
Sustainable energy is the future. The city of Amsterdam has the ambition to provide every citizen with a solar panel in the next years. How do you contribute? Share your innovative initiatives on energy here.

Annelies Van der Stoep, Strategic advisor at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Learning by Doing from City-Zen’s Demonstrators

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Citizen Engagement: Learning by Doing from City-Zen’s Demonstrators

Join Sarah Bogaert, Project manager EnergyVille/VITO, and Celina Kroon, Program Manager Strategic Project and Program Management Alliander, at the EUW Summit Sessions.

Description of the session:
- How to integrate new solutions in existing buildings, systems and people's lives? What are the technical, economic or social barriers and how to overcome these?
- Lessons learned so far from 20 demonstration projects in Grenoble and Amsterdam
- With a closer look at the demonstrators focusing on deep energy renovation and the virtual power plant

European Utility Week:

The European Utility Week will take place in Amsterdam, from 3-5 October 2017. It is the premier business, innovation and information platform connecting the smart utility community, allowing you to meet with experts from utilities, network operators, vendors, consultants, startups and system integrators covering the entire smart system value chain.

There are two programmes with two distinct purposes: Summit – strategic discussions; and Hub Sessions – for more practical industry solutions. More than 400 expert speakers will give you the insight you need to drive the industry forward.

Annelies Van der Stoep's picture Event on Oct 5th
Anonymous posted

Waste - How to turn a problem into a sustainable solution?

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The problems associated with ever growing amounts of waste are undeniable and an enormous challenge for our environment, economies and societies as a whole. Today, we produce over 2.1 bilion tons of waste a year globally and 99% of all things we buy are generally trashed within 6 months of consumption. The resulting consequences of such behavior are polluted oceans, the overexploitation of our planet's resources and the destruction of our natural heritage, etc. This cannot continue for much longer. But how can we turn things around? How can you as a professional make a difference within your own organisation? Join our event to learn from others!

For this event we organised two speakers who will tell us about how they found ways to reduce and minimise the destructive impact of waste. What have they learned from their journey to turn a big and growing problem into a sustainable solution? Their stories are meant to help guide and inspire you in your own quest to improve sustainabilty at your workplace and at home. Lets help each other becoming sustainability experts!


What can you expect during this evening? Next to our two speakers that will help us dive into the subject of waste, waste management and potential solutions we will have a couple of short networking rounds, during which you have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded people. No matter whether you want to share experiences on sustainability efforts within your organisation, seek advise on making a first or next step in your professional career linked to sustainability or whether you look for input and help on how to kickstart your own project at your firm - our event will help you find and connect to the right people!


Jan Portheine - Founder and CEO of KarTent

It all started when Jan Portheine came across a photo taken at a camping site of Glastonbury festival, England. Jan was shocked to discover that hundreds if not thousands of tents, together with all other sorts of trash, were just left behind while in aparently good condition. As numbers suggest, 1 out of every 4 festival camper leaves their tent behind what in the Netherlands alone results in 25.000 tents each year! An incredible waste of resources. So together with Wout Kommer, he decided to change this! Both sat down and developed a cardboard tent, specifically designed for campsites at festivals. Today, they ship their tents to about 85 individual events in the Benelux and are active in more than 10 countries throughout Europe with the number of tents well into the thousands.

Marieke van Nood - Strategic Advisor at AEB Amsterdam

Marieke van Nood is a strategic advisor at AEB Amsterdam, the world’s largest Waste-to-Energy company operating at a single geographical location. At present, AEB is converting waste into electricity, district heating and high-quality construction materials but plans are to rapidly expand their recycling and sorting activities to include more and more materials for re-use. To this end, Mareike and her team are in charge of implementing and further developing AEB's strategy to recover raw materials from waste. For instance, currently they are working on the development of a high quality recycling facility that will process diapers from Amsterdam area.


