
Sustainable energy is the future. The city of Amsterdam has the ambition to provide every citizen with a solar panel in the next years. How do you contribute? Share your innovative initiatives on energy here.

Youri Goudswaard, Program Manager Amsterdam Trade at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Trade mission to China with PM Mark Rutte

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Do you want to do business in China? Then join the trade mission to China from 8 to 13 April 2018. Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Sigrid Kaag, Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Carola Schouten, Minister for Medical Care and Sport Bruno Bruins and State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management Stientje van Veldhoven are hereby present.

Hans de Boer, chairman VNO-NCW, acts as a business mission leader. Prime Minister Mark Rutte receives the trade mission in Guangzhou during the Holland Trade Dinner, and the other ministers travel with the economic missions to the other cities.

The focus of this mission will be, amongst other thems, on Smart & Green Mobility, Intelligent Traffic Systems and Waste Management & Circular Economy. Find out more and sign up via the website link.

Youri Goudswaard's picture Event from Apr 8th to Feb 13th
Anonymous posted

Join us for Smart City Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam!

We would like to invite passionated entrepreneurs and university students to participate in our Smart City Hackathon 2018: Amsterdam edition!

The Smart City Hackathon is a series of events in different countries that focuses on the intersection of digital technology and urbanization, and this year the Netherlands hackathon will be held on March 23-24, 2018.

The Smart City Hackathon 2018: Netherlands will bring together entrepreneurs and select university students build scalable business models in one of four tracks: energy efficiency, air quality, waste management, and smart transportation. This is a business models only competition, and hackathon winners will be given industry prizes, unparalleled marketing opportunities, and more!

The deadline for the entrepreneur applications is 11.59PM (GMT+8) on Wednesday, February 28th. Successful applicants will be notified by March 5th and given a registration code to enter the hackathon (no registration fees) .

Apply today to compete for a spot and hack away with entrepreneurs and academics!

For more information and registration, visit or find us on Facebook or Twitter!

Jacqueline Verheugen, Community manager at Marineterrein Amsterdam, posted

Meet-up Waterkwaliteit; verbeteren meetmethodes

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Er is veel belangstelling voor zwemmen in de binnenhaven van Marineterrein Amsterdam. Wie nu het water in duikt, doet dat op eigen risico, want het water is niet altijd geschikt om in te zwemmen. Het onderzoek naar de waterkwaliteit is al geruime tijd gaande, maar om echt iets te kunnen verbeteren, moeten we sneller en preciezer weten van de oorzaken van vervuiling zijn. Daarom zoeken we naar betere meetmethoden.

Event on Mar 22nd
Annelies Van der Stoep, Strategic advisor at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Energy Transition Roadmap Amsterdam

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Wat is de lokale energiepotentie van de metropoolregio Amsterdam?

Amsterdam heeft zich als doel gesteld om CO2-neutraal en aardgasvrij te worden, in lijn met de Parijs-akkoorden. Om succesvol te zijn in het halen van deze klimaatambities, moeten we nu starten. De Roadmap is het masterplan voor een duurzaam energiesysteem voor de metropool Amsterdam. Andy van den Dobbelsteen, hoogleraar Climate Design & Sustainability, presenteert de Roadmap met praktische voorbeelden uit lokale buurten en toont de verschillende scenarios in het realiseren van ambitieuze klimaatdoelstellingen.

“CO2-neutraal en aardgasvrij worden, in lijn met de Parijs-akkoorden.” Dat is echter makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Amsterdam is een stad met een grote variatie aan wijken gebouwd in verschillende tijdsperioden, die elk om een specifieke benadering vragen. Voor de duurzame energietransitie zijn ingrijpende maatregelen nodig, zoals vergaande energierenovaties, uitleg van nieuwe warmtenetten en grootschalige productiefaciliteiten voor zonnestroom, geothermie en groen gas. Dit vraagt om harde keuzes, een strakke planning en doortastende aanpak. Het nieuwe college mag er na 21 maart meteen mee aan de slag. Om de transitie tot een succes te maken, met een verbetering van de leefkwaliteit van Amsterdam, moeten politiek, overheid, bedrijven en burgers nauw samenwerken.

