
Mobility and transport are crucial for a city to function properly. Amsterdam is considered the world capital of cycling; 32% of traffic movement in Amsterdam is by bike and 63% of its inhabitants use their bike on daily basis. The number of registered electrical car owners in the Netherlands increased with 53% to 28.889 in 2016. Since 2008 car sharing increased with 376%. However, this is less than 1% of the total car use. Innovative ideas and concepts can help to improve the city’s accessibility, so share your ideas and concepts here.

Arjan Hassing, Circular Innovation Strategist at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted

Accelerator Duurzame Mobiliteit / Sustainable Mobility 2019

-- English below --

Op 18 oktober opent de inschrijving voor GO!-NH Duurzame Mobiliteit, geïnitieerd door Provincie Noord-Holland. Deze accelerator start in het voorjaar van 2019. Ben je geïnteresseerd of ken je ondernemers die versneld willen groeien? Kom dan naar de introductiebijeenkomst op 18 oktober as in het Provinciehuis in Haarlem of 28 november in CIRCL op de Zuidas in Amsterdam!

October 18th the admission for GO!-NH Sustainable Mobility, initiated by the Province of Noord-Holland, will open. This accelerator will start in the spring of 2019. Interested or do you know entrepreneurs who want to accelerate their growth? Join the introduction event at the October 18th at the Provincie in Haarlem or at November 28th at CIRCL, Zuidas Amsterdam!

Arjan Hassing's picture #Mobility
Azem Kariman, posted

ViNotion | Urban traffic data solution | Optimizing accessibility and throughput; enhancing safety for traffic.

In the Morgenstadt Smart City Solution competition ViNotion pitched their UrbanDynamics solution; our answer to increasing urbanization, complex traffic situations and multi-modal means of transportation. Increase the accessibility of a city by optimizing the traffic throughput of pedestrians, cyclist and vehicles and thus creating safer traffic situations based on automated image analyses with Artificial Intelligence.

By using a camera as a sensor we are able to realize high accuracy and reliability figures. Giving you specific dynamical insights into traffic data such as:
- speed,
- direction,
- flow,
- trajectories,
- position.
- density
- classification

Triggers like:
- stopped vehicle detection
- congestion
- fallen cargo
- near collision detection

- works in crowded spaces
- a single sensor for multimodal traffic participants such as pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles
- works under different weather circumstances
- can monitor specific geo spaces
- data is easy to compare
- open API

We appreciate the acknowledgment and look forward to onboarding the Morgenstadt Network to provide our solution(s) to the European cities in this innovative Network.

Get in contact for additional information or a plan an appointment:
Azem Kariman

Ananda Groag, mobility expert , posted

Wocomoco; international congress on sharing mobility

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Het congres op gebied van deelmobiliteit.

Wat kun je verwachten?

Ontmoet de crème de la crème van (inter)nationale platformen in auto-, rit, -fiets, -scooter en meer delen zoals Bird, Greenwheels, Felyx, Amber, Uber, Ioki, Mobike, GreenMobility, Mobility Carsharing, Mywheels, Hely, Toogethr, Juuve, Carvelo2go, Publibike, idosh, Biro, Cargoroo en meer.

Er zijn spannende OEM's of OV partijen zoals Lynk & Co, MOIA (VW), BMWi, Riese&Muller, Transdev en Switch van Hanover Hochbahn. Ook de wetenschap komt aan het woord, met onder andere Karel Martens over vervoersarmoede en iemand van de Uni in Sheffield over Blockchain en andere tech ontwikkelingen.

Beleidsmakers zoals de DG Mobiliteit van IenW, programmadirecteur Mobiliteit en Gebieden, de wethouder van Rotterdam komen ook, internationale branche verenigingen zoals CoMoUk, Bundesverband Carsharing en zijn aanwezig. Ook tech partijen als PTV, Invers en Ridecell delen hun inzichten.

Luister en praat mee over MaaS, wonen & deelmobiliteit, elektrisch, zelfrijdend en delen, beleid, gedragsverandering, bezettingsgraad en stel de brutale vraag die je altijd al wilde vragen aan Uber in een 'boxing ring', maar check vooral het programma!