In 2015, all member countries of U.N. adopted a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Private sector involvement is critical if countries are to succeed in reaching these goals. Unfortunately however, so far less than half of global businesses are planning to engage with the U.N's SDG's. We at GreenBuzz believe businesses can and have to move faster, and be more effective in implementing those goals. As such, we view it as critical to help and support professionals within organisations already working on sustainability to get more insights and the right connections to have an even greater impact. That is why we at GreenBuzz have build a community plattform of professionals who can help, motivate and learn from each other to make businesses more sustainable. An idea and project that started in Zurich, GreenBuzz now has active and fast growing communities also in Berlin, Amsterdam, Geneva, Bern and Sofia.

Join us at one of our events or visit our website and Facebook page to learn more about us and our mission and to find more information on our past and future events!

Event on Oct 18th
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

FLEXCON 2017 UPDATE - co-create flexible energy solutions

Tesla, Siemens, Cisco, ICT, OpenADR, E-laad, DER-lab, USEF, PNNL.... we have teamed up with various partners for interesting workshops, demo’s, coding sessions and talks on #FlexibleEnergy. More to follow in the coming weeks.

Check our new website to secure your ticket and join 300 Smart Energy professionals, executives, product managers and developers.

Check our program to see our exciting events. Details are subject to change, so subscribe to the newsletter and we will update you on workshops, speakers and topics.

Adriaan van Eck's picture #Energy
Maartje Oome, Communications Manager at Green Business Club Zuidas, posted

Zuidas Rooftop Tour

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GBC Zuidas nodigt je van harte uit voor de Rooftop Tour Zuidas 2017 in het kader van de Dutch Green Building Week (DGBW) op 27 september van 15.00 tot 17.00 uur. De DGBW staat dit jaar in het teken van Meters Maken voor het klimaat, en vindt gedeeltelijk plaats in het onlangs geopende circulaire paviljoen Circl op het Gustav Mahlerplein.

GBC Zuidas, Amsterdam Rooftop Revolution, WAterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht en Gemeente Amsterdam Zuidas hebben in 2016 de ambitie uitgesproken om in 2020 25.000 waterbergend groen in Zuidas te hebben gerealiseerd. We zijn met 7330 M2 goed op weg, maar hebben ook nog flink wat vierkante meters te maken.

Graag nemen we je mee naar de top van Zuidas, zodat je zelf kunt zien en beleven wat een groen, waterbergend dak doet voor een gebouw en haar gebruikers. We beginnen bij het begin: Old School, het eerste Polderdak in Zuidas en de pilot waarop veel andere groene daken zijn geïnspireerd. Hierna bezoeken we Vivaldi, het nieuwste en grootste groene dak van Zuidas met een heus wandelpad. Tot slot mogen we op het dak van De Boel, een mooie daktuin die toegankelijk is voor de bewoners en gebruikers van dit gebouw. Op elk dak zal een van de betrokkenen iets vertellen over de bijzonderheden van dat dak, en op het laatste dak wacht een borrel.

We verzamelen om 15.00 uur bij Station RAI. Hier kun je een OV fiets pakken (tevoren zelf reserveren) , of je kunt zelf een fiets meebrengen. Geef je op bij

Maartje Oome's picture Event on Sep 27th
Susan de Grijp, Sr. Partnerships & Communication manager , posted

Hello Sunshine Amsterdam

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Hello Sunshine nodigt je uit, spoort je aan en informeert je op het gebied van zonne-energie in Amsterdam. Compleet onafhankelijk! We hebben een missie, een essentiële. Amsterdam wordt de zonnigste stad van Nederland. Hoe? Maak gebruik van zonne-energie! Of je nu woont of werkt in Amsterdam, of het gaat om één paneel thuis of honderden op een groot dak. Iedereen kan profiteren van de zon. Wij helpen je in elke fase de juiste beslissing te nemen.

Op informeren we je over de stappen die je kunt nemen om zonne-energie op je huis of bedrijfspand, je school of je supermarkt te realiseren. Zonnepanelen zijn op ieder pand een goed idee. We brengen je in contact met de subsidies, de platforms en de voorlopers. We maken het zo makkelijk mogelijk voor je met een quickscan van je dak en links naar al die initiatieven die je begeleiden van a tot zon.