Vanuit het Europese onderzoeksproject City-zen is gewerkt aan een routekaart (‘Roadmap’) die kan helpen bij deze Amsterdamse energietransitie.

Met in dit programma onder anderen:
Andy van den Dobbelsteen (TU Delft), Jasper Groen (GroenLinks), Ilse Wissink (Energy Exchange Enablers), Otto Reinstra (Waternet), Ilse Koreman (Groene Grachten) , Ingrid Houtepen (Stichting !WOON)

Kijk voor meer details op Pakhuis de Zwijger, Roadmap Amsterdam

Annelies Van der Stoep's picture Event on Mar 15th
Melchior Kanyemesha, Programmanagement + Energy Lead , posted

Energy Innovation Blog

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In a weekly blog the CTO Amsterdam presents technical and social innovation in the field of energy. By collecting new solutions we want to accelerate the energy transition in Amsterdam. We ask three questions: what is it, how does it contribute to the energy transition of Amsterdam and what is needed to implement the solution?

In een wekelijkse blog presenteert CTO Amsterdam technische en sociale innovatie op het gebied van energie. Door nieuwe oplossingen te verzamelen willen we de energietransitie in Amsterdam versnellen. We stellen drie vragen: wat is het, hoe draagt het bij aan de energietransitie van Amsterdam en wat is er nodig om de oplossing te implementeren?

Melchior Kanyemesha's picture #Energy
Stijn Kusters, Junior Project Manager , posted

Master thesis - Questionnaire about the organizational complexity in smart city initiatives. Looking for response and expertise.

Dear members of Amsterdam Smart City. For my master's thesis, I really need your help and expertise!

My name is Stijn Kusters and I am looking for people with experience in developing smart city projects who can fill in my questionnaire. Hopefully you want to contribute to the success of my graduation research for the master Construction Management and Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the most important sources of organizational complexity in the front-end phase (initiation - development) of innovative smart city projects. The research will eventually result in more theory building, increased understanding of the mechanisms of the complexity factors and insights in these factors related to smart city projects and their project performance.

Please HELP me and SHARE it with your network, and of course I will reward you with eternal gratitude : )

English questionnaire link:

Dutch questionnaire link:

The survey will take +/- 10 minutes of your time. It is completely anonymous and you can easily enter it online on your phone or laptop.

Thank you in advance!

Stijn Kusters
Construction Management and Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology

Stijn Kusters's picture #Energy
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

City-zen Virtual Power Plant wins the Green Digital Charter Award 2017

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The Amsterdam Virtual Power Plant, in which some 50 households jointly trade the energy from their home batteries, was awarded the Green Digital Charter Award 2017 by Eurocities during the 'Imagine the Urban Future: Innovation Collaboration and Trust' conference in Brussels on 23 January.

Since the summer of 2017, the solar energy that is not used immediately, is stored in a battery at home. This energy can be used at another time, or can be traded if the energy price is high. Conversely, energy can also be purchased and stored if the price is low. Finally, the batteries can be used to balance the local electricity grid. The Virtual Power Plant is part of the City-zen project and is initiated by Alliander, EXE and Greenspread.

Watch the Video City-zen Virtual Power Plant

M*ore information*

A project that shows the way

The jury praises the project because it puts residents at the heart of ICT innovation, and offers them the technology to contribute to the green goals of the city. In addition, the jury believes that the project deserves to be followed, especially because they see few obstacles for other European cities in order to stimulate the production of solar energy by residents. Jan-Willem Eising of Alliander: ‘I am proud that in Virtual Power Plant we are actively working together with all project partners and local residents to actually realize the energy system of the future in Amsterdam Nieuw West.’

Bristol and Dublin were also nominated

In addition to Amsterdam, the Replicate from Bristol and iSCAPE projects from Dublin were also nominated. In Bristol, peak energy consumption is reduced by equipping 150 houses with an energy management system and smart household appliances. In Dublin the city is landscaped green, sensors are installed and citizens are stimulated to change their behavior to decrease local air pollution in a smart way.

