
Mobility and transport are crucial for a city to function properly. Amsterdam is considered the world capital of cycling; 32% of traffic movement in Amsterdam is by bike and 63% of its inhabitants use their bike on daily basis. The number of registered electrical car owners in the Netherlands increased with 53% to 28.889 in 2016. Since 2008 car sharing increased with 376%. However, this is less than 1% of the total car use. Innovative ideas and concepts can help to improve the city’s accessibility, so share your ideas and concepts here.

Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Interesting article: 'Pricing the Curb' by prof. Donald Shoup

Abstract: "Parked cars have colonized city streets for so long they seem to own the curb lanes. Decolonizing is underway, however, because new demands are overcrowding the curb. E-commerce deliveries need truck-loading zones. Uber and Lyft need passenger-loading zones. Traffic congestion has increased the need for dedicated bus lanes. Cyclists want safe bike lanes, and pedestrians want wide sidewalks. The curb is the new urban frontier, and parking is not always its most productive use. The curb lane will not be used properly until it is priced properly. When it comes to managing the curb, cities can let prices do the planning and use the resulting revenue to pay for public services. Getting curb parking prices right will improve cities, the economy, the environment, and the planet."

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Mobility
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

When will Amsterdam become a zero city?

Traffic fatalities are a leading cause of premature death of people under 30. Most are pedestrians and cyclists. The question is how to redesign traffic to reduce the number of victims. Zero cities successfully do. Read my newest blogpost (in Dutch). The English version will be published in due time at Smart City Hub.

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Mobility
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Amsterdam seeks start-ups for six-month residency programme

The City of Amsterdam is seeking the latest cohort of innovators for its Start-up in Residence programme, with this year’s themes being sustainability/circular economy and mobility. During a six-month programme, selected companies get the chance to pilot their products and services in the city and at the end, the municipality may become a launch customer or collaborate with the businesses in other ways.

Folkert Leffring's picture #Mobility
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

Mobility and liveability

You will find the Dutch version 'De beloopbare stad' of my newest post in the series cities of the future below. The English version will be published at SmartCityHub next month.

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Mobility
Ebbi Elferink, Project Intern Startup in Residence at City of Amsterdam, posted

Startup In Residence Sustainability and Mobility Is Live!

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Startup in Residence Amsterdam launches a new programme on the themes of sustainability and mobility!

Registration closes on August 11, 2020.

The City of Amsterdam is once again looking for the best start-ups, scale-ups, innovative SMEs, and social entrepreneurs with creative and innovative solutions for the city’s mobility and sustainability issues. Solutions are sought for a wide range of topics, from 'emission-free recreational boats' and 'circular renovation' to 'inclusive mobility' and 'local food logistics'. Like previous years, this edition also has the so-called "wild card challenge" for both themes. If entrepreneurs have good ideas and solutions that are not described in one of the issues, they can register for the wildcard. The complete series of challenges can be found at

You can sign up from June 24, 2020 12:00 to August 11, 2020 23:59.

Ebbi Elferink's picture #Mobility
Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Mindchange nodig om met climate change om te kunnen gaan

We moeten toe naar een ander systeem, waar macht en verantwoordelijkheid weer aan elkaar gekoppeld zijn. Dat kwam naar voren tijdens de MRA University van dinsdag 2 juni. Alleen zo kunnen we toewerken naar een circulaire en klimaatneutrale economie.

‘De coronacrisis laat zien dat we snel kunnen veranderen. Dat is ongelofelijk hoopvol. Maar het is geen garantie dat we na de crisis een betere of een slechtere wereld bouwen.’, stelt Thomas Rau, architect, oprichter van Madaster en vooraanstaand denker over de circulaire economie. Een echt duurzaam herstel vraagt om een mindchange. Hij adviseert om daar actief aan te werken. ‘Laat het opbouwen van de economie daarom niet alleen over aan mensen uit het oude systeem.’

Lees verder:

Amsterdam Economic Board's picture #CircularCity
AMS Institute, Re-inventing the city (urban innovation) at AMS Institute, posted

Traffic intensity before, during and after intelligent lockdown measures in the Netherlands

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In March our government introduced measures to slow down the spread of COVID-19. As expected, this resulted in a decrease in traffic on highways. But, what does this look like? We compared 3 Tuesdays; before, during, and after the rules were loosened.

Check out this visualization, for which our Data Visualization Lab took a deep-dive into the open data of the National Data Warehouse for Traffic Information (NDW):

AMS Institute's picture #Mobility
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Dublin's COVID-19 Mobility & Transport Response

This is a link to Dublin's COVID-19 Mobility & Transport Response document for those who are interested...

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Mobility
Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Podcast over het herontwerp van Amsterdam

Hoe richten we de digitale wereld in, en hoe gaan we om met data en samenwerking met private partijen en deelplatforms? Wat is de rol van de gemeente Amsterdam? En wat zou je doen als je een stad compleet nieuw zou inrichten? Hieronder de eerste podcast met Carlo van de Weijer een serie waar we over dit soort vraagstukken nadenken samen met Carin ten Hage en Geert Kloppenburg.

De pizza-economie en over waarom de zelfrijdende auto geen oplossing is voor de schaarse ruimte in de stad

#data #smartmobility #Gemeente Amsterdam #CTOInnovatieteam

Smart Mobility Embassy, Smart Mobility Embassy at Connekt, posted

LA on the move

De pandemie van COVID-19 treft ons allemaal. Door de pandemie hebben we een glimp kunnen opvangen van hoe steden eruit zien als het transport grotendeels wordt stilgelegd. Mogelijk is de impact van deze crisis op mobilteit en gedeelde diensten langduriger en onvoorspelbaarder dan we in eerste instantie hadden gedacht.

