
Mobility and transport are crucial for a city to function properly. Amsterdam is considered the world capital of cycling; 32% of traffic movement in Amsterdam is by bike and 63% of its inhabitants use their bike on daily basis. The number of registered electrical car owners in the Netherlands increased with 53% to 28.889 in 2016. Since 2008 car sharing increased with 376%. However, this is less than 1% of the total car use. Innovative ideas and concepts can help to improve the city’s accessibility, so share your ideas and concepts here.

Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Green Deal Zero Emission City Logistics

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In 2018, the Board will strive for realizing the initiative ‘Green Deal Zero Emission Stadslogistiek (ZES) in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. Governments, companies and knowledge institutions are therefore working together in order to make goods transportation emission free by 2025.

Do you have an interesting initiative, or are you – along with other parties – part of a project that focuses on cleaner and more sustainable goods transportation? Share this with us before the end of March.
For, towards the end of April, we will start an ‘online display’. In it, all currently active projects/initiatives around sustainable city-logistics within the metropolitan area are going to be presented. This will offer a clear overview of all the initiatives already running, furthermore, it might inspire others to get started on zero-emission urban transport.

We are therefore calling everyone to enrol, regardless of whether you’re a big or small initiative. There are already countless transporters in the Amsterdam metropolitan area that contribute to this much needed improvement/change. The first step is to make them visible for other interested parties, in order for the latter to be able to find and join initiatives and/or to share their knowledge and expertise. The next step is to scale up successful local initiatives, from being regional to becoming nationwide and even worldwide projects.

Is your organization/business/company committed to clean and smart urban logistics, and do you believe others can learn from your experience(s)? Then sign your-self/company up! We’re not only looking for companies with, for instance, a sustainable and smart way of transportation, but also for interesting/innovative collaborations that contribute to clean and green city transportation!

Rolinka Kok's picture #Mobility
Ananda Groag, mobility expert , posted

Help to realise 'Living Mobility' ; where mobility meets real-estate

There is a huge opportunity to build differently in new urban development projects. We can take a different approach on how we organise mobility and make a link between the mobility- and the energy transition in order to move faster. Living Mobility is a conference bringing together real estate, mobility and energy in order to define a roadmap together. How can we integrate mobility in building projects? What cases do we know and what can we learn from them? What is the role of parking requirements in building and how is this changing globally? Which role does the car play in energy grids? How do policy makers, project developers, mobility providers work together?

Aim is to organise this conference in september 2018, in Amsterdam (or Utrecht). We are looking for more sponsors who can help to realise the event and who have a relevant link with the topic in order to also contribute to a solid program. Are you a into designing or building, energy or mobility? Jump on board!

Ananda Groag's picture #Mobility
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

Dreaming of happy and smart mobility

The energy transition has entered the the policy agenda. We also must start thinking (and dreaming) about the benefits of autonomous cars for the liveability of our towns and beyond. Find some reflections in this post (in Dutch) AND a very funny short video about present-day traffic jams

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Mobility
Floris B., Web editor , posted

Startup company E-Ride rents out small electric cars in Amsterdam

How can we reach the goal to get Amsterdam as emission-free as possible by 2025? The answer is of course that we need to work together, and need innovation in technology and infrastructure, but also the rules and regulations need to be ready for this new technology. The Biro car is one of the solutions that can help. Last week the team from was invited to the event for the launch this new E-ride. Get to know more via the link below:

Floris B.'s picture #Mobility
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Help us make the logistics within the Amsterdam metropolitan area zero-emission!