What is the Green Digital Charter?

The Green Digital Charter was launched in 2009 by Eurocities in collaboration with Manchester and Clicks & Links. The Charter is supported by the European Commission and signed by 50 cities from 21 European countries, including Amsterdam. These cities indicate that they want to achieve the EU climate goals with innovative digital solutions. The cities share best practices and results with each other, build local partnerships and ensure that digital innovation becomes part of urban policy. Above all, every city aims to start 5 large-scale and replicable ICT projects within 5 years of signing and reduce the Carbon Footprint of the urban ICT sector by 30%.

What has happened in Amsterdam so far?

One of the large-scale initiatives launched in Amsterdam is City-zen, a European-funded project in which 25 partners find out in practice how the cities of Amsterdam and Grenoble can drastically reduce the use of fossil energy in the built environment. In addition to the Virtual Power Plant, homes are being renovated to reduce its’ energy use, cold is being extracted from a drinking water pipeline and river cruise ships are supplied with local green energy.

Digital innovation is a focal point of the municipality and many other parties in Amsterdam and one of the reasons why Amsterdam was named iCapital of Europe in 2016-2017. The municipality has now started a CTO office, to get technology in the capillaries of its own organization. The cooperation of parties in Amsterdam Smart City focuses on realizing concrete innovations in the city. In Green IT people work on innovations to make the ICT sector more sustainable.This knowledge is shared with other cities through various Eurocities meetings around this theme. Amsterdam also participates in the smart city technical experts group.

Reducing the emissions of the ICT sector in Amsterdam is not yet a fait accompli. The capacity of the Amsterdam data centers grew by 30% last year, and is now the second hub in Europe. A covenant was signed in 2013 to reduce 15% energy consumption.

In 2016, Amsterdam was runner up for the Green Digital Charters Award, then with the project Open Data – Smart Neighbourhoods.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Energy
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Smart City Event: Exit afval

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Last summer it was all over the newspapers: Amsterdammers are tired of trash. With over 200 trash notifications per day it is time for a change. How can we best map and collect waste to reduce and prevent pollution?
Event in Dutch

Amsterdam Smart City, Pakhuis de Zwijger en PostNL bundelen de krachten! Op 8 februari gaan we in gesprek met de gemeente, een startup, corporate en een bewonersinitiatief over hoe we de afvalproblematiek samen kunnen aanpakken!

Afgelopen zomer kopten de kranten: de Amsterdammer is de troep zat. Met meer dan 200 afvalmeldingen per dag in de eerste vijf maanden van 2017, is het hoog tijd om anders met straatvervuiling om te gaan. Hoe kunnen we afval het beste in kaart brengen en verzamelen, zodat we vervuiling in de stad niet alleen oplossen, maar zelfs voorkomen? In deze eerste sessie van Amsterdam Smart City, kijken we naar een aantal initiatieven die de stad schoner proberen te maken, met en voor de Amsterdammers. Wat voor een stappen onderneemt de gemeente? Welke rol spelen private partijen en startups? En wat kunnen burgers zelf doen?

16.00: Start
PostNL, Verbeterdebuurt en de Gemeente Amsterdam zijn een samenwerking gestart om het ophalen van afval te verbeteren.

Dirk Groot van De Zwerfinator doet metingen van het afval. Zo brengt hij precies in kaart waar afval een groot probleem vormt.

Middels de app van Richard Severin, Recyq, wordt inzichtelijk gemaakt hoeveel afval bewoners in Amsterdam Zuidoost scheiden. De app stimuleert de gebruikers bovendien om dit nog vaker te doen.

17.30 uur: Borrel

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Event on Feb 8th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Win tickets for screening 'From Source to Sea'

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This gripping movie shows one man and the 1200 kilometer of Rhine as they cut their way through a variety of landscapes, past cities and industry. Check out how a surfer fights the plastic pollution problem on his surfboard made from plastic litter. On the embankments he is confronted with the plastic wast and he meets specialists and learns about its fate and sources. Plastic that will eventually flow out to sea, just like he will.