Door de beperkte werking van transportsystemen worden ook internationale samenwerkingen aangetast. De Smart Mobility Embassy gelooft dat dit het moment is om samen te werken en onze ideeën over wenselijke toekomstige mobiliteitssystemen te heroverwegen, opnieuw te ontwerpen en te implementeren.

De Smart Mobility Embassy organiseert in samenwerking met het Nederlandse consulaat in San Francisco, een webinar over de kansen voor Los Angeles en Nederland om gezamenlijk te werken aan het ontwerp van het mobiliteitssysteem van de toekomst.

Klik op de link om de volledige uitnodiging te bekijken.

Smart Mobility Embassy's picture #Mobility
AMS Institute, Re-inventing the city (urban innovation) at AMS Institute, posted

Social Distancing Dashboard provides roadmap for city dwellers

With growing numbers of pedestrians and cyclists returning to city streets, keeping a safe distance of 1.5m can be a challenge in many urban areas due to the way public space (or lack of it) has been designed.

The Social Distancing Dashboard, a project led by scientists from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), in collaboration with the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute), helps to raise awareness about constraints posed by the design of public space and contributes to decision making for COVID-19 related interventions in urban planning.

The Dashboard creates city maps that show on a street and neighborhood level if social distance rules can be respected when moving in public space. It offers an overview of different factors – such as the width of the footpath and location of bus stops – affecting our ability to respect social distancing rules.

The dynamic and color-coded maps are open access and available for use by e.g. policymakers, charged with making decisions on public health and city planners, tasked with making COVID-19 related interventions in the urban space. The dashboard is also intended to raise awareness amongst city residents – especially those in risk groups – who want to navigate the city streets as safely as possible.

Read the full article here:

Or go straight to the Social Distancing Dasboard:

AMS Institute's picture #Mobility
Robert Versteeg, Consultant , posted

Tips on designing a 1.5m society using crowd management principles

Society is slowly opening up for business again. More people are going outside. And many businesses and government institutions are redesigning their spaces to give people enough room to keep 1.5m distance. While keeping distance seems like a simple rule, in practice many people find it difficult to stick to them.

That is why I wrote a short blog about the main crowd management principles that are useful to design public spaces for the 1.5m society. These principles are key to optimize the use of our public spaces and make it easier for people to keep their distance (blog is in Dutch).

Robert Versteeg's picture #CircularCity
Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Na de coronacrisis: ‘Logistieke voetafdruk moet kleiner’

"De transport- en logistieksector krijgt nu al harde klappen als gevolg van de coronacrisis, maar de echte dreun moet nog komen. De sector is echter in staat om weer op te krabbelen en sterker uit de crisis te komen. Daarvoor moet de ‘logistieke voetafdruk’ kleiner worden door slimmer te gaan werken."

Dat zei dr. Walther Ploos van Amstel, lector City Logistics aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, dinsdag 28 april tijdens het webinar van MRA University.

Lees verder:

Amsterdam Economic Board's picture #Mobility
sanne smeets, Marketing Communications , posted

Transforming hotels into flexible workspaces

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D/DOCK launches MEOW - My Extraordinary Workspace. We are convinced that a true revolution in hotel industry can only be successful by close collaboration. Therefore, together with 10 launching hotels, we started MEOW. MEOW is an app that enables professionals to book the most extraordinary hotels as their unique place to work.

interested in participating as hotel?
interested as a user?

sanne smeets's picture #Citizens&Living
Aad Vredenbregt, Business Developer Air Quality , posted

Datastandaard voor mobiliteitsdiensten

Samen met @info_vlaanderen en @Stad_Antwerpen heeft imec een datastandaard ontwikkeld voor slimme digitale mobiliteitsplatformen. Overheid en private organisaties kunnen zo makkelijk informatie uitwisselen om reizigers vlot én veilig vervoermiddelen te laten combineren.

Aad Vredenbregt's picture #Mobility
Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Gezocht: Oplossingen voor zero-emissie servicelogistiek

Hoe bereik je als monteur, hovenier, thuiszorgmedewerker of installateur je klant in de stad? Het blijkt een steeds grotere uitdaging door ruimtegebrek, congestie, parkeerkosten en de gemeentelijke plannen voor emissievrije zones in 2025.

Samen met Hoek Hoveniers, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Feenstra en DOCKR zijn we op zoek naar nieuwe logistieke oplossingen. Wil je als servicebedrijf ook je personeel en materialen slim en schoon de stad in en uit krijgen?

Vul onze vragenlijst in!

Amsterdam Economic Board's picture #Mobility
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

The digital lessons from COVID-19

Bas Boorsma explores what can we learn from the accelerated digital transition triggered by COVID-19.

Folkert Leffring's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Amsterdam launches next stage of circular economy programme

Amsterdam will launch the fourth stage of its circular economy initiative next week, with 200 new projects planned for the coming year. Its 2020-2025 strategy, set to be published 8 April, will build on last year’s programme that saw 116 projects implemented.

Folkert Leffring's picture #CircularCity
Wouter Giesen, Adviseur at TripService, posted

What TripService can do in the event of national disasters

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TripService (partner of the Johan Cruijff ArenA) helps governments with the right communication in times of disaster to motorists. This information must be high-quality and consistently presented.

TripService helps the government in Italy to inform motorists about quarantine areas. This way we prevent motorists from traveling to a location within a quarantine area

In the Netherlands, TripService helps the government with the problem that too many people come together at the same time in a certain place.

Do you have any questions feel free to contact us.
0543 49 00 88

Wouter Giesen's picture #Mobility