Digital City

People get more connected and technology becomes part of our daily life. Between 2014 and 2015 there was a 27% growth of internet traffic in Amsterdam. Eleven out of fifteen Trans-Atlantic data cables are connected with or go through Amsterdam and the AMS-IX is the second largest internet exchange point in the world. In 2016 Amsterdam was ranked second in the European Digital City Index. Do you work on a smarter city? Share your technologies here!

Anonymous posted

Intel AI® DevCamp Series - Amsterdam

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Calling all AI, Machine Learning experts, and Python developers in Amsterdam!

We're excited to invite you to the Intel AI DevCamp hosted by Intel in Amsterdam at the Wicked Grounds Venue on October 27, 2018. During this full-day conference, AI experts will spend time talking about AI and Machine related topics while showcasing Intel's new AI portfolio.

Our goal is to gather AI and Machine learning experts from all over the Amsterdam Region. You will profit from a hands-on experience approach and by the end of the conference, you will be able to build deep learning solutions with AI optimized Caffe and Tensorflow using the Intel® AI DevCloud! Sign up to learn more about @intelsoftware all while meeting interesting AI experts!

If you're interested in this free conference check out the website and signup here:

Event on Oct 27th
Anonymous posted

Big Data Expo

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Big Data Expo, the leading two-day expo for big data solutions

On 19 & 20 September the fourth edition of Big Data Expo will be hosted at Jaarbeurs Utrecht. The only event in the Netherlands specifically focussing on applying big data and creating new insights and value. Big Data Expo not only offers an expo floor for 85 exhibitors to present their big data solutions, but an extensive high-quality presentation programme as well. A visit to the two-day expo will provide you with all the tools you need to further improve and optimise your big data expertise.

Once again, this year’s expo revolves around sharing knowledge, with inspiring speakers from companies such as, Achmea, VodafoneZiggo, Picnic, TNO, Dutch National Police Force, CZ, NN, and Basic-Fit taking the stage.

The main goal of Big Data Expo is uniting data professionals – from different big data fields and of different levels – with exhibitors and speakers. A two-day event to share knowledge and expertise with a big group of specific visitors who are looking for solutions to analyse the huge stream of data and make it relevant. Because becoming inspired and receiving the proper tools is of invaluable importance for making progress.

Visit the Big Data Expo for free.

Event from Sep 19th to Sep 20th
Jaïr Halevi, Project Lead, Startup in Residence Amsterdam Metropolitan Area at City of Amsterdam, posted

Apply now for the Startup in Residence Amsterdam Metropolitan Area programme

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Startup in Residence Amsterdam is going regional!

For the first time nine municipalities join forces to connect startups, scale-ups, innovative SMB’s and social enterprises with key social and urban challenges in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

This regional program is a collaboration across the following municipalities: Haarlem, Haar-lemmermeer, Velsen, Diemen, Lelystad, Almere, Purmerend, Zaanstad and Amsterdam. Together they defined 7 challenges. These range from ‘how do we decrease loneliness’ to ‘how do we counter building subsidence’. The complete list of challenges is available at

Are you a startup, scale-up, innovative SME or social enterprise and are you working on social and urban challenges in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area?
Come and join our programme, applications open from August 14 until October 14 2018 23:59!

Startup in Residence Programme
The programme invites both Dutch and international entrepreneurs to social and urban chal-lenges in collaboration with the local government. Their innovative solutions impact the region as well as its citizens. The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area can significantly benefit the prospects of a startup, scale-up, innovative SMB or social enterprise ,by investing and/or becoming a launching customer or partner. We bring together a network of committed entrepreneurs, mentors, civil servants and partners which benefits both the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and you.

More Info
There will be an information meeting on 20th September for all startups and scale ups that are interested. Here, they will have the opportunity to ask questions about the challenges, the incubator programme and the (registration) process.
For more information please visit the website ( or send us an e-mail. (

Jaïr Halevi's picture #Citizens&Living
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Robot Love

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A teaser of Robot Love expo: Can we teach robots how to love and what can humans learn from them?

Robots have been part of our daily lives for a long time now. Despite the tools at our disposal to be in contact with each other, a large group of people feels lonelier than ever and we now see robots filling the gap in the demand for care, attention, love, and sex. Can we teach robots how to love? And what can they teach humans? This exponential growth of technology is a cause for optimism but also presents us new ethical dilemmas.