Ananda Groag's picture Event from Nov 6th to Nov 7th
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Gebiedsontwikkeling #34: Bereikbaar Amsterdam

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Om alle nieuwe Amsterdammers te huisvesten, moeten we niet alleen woning bouwen, maar ook nadenken over de bereikbaarheid. Door de uitzonderlijke omvang van de uitbreidingsplannen en de beperkte beschikbare middelen voor nieuwe infrastructuur vragen wij ons af wie al die plannen gaat betalen? Daarnaast hebben lightrail, bruggen en tunnels doorgaans een veel langere looptijd dan de ontwikkeling van een woonwijk en vaak is de pot met geld van het rijk al vergeven. Om de bereikbaarheidsopgave van onze snel groeiende metropool te lijf te gaan, is nadenken over gebiedsontwikkeling vanuit vervoer een vereiste. In gesprek met ontwikkelaars, wetenschappers, architecten, politiek en financieel economische experts over een bereikbaar Amsterdam.

Door toenemende files en overvolle treinen neemt de druk op onze infrastructuur sterk toe, waardoor de mobiliteitsopgave urgenter is dan ooit. Reguliere subsidies en fondsen vormen de eerste stap in het bekostigen van de gebiedsgerichte bereikbaarheidsopgaven. Echter het infrafonds is al voor langere tijd belegd en daarom niet voldoende toereikend voor de huidige opgave. Daar komt bij dat de jaarlijkse opbrengsten van 1 miljard euro uit aardgas na 2020 opdrogen, wat een belangrijke bron is voor de bekostiging van de grote bereikbaarheidsopgaven van Nederland.

Alternatieve financieringsvormen en nieuwe samenwerkingsverbanden zijn noodzakelijk om nieuw te bouwen gebieden bereikbaar te houden. Wat kan bijvoorbeeld knooppuntontwikkeling betekenen voor gebiedsontwikkeling? Welke kansen bieden flexibele parkeernormen voor de bereikbaarheid van een gebied? Welke alternatieve financieringsvormen zijn er? En hoe resulteert dit in nieuwe samenwerkingsvormen?

- Architect en stedenbouwer Ton Venhoeven verzorgt de aftrap van de avond. Hij is onder andere ex Rijksadviseur Infrastructuur geweest en heeft veel ervaring opgebouwd met grootstedelijke mobiliteitsvraagstukken wereldwijd. Hij geeft zijn visie op hoe de stad van de toekomst gerealiseerd kan worden met veel minder verkeer en vervoer.

- Secretaris van de G4 verkeer en vervoer Adriaan van Hoogstraten onderzoekt in opdracht van de steden Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Utrecht, hoe we de huidige bereikbaarheidsopgave moeten bekostigen. Wat is de onderlinge relatie tussen alle partijen en welke alternatieve financieringsvormen zijn er?

- Johan Snel is conceptontwikkelaar bij gebiedsontwikkelaar AM. Hij heeft onder andere gewerkt aan het ambitieuze project Bajes Kwartier. Wat is de rol van de gebiedsontwikkelaar bij het bereikbaar houden van nieuw te bouwen wijken?

- Als senior adviseur gebiedsontwikkeling houdt Chantal Robbe zich voornamelijk bezig met het ontwikkelen van nieuwe financieringsmodellen binnen gebiedsontwikkeling. Juist waar geen sluitende businesscase is, biedt zij met nieuwe inzichten en door het introduceren van nieuwe (mobiliteits)concepten oplossingen om de bereikbaarheidsopgave te financieren. Hoe zien deze constructies er uit?

- Ananda Groag adviseert en ontwikkelt oplossingen voor complexe mobiliteitsvraagstukken. Experimenten met bijvoorbeeld flexibele parkeernomen, deelauto’s, energiegrids zijn in volle gang, maar hoe zorgen we dat deze pilots landen? En wie betaalt ze?

- Tom Kuipers is onderzoeker bij Het Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS). Hij ontwikkelt oplossingen voor de complexe uitdagingen waar de Metropoolregio Amsterdam momenteel mee te maken heeft en gaat hierover met ons in gesprek.

