
Mobility and transport are crucial for a city to function properly. Amsterdam is considered the world capital of cycling; 32% of traffic movement in Amsterdam is by bike and 63% of its inhabitants use their bike on daily basis. The number of registered electrical car owners in the Netherlands increased with 53% to 28.889 in 2016. Since 2008 car sharing increased with 376%. However, this is less than 1% of the total car use. Innovative ideas and concepts can help to improve the city’s accessibility, so share your ideas and concepts here.

Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Start Smart Mobility Amsterdam 2019 - 2025

An accessible, liveable and less polluted city: this is what we’d like to achieve for residents, visitors and businesses in Amsterdam today and for future generations.
Smarter and cleaner mobility can help us realise these aims. As a city, we want to offer Amsterdammers, commuters and visitors alternatives to the present forms of mobility, providing a door-to-door solution and contributing to our aims. This includes shared electric transport, from cars to bikes, in ‘Neighbourhood eHubs’ (eBuurthubs) established in cooperation with local residents. That way, we can use clean modes of transport and create more space in the city by sharing. We can then use this extra space to improve liveability.

More info on

Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

And the winners are...

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On 16-17 June we organised, together with the City of Amsterdam, AMS Institute and EIT Climate-KIC, a 24-hour non-stop pressure cooker event. 45 participants worked in 8 multi-disciplinary team to ideate, uncover insights and propose innovative solutions to the city's urban challenges.

The 24-hours Amsterdam City Challenge is one of the events that Amsterdam organises to stimulate their citizens to come up with bright and bold ideas for a sustainable future. The challenges of this event where about Mobility and the Energy Transition:


  • How can we organize the supply of fresh food and beverages in the city, in a more efficient manner?
  • How can we improve management of the mobility flows to major tourist attractions more effectively, such as the Zandvoort beach on sunny days?
  • How can we increase the safety of cyclists with respect to congestion on the bike paths and roads (i.e. electric bikes, cargo bikes, and regular bikes)?

Energy Transition

  • Taking the Haparandadam as a point of inspiration, how can we install solar power in unusual places?
  • How can we make data centers greener?

And the winners are...

Amsterdam City Challenge - Innovate the City in 24-hours

Of course every challenge has its winners. But the compliments go to all the participants that where awake for over 24 hours! It is quite a challenge to stay awake... But during this pressure cooker, all kinds of great ideas come alive. That is the great thing about this 24-hours event.

The winner of the Mobility Challenge is team Extra Mile. They came with the idea to use the infrastructure of the trams to deliver food and beverage supplies to the restaurants and bars in Amsterdam. In order to realise this, this team introduced 'De Vreet Tram' ('Vreet' means 'eating a lot' in Dutch).

The winner of the Energy Transition Challenge and the Tada-price is Switchport. This team developed a great idea to combine art with the construction of solar panels. They also wanted to make the use of the solar panel inclusive for the citizens.

Besides winning € 1,000 to work on their ideas furthermore, the teams also got the opportunity to present their ideas during WeMakeThe.City

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Mobility
Meital Itskovitch, Business development manager , posted

Level Up Your Customer Experience Through Technology

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We are thrilled to be hosting our first meetup in Amsterdam focusing on customer experience and technology.
Learn how to utilize technology to better shape your customer's journey.

Join us for Interesting content, refreshing drinks and tasty bites are on us! Monday June 24th, register here:

Meital Itskovitch's picture #Mobility
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Do you have a novel idea that can help solve urban challenges in Amsterdam?

Join the Amsterdam City Challenge, a 24-hour non-stop pressure cooker event on 16-17 June to kick-off the WeMakeThe.City festival. These videos tell you why!

As the city becomes more densely populated, city authorities face the growing challenge of ensuring that citizens have affordable and sustainable energy and mobility options. To ensure we keep Amsterdam as a clean and healthy city, and to achieve our carbon emission goals by 2030, we want to encourage accelerated innovation and support the development of new, smart technologies. The Amsterdam City Challenge will allow you to work in a multi-disciplinary team to ideate, uncover insights and propose innovative solutions to the city's urban challenges.