- Giep Hagoort | Creativity professor & emeritus at the Utrecht University / HKU
- L.A. Raeven | Artist duo Liesbeth and Angelique Raeven
- Martijntje Smits | Philosopher of Technology, senior researcher & lecturer
- Gijs Frieling | Painter, muralist & senior art advisor at Atelier Rijksbouwmeester

About ROBOT LOVE exhibition
From September 15 till December 2, you can visit the expo experience ROBOT LOVE, where you can experience artworks from more fifty international artists reflecting the relationship between humans and robots. Robot Love is the artistic translation of a widely held public debate on the rise of robots in our daily lives and generates attention for humanity in the midst of advancing algorithms and artificial intelligence. . In three related narratives (responsive love, joint intelligence, and attuned consciousness), answers are given to the question if we can live together with robots. Can we share love with robots? How do we create the perfect environment where people and robots feel safe and loved? How close can we get and how far can we go? ROBOT LOVE takes place at the newest cultural hotspot in Eindhoven: De Zuivelfabriek on the former Campina site.

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Sep 27th
Anna Docter, Online Communications Advisor at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Het Manifest ‘Tada – duidelijk over data’: 6 toepassingen in de praktijk

De Board ontwikkelde samen met vele professionals uit de regio het manifest ‘Tada – duidelijk over data’. Het Manifest beschrijft zes pijlers die een leidraad kunnen zijn voor verantwoord datagebruik. Maar hoe kunnen we de waarden uit het manifest toepassen in de praktijk? In zes afleveringen laten we verschillende cases zien van organisaties uit de regio en hoe zij verantwoord omgaan met onze data.

Anna Docter's picture #DigitalCity
Katja Berkhout, Director International , posted

Connecting The StartupDelta, Tel Aviv

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Business & Innovation Mission “Connecting the StartupDelta”
for Corporate Venture, Startups, Scale ups, Accelerators, Regional Agencies, Investors to Tel Aviv & DLD

When: Monday 3 -Thursday 6 September 2018
Where: Tel Aviv, Israel
For: Dutch innovation ecosystem: Corporate Venture, Investors, Accelerators, Regional Innovation Agencies and start-ups/scale up companies

Main focus: DLD conference, Convoy of StartupDelta with Prince Constantijn as speaker, network event by Dutch Embassy

Organization: StartupDelta and PerspeXo, in cooperation with the Dutch Embassy

Purpose of this trip is to establish meaningful connections and business relationships to the global innovation system present at/around DLD, the important players in the Israeli ecosystem and to build a strong Dutch StartupDelta brand. We will use the DLD conference, program and smaller business events around DLD to create tailor made programs to meet the demands of the individual participants and to effectively use the collective marketing/branding of the Dutch ecosystem. The participants of this Trade Mission are part of the convoy of StartupDelta, and will be part of the booklet created for DLD, pro-active assistance is given to create a tailor made program fitting individual organizations wishes. Together with the Dutch Embassy a network event will be hosted.

Katja Berkhout's picture Event from Sep 3rd to Sep 6th
Francisco Duarte, CEO , posted

Pavnext - technological pavements

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Pavnext´s solution consists of a road pavement equipment that allows kinetic energy to be extracted from vehicles and consequently reduce their motion speed without any action of the driver and without impacting the vehicle, thus promoting road safety at locations where it is required to circulate at low speed. The energy captured is then converted into electrical energy, which is produced without associated emissions and can be used in public street lighting, crosswalks, sensors, traffic lights, charging electric bicycles or even injected into the power grid. Additionally, Pavnext also provides real-time data regarding traffic and velocity, as well as generated and consumed energy, which are sent to the cloud and later used to generate reports and to optimize energy consumption in real time, promoting energy efficiency.

We are looking for new international partners that are interested in implementing pilot plants with us, to help us validate our product and reach TRL9. Please don´t hesitate to contact us if you´re interested.

Francisco Duarte's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Aafke Fraaije, PhD Responsible Smart Cities at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), posted

Onderzoeksproject Catalyst

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Voor dit onderzoeksproject zijn we nieuwsgierig hoe kunst kan helpen om bewoners en andere stadsgebruikers een mening te laten vormen over de slimme stad.