De conclusie is helder: nú is het tijd om te investeren in de toekomst, nú is het tijd om actie te ondernemen. Daarom steunen de Gemeente Amsterdam en Amsterdam Smart City de Amsterdamse Zoncoalitie als onafhankelijke vereniging en onze campagne ‘Hello Sunshine’.

Susan de Grijp's picture #Energy
Beatriz Pineda Revilla, Researcher at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

CODALoop launch

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Do you live in the Indische Buurt or surroundings? Are you interested in learning about energy issues together with your fellow neighbours?

CODALoop is a platform that aims to raise energy consciousness through, both face-to-face and virtual, discussions about energy issues at the level of the neighbourhood. CODALoop organises for you monthly Meetups in the Indische Buurt and moderates an Online Forum to continue the discussion on line.

Join for the launch of the CODALoop – Indische Buurt platform and learn more about the project!

The CODALoop team

Date: September 28th 2017
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Location: De Meevaart (Conferentiezaal) - Balistraat 48a

Beatriz Pineda Revilla's picture Event on Sep 28th
Beatriz Pineda Revilla, Researcher at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

CODALoop - Buiksloterham launch event

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Do you live in Buiksloterham or surroundings? Are you interested in learning about energy issues together with your fellow neighbours?

CODALoop is a platform that aims to raise energy consciousness through, both face-to-face and virtual, discussions about energy issues at the level of the neighbourhood. CODALoop organises for you monthly Meetups in Buiksloterham and moderates an Online Forum to continue the discussion on line.

Join for the launch of the CODALoop – Buiksloterham platform and learn more about the project!

The CODALoop team

Date: September 21st 2017
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Location: De Ceuvel (Metabolic Lab) - Korte Paraverweg 6a

Beatriz Pineda Revilla's picture Event on Sep 21st
Beatriz Pineda Revilla, Researcher at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

CODALoop Amsterdam

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CODALoop is a EU-funded research project and a joint venture of different academic and non-academic partners in three countries, The Netherlands, Austria and Turkey and four cities, Amsterdam, Graz, Leibnitz and Istanbul. CODALoop Amsterdam is active in two neighborhoods, the Indische Buurt and Buiksloterham.

There is a tremendous urgency to reduce energy consumption to guarantee quality of life for future generations. In the light of the weak results of behavioral approaches and top-down investments on infrastructures for energy efficiency, such as grid management, smart meters and the like, innovative approaches to tackle this issue are required. CODALoop Amsterdam is a research project which uses a sociological approach and explores the extent to which social interactions, at the level of the neighborhood, are able to activate ‘energy consciousness’.

Beatriz Pineda Revilla's picture #Energy
Maaike Osieck, Founder Mighty4 & Amsterdam Smart City Ambassador , posted

Still some work to do for us in Amsterdam

The transition in Amsterdam to renewable energy is slowing down. Last year, the growth of the green energy generated in Amsterdam has almost come to a halt. Let's work together on a sustainable city and get some results.

Maaike Osieck's picture #Energy
Maarten Van der Schaaf, Partner at IndiaConnected, posted

India Energy & Logistics Mission

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IndiaConnected organiseert in samenwerking met IRO en Rotterdam Partners een handelsmissie voor de energie- en logistieke sector naar de Indiase steden Ahmedabad en Mumbai van 20 tot 25 november 2017. Ontmoet potentiële zakenpartners tijdens individuele matchmaking afspraken. Bezoek boeiende bedrijven, verken zakelijke kansen en bouw een netwerk op. De reis valt samen met het 'Holland meets Mumbai' event dat het Nederlands Consulaat in Mumbai organiseert op 25 en 26 november.
Voor meer informatie:
Of bel ons direct op 088-7774277.

Maarten Van der Schaaf's picture Event from Nov 20th to Nov 25th
Erik Knol, posted

Survey for SME: Needs regarding applied research in energy transition

Dear SME,

Are you an innovator in the energy transition? Do you want to collaborate with universities of applied sciences? We would like to hear about your needs regarding applied research that could strengthen your innovation and product/services developments.