Co-design sustainable urban solutions

During the 24 hours, the participants will be guided by experts from the energy and mobility sectors. At the end of the event, a panel of experts from different backgrounds will select the winning teams and award the following Prizes:

  • €1000 cash for the winning team of the Mobility challenge
  • €1000 cash for the winning team of the Sustainable Energy challenge
  • 5 free tickets to the AMS summer school on Mobility (€200 value each)
  • A wild card winner for entry to AMS Climate Launchpad
  • An opportunity to pitch your idea to a large audience of the WeMakeThe.City festival during the signing of the Klimaat Akkoorden on Thursday, June 20th as well as the opportunity to present during the three Mobility Conferences.
  • An opportunity to pitch your idea during the Amsterdam Smart City "Demo days," with immediate feedback from various partners and experts.
  • A chance to work alongside the city officials on a "living lab" approach to your solutions.
  • An opportunity to collaborate with rich, diverse networks of the City of Amsterdam, AMS Institute and EIT Climate-KIC.

City challenges you will be tackling


How can we make data centers greener? Video with Marieke van Doorninck (Deputy mayor City of Amsterdam) and Jan Duffhues (City of Amsterdam)

Amsterdam City Challenge - Heat of data centers

Taking the Haparandadam as a point of inspiration, how can we install solar power in unusual places? Video with Kirsten Dunlop (CEO EIT ClimateKIC) and Antonia Nieto Diaz (City of Amsterdam)

Amsterdam City Challenge 2019 - Energy solutions for the Haparandadam


How can we organize the supply of fresh food and beverages in Amsterdam in a smarter way, and with zero-emissions, in order to minimize the impact on the city streets? Video with Cathelijne Hermans (City of Amsterdam)

Amsterdam City Challenge - efficient logistics

How can we improve management of the mobility flows to major tourist attractions more effectively, such as the Zandvoort beach on sunny days? Video with Rachel Tienkamp-Beishuizen (City of Amsterdam) and Arthur Rietkerk (Province of Noord-Holland)

Amsterdam City Challenge - Mobility challenge at Zandvoort

How can we reduce congestion on the bike paths and roads during rush hour? Video with Arjan van Timmeren (scientific director AMS Institute) and Koen van 't Hof (City of Amsterdam)

Amsterdam City Challenge 2019 - Improve cycling!

So sign up!

Amsterdam City Challenge


Together we can turn the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area into a frontrunner of urban mobility and sustainable energy!

Nancy Zikken's picture #Mobility
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Sustainable mobility on demand is not only for cities, is it?

My friend Marco Maréchal wrote an interesting article on unlocking municipalities and the countryside towards the cities via sustainable mobility on demand.

Although I agree with most of his views, I think we should take this conversation to a more holistic level: how can we work parallel towards innovations that people do not need to travel to work every day anymore.
Let's also think about moving ‘bits and bytes instead of atoms’ or in other words bring the ‘work to the worker instead the worker to work’ (quotes by Bas Boorsma).
So, we can work on reducing the amount of transportation movements. Compare it with waste management or reducing your electricity bill.

If we are able to convince people to produce less waste, it is the best solution to our waste problem instead of finding innovative and most of the expensive ways to process all the current waste.
And reducing energy consumption by isolating houses is far more effective than generating more energy in sustainable ways.

Therefore, reducing cars and other transportation activities is at least as important as finding sustainable mobility solutions on demand to improve the quality of living of citizens who work-live-play in urban and rural areas.
f we are able to convince people to produce less waste it is the best solution to our waste problem instead of finding innovative and most of the expensive ways to process all the current waste.
And reducing energy consumption by isolating houses is far more affective than generating more energy in sustainable ways.

Therefore, reducing cars and other transportation movements activities is at least as important as finding sustainable mobility solutions on demand to improve the quality of living of citizens who work-live-play in urban and rural areas.

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Mobility
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Smart City Mobility Experience: Delegation Report

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On May 9, Amsterdam Smart City hosted a municipal delegation from Leverkusen, Germany which was led by Mayor Uwe Richrath. The City of Leverkusen is currently developing its "Mobility Concept 2030+” — a strategic vision for how people and goods will move around their city in the future. To add to the municipal leaders knowledge, the delegation participated in Amsterdam Smart City’s Mobility Experience.