We doen dat in drie rondes, waarbij we steeds meer de diepte ingaan:
* De eerste ronde vindt plaats op straat; voorbijgangers worden geprikkeld om over de slimme stad na te denken door middel van kunstinstallaties en onzichtbaar theater.
* Ronde twee vindt plaats in buurthuizen; bewoners en andere stadsgebruikers worden gestimuleerd om een mening te vormen over de slimme stad.
* Ronde drie vindt plaats bij het NEMO Science Museum en brengt bewoners in gesprek met slimme stadsmakers, zoals technologieontwikkelaars en beleidsmakers.

Daarbij hebben we steeds drie vragen:
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes om de slimme stad relevant te maken voor deelnemers? Wanneer ervaren deelnemers het als leuk en belangrijk om een mening te vormen over de slimme stad?
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes deelnemers om de verbeelding te stimuleren? De slimme stad is voor veel mensen een abstract begrip. Hoe kan kunst helpen om de slimme stad tastbaar en bespreekbaar te maken?
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes deelnemers om gefundeerde mening te vormen over de slimme stad? wat helpt deelnemers om niet alleen een mening te vormen, maar ook van zichzelf te begrijpen waar deze mening vandaan komt?

We onderzoeken deze vragen op een kwalitatieve manier, namelijk door middel van observaties en interviews. De publieksactiviteiten vinden plaats in Amsterdam tussen september 2018 en januari 2019.

Aafke Fraaije's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Tessa Wernink, posted

Tada in de praktijk (4): Legitiem en gecontroleerd

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Het manifest ‘Tada – duidelijk over data’ biedt steden en regio’s handvatten om op een verantwoorde manier om te gaan met digitalisering. In een serie interviews gaan we in op hoe we de waarden uit het manifest kunnen toepassen in de praktijk.

Hoe kunnen we de waarden uit het manifest toepassen in de praktijk? In de vierde aflevering van een serie legt Tom Demeyer, CTO bij Waag Society, uit hoe het Europese project DECODE invulling geeft aan de waarde ‘legitiem en gecontroleerd’.

De waarde legitiem en gecontroleerd staat in het manifest om bewoners en gebruikers zeggenschap over de vormgeving van hun digitale stad te geven. De overheid, maatschappelijke organisaties en bedrijven faciliteren dit. Zij monitoren de ontwikkeling en de maatschappelijke gevolgen.

Decentrale digitale infrastructuur

Het DECODE-project wil deze waarde in de praktijk brengen door een decentrale digitale infrastructuur te ontwerpen die het mogelijk maakt je eigen data en identiteit te managen. Als het aan de onderzoekers ligt heeft iedereen straks een goed beveiligde app op zijn telefoon waarmee je toegang tot en gebruik van je data kunt regelen.

Tom Demeyer (CTO bij Waag Society) heeft meegeschreven aan de white paper voor dit Europese onderzoeksproject en houdt zich vooral bezig met de totstandkoming van de architectuur ervoor. "We hebben nauwelijks zeggenschap over onze digitale identiteit, terwijl 90 procent van onze interactie met de maatschappij tegenwoordig digitaal is", zo verklaart hij het initiatief. "Het probleem is dat die digitale identiteit wordt vormgegeven door bedrijven als Facebook, de systemen van de overheid en de systemen op je werk. Je bent eigenlijk een avatar van je digitale zelf en je hebt daar geen invloed op."

Grootste uitdagingen

DECODE gaat niet alleen over data-privacy, maar ook over het zelf kunnen beslissen met wie we onze data delen. Het project loopt ruimt een jaar en in Amsterdam is net een eerste pilot gestart. In oktober moeten alle pilots lopen en dan is er 1,5 jaar om te testen. Demeyer: "We richten alles zo in dat er, ook als de subsidie straks ophoudt, iets staat de gebruikers van de toepassingen zelf in stand kunnen houden."

De techniek is niet de grootste uitdaging. "Die is weliswaar supercomplex, maar lijkt uitvoerbaar, doordat we met hele goede mensen werken. De grootste uitdaging is mensen en dienstverleners te overtuigen dat ze dit moeten gaan gebruiken en bedrijven en instanties overtuigen dat ze data kunnen gebruiken zonder het te verzamelen."

Lees het hele interview met Tom Demeyer op de site van de Amsterdam Economic Board

Andere blogs over Tada vindt je op de projectpagina: <>

Tessa Wernink's picture #DigitalCity
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

We Proudly Present Our Partners: Part #1 Johan Cruijff ArenA

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On the 21st of June we kicked off a new phase of Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City is an open collective of citizens, businesses, knowledge institutions and public authorities that are convinced that the changes necessary for the city and region, can only be achieved through collaboration.