Voertaal: Nederlands

Met in dit programma onder anderen:
Ton Venhoeven | Architect en stedenbouwkundige bij Venhoevencs
Ananda Groag | Mobiliteitsdeskundige Share NL
Adriaan van Hoogstraten | Secretaris G4 verkeer en vervoer
Johan Snel | Stedenbouwkundige / conceptontwikkelaar AM vastgoed
Chantal Robbe | Sr. adviseur gebiedsontwikkeling bij Stadkwadraat
Tom Kuipers | Program Developer Connected City | Mobility AMS
Andries Tijssens | Statenlid D66 - Woordvoerder Mobiliteit

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Oct 16th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Register for a knowledge exchange with Dutch and international cities in Barcelona!

From the 13th till the 15th of November, the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona kicks off! A Dutch delegation of companies, knowledge institutes and governments, including Amsterdam Smart City, visits the event as part of a Smart City mission. There will be more than 200 participants from the Netherlands.

On the day prior to the Smart City Expo, on Monday the 12th of November, this Dutch delegation will host an international business day, for our non-Dutch colleagues. Dutch cities will prepare workshops about mobility, resilience, circular economy, safety & security, data and healthy urban living. We hope to share knowledge and experiences with companies, governments and knowledge institutions from all over the world.

Would you like to exchange knowledge with more than 200 smart city professionals coming from Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven and ‘s Hertogenbosch? Then we are looking for you!

Please find more information about the international business event ‘The Dutch and Smart Cities: Shaping the Future by Challenging Today’ here and register via the link in the document (it's free! :))

We hope to meet you there!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #CircularCity
Anonymous posted

MaaS in the Amsterdam business district

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Travelling to your office with different modes of transport is a huge hassle. There are many services available but they each come with their own app, smart card and subscription.
So what happens if your employer offers a mobility budget?
How do employees experience travelling differently?

The Zuidas Mobility Experience is a pilot MaaS project where participants who currently drive to Zuidas for work are challenged to change their mobility patterns for a month and truly employ the prototype of Mobility as a Service.
This has resulted in a user study and offers insights in their motivations. See the report (in Dutch) at:

The success of the MaaS Experience and the challenges in the Amsterdam business district have led to the preparation of a follow-up, MaaS pilot Amsterdam Zuid-As (in Dutch):

Amsterdam Smart City made a video about the MaaS project, with one of the participants:

The Road to Barcelona - Mobility as a Service

Smart Stories

Check the article about the MaaS Challenge featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Sabrina Zaini, posted

Digi.Bio is offering several internships

Digi.Bio is a biotech startup with big dreams. We are looking for a young and ambitious team to join us in our mission to reprogram biology. We have three internship positions open:
- Design
- Engineering
- Business/Finance
Read more about the vacancies and sign up:
Design -



Sabrina Zaini's picture #CircularCity
James Bell, Editor , posted

Automation Preparing To Serve Until The Last Mile

Automation, robots, and artificial intelligence – there is an increasing buzz around the deployment of these marvellous inventions when we have already started envisioning a future that will witness a new dawn of human-machine relationship.

On one side where people predict robots will conquer human jobs, on the greener side some anticipate the rise of high-skilled jobs for people. As a matter of fact, both the predictions seem to be coming true. Although robots are taking over the traditional human jobs, they are providing more advanced jobs for humans – securing safer jobs for us over a lifetime.

The initiatives discussed further are a concrete evidence to the interestingly contradictory anticipations. Different smart cities around the world are collaborating with the automation industry to launch autonomous vehicles for various purposes. They are paving the way to a more efficient, secure and convenient urban landscape.

James Bell's picture #Mobility
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

Beware! The e-steps are coming

Within less then one year shared electric scooters (I would say electric steps) are gaining ground very fast in already 65 cities in the USA. They might become a dream solution for the first and last miles, much better than the growing deployment of Ubers at these short distances. In my newest blogpost I deal with these and other micro-mobility solutions for the future.
You will find the Dutch version of this post here:

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Mobility
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

The choice between heaven and hell

Autonomous cars can change our cities into lovable places or into the worst gridlock ever. Urban policy will make the difference. In my newest blogpost I propose guidelines to align mobility with policy focused on on liveability and sustainability.
Find a Dutch version of this short essay here:

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Mobility
Richard Kleijn, Mobility designer , posted

Any colour so long as it is black

Today I test drove the Sono Sion, a solar charged EV that comes in “any colour so long as it is black”. Henry Ford implemented this single colour policy for his Model T in 1914, in order to streamline the production process, reduce costs and simply because of the durability of the paint. The similarities between the at the time startup Ford Motor Company and modern time start up Sono Motors go however far beyond beyond colour options.