On May 9, Amsterdam Smart City hosted a municipal delegation from Leverkusen, Germany which was led by Mayor Uwe Richrath. The City of Leverkusen is currently developing its "Mobility Concept 2030+” — a strategic vision for how people and goods will move around their city in the future. To add to the municipal leaders knowledge, the delegation participated in Amsterdam Smart City’s Mobility Experience.

“We have taken a lot of interesting facts, especially that change cannot be ordered by the administration and politics. It has to come from the people, which only works with very intensive public participation. The visit reassured us that we are on the right path to developing a vision for the future of mobility in Leverkusen in close consultation with citizens and stakeholders.”
— Uwe Richrath, Mayor Leverkusen Germany

The delegates were particularly interested in the process by which Amsterdam Smart City brings together various public and private stakeholders, and how it engages with citizens.

Throughout the day, the group met with various experts, including Dirk de Jager, district alderman for Amsterdam South-east who explained how Amsterdam transitioned from being car-oriented to a more sustainable mobility system by reallocating space from cars to bicycles. Dirk also introduced Amsterdam’s planned mobility policies through 2025, for instance the elimination of 10,000 parking places within the ring road of Amsterdam.

Sjors van Duren, from Royal Haskoning, was particularly inspiring, sharing examples and best practices from smaller municipalities in the Netherlands and Germany which the delegates could relate to.

Joris Hupperets of EV-Box explained the role EV-Box is playing in transitioning Amsterdam to a zero-emission future, as the City of Amsterdam will ban diesel and gasoline vehicles by 2030. Joris explained some of the key mechanisms and policies the City is using to implement this vision and how this will be done in an incremental way and in consultation with various stakeholders.
Joris Hupperets shares insights into Amsterdam's successful approach to electrification of transport
The delegation also met with Maarten Woolthuis, co-founder of BYCS who explained the role of the Bicycle Mayor program in shifting public perspectives and giving cyclists a voice in Amsterdam as well as internationally.

At the end of the day the delegates reflected on the most important lessons they would be taking back to Leverkusen:

  • A transition to a sustainable mobility system takes decades and the work is never finished.
  • It’s important to show people the positive benefits of change. For instance by explaining to car drivers that more cycling benefits all road users, including drivers themselves as there is less congestion and pollution as more people shift from driving to cycling.
  • Ambitious visions should be matched by clear strategies for how to achieve goals.
  • The Amsterdam Smart City program provided many helpful ideas for how to engage and communicate with stakeholders, especially citizens, about the future of mobility in Leverkusen.

When asked about the highlight of the day, most delegates agreed the bicycle tour led by Marjolein de Lange, cycling planning consultant, was an eye-opening and inspiring way to experience best practices and innovations first hand.

Delegation report by Cornelia Dinca, Amsterdam Smart City Delegations Lead. Photos by Thomas Schlijper.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Mobility
Anonymous posted

Meer ruimte in de stad begint bij slimmer omgaan met bestaande parkeerplekken

Steden worden steeds drukker. Het verkeer neemt toe en straten staan vol met geparkeerde auto’s. Dit terwijl ruimte in de stad schaars is. Gemeenten en projectontwikkelaars staan daarom voor een forse uitdaging. Hoe kunnen ze met beperkte middelen toch meer leefruimte creëren? Ons advies: benut bestaande parkeerlocaties optimaal. Zo kun je op termijn straatparkeerplekken schrappen.

Om uit te leggen hoe dit werkt en waarom dit belangrijk is, hebben we een artikel geschreven. Dit breng ik graag hier onder de aandacht!

Je vindt het artikel in zijn geheel op de website van ParkBee:

Marieke Meijer, Communication at City of Amsterdam, posted

1.000 elektrische taxi's in Amsterdam

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Op 15 mei vierden taxiorganisaties en de gemeente Amsterdam samen de mijlpaal van 1.000 elektrische taxi’s in de stad! Per jaar betekent dit maar liefst zo’n 8.804.340 schone taxikilometers. En dat Amsterdammers die bij willen dragen aan een gezondere lucht vaker kunnen kiezen voor een uitstootvrije taxi. Taxiorganisaties en chauffeurs die hiermee bijdragen aan schonere lucht bedankt!