More partners than ever are pooling their networks, knowledge and skills. Who are they? We will present some of them one by one. First one to kick off: Johan Cruijff ArenA: ‘We need a good plan and a holistic, but also practical approach of what a Smart City should be like.’

What is your main reason to join the open collective Amsterdam Smart City?

Sustainability and innovation are main topics for us and are part of our strategy. We are very aware that innovation takes place with each other, especially in the new world we live in. The open collective of Amsterdam Smart City is a good way to shape and maintain partnerships.

What is your ambition for the city and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area?

We have the ambition to transform the Zuid-Oost Area and the Johan Cruijff ArenA into a Smart City where we create value for the city and the planet. Creating this public value is very important for us.

What do you think is the biggest challenge for the city and the region in the future?

The biggest challenge to succeed is to have involvement of all stakeholders that play an important role such as partners, inhabitants and the City of Amsterdam. All participating stakeholders should be committed to the vision and ambition and be part of the change. We need decisiveness, a good plan and an integral holistic but also a practical approach of what a Smart City should be like.

> We are a proud partner of Amsterdam Smart City because we believe it is important to innovate together to create a sustainable and livable city

How do you see the role of the residents and citizens in your plans?

We make the city for the citizens, not for the government. To do that properly, it is a must to involve citizens in the developments, invite them to join and to create shared ownership.

What do you hope to work on in the upcoming years?

This year we have or will realize milestones such as the ArenA battery and 5G-testing as part of our ArenA field lab. We will follow this up with projects regarding social inclusion, mobility and fan experience. A major milestone is the EK2020. In 2020 we aim to be the most innovative stadium and the first results of the smart city will be showed. I hope that in 1 to 5 years we will be the reference case of a smart and liveable city for the city, the Metropolitan area and the rest of the world.

> Let’s create better streets, neighbourhoods and cities!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #DigitalCity
Jaime San Martin, Project Manager - Communications at Urbytus, posted

Respondents needed: surveys for homeowners, VvE presidents and property managers

Hello! Urbytus ( is a startup taking part in Startupbootcamp Smart City and IoT.
We would really appreciate some help with surveys regarding experiences either as homeowners, community presidents or professional property managers in residential community associations (VvE).

For homeowners:

For VvE presidents and property managers

Thanks in advance!

Jaime San Martin's picture #DigitalCity
Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra, Trade developer Smart City & Health at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Smart City Expo World Congress 2018

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The NETHERLANDS is welcoming you to join us at our business event and our Dutch
Pavillion which will take place this November at Barcelona.

The Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona is the world’s largest meeting
place within the Smart City market. It brings together 600 exhibitors and over 18 000
participants from businesses and cities from all around the world.

A Dutch delegation of companies, knowledge institutes and governments is visiting
the event as part of a Smart City mission led by John Jorritsma; Mayor of Eindhoven
and president of the Brainport Eindhoven foundation. Next to Mayor John Jorritsma
we will have lots of leaders, influencers, directors and mayors present. We are proud to
announce that Kari Aik, the initiator of the USC (United Smart Cities) will be present
and engaged in our program and so will the mayor of Den-Bosch Jack Mikkers, who
will represent the delegation during the last two days of the Conference.

On Monday November 12th the business event ‘The Dutch & Smart Cities” will take place.
During this business event workshops, deep-dives and roundtable discussions will take
place that focus on societal challenges and technological concepts in cities. Over 200 Dutch leaders, influencers, directors and mayors are looking forward to meet you in person to start a dialogue.

Monday (*Different address)
9.15-9.30 Official Opening Mayor Jorritsma
9.30-9.55 Key-note Kari Eik
10.00-16.00 Break out sessions
16.00-17.00 Conclusion of the day & program EXPO
17.00-18.30 Drinks & Gathering, powered by VNG, Ambassador van Bonzel & Mayor Jorritsma

Tuesday (Smart City Expo)
10.30-12.00 Circular Economy
13.00 -14.30 Mobility
15.00-16.30 Safety & Security
16.30-19.00 Drinks & Opening Dutch Pavillion
Powered by: Hal24k

Wednesday (Smart City Expo)
10.30-12.00 Sustainability
13.00 -14.30 Data
15.00-16.30 Healthy Urban Living
16.30-19.00 Netherlands in the United Smart City Program,
Gathering Powered by: BTG & Commscope

Thursday (Smart City Expo)
10.30-15.00 Sharing Economy
Smart Cities & Start-Ups

Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra's picture Event from Nov 12th to Nov 14th
Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra, Trade developer Smart City & Health at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

China Business Week

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Do you have experience doing business in China? Or do you have the ambition of doing business there? Then come to one of the events during the 5th edition of the China Business Week. From 24 to 27 September you can immerse yourself in the Chinese market. There will be interesting presentations, roundtable discussions and one- on- one meetings with experienced entrepreneurs and Dutch diplomatic representatives living in China. In addition there will be plenty of room to expand your network.