Leave a comment below to let us know why you're interested in visiting the first screening of the movie on the 30th of January! We will let you know if you are the lucky winner of two tickets before the 24th of January!

The film is English spoken. Subtitels: Dutch, English, German available.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Event on Jan 30th
Maud Kaan, Communications Advisor at AMS Institute, posted

AMS Science for the City #7 - Water, blood & money

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Which role does water play in our lives, cities, history and future?

While many countries in the Global South are facing water challenges on a daily basis, the engineered invisibility of water has become a vulnerability in many countries in the Global North. Are we aware of the increased pressure that is put on our water resources; the political power struggle and social inequality that accompanies H20; and the aquatic urgency of active policies to redesign our urban areas, now and in the future? During AMS Science for the City #7, we introduce the book and online platform 'Under Pressure: Water and the City’, while diving into the interlinked world of water, blood and money in a global urban context.

- Arjan van Timmeren, AMS Institute, Scientific Director
- Laurence Henriquez, AMS Institute, Research Fellow
- Nick van de Giesen, TU Delft, Professor Water Resource Management
- Erik Swyngedouw, University of Manchester, Professor of Geography

"Our demands on the biosphere are growing at such an exponential pace we have disrupted the dynamic equilibrium of the compound most integral to life: water (H20)."

Presently, we are facing a number of concurrent and increasingly intractable global crises that pose a serious existential threat to civilization as we know it: hyper urbanization, population growth, the degradation or terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, the multitudinous consequences of climate change (drought, precipitation patterns, flooding), resource scarcity, groundwater depletion, the increased demands from cities, agriculture and industry for reasonably clean water, and the global shift toward increasingly water intensive lifestyles and diets.

These precise developments, however, have brought water back to the foreground of cultural consciousness, in which cities, history, nature and people are the drivers for change. That is why prof. Arjan van Timmeren & Research Fellow Laurence Henriquez (AMS Institute) dove into the world of water and cities, by developing the project Under Pressure:

Maud Kaan's picture Event on Jan 24th
Anonymous posted

Monthly Open Vertical Farm Tour

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Join the Open Vertical Farm Tour in A Lab

Want to know all about hands on Vertical Farming? Join our open tour of the A Lab Vertical Farm and learn everything about the sustainable food solution of the future! Every third Tuesday of the month, from 4pm meet at The Coffee Virus.
+ RSVP by emailing

Event on Jan 16th
Lotte Duursma, posted

Down the drain

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De Circulaire Stad #41
Down the drain - How can we recover valuable energy and raw materials from wastewater?

150 years ago, the Amsterdam-based physician Samuel Sarphati invented a plan to collect human excrement and use it as manure for farmers outside of the city. A revolutionary thought and an important hygienic solution to fight diseases within the overpopulated city centers. Nowadays, we have high-tech sewage systems and clean water is endlessly available. But what happens with the valuable raw materials (like phosphates) in our poop and piss?

Special guest and founding father of Biopolus, István Kenyeres, will tell us about his BioMakeries. These efficient, living factories convert wastewater and almost any kind of organic material into products for sale. Together with other guests from the VPRO Tegenlicht 2014 documentary: ‘De kracht van Water’ we will discuss the latest developments in the field of wastewater. How can we make more of our droppings?

Lotte Duursma's picture Event on Jan 10th
Youssef Kalad, Program Director , posted

NYCx Electric Vehicle Climate Action Challenge

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Last week we announced our NYCx Moonshot #Climate Action Challenge to build a future where we replace all gas-powered vehicles in NYC. We've got the City of Paris onboard as an international partner and all hands on deck in NYC government to surface the best ideas that'll get us there.Interested? Take 5 mins today to send us a short statement of interest. We're making NYC the global leader in climate action: join us

Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City of New York are committed to leading in the fight against climate change. In service of that mission, today we announced the latest in our NYCx Moonshot Challenges. As part of a partnership with the City of Paris, we’re launching NYC’s Moonshot Climate Action Challenge to fast-forward to a future where we replace all gas-powered vehicles in NYC! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, researcher, technologist, executive, or just someone with a good idea, I’m inviting you to participate in this challenge and be part of shaping that future. Here are the details:

Challenge participants will submit proposals for 1 or both of 2 tech categories:

  1. Emerging technologies for charging EVs: self-charging streets, inductive / wireless charging, 350+ kW charging, connected vehicle solutions, vehicle-to-grid tech, etc.
  2. Immediately commercializable EV charging tech: 25-150 kW charging, solar parking canopies with integrated EV charging, etc.

Up to 3 finalists from Track 1 will be awarded $20,000 each to demo their technology to the NYC Department of Transportation & Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. Up to 3 finalists from Track 2 will be able to pitch their business plan to the NYC Department of Transportation.

Only 1 winner from each track will be eligible for:

  • Track 1: full feature at an upcoming global NYCx event
  • Track 2: $20,000 to further research and develop/expand their proposal and present a live demo that brings that proposal to life (e.g. virtual reality demo, charging demo, city-scale mock-up with adoption scenarios), with a chance to have design elements of their submission included in the City’s EV charging roadmap (currently in development)

Interested? Send us your ideas by Monday 1/15/2018 5PM ET for a chance to make NYC the global leader in climate action: <>.

🚀 🌎 #moonshot #NYCx #ClimateAction #ActOnClimate

Youssef Kalad's picture #Energy
Youssef Kalad, Program Director , posted

Help NYC Achieve 100% Electric Vehicles by 2020

Can you help NYC replace all of its gas-powered vehicles by 2020? We're excited to partner with Mayor Anne Hidalgo and the City of Paris to announce our Climate Action EV Challenge! We're looking for ideas to achieve one or both of the following:

- Emerging New Tech for Change EVs: self-charging streets, inductive / wireless charging, 350+ kW charging, connected vehicle solutions, vehicle-to-grid tech, etc.
- Immediate EV Charging Tech: 25-150 kW charging, solar parking canopies with integrated EV charging, etc.

Interested? Take 5 mins today to send us a short statement of interest. We're making NYC the global leader in climate action: join us!

Deadline: Monday 1/15/2018.
🚀 🌎 #moonshot #NYCx #ClimateAction #ActOnClimate

Youssef Kalad's picture #Energy
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Tesla Battery outsmarts big coal unit in South Australia

Let’s get our act together in the Netherlands before a power outage paralyses our economy where data centres becoming more and more vital.

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Energy
Audrie van Veen, Director Strategic Partnerships at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

European Commission publishes new subsidy calls on energy and smart cities

The EU subsidizes innovations in the Horizon 2020 programme. Recently, new calls for the period 2018-2020 were published.
Topics vary from research and education in energy transition to consumer pull for a new energy market, from CO2-conversion to modelling and social aspects of the energy transition.
Find the topic that interests you by scrolling the EU Horizon 2020 participant portal via the link below.

Expect at least 6 months of preparation time for an EU-innovation project that can face the fierce competition for subsidy. Projects generally consist of more than 10 partners from at least 3 European Member States, and have a budget of 5-30 million Euro, depending on the call. Please make sure you read the whole call text before thinking of applying. And newcomers are strongly advised to join a consortium of experienced Horizon 2020 partners to make a good chance.

Audrie van Veen's picture #Energy
Annelies Van der Stoep, Strategic advisor at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

City-zen Days

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Grenoble invites you to experience the heart of its energy transition from 31 January to 2 February 2018.

City-zen warmly invites you to join its first City Conference, taking place in Grenoble (France). During these City-zen days you will be able to visit energy renovation projects, the research facilities of CEA and the geothermal network in Flaubert. The local community invites you to join workshops on block chain for energy, citizen investment groups and many more. In each session we will reflect on what Amsterdam can learn from Grenoble and vice versa, especially during the presentation of the energy roadmaps for both cities. Registration will open soon via

On Tuesday January 30th, City-zen will host a session on energy, data and privacy during L’assise de la transition énergétique in Geneva (Switserland), the major francophone energy conference. As both cities are close by, it is possible to combine both in one trip.