Please participate in this online questionnaire (in Dutch):

Our inquiry is supported by the Dutch Topsector Energy and several universities of applied sciences across the Netherlands.

Thank you, and don't hesitate to contact me for further info!
Erik Knol (+31 646 20 78 58)

Erik Knol's picture #Energy
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Smart Data, Smart City #4 - Betaalbare duurzame woningen

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In the Smart City, citizens, data and technology are the biggest enablers. That is why Amsterdam Smart City and Datalab joined forces to organize six ‘Smart Data, Smart City’ events in 2017. On the 21th of September it is time for number 4 in these series! This one is about one of The Amsterdam Smart City projects which aims to make housing in Amsterdam more sustainable.

Please note this event is held in Dutch

Smart Data, Smart City #3 - Betaalbare duurzame woningen

Amsterdam heeft de ambitie om onze CO2 uitstoot te verminderen. We willen over op groene energie. Bestaande woningen in Amsterdam zijn voor een groot gedeelte oude woningen die slecht warmte binnenhouden. Dit betekent dat we veel energie verspillen.

De energiebesparing van de bestaande woningen is op dit moment vooral maatwerk. Voor elk huis wordt opnieuw onderzocht wat de beste oplossing is om deze te verduurzamen. Kennis over de woningen is dus schaars en dat brengt hoge innovatiekosten met zich mee. En dat terwijl de stedelijke ontwikkeling van Amsterdam is in fasen opgebouwd, waardoor veel huizen overeenkomsten hebben. Door ons inzicht hierin te vergroten, kunnen we op grotere schaal maatregelen nemen en kosten drukken.

Het is duidelijk dat informatie en data hierin een cruciale rol kunnen spelen. Op 21 september willen we deze rol graag uitdiepen. Hoe kan de verzameling van data helpen bij de verduurzaming van woningen? Waar kunnen de gegevens nog meer toe dienen? En hoe ver moeten we hierin gaan? Wat zijn uitdagingen? En wat hebben bewoners hieraan?

Denk met ons mee over het Amsterdam Smart City project ‘Betaalbare Duurzame Woningen’ in Datalab!

15.45 uur – Inloop
16.00 uur – Introductie door ASC
16.30 uur - Paneldiscussie onder leiding Ruurd Priester en input uit de zaal
- Sanne Hettinga - Geodan
- Pepijn Post – The Sustainables
- Paco de Mulder - BuildingID
- Tim van Kempen - BackHoom

17.30 uur - Borrel

Locatie: Datalab, Weesperstraat 113, Amsterdam

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Event on Sep 21st
Vidit Madan, posted

Looking for Thesis research topics and opportunities on Smart city concept

Hello to all members,
I have been following what people are talking about here and the more I read, the more I want to contribute in a way to help the development of smart cities knowledge.
As a short intro about myself, I have completed my 4 semesters of my master's program in "Infrastructure planning" at the University of Stuttgart and the next thing to get my degree is to do my master research thesis. I have a desire to do a research that focuses on the greater society and solving issues for people/planet, and I believe smart cities can offer that.

To be clear, I am not interested in doing research for i.e. "best practices inside a company to develop x,y,z"; but looking for topics such as "How to deal with the climate change, migration, energy problems and how smart cities can help?"

I would like to ask the community's suggestions to what are, in your opinion, important research topics worth of digging in; and secondly, if you know a company that might need me.

Key words: smart grids, smart energy, renewable energy, blockchain, IoT, transportation, community, sharing economy, citizens empowerment; government; buildings; circular economy;

I'm very curious what you have on your mind, so please share it with me. Thank you!

Best regards,

Vidit Madan's picture #Energy
Thijmen van Nijnanten, Project Manager , posted

Theaterfestival de Parade on 100% renewable energy in Amsterdam

This august, theaterfestival de Parade will say goodbye to diesel-powered generators, and will switch to renewable energy! A fully renewable energy supply is realized by making use of new fixed power supply on the grid. With this measure, more than 100 metric tonnes of CO2 emmissions will be prevented each year, when De Parade sets foot in the Martin Luther Kingpark in Amsterdam Zuid.