During the meetings the opportunities and market developments will be focused within the following sectors:
- agro-food/horticulture
- high tech systems & materials
- water & environmental technology
- logistics / belt and road inititative
- Urban development

24 September: Tilburg
25 September: Zaandam
26 September: Arnhem
27 September: Rotterdam

Participation is free, a no-show without cancellation however will cost you 75 EURO. You can register on the RVO website from 20 August onwards.

Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra's picture Event from Jul 23rd to Jul 26th
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Green Data Centre Stakeholders Group Kick-off

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The CATALYST consortium is establishing the Green Data Centre – Stakeholders Group (GDC-SG) to bring under one roof data centre owners and managers, Distribution System Operators and heat network operators, utilities, energy retailers and Energy Service
Companies, Smart Cities and regulatory representatives.

The mission is to contribute to the vision of Green Data Centres as engaged players in the energy transition towards decarbonization of the society. More specifically the aim is to discuss, debate and resolve technological, business and regulatory challenges arising from
the integration of data centres as key actors in the energy domain and smart infrastructures of the future.

More information on the manifesto:

Become the catalyst to energy transition!
Support Green Data Centres in Europe!
Join the Green Data Centre Stakeholders Group!

Julie Chenadec's picture Event on Sep 4th
Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra, Trade developer Smart City & Health at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Looking for players in the sharing & platform economy interested in travelling to a sharing economy exhibition in Japan!

On November 20-22 the Japan Management Association is organizing a sharing economy exhibition. The idea is to combine an exhibition (with booths from Japanese and international companies) with a conference. A total of 5000 visitors and 100 exhibitors are expected. The Dutch Embassy in Japan is actively looking for companies that wish to speak at the conference or that wish to exhibit their company. There are a growing number of Japanese corporates in the Energy, Transport, Real Estate and Consumer Goods as well as Employment Agencies, that are interested in incorporating (foreign) sharing concepts. This makes the Japanese market very interesting for companies active in the Sharing economy. If you are interested, let me know and I'll bring you in contact with the Dutch Embassy.

Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra's picture #DigitalCity
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

DSI talks: blockchain for transparency and ethics

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DSI Talks is een serie lezingen over digitale sociale innovatie. Digitale sociale innovatie is een groeiende community van mensen die digitale technologie gebruiken om maatschappelijke uitdagingen aan te pakken.

Blockchain-technologie staat bij veel tech-optimisten bovenaan de agenda. In veel gevallen bleek de hype rond blockchain groter te zijn dan de capaciteit om problemen in de echte wereld op te lossen. Bij duurzaamheidsproblemen kan de technologie echter van grote waarde zijn. Veel duurzame of eerlijke handelsbedrijven worstelen met een ondoorzichtige toeleveringsketen. Hoe kunnen we er bijvoorbeeld voor zorgen dat onze koffie op een ecologisch verantwoorde manier wordt geteeld of dat onze banaan afkomstig is van een plantage waar werknemers een redelijk inkomen ontvangen? Kan een door een blockchain gestuurde gedistribueerde database helpen supply chains transparant te maken?
Velen geloven dat de transparantie en veiligheid geboden door blockchain-technologie zorgen voor een ‘trustless’ transactie: het bewijs zit in de keten. Maar kunnen we sociaal vertrouwen zo gemakkelijk vervangen door digitaal vertrouwen? Willen we niet liever meer sociale interactie in onze economieën, in plaats van minder?

Op dit moment zijn er nog steeds veel vragen over de voordelen van blockchain: transacties worden gepubliceerd en de broncode is open, maar het ketenbeheer is vaak hoogst ondemocratisch en ondoorzichtig. En wat is de waarde van open systemen wanneer slechts een handvol mensen ze kunnen begrijpen en gebruiken? Wie worden de winnaars en verliezers van de huidige blockchain-rush? En begrijpen we echt welk probleem blockchain moet oplossen?