In City-zen, 25 parties are working together to learn how to make Amsterdam, Grenoble and other cities free of coal and gas. They are working with new technologies and see what changes are needed in the city, in regulations and in people’s homes.

Annelies Van der Stoep's picture Event from Jan 31st to Feb 2nd
Anonymous posted


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HEAT is the number one solution to the prolonged decision-making processes typically involved in energy issues. HEAT allows parties to co-design and develop a heating grid.

Quick: HEAT provides instant feedback about your own actions and those of your partners, providing an immediate and clear understanding of your and their goals and interests, funding, and the sustainability of the design.

Effective: Any range of scenarios and designs can be tested without a problem using HEAT. Decision-making is speeded up and projects are implemented quicker.

Realistic: Realistic simulations based on real data and smart mathematical models. 3D simulations of the city or neighbourhood that you and your partners wish to make greener.

Noud Verhave, co-artistieke leider MAP en projectleider KAREL , posted


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- is een rijdend podium voor INNOVATIEVE DENKERS en CULTUURMAKERS voor duurzame projecten
- rijdt op energie van de ZON en het net
- levert STROOM voor jouw evenement waar dan ook…
- rijdt in en rondom AMSTERDAM en in overleg ook (ver) daarbuiten
- is op verzoek te HUUR met festivaltent, tafels, banken, licht, geluid
- is rijdende RECLAME voor duurzaamheid én jouw evenement
- kan ook gebruikt worden als RUIMTE voor kantoor, kassa, café, dialoog en meer
- heeft een team beschikbaar voor PRODUCTIE van advies tot uitvoering
- biedt mensen een WERKERVARINGSPLEK
- meet 6 x 2 x 3 m, is een rustige heer in het verkeer en altijd SCHOON en opgeruimd

Missie KAREL
Projecten in de stad worden gefaciliteerd vanuit de grondgedachte van duurzaamheid en energie (energie is meer dan elektriciteit!). We willen letterlijk en figuurlijk mensen bewegen. Zo brengen we verandering op gang. KAREL levert een bijdrage aan maatschappelijke vragen op het gebied van duurzaamheid zicht- en bespreekbaar op een creatieve/culturele manier.
KAREL is en initiatief van Moving Arts Project.

KAREL staat voor KAR voor Elektriciteit op Locatie. KAREL is een stalen busje van het oerdegelijke Hollandse merk Spijkstaal dat al lang voordat het noodzaak werd elektrische wagens bouwde. Moving Arts Project bouwden hem om met zware moderne batterijen en met zonnepanelen op het dak zodat hij aan de moderne elektrische standaard voldoet en energie-neutraal is.
KAREL werkt als een inspirerend rolmodel. Hij is CO2 neutraal en verspreidt de boodschap van groen en duurzaam door de stad. En hij is vernieuwend: KAREL is een van de eerste in z’n soort in Amsterdam en levert stroom op elke gewenste locatie, vervoer, productiematerialen en meer aan bewonersinitiatieven, cultuur en maatschappelijke (buurt-)evenementen in de stad.

KAREL is een mobiele duurzame e-distributie unit en biedt een alternatief voor vervuilende dieselgeneratoren. En KAREL is stil, dus geen geluidsoverlast voor de bewoners rond het evenement, voor het publiek en de crew. KAREL heeft als standplaats culturele wijkonderneming Tugela85 aan de Tugelaweg in de Transvaalbuurt in Amsterdam Oost en kan hiervandaan in heel Amsterdam aan het werk om cultuur-maatschappelijke (buurt-)evenementen te voorzien van groene energie, productiematerialen, licht/geluid techniek en meer.