Hier lees je meer

Marieke Meijer's picture #Mobility
Monci Klein Langenhorst, SADC , posted

Laatste kavel Schiphol Logistics Park geleverd aan Durfort Vastgoed

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7 mei jl. is de laatste gereserveerde kavel op Schiphol Logistics Park aan Durfort Vastgoed B.V. geleverd. Op de kavel van 24.691 m2 uitgeefbaar zal eind deze maand gestart worden met de bouw van een logistiek warehouse. De ontwerp is van de hand van Architecten-Lab. Aannemer Aan de Stegge zal het nieuwe pand naar verwachting in december 2019 opleveren.

Deze ontwikkeling van kleinschalige logistieke units omvat in totaal 13.289 m² v.v.o. warehouse, 1.821 m² v.v.o. mezzanine, 2.346 m² v.v.o. kantoorruimte en 105 parkeerplaatsen op eigen terrein. Het warehouse kan worden verdeeld in maximaal negen zelfstandige units, waarvan sommige met elkaar verbonden kunnen worden zodat grotere gecombineerde units ontstaan. Elke unit heeft minstens twee loading docks en een overheaddeur. Door de ligging en de unitomvang is dit object uniek in zijn soort.

Cees Smit, directeur Durfort Vastgoed: "Met de units die variëren van ca. 1.250 tot 2.500 m2, wordt dit project vooral ontwikkeld voor partijen in de logistieke keten zoals transporteurs, expediteurs en kleinere Schiphol-georiënteerde bedrijven die behoefte hebben aan een beperkte opslagcapaciteit."

Arnoud van der Wijk, projectmanager bij SADC: “Deze kleinere units zijn een nieuw product dat wordt aangeboden op Schiphol Logistics Park en zorgen voor een gevarieerd aanbod van logistieke ruimte dicht bij Schiphol.”

Bovenop het energielabel A++ is het gebouw zo ontworpen dat het gehele dak voorzien kan worden van zonnepanelen. Daarmee kan het project op termijn eenvoudig omgezet worden naar ‘all electric’ waarbij, mede gezien het gebruik van ledverlichting in zowel de kantoren, in de bedrijfsruimte als op het buitenterrein, in belangrijke mate in de eigen elektriciteitsbehoefte kan worden voorzien. Verder worden materialen met een hoge isolatiewaarde gebruikt en wordt er luchtdicht gebouwd rond gevelopeningen en dak- en aansluitingen. Daarnaast is gestreefd naar een zo efficiënt mogelijk grondgebruik door de realisatie van een gebouwde parkeervoorziening.

Laatste kavel
Met de levering aan Durfort Vastgoed is de laatste kavel op Schiphol Logistics Park uitgegeven. Logistieke partijen kunnen nog grond voor nieuwbouw verwerven op het naastgelegen Schiphol Trade Park.

Schiphol Logistics Park
Schiphol Logistics Park is een hoogwaardig logistiek bedrijventerrein, gelegen op een van de meest strategische logistieke locaties van Europa ten zuiden van Schiphol. Gevestigd zijn daar onder andere Kuehne+Nagel (WDP), Expeditors, Rapid Logistics (WDP), datacenter interxion (Somerset), SEKO Benelux (Somerset) en CTS GROUP (Somerset). Op deelgebied West hebben Montea en Durfort Vastgoed een logistiek centrum ontwikkeld met Thomsen Select en Milestone Logistics als eerste huurders. Het naastgelegen AMS Cargo Center van Built to Build en Proptimize (multi-tentant warehouse) is inmiddels voor 80% verhuurd (IWS, ViaEurope en Bonded Services). Onlangs tekenden Montea en SADC de koopovereenkomst voor een kavel van 21.521 m2.
Schiphol Logistics Park is een ontwikkeling van regionale gebiedsontwikkelaar SADC, Schiphol Real Estate en KLM.

Monci Klein Langenhorst's picture #Mobility
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

City of Amsterdam bans gasoline and diesel cars by 2030

Yesterday the City of Amsterdam announced the Action Plan Clean Air. One of the most notable measures in the plan is banning benzine and diesel cars. By 2030, the city wants to be completely emission-free and will support citizens in buying electric vehicles. What do you think of this? Can we achieve this or is it unfeasible?