Op deze avond bekijken we cases die blockchaintechnologie toepassen op duurzaamheidsuitdagingen. We zullen kijken naar de motivatie voor het gebruik van de blockchain en onderzoeken hoe deze naar verwachting sociale en ecologische resultaten zal garanderen. Bieden blockchains nieuwe bedrijfsmodellen voor eerder precaire diensten? We zullen de toekomstige ontwikkelingen en mogelijke valkuilen van de technologie onderzoeken en beoordelen hoe deze zich verhoudt tot andere gedecentraliseerde of collaboratieve data-oplossingen.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Oct 18th
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

DSI talks: If you can’t open it, you don’t own it

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Ben jij geïnteresseerd in duurzaamheid en wil je weten wat nieuwe technologie daarin kan betekenen?

Veel technologie kun je niet zelf repareren. Of het is fysiek onmogelijk of je garantie vervalt als je begint te sleutelen. Maar wat als we onderdelen wel kunnen vervangen? Of als we de software zelf kunnen inzien en verbeteren? Hoe verandert dit onze houding tegenover technologie?
Tijdens deze avond kijken we naar de potentie van de open-source soft- en hardware communities. En brengen we een aantal sprekende voorbeelden naar voren.

Marleen Stikker is medeoprichter/directeur van Waag. "If You Can't Open It, You Don't Own It" (Maker’s Bill of Rights) is ook Marleen Stikker’s credo. Marleen is actief betrokken bij de Open Design en Creative Commons-beweging en gelooft dat de samenleving open technologieën nodig heeft om maatschappelijke uitdagingen aan te gaan.

Douwe Schmidt is privacy officer bij Fairphone. Fairphone is de eerste modulaire telefoon die gebruik maakt van conflict-vrije mineralen. De Fairphone is zo ontworpen dat deze te repareren is.

Cecilia Raspanti is betrokken bij het Textile Lab van Waag. Het TextileLab Amsterdam is een laboratorium voor mode-, textiel- en materiaalontwerpers, onderzoekers, kunstenaars en creatieven die alternatieven willen verkennen voor de de huidige textiel- en kledingindustrie.

Boris van Hoytema is director bij de Foundation For Public Code om Open Source ecosystemen voor steden te versterken. Daarnaast werkt hij als Open Source adviseur voor de gemeente Amsterdam.

Technologiebedrijven sluiten steeds vaker hun technologie af en patenteren deze, waardoor het voor gebruikers moeilijker wordt om de tools die ze dagelijks gebruiken te begrijpen en controle uit te oefenen. Tegelijkertijd is er een tegenbeweging in opkomst, één die technologie openstelt als een cruciale stap in de overgang naar duurzame economieën en samenlevingen. Gemeenschappen die pleiten voor het gebruik van open-source soft- en hardware groeien in aantal en relevantie.

Open technologieën stimuleren burgers om hun houding tegenover producten en consumptie te veranderen. Wanneer ze als potentiële ontwerpers worden betrokken, cultiveren burgers een andere relatie met de tools die ze gebruiken: ze kunnen vragen hoe dingen worden gemaakt en hoe het ontwerp kan worden verbeterd om de milieubelasting / impact te verminderen.

Als we onze producten en technologieën zodanig construeren dat we ze kunnen openen, repareren en hergebruiken, kunnen we middelen op een duurzamere manier gebruiken. Talloze partijen over de hele wereld werken binnen het open source framework. Een goed voorbeeld, uit Nederland, is Fairphone, die een modulaire telefoon hebben ontwikkeld waarmee eigenaren bepaalde onderdelen gemakkelijk kunnen vervangen zonder een hele nieuwe telefoon te hoeven kopen.

Deze open-source transitie vereist dat we onze producten opnieuw bekijken en opnieuw ontwerpen, met het oog op maximale herbruikbaarheid van onderdelen, toegang tot ontwerpen en transparantie van assemblage.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Sep 6th
Marjolein Bot, Lead Energy&Digital at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

City-zen´s legal and financial challenges

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Legal and financial challenges that are experienced in France and the Netherlands when developing sustainable projects in the built environment.

City-zen was an international consortium, a program stimulating learning-by-doing in Grenoble and Amsterdam between March 2014 and November 2019. The results can be found in a booklet or in detailed reports.