This project is not only unique in the fact that de Parade is the first large festival in Amsterdam which does not rely on diesel generators. Very rare is the fact that the initiative lies with the organization of de Parade itself. This shows that a bottom-up approach can be very effective in making festivals more renewable, on top of a financially attractive solution!

Nils Mevius of Theaterfestival de Parade says: “I had expected to reach more results in five year in trying to organize green energy for de Parade. The number of stakeholders showed to be bigger, and the process slower than expected. Also the underlying technology showed to be more complex than we initially thought. Locol managed to complete this project in 7 (!) months, including help with financing. They are knowledgeable, efficient, and very kind. If had few cooperations with external parties as pleasant as this one, and rarely with such a high yield, both in reaching our sustainable goals and lowering cost.”

Thijmen van Nijnanten's picture #Energy
Coen Bakker, Marketing Manager , posted

Mid-scale waste-to-value transformers, on-site

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Turn your last-night leftovers into energy that powers your household!

The Waste Transformers was started in 2012 by Lara van Druten. Lara had one goal: to create a flourishing business that inspires others to change the way that they deal with waste and to establish a business model able to balance financial, social and environmental returns. Today, the Waste Transformers are the recognised partner of choice for those with the ambition and courage to realize real, circular economies around waste.

The Waste Transformers creates another small-scale circular economy in Amsterdam

Coen Bakker's picture #Energy
Bernard MERKX, CEO, owner at GreenWavePlastics, posted

Diplomatic Council Benelux at Rotterdam' WorldPortDays (Wereldhavendagen)

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On September 1st the Board of Diplomatic Council Benelux, an UN registered global think tank, will organise a symposium around the Un sustainability goals and transition agenda with focus on social transition, energy transition and raw material transition.

You could combine a visit to 010 to join us on Friday September first at WereldMuseum and stay the weekend to participate the 40th WorldPortDays in Rotterdam

Registration on

For questions please contact me at

looking forward meeting you in Rotterdam

Diplomatic Council Benelux

Bernard Merkx
co founder / Board Member

Bernard MERKX's picture #Energy
Anonymous posted

HIER opgewekt

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Op 17 november vindt in Spant! te Bussum hét evenement HIER opgewekt plaats. Met ruim 900 bezoekers en meer dan dertig sessies verdeeld over negen thema’s is het evenement HIER opgewekt het grootste landelijke evenement voor lokale energie-initiatieven in Nederland.

Op deze dag wordt ook de Lokale Energie Monitor 2017 gepresenteerd, een rapportage van de lokaal duurzame energiebeweging.

Event on Nov 17th
Brian Nap, Urban designer , posted

Meaningful Circular Metabolism

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Using flow analysis to validate and quantify the spatial impact of measurements for circularity and using urban design to see how these measurements can be integrated in the context of the city.

More information can be found in my booklet. Or for further information or requests I can be contacted. I will be happy to try and answer the questions/requests.

Meaningful Circular Metabolism

Meaningful Circulair Metabolism

Brian Nap's picture #Energy
Yalcin Gunes, posted

Cleanwave wave energy convertor device

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The overall aim of the proposed project is to decrease the negatıve effect as a result of nuclear and fossıl fuel treatens the whole lıfe forms all around the World, İn a additon that increase a usage ratio of renewable energy

Yalcin Gunes's picture #Energy
Marije Oudshoorn, Business Development & Innovation , posted

Job Opportunity: Digital disruption in the Smart City

Do you want to combine freedom and creativity of a start-up environment with the knowledge and realisation power of a global player? Do you really want to make an impact? Then we have a great opportunity for you!
ENGIE is partner of Amsterdam Smart City, and is transforming to a leading company in the Energy Transition. We are looking for a Solution Developer for the Smart Area market, working within the Smart Digital Solutions team. For more information:

Marije Oudshoorn's picture #Energy