Henry Ford, an engineer by trade, believed in a strong product market fit. This meant the model T was conceived to be a single, non-configurable product that would satisfy the vast majority of the market. This did not mean the T-Ford was only available in one model, in its production run of almost 20 years (1908-1927) numerous body styles were made that included sedans, coupes, roadsters, pick-ups and delivery vans adding up to a grand production total of 16,5 million model T's. All models were being built with the same technical components on the same platform strategy, allowing for one model for each specific market. Each model however, came in one configuration only.

The Sono Sion comes only in black, not because the owner of the company decided so but because the majority of the online community of Sono Motor followers decided so. When given the choice between black and white for the first production run, the majority of voters elected black. The online community was also asked to choose between two proposals for the front headlight design. This clearly illustrates Sono Motors' strategy to pay very close attention to the best product market fit by actively involving the market in the decision making.

Another example of how Sono Motors is engaging with the market at an early stage is of course the fact that prospects are already invited to test drive one of the two (!) prototypes. Something that is unheard of in the car industry where new cars are developed in secret and car manufacturers camouflage their test vehicles and do everything to hide their precious prototypes from prying eyes.

So how did the actual test drive go? Upon entering the car the first thing that caught my eye was the beautiful transparent polycarbonate roof with solar cells laminated onto the top surface. The sunlight scatters between the cells creating a sparkling mosaic of light and dark. According to Sonos Motors it is unfortunately not sure this feature can be turned over to the final production version because of safety reasons, precisely because of the way the light is being scattered in the car's interior which can be distracting. I guess a tinted roof might be a good way to reduce this effect, because seeing the solar cells on the roof is a very nice design feature and a distinct reminder that you are driving something special. Another reminder is of course the moss in the dashboard that acts like a natural air filter to improve the interior air quality. Other than this I found the car drives like any other electric vehicle on the market today which, keeping in mind that this is still a prototype and development started only 2 years ago, is a big compliment.

It is very clear that the Sion has been made with practicality and affordabilty in mind. That is why it has a (to modern EV standards limited) range of 250 km on a single charge, which should be more than enough to satisfy every day's practical needs. It is compatible with a wide range of charging solutions (household socket, charging station, fast charging) thanks to a wide range of charging connectors and even has a power output (bi-directional charging), which means it can be used as a mobile energy station to charge other electric cars or even a household. The solar panels that are integrated into the bodywork passively charge the car when it is not plugged into an external energy source, while driving for instance. All though solar charging does extend the range, it should be considered as an extra add on and the Sion is primarily conceived to be an affordable, practical electric plug-in vehicle and not a solar car. Even more so, it should foremost be considered a practical family car that seats five persons and has a spacious luggage compartment.

Therefore there is also no budget spilled on making it self driving, instead it comes with built in car sharing (and billing) technology that allows it to be accessed remotely to be driven by other people if the owner is not using it. Payment and reservation are made via the Sono app, which also enables people to hitch a ride as it goes about. Power sharing, car sharing and ride sharing are all part of the Sion's mobility concept that aims to maximize its capacity by making it available to other users. This makes it not only very efficient but also a truly social car.

What I like most about the Sion however is that it's not endlessly configurable, but rather purpose built. In a time where “personalization” of mass products leads to extensive development and marketing costs and thus a higher consumer price, it's a relief to see a mass product that is not trying to please single individuals in the market but rather the market itself. Because after all, what the market wants is a good product at an affordable price. As Henry Ford put it in his memorial My life and work:

“I will build a motor car for the great multitude. It will be large enough for the family but small enough for the individual to run and care for. It will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one – and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of pleasure in God’s great open spaces.”

Just like the model T was conceived to convert the automobile from an expensive curiosity into an affordable means of personal mass transportation, the Sion aims to make electric mobility more affordable to the general public using the same single product strategy. Today electric cars still have a considerable higher price tag than their fossil fueled competition, but the Sion might just be the car to mass electric mobilize the general public. With a suggested retail price of € 16.000,- excluding tax and a monthly subscription for the battery rent (prices to be announced) or single purchase of the battery pack (€ 4.000,-) Sonos Motors has already received 7329 pre-orders. Not bad for a car with an option list that is limited to a tow bar. I do wish however the mosaic roof (in modern marketing terms) will become available as a second option!