Summary report

Full report

Marjolein Bot's picture #Energy
Jorrit Saaltink, Project Manager at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Innovation Mission Smart Cities South Korea

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Great oppurtunity for start-ups and scale-ups active in Smart Infrastructure. Join us on the Innovation Mission Smart Cities South Korea 18-20 September!

The mission could be interesting for Dutch entrepreneurs in the field of smart cities and technology actively working on sustainable innovation projects within the 'Smart Infrastructure' theme.

Within the Smart City sector, we focus on the subtheme 'Smart Infrastructure' (mobility, smart grids, EV and the like). In this area, there are currently the most opportunities for meeting potential partners and Asian smart city developers, and marketing technological proposals.

The 2nd World Smart City Week:

We organize the innovation mission around the World Smart City Week (WSCW) that takes place in Goyang (45 minutes from Seoul). The WSCW is in the southeastern part of Asia an important meeting place for companies, cities and research centers to share projects with each other and to find inspiration and technology for new projects.

Program components:

Around the expo the Netherlands has an extensive program and is possibly present with a Holland pavilion. There are various activities where you can pitch your product or service. The program will further include a business event, a conference, individual matchmaking, network meetings & site visits. This is partly dependent on the wishes and objectives of the delegation members.

Jorrit Saaltink's picture Event from Sep 18th to Sep 19th
WIT Regatta, Global Events Organizer , posted

Amsterdam Women in Tech Regatta

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The Regatta is a curated collection of events, workshops and conversations designed to connect women in tech to mentors, peers, resources and to the power of community. We will dwell in the realm of what’s possible, rather than simply what is.

The WiT Regatta is an inclusive event. Regardless of your area(s) of expertise, all genders and career levels are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Amsterdam is a mecca for talent, tech and dynamic non-profit organizations dedicated to making the industry more inclusive and diverse. WIT Regatta is about helping you to tap into this dynamic, talented community.

Get to work during our signature co-storming sessions, workshops, non-profit resource fair and cocktail mixers. Join captivating conversations with CEO’s, female founders and engineers.

Our week is brimming with opportunities to build your tribe and buoy your spirit, no oars required. We’ll come together to amplify careers, actualize goals, define the future of tech and blow our own minds.

Amsterdam is now joining this international event series with Seattle and Vancouver!

Our 2018 agenda includes:

To see full detailed schedule:

Monday Kick off opening party– Resource reception featuring over 15 orgs from our vibrant city that support women and girls in tech- all during one night, under one roof. Connect with industry leaders who can help you find new opportunities, provide you with valuable networking and powerful insights to push your career to the next level.

Port Tracks: During the week we’re hosting over 30 breakout sessions across the city. Sessions are grouped thematically and each session will be hosted at 1 of 5 ports, as well as Circl; the MotherSHIP for the WiT Regatta. Attend all or create a personalized itinerary aligned to your specific interests.

MotherSHIP: All About You We'll be discussing self-care in toxic tech, careers and parenthood, embracing your inner power and making your flaws work for you, as well as a chance to participate in our signature Co-Storm interactive.
Port 1: Tech Mavens (Keeping you relevant in tech) We’ll be talking about everything from AI, to Crypto-Currency, to growing as a coder.
Port 2: Inclusive Culture (Allyship) The focus here is on ending gender bias in the workplace & building stronger, more diverse teams.
Port 3: Leadership We’ll hear from a diverse group of CEO’s and leaders who will discuss multi-dimensional leadership, building credibility and avoiding isolation.
Port 4: Startups Here we'll talk about side hustles, perfecting your pitch, and more with startup junkies and successful entrepreneurs.
Port 5: Career Acumen (Building relationships) Learn about how storytelling, mentorship, and meaningful connections will help you meet your career goals and win the race.

Closing Celebration: Enjoy the last day of the WiT Regatta Week at the Progressive Closing Celebrations. Participate in a variety of exciting pop in events: headshots, fashion exhibits, interactive VR, candlelight meditation, résumé review, workplace hacks and more... Connect, nibble & sip with new and old friends.

“We at The WiT Regatta passionately believe in the power of community and strive to build new connections in our ever-growing ecosystem. We will provide a powerful week brimming with opportunities to build your tribe and buoy your spirit, no oars required. Our goal is for everyone to be seen, heard and to walk away from this week with new ideas and relationships. ”

-Melody Biringer, Connection Engineer | WiT Regatta Founder and Producer

To see full detailed schedule:
Full details at our website here:

Event from Oct 29th to Nov 1st