Meer weten of KAREL huren? Neem contact op via of bel 0655335465

Noud Verhave's picture #Energy
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Recap: Smart Energy Infrastructure

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Can you power a concert with car batteries? And how does blockchain technology enable energy sharing amongst neighbours? On the 30th of November, the last Smart City, Smart Data session took place at the DataLab Amsterdam. This time we focused on the potential of Smart Energy grids, storage and the role of data in this. Read the full review here.

Tom van Arman moderated the session last Thursday. He is the founder of Tapp, an app development company, and knows all about exchanging energy profession, as well as from experience with the battery he has in his own home. As an introduction, the Smart City, Smart Data session first shed a light on what DataLab and Amsterdam Smart City are doing for the city of Amsterdam.

Green IT

As this event was held during the GreenIT week, Julie Chenadec spoke about the potential of Amsterdam to increase efficiency in its current tech infrastructure. GreenIT Amsterdam elaborated on their search for a sustainable datacentre; finding the ideal spot where heat produced by these centres can be transferred to houses connected to the public heat grid. “Through the Energy Atlas visualisation, untapped energy transfer opportunities are discovered”.

Amsterdam Innovation Arena

Henk van Raan represented the Amsterdam ArenA, partner of Amsterdam Smart City. The Amsterdam ArenA always wants to innovate, and since a couple of years they focus mainly on three themes: fan experience, mobility and energy, Henk said.

Focusing on the Energy topic, Henk explained that the Amsterdam ArenA plans to build a big battery that can supply power for the ArenA and neighbouring venues during events. This way, the energy taken from the grid will be reduced. The batteries will be charged throughout the week by solar panels and small wind mills on the roof. These batteries can increase the reliability of power and “shave” the peaks during times of high energy consumption, meaning that less power has to be drawn directly from the grid. The surrounding neighbourhood is involved in the development of the area, and can share the energy amongst each other. But there’s more to this Smart Grid.

Energy, Mobility and Customer Experience all come together with the idea of Vehicle 2 Grid in the Amsterdam ArenA. The idea is simple: people drive their electric vehicle to the ArenA, discharge their car batteries (only a small amount) in exchange for free parking (or another form of compensation) and drive off after the event knowing they have provided the energy to e.g. power the microphone during a U2 concert, or the stadium lights during an Ajax match. This creates a unique fan experience as all the visitors together make the event possible using their own assets.

Alliander DGO

Jeroen Wijnen and Joanne de Vink represented Alliander DGO (Sustainable Area Development). They have been working on a project called HEAT. HEAT gives local stakeholders the opportunity to co-design and develop an open heat grid. Therefore it uses 3D modelling and gamification to make the often complex decision processes go smoother. In essence, HEAT combines different open data sets and uses financial and technical models to calculate how different decisions affect stakeholders in real-time, providing an immediate and clear understanding of collective goals and interests, funding, and the sustainability of the design. Curious to know more? Checktheir website here.


Our last presenter from Spectral informed us on the application of blockchain to smart energy. Several examples of Spectral’s smart energy implementations were provided including Blijburg, a beach café-restaurant that now uses Spectral’s systems to optimize their energy efficiency and maximise savings through a custom-built battery with energy management system and advanced VRV heat exchange system, and Schoonship, an upcoming sustainable, floating neighbourhood in Buiksloterham where Spectral are responsible for smart-grid infrastructure, energy storage, and renewable energy systems. Spectral also presented the Jouliette: the blockchain-based energy token that allows for peer-to-peer energy trading. The first implementation of the Jouliette is at the Ceuvel, where it is used to exchange renewable energy between neighbours using blockchain as a distributed ledger for the microgrid. There are plans to expand the Jouliette into other intra-community services (such as car-sharing and biological waste management) and beyond the Ceuvel and into further implementations at locations across Amsterdam Noord. Check out more of Spectral’s projects on their webpage.

Do you want to be part of this movement or have inspiring ideas for a better future join the community on

As this was our last DataLab session this year, we want to thank all speakers, co-organizers and attendees of these sessions and hope to be inspiring you next year with similar events! Also, a big shout out to DataLab for having us! Keep an eye out on our events page, we hope to see you soon.

Wishing you well,

The Amsterdam Smart City Team

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Energy