citizens feel lonely in Amsterdam? And that there are great organizations out there helping those who are socially isolated?

We feel responsible and it’s time to reach out to those who deserve some extra support. We’ve therefore teamed up with Zoku, to organize a ‘buddy-dinner’.

Buy-one-give-one, a dinner for two
We have 24 seats available for the ‘buddy dinner’, of which 12 tickets of €26,50 each will be sold to any Amsterdam city enthusiast. Every ticket is a dinner for two people so you buy one and give one away.

Every dinner is shared, consisting of a meat, fish, vegetarian dish, 1x non-alcoholic and 1x alcoholic drink.

Ready to meet your fellow Amsterdammer?
Please buy your ticket here for Thursday 17th of May, from 19.00-21.00.


Wist je dat er in Amsterdam 300.000 inwoners zich eenzaam voelen? En dat er geweldige organisaties zijn die deze personen dagelijks helpen?

Wij voelen ons verantwoordelijk en het wordt tijd dat we deze mede Amsterdammers steunen. Daarom deze moeie samenwerking met Zoku, om samen een ‘buddy dinner’ te organiseren.

Buy-one-give-one: een diner voor 2 personen.
We hebben 24 plekken beschikbaar voor het ‘buddy dinner’, waarvan we 12 tickets verkopen aan city enthusiasts voor €26,50. Elk verkocht kaartje is een diner voor 2: dus je koopt er 1 en geeft er 1 weg!

Het is een shared dinner en bevat vlees, vis, een vegetarisch gerecht, 1 non-alcoholisch en 1 alcoholisch drankje.

Ben jij er klaar voor om je mede Amsterdammer te ontmoeten?
Koop via Eventbrite jouw kaartje voor donderdag, 17 mei 2018, 19:00-21:00.


About us:
With Made By People Lab (part of the A City Made by People platform), we want to mobilize and celebrate citizens to make our city more liveable. By linking creative disciplines to current urban issues, we can bring together different groups, whether they are brands, institutions, organizations, the municipality and citizens to raise awareness and positively impact our city.

Meet Zoku, a home/office hybrid where you can live, work, relax and socialize with like-minded people while getting wired into the city. Living and working internationally can be rather lonely at times and that’s why Zoku has embraced ‘loneliness’ as a mission to create an impact within cities.

Event on May 17th
Anonymous posted

A City Made By People #28 x Zoku

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Edition #27 was top-notch! We are working on our new line-up of amazing speakers, who will share their inspirational stories, insights, and bright ideas for our fantastic city of Amsterdam.

Our line-up of speakers is:

Diederick van der Wijk - Co-Founder & Managing Director at Refugees Forward
Refugees Forward “strives for the economic empowerment of newcomers by making them launch, fund and grow their own business.” With a background in political science and international management, Diederick has worked in business development for multiple startup companies. He believes business can be a driver for social impact in the world and that entrepreneurship can be a main facilitator of integration. He enjoys playing chess and pool.

Richard van der Laken - Creative Director & Co-Founder of What Design Can Do
Richard van der Laken - acclaimed Dutch graphic designer, entrepreneur, and initiator. He believes in using designs as a solution for a better world. What Design Can Do is a global project about the social impact of design. What Design Can Do holds annual conferences for speakers from all over the world to share their vision. “The power of design is that people can see it and understand it instantly.” In his career, Richard was honored with many awards & nominations D&AD, Design Museum Design Of The Year, Dutch Design Awards & more.

Are you a city enthusiast and want to be part of the conversation and talk about liveability in Amsterdam? Join us at the charming Zoku, with a rooftop terrace view you don't want to miss!
Mark your calendars and secure your ticket for an evening of fun, connection, and sharing!

We hope to be seeing you on the 16th!

Team A City Made By People
Extra note:
As always, the speakers start at 19.00, but doors open from 18.30 on. Which means you can come meet us a little sooner for a chat!

We started to charge a €5,30 entrance fee for our speaker events. We are doing this to create a value exchange and keep track of city enthusiasts (like you) attending our event. In return, you'll find inspiration, connection, quality speakers, a fantastic space, and of course... drinks after!

Get an impression of our event by checking out our past editions and speakers here:

Feel free to read stories from our network of cities and correspondents through our online magazine ( or via our print journal (
Come check us out!

Event on May 16th