Richard Kleijn's picture #Mobility
Jos Hermsen, posted

Trade Mission to Mexico & visit Intertraffic 11-16 November

Wilt u zakendoen in Mexico en bent u actief op het gebied van Smart Mobility, Intelligent Traffic Systems, elektrisch vervoer & laadinfrastructuur/laadpalen, verkeersmanagement en -veiligheid, parkeren, data transmission, sensorindustrie of luchtmetingen? Ga dan van 11 tot en met 16 november mee met de handelsmissie naar Mexico. De missie staat onder leiding van Pieter Litjens, oud-wethouder Verkeer en Vervoer gemeente Amsterdam en oud-burgemeester Aalsmeer.

Registratie sluit maandag 8 oktober! Meer info:

Anonymous posted


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Due to increasing tourism and lack of space, it has become very busy in the city. What can we do on double-parked coaches? We created a solution to make sure coach drivers know what's up.

The website for touringcars:

About Tiltshift:

Susan Vermeulen, posted

Looking for start-ups with awesome mobility concepts

How will smart mobility transform the last mile?
The municipality of Amsterdam, the Vervoerregio and the Province Noord-Holland organize a congress Smart Mobility: Just do it! (Smart Mobility: Gewoon doen) on the 1st of November. We want to inspire guest with new, innovative, smart last mile solutions. A part of the guest will travel by public transport and we want various start-ups to be able to show their products for the last mile. It will be from train station Zaandam to our event location. This is about 2.9 kilometres. It would be ideal if you have a MVP to transport guests from the train station to our event location. You get the opportunity to meet various policy makers regarding (smart) mobility to expose your product and inspire them.
Are you interested? Contact me at

Susan Vermeulen's picture #Mobility
jackson Coleman, Product design and Marketing , posted

We Americans are doomed by our car-based infrastructure.

So now, as indicated by the massive commitments among automakers into AEVs, we will see the death of the personal car. Since we ignored efficient mass transport like a convenient railway system, and embraced sprawl to accommodate our beloved stinkpots, if we live between cities we may have no affordable ways to access them conveniently.

There are mass-transit urban systems which require a car (and parking) to access their sometimes isolated pickup points, and if you're more than 10 miles out, even that may not be plausible. From 100 miles away only a snail-paced, antiquated bus system may be available and ride-hailing service gets too expensive to be palatable.

As enlightened Amsterdamers, we need your advice in facing the future. It's too late to build a Euro-style rail system. In the long term, if we go without cars how can we move between cities and then have personal mobility inside them? Would be interesting to see how you are addressing that problem, assuming it even exists for you.

Air-taxis like What about urban mobility? Car-sharing like Scootriders in towns are fast but require serious skill.

We may have a different problem, but if you're interested would enjoy your thoughts.

jackson Coleman's picture #Mobility
Debbie Dekkers, project manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Reisproef Amsterdam

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Ga het avontuur aan!
We dagen Amsterdammers uit om hun auto en parkeervergunning voor twee maanden in te leveren en te ervaren hoe anders reizen bevalt. In ruil daarvoor krijgen deelnemers een bedrag aan reistegoed bij alle aangesloten vervoerders.

Doe mee met een proef en ruil uw auto twee maanden in voor ander vervoer. Samen houden we de stad bereikbaar en leefbaar.

Meld je hier aan


Lees meer over het smart mobility programma van Amsterdam


Lees hier meer over een eerdere pilot rondom de Zuidas


Informatie en vragen over de proef

Van welke vervoerders kan ik gebruik maken?

  • Openbaar vervoer op basis van de OV-chipkaart
  • Taxi: TCA, Uber
  • Deelauto: Car2Go, Greenwheels, mywheels
  • Huurauto: Tripmanager
  • Deelfiets: Urbee
  • Scooter: Felyx
  • Ridesharing: Viavan

Deze lijst kan nog uitgebreid worden.

Wanneer start de periode van twee maanden? Kan ik zelf kiezen welke maanden ik mee wil doen?

Binnen de looptijd van het experiment bepaalt u zelf de maanden van deelname. Er zijn wel vaste instapmomenten in verband met het inleveren van uw auto.

Waar parkeer ik mijn auto tijdens de proef?