In 2018, the Board will strive for realizing the initiative ‘Green Deal Zero Emission Stadslogistiek (ZES) in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. Governments, companies and knowledge institutions are therefore working together in order to make goods transportation emission free by 2025.
Do you have an interesting initiative, or are you – along with other parties – part of a project that focuses on cleaner and more sustainable goods transportation? Share this with us before the end of March. For, towards the end of April we will start an ‘online display’. In it, all currently active projects/initiatives around sustainable city-logistics within the metropolitan area are going to be presented. This will offer a clear overview of all the initiatives already running, furthermore, it might inspire others to get started on zero-emission urban transport.
We are therefore calling everyone to enrol, regardless of whether you’re a big or small initiative. There are already countless transporters in the Amsterdam metropolitan area that contribute to this much needed improvement/change. The first step is to make them visible for other interested parties, in order for the latter to be able to find and join initiatives and/or to share their knowledge and expertise. The next step is to scale up successful local initiatives, from being regional to becoming nationwide and even worldwide projects.
Is your organization/business/company committed to clean and smart urban logistics, and do you believe others can learn from your experience(s)? Then sign your-self/company up! We’re not only looking for companies with, for instance, a sustainable and smart way of transportation, but also for interesting/innovative collaborations that contribute to clean and green city transportation.
You can sign up by sending an e-mail to

Rolinka Kok's picture #Mobility
Kate Black, Communications Director at Metabolic, posted

Metabolic Cities Program

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Given their immense ecological footprint and impact on human wellbeing, it is critical that cities make the transition to become sustainable and circular. Yet accessing the right resources and crafting the right policy isn’t easy. The Metabolic Cities Program is here to help.

For more information, read about the program here or look at the full Metabolic Cities Program brochure.

Get in touch by emailing <a></a> or call +31 (0) 203690977

Kate Black's picture #CircularCity
Doede Bardok, Project manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

SMART Charging Challenge 9/10 March in Amsterdam

Are you a programmer, designer, developer, data scientist or innovator? Are you a student, building your startup?

We Want You!

In the future, we will live, work, and drive on renewable energy.
By linking solar and wind energy to the emergence of electric vehicles, we can accelerate the energy transition from fossil to sustainable fuels. In order to realize this, we have to work together on smart solutions.

SMART Charging
We charge our electric vehicles when there is an abundant supply of solar and wind energy and avoid peak hours on the electricity grid. We use the batteries of electric vehicles to store this renewable energy for later use, for driving or for example to use it for cooking or for heating our homes. This is crucial in order to meet the growing energy demand and to optimally use renewable energy.

We are looking for the smartest, most innovative students, companies and start-ups in the world to help us unleash all the possibilities of smart charging. The team that comes up with the best idea will win a monetary amount and will receive support to further develop and implement their idea.

For more information about the program, challenges and location, go to

Doede Bardok's picture #Mobility
Anonymous posted

PPS Regensburg/Beieren zoekt samenwerking met bedrijven Smart Urban Mobility Services uit regio Amsterdam-Utrecht

Een ideale kans om direct in Duitsland met Duits netwerk duurzaam samen te werken rond mobiliteitsoplossingen!

Naar aanleiding van een innovatiemissie van de regio´s Utrecht en Amsterdam naar Beieren in 2017 en de opvolging daarvan, is er vanuit een PPS uit stad Regensburg bijgesloten aanbod gekomen. De partijen in Regensburg zijn op zoek naar Nederlandse bedrijven die willen deelnemen aan een onderzoeks- en testproject in Beieren, met daarbij een duurzame samenwerking.

Er zijn 5 projecten voorzien rond Smart Urban Mobility Services op de thema´s:
1. Real Time Traffic Solutions
2. Predictive Traffic Solutions
3. Urban Traffic Cloud

Er is ruimte voor 3-4 Nederlandse bedrijven.

Zie verdere omschrijving en projectvoorstel

Neem bij interesse en vragen graag zsm contact met me op via onderstaand telefoonnummer.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Floris Beemster
Repräsentant in Deutschland
Region Utrecht, CTO office City of Amsterdam/Amsterdam Trade & Creative Holland
+49 15758721498

Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Intertraffic Amsterdam

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Visit the leading trade event for traffic technology professionals

Be part of the largest gathering of traffic and mobility professionals in the world!
Join 30,000+ peers from 20 - 23 March 2018!