Nancy Zikken's picture #Mobility
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

€300,000 available to build Platform for Cycling Innovations & Showcase Amsterdam as a Knowledge Cycling City

Are you . . .
* Passionate about the role that the bicycle plays in keeping Amsterdam and the metropolitan area accessible and livable?
* Playing an active role in sharing this knowledge internationally?
* Experienced with building digital platforms and innovation ecosystems?

If so, the City of Amsterdam and the Vervoerregio (Amsterdam Transport Region) could select your organization as the collaboration partner to support the following goals:
* Develop and share knowledge about cycling
* Stimulate innovation and experimentation in the field of cycling
* Profile Amsterdam nationally and internationally as a knowledge cycling city
* Stimulate bicycle use to achieve these goals

In its Multi-year Bicycle Plan (MJP), the municipality of Amsterdam profiles itself "nationally and internationally as The Knowledge City in the Field of Cycling.” According to the MJP, the City would like to create more room for experimentation in order to solve Amsterdam’s unique cycling challenges, and testing of innovative bicycle concepts plays an integral role in finding those solutions.

Amsterdam has been building on knowledge development in the field of cycling in a compact city, and the municipality is now taking a deliberate path toward a stronger profile of sharing knowledge and supporting innovation and experimentation. To achieve these goals, the municipality of Amsterdam and Vervoerregio seek support for the following activities:

1. Digital Knowledge & Innovation Platform
Knowledge sharing leads to concrete ideas, projects or initiatives. The winning proposal will need to detail plans for a digital platform which will be in both Dutch and English, through which knowledge and innovations concerning cycling in the Amsterdam region will be bundled and made accessible. It will provide a shared bicycle platform for companies, citizens, academic, municipality, and transport region and social organizations in the field of cycling for the Amsterdam region. The platform will also offer the opportunity to showcase Amsterdam as a cycling city internationally. The platform must be fully transferable, so that it can be managed and further developed by the municipality or third parties at the end of the term of the agreement.

2. Expanded Network in the Field of Cycling
The winning proposal will be charged with setting up, mobilizing, and stimulating a powerful network organization. Through this network, the makers, inventors, implementers and policymakers will share bicycle knowledge and will be empowered and supported to develop innovative ideas in close collaboration with the commissioning parties.

3. Receive Delegations
The Bicycle platform for knowledge sharing, innovation and experiment has a leading role in receiving international delegations, giving and organizing presentations, and arranging excursions for the many delegations that are expected in Amsterdam and throughout the region.

Deadline for proposals is May 14 at 14:00 via TenderNed. All relevant documents and information can be found in Dutch via:

Good Luck!
The wining proposal will play an important role in strengthening Amsterdam visibility as a cycling city nationally and internationally!

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Mobility
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Klimaatakkoord: Op weg naar een regionaal plan duurzame mobiliteit

Als Challenge Lead Mobiliteit verbindt hij nieuwe en bestaande mobiliteitsinitiatieven die bijdragen aan de enorme uitdaging ‘emissievrij vervoer in 2025 in de hele Metropoolregio Amsterdam’. Onze collega Richard Hoving dook voor ons in het Ontwerp Klimaatakkoord en hieronder lees je drie aanbevelingen die volgens hem bij kunnen dragen aan een slimme, groene en gezonde Metropoolregio Amsterdam in 2025.

Rolinka Kok's picture #Mobility
Evelien Brascamp, Communication advisor at Vervoerregio Amsterdam, posted

Deelfietsaanbieders gezocht voor marktverkenning

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Vervoerregio Amsterdam wil graag samen met aanbieders van deelfietsen zoeken naar een oplossing voor de Last-Mile bij het openbaar vervoer in de regio Waterland. De deelfiets, met zijn actieradius en flexibiliteit, lijkt een interessante mogelijkheid om het gebruik van het OV te vergroten, zeker wanneer deze elektrisch aangedreven wordt. Daarmee worden de inwoner, bezoeker en toerist in de regio Waterland van meer mogelijkheden voorzien. Om te kijken of er een goede business case te bedenken is met elektrische deelfietsen voor dit bijzondere stukje Nederland organiseert de Vervoerregio, in samenwerking met toerismeorganisatie Laag Holland, busvervoerder EBS en de gemeenten Waterland, Edam-Volendam, Purmerend, Beemster & Landsmeer een marktverkenning.

Een marktverkenning is interessant voor aanbieders om zich te oriënteren op de mogelijkheden die samenwerking met de overheid en OV-vervoerder kan bieden. Wij delen hierbij onze uitgangpunten en hopen naar aanleiding hiervan goede aanbiedingen te kunnen ontvangen. De marktverkenning zal plaatsvinden in Hotel Van der Valk Volendam, op 7 maart tussen 19.00 en 20.30. Mobiliteitsaanbieders zijn van harte uitgenodigd om langs te komen. Aanmelden en meer informatie via;

Anne Lieke Vonk, Project manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Nordic EV Summit Oslo 20-21 maart

Op 21 en 22 maart 2019 vindt de Nordic EV Summit plaats in Oslo, Noorwegen. Het is mogelijk voor Nederlandse ondernemers in elektrisch vervoer om deel te nemen aan de Nederlandse delegatie die dit congres zal bezoeken. Sharon Dijksma, wethouder Verkeer en Vervoer van de gemeente Amsterdam, zal ook spreken op dit congres.

21 maart 2019

De 'Planet Electric' Nordic EV Summit biedt een uitstekende gelegenheid aan Nederlandse ondernemers om zich op de Noord-Europese markt te presenteren en contacten te leggen. Op dit congres, dat op 21 en 22 maart in Oslo plaatsvindt, komen nationale en lokale beleidsmakers bijeen, evenals vertegenwoordigers van de Noorse EV-industrie, relevante wetenschappelijke instituties en gebruikersgroepen. Vanuit de gemeente Amsterdam is Sharon Dijksma aanwezig: als wethouder Verkeer en Vervoer zal zij op het congres spreken.

Met ondersteuning van de gemeente Amsterdam, de Nederlandse ambassade in Oslo en de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland organiseert FIER Automotive op de aangrenzende beurs een Nederlandse stand rondom elektrisch vervoer. Dit biedt een uitstekende kans connecties te leggen met de lokale markt.

Ondernemers die interesse hebben om dit congres bij te wonen en deel willen nemen aan de Nederlandse stand wordt nu gevraagd contact op te nemen met Inge Weken van FIER Automotive via

Bij voldoende belangstelling van Nederlandse deelnemers overweegt de Nederlandse ambassade in Oslo om een Nederlands-Noors netwerkevenement te organiseren met matchmaking-mogelijkheden.

De kosten van deelname aan de stand zijn voor ondernemers EUR1.500 (excl. BTW) Bij deze prijs is inbegrepen:
•Participatie in de stand
•Vermelding van logo in de stand
•Vermelding van logo op de congres-website
•Kaart voor het congres, én voor het Noorse avond-netwerkevent
•Ondersteuning bij het maken van afspraken met zakelijke contacten
•Het Nederlands-Noors netwerkevenement (op voorwaarde dat hier voldoende belangstelling voor is)

Bij vragen over en registratie voor deelname aan de Holland e-Mobility sector op de Nordic EV Summit in Oslo, neem contact op met Inge Weken van FIER Automotive:

Anne Lieke Vonk's picture #Mobility
Anne Lieke Vonk, Project manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Informatiebijeenkomst voor dé global beurs voor elektrisch vervoer

Meld je nog aan!
Datum: 12 februari 15:00 - 18:00
Locatie: Stadskantoor gemeente Utrecht

Bent u actief op het gebied van e-mobility? En wilt u zakendoen in Frankrijk? Kom dan op 12 februari naar Utrecht voor de informatiebijeenkomst over het Holland e-Mobility House op het Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS32) in Lyon.

De informatiebijeenkomst in Utrecht is bedoeld om u als marktpartij te informeren over het Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS32), het Holland Paviljoen, de evenementen en alle andere mogelijkheden. Tijdens dit evenement inventariseren wij uw wensen. U kunt ook een pitch geven, waarin u aangeeft wat uw verwachtingen zijn voor EVS32 en met welke producten en diensten u zich wilt profileren.

Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition

Het jaarlijks terugkerend Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS32) in Lyon is een toonaangevende beurs en congres voor partijen die actief zijn binnen Zero Emissie Vervoer. EVS is inmiddels uitgegroeid tot hét ontmoetingsevenement voor de EV-industrie. Producenten, gebruikers en beslissers laten zich informeren over en inspireren door de nieuwste trends, ontwikkelingen en toepassingen. Dit biedt volop kansen voor Nederlandse bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en overheden.

Holland Paviljoen

Nederland zal op het beursgedeelte bij EVS32 een paviljoen inrichten van 200 m2, met als centraal thema 'Zero Emission Transport'.

Hier presenteren Nederlandse bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en overheden zich internationaal op het gebied van zero emissie mobiliteit, en specifiek op elektrische mobiliteit. Er is ruimte voor presentaties, netwerkborrels en matchmaking. U kunt in het paviljoen eenvoudig contacten leggen en uw netwerkgesprekken voeren met potentiële zaken- en kennispartners in deze kansrijke wereldwijde groeimarkt.




15:00 - 16:00 uur Toelichting op EVS32 (doelstelling, organisatie)
16:00 - 17:00 uur Verwachtingen aanwezigen en korte pitch per bedrijf
17:00 - 17:15 uur Samenvatting en planning
17:15 - 18:00 uur Borrel

Aanmelden en kosten

Meld u per e-mail aan voor deze informatiebijeenkomst. Deelname is gratis.

T: 06 1558 6549

Anne Lieke Vonk's picture #Mobility
Laura van den Boogert, Project lead , posted

Startup in Residence Sustainability is live!

Startups & scaleups! Check out our 2019 programme and sign up now!

Startup in Residence invites sustainable entrepreneurs to collaborate with the local government towards solving 18 sustainable city challenges. The sustainability challenges cover a variety of topics including waste recycling, new energy sources, sustainable sports city, climate-proof city, etc. Add to that, we as a municipality, would like to become more innovative and sustainable. Find the complete list of challenges here: !

Apply for our programme now! We’re looking forward to receiving your applications from February 5th until March 24th 2019!

Laura van den Boogert's picture #CircularCity
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

Once upon a time in the future....

----when autonomous cars are the only driving vehicles (hopefully not too many) traffic will be much safer than today.

But what about the next decade when ordinary cars, automated cars and self-driving cars are mixed? In my newest post, you will find an answer to this question.

If you prefer reading this post in Dutch? Here you go:

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Mobility
Kate Black, Communications Director at Metabolic, posted

New geo-design tool can help Amsterdam turn waste into value

TU Delft, AMS Institute, and Metabolic are working with an international consortium of parties to develop an interactive online application that maps resource flows in peri-urban Amsterdam – one of six living laboratories for the REPAiR project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

The tool equips city planners and urban designers with an interactive map of waste streams and shows how they could be usefully redirected, identifying the significant opportunities in peri-urban areas where the city and the countryside meet.

Kate Black's picture #CircularCity
Sage Isabella, Post Doc at University of Twente, posted

Looking for volunteers

The BRIDE project is looking for participants for a study on understanding human interaction with “smart” infrastructure visa-a-vi machine learning.

The experiment will take place in Amsterdam February 2019. Participants will get to interact with the world’s first 3D printed footbridge.

If interested, please email Sage Cammers-Goodwin (

Sage Isabella's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Meital Itskovitch, Business development manager , posted

Smart Mobility Platform

HERE Mobility is dedicated to driving smart mobility forward through high-tech solutions. With a sophisticated suite of products, HERE Mobility empowers customers and enables the businesses that cater to their needs. By standardizing and opening up access to all mobility services, connecting supply with demand, HERE Mobility is democratizing the mobility ecosystem to benefit all businesses and consumers.

The mobility ecosystem is hyper-fragmented, with obstacles hindering true freedom of movement. HERE Mobility aims to improve access to the world’s transportation and mobility services by bringing them all into one place.

Our team will be visiting Amsterdam on January the 7th till the 9th, get in touch to hear more on the mobility revolution.

Meital Itskovitch's picture #Mobility