Gedurende de twee maanden van de proef parkeert u uw auto in een gemeentelijke garage. Wij maken de locatie na inschrijving aan de deelnemers bekend.

Moet ik betalen voor mijn vergunning terwijl ik hem niet gebruik?

In de periode dat u meedoet aan de proef levert u uw auto in en kunt u geen gebruik maken van uw parkeervergunning. De kosten van de parkeervergunning in de periode van deelname krijgt u vergoed als aanvulling op uw reiscredits.

Kan ik ook meedoen als ik geen auto heb, of geen parkeervergunning maar wel een auto?

Het experiment is alleen toegankelijk voor mensen in het bezit van een auto + parkeervergunning. Het experiment maakt onderdeel uit van een groter project om Amsterdam autoluw(er) te maken en om het aanbod aan alternatieven voor de auto verder te ontwikkelen.

Kan ik tussendoor mijn auto gebruiken?

Het is niet mogelijk om uw auto tussendoor te gebruiken. Is er sprake van nood dan bekijkt het projectteam per geval of u de auto terug kunt krijgen.

Debbie Dekkers's picture #Mobility
Maulo Lumleod, posted

Studens are looking to do business research

Beste connecties

Mijn naam is Maulo Lumleod, een vierdejaarsstudent bedrijfskunde aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Samen met mijn teamgenoten Rutger van den Hoek & Janneke Methorst, zijn wij op zoek naar een organisatie die graag een professioneel bedrijfskundig onderzoek wil laten uitvoeren.

We hebben vanuit de Hogeschool een aantal sectoren meegekregen zoals Health, FinTech, Smart Cities & Mobility.

De opdracht voor het onderzoek mag volledig door jullie organisatie worden bepaald. Zo zorgen we ervoor dat we een onderzoek uitvoeren wat voor de organisatie relevant en nuttig zal zijn. Het onderzoek zal volledig worden begeleid door twee onderzoeksdocenten die vanuit de Hogeschool zijn aangesteld. Zij zullen de controle en begeleiding uitvoeren op het onderzoek. Meer informatie over het project kunt u vinden op:

Het project zal gedurende de periode september tot december worden uitgevoerd. Het zal voor de organisatie geheel kosteloos zijn om het onderzoek door ons te laten uitvoeren. Wel vragen wij om tijd en medewerking om de nodige informatie te kunnen verzamelen.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Maulo Lumleod

Maulo Lumleod's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Cindy Ho, Managing Director , posted

A Need-based Smart City Development

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Recently, Ceresus published the 2018 Smart City Development Index Report, which uses the need-based smart city development framework with data science to evaluate 12 selected smart cities worldwide. The result shows that Amsterdam and Boston were ranked at the top.

Ceresus is a data-driven marketing consultancy and we have been inventing evaluation frameworks for companies to drive business growth and for industries to make the positive change.

If you are interested in our 2018 Smart City Development Index, please write me an email for more details ( and check out the Index here:

Cindy Ho's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

We Proudly Present Our Partners: Part #5 PostNL

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In June we kicked off a new phase of Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City is an open collective of citizens, businesses, knowledge institutions and public authorities that are convinced that the changes necessary for the city and region, can only be achieved through collaboration.

More partners than ever are pooling their networks, knowledge and skills. Who are they? We will present some of them one by one. PostNL: 'Our ambition is to deliver emission-free in the city of Amsterdam by 2025.'

Matthijs Handlogten from PostNL:

PostNL wants to work together with Amsterdam Smart City and the other transition partners on emission-free logistics in the city of Amsterdam by developing new concepts, testing hypotheses and knowing what the people of Amsterdam expect in the area of logistics. ASC and its accelerating partners specialize in these kinds of themes.

Amsterdam Smart City has found a logistic partner in PostNL to participate in the Mobility as a Service transition path. The focus of this transition path is on new forms of city logistics and last mile delivery with the aim of reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and improving accessibility in Amsterdam. The city hub that PostNL has taken in collaboration with Deudekom in Duivendrecht is a good example of this.

Together with Amsterdam Smart City, PostNL is building a sustainable, livable and accessible future for the city of Amsterdam in the area of mobility. Our ambition is to deliver emission-free in the city of Amsterdam by 2025.

> Let's create better streets, neighbourhoods and cities!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Mobility