The traffic industry is undergoing major changes and developments are on a fast track. Experience the latest solutions for today's and tomorrow’s challenges with all the experts in the field. Discover the latest trends in infrastructure, traffic management, smart mobility, safety and parking!

Nancy Zikken's picture Event from Mar 20th to Mar 23rd
Suzanne Ketelaar, Assistent Projectmanager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Research into wishes and needs of the customer in the field of SmartHome

For my graduation assignment at PostNL I do research into the wishes and needs of the consumer in the field of SmartHome and then mainly focused on the installation of this. It is important for me to know what your wishes and needs are! The survey takes up to 6 minutes. (Please note that the survey is now only available in Dutch. If you are only English-speaking and would like to participate in the study, I am of course willing to translate the survey into English. )

Click on the link to go to the survey:

Suzanne Ketelaar's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Onderweg naar morgen

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Photo credit: danielfoster437 on / CC BY-NC-SA

Wat wordt het nieuwe mobiliteitsbeleid voor Amsterdam en de metropoolregio?

In aanloop naar de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen toetst Pakhuis de Zwijger de lokale partijprogramma’s op hun visie voor één van de meest urgente uitdagingen van de stad Amsterdam en haar metropoolregio. Hoe ziet de mobiele toekomst van Amsterdam eruit? Gaat het ons lukken om de bereikbaarheid van de stad te waarborgen, of staan we over een paar jaar stil? En welke ingrepen moeten er worden genomen: wordt Amsterdam auto-vrij, autonoom, of dé stad van openbaar vervoer? Samen met praktijkexperts, politici en de zaal, gaan we op zoek naar het beste mobiliteitsbeleid voor Amsterdam, de metropoolregio en haar inwoners.

Met onder anderen:
Zeeger Ernsting
Gemeenteraadslid voor Groenlinks Amsterdam

Remine Alberts
SP gemeenteraadslid Amsterdam

Dennis Boutkan
Gemeenteraadslid voor PvdA Amsterdam

Jan-Bert Vroege
Raadslid D66 Amsterdam

Rik Torn
Gemeenteraadslid voor VVD Amsterdam

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Mar 13th
Stijn Vernaillen, posted

Slim naar Antwerpen/Smart Ways to Antwerp

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Smart Ways to Antwerp is the approach from City of Antwerp to tackle their mobility challenges. On the one hand we developed a real Multimodal routeplanner to provide alternatives to everybody who needs to travel to the city. On the other hand we actively communicate with the various stakeholders and users of mobility on ways to create a mind, modal and timeshift.

Stijn Vernaillen's picture #Mobility
Jim Bowes, Founder , posted

Innovator/structural/electrical engineer or just a smart person who can help me modify a vintage Dutch cargo fits into an electrically assisted zero emission production unit.

Several bike shops say it can't be done. I'm am sure it can be!
In my quest to become a circle business, I am building the first zero emission cargo bike for the natural media industry using a vintage Dutch cargo bike as my basis.
Natural Media Experts is an eco friendly urban communications company that produces outdoor campaigns for Gemeente Amsterdam and other gemeenten in the Netherlands. It is a restart of one of the first natural media companies in the world - GreenGraffiti.
How can I modify a vintage Dutch cargo bike into an electrically assisted cargo bike? How can I add a renewable energy battery pack power system to run various tools? (power washer, paint spray system, electric brushes)
A zero emission production unit would further reduce the impact of outdoor communication on our environment. It will extend the range where I can offer services, reduce costs to gemeenten by working faster and give my business a competitive advantage.
I am looking for someone with the knowledge I lack. As an advertising professional my engineering skills are limited and electricity scares me to death.
There are many vintage cargo bikes in the Netherlands that few are willing to use due to their heavy weight. However, they are perfectly suited to all tasks more modern cargo bikes are being used for. Repurposing old "unused" resources fits very well with my business and given the very high costs of modern e-cargo bikes could be a business opportunity as well.

Jim Bowes's picture #Mobility
Charley Fiedeldij Dop, Programmaker at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Sociaal OV

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Zolang Amsterdam groeit, zal het openbaar vervoer mee moeten groeien om de stad leefbaar en bereikbaar te houden. Maar de stad verandert niet alleen in haar straten en buurten, maar ook in haar woningen, werkgelegenheid en inwoners. Wat kan het Amsterdams OV betekenen in het verbinden van de fysieke en sociale infrastructuur van de stad? Kan en moet de openbaar vervoersector, als nutsbedrijven, een rol spelen in het oplossen van maatschappelijke vraagstukken zoals armoede, werkloosheid en inclusiviteit? En zo ja, hoe ver reikt die verantwoordelijkheid, en wat kunnen we daarin leren van de vervoersector uit andere steden? Met Alexandra van Huffelen (GVB Amsterdam), Ruud Zandvliet (Taxi Electric), Theo Konijnendijk (RET) en Barend Kuenen (NS Stations).

Charley Fiedeldij Dop's picture Event on Feb 14th
Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

This is what Smart Mobility means to Amsterdam!

Amsterdam is a popular city. More and more people live in, work in or visit the city and we expect that the amount of people will get bigger and bigger. The city of Amsterdam wants the city to stay accessible. The goal of the Action Program Smart Mobility is to improve the safety, accessibility,air quality, quality of life, and attractiveness of Amsterdam, together with companies and knowledge institutes.

Video is in Dutch only (for now)

Amsterdam is onverminderd populair. Vele mensen wonen, werken of bezoeken de stad en de verwachting is dat deze aantallen toenemen. De Gemeente Amsterdam wil dat de stad bereikbaar blijft. Het Actieprogramma Smart Mobility werkt aan de aantrekkelijkheid, bereikbaarheid en leefbaarheid van Amsterdam samen met bedrijven en kennisinstellingen.

Smart City Academy, posted

We successfully matched smart city researchers and professionals at our smart city academy event

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On the 16th of January 40 smart city professionals met our smart city researchers at the Amsterdam University of Applied Science. Our researchers presented their fields of knowledge, projects and tools. After which the Smart city professionals took the stage and pitched their smart city issues in order to win one of our research vouchers (equals one fulltime week of research). Each organization was matched with one of our researchers in order to start a research or student project.

The ambition of the smart city academy is to make our knowledge and tools more visible and applicable to smart city professionals. That’s why we for example presented our projects on upscaling, business models, entrepreneurship and learning, user design, stakeholder engagement and data. We showed a couple of our tools, like ‘the multi stakeholder multi criteria analysis’ (MAMCA), which can be uses to discuss and weight the interests of stakeholders in smart city initiatives. And our multi stakeholder business canvas, that is still in development, which helps finding a viable business model that suits the needs for all involved stakeholder your smart city project.

The researchers and organizations that brought up their smart city issue will continue with drawing up a research question which will be evaluated by the smart city academy professors; at the end of January. We will grant four research vouchers to the most promising combinations.

Big thanks to Mark Deakin for giving a key note on his research on sustainable smart city developments and offering a theoretical framework. And to those brave enough to climb up the soap box and present their smart city issue. We showed once again that a smart city is indeed a learning city!

Are you curious about our researchers and their ambitions? Starting a project together of doing a masterclass on one of the subjects mentioned above? Contact the academy at and find us on the website.

Smart City Academy's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Tudor Mihai, posted

Travel for work in a different city in the NL ? This might be for you.

Do you have to travel everyday in a different city for work or school? We are collecting data in this 14-questions survey ( which is easy to fill in and takes only 2 minutes to understand how we can improve your journey. Our goal is to come with a more sustainable, efficient and enjoyable solution for commuting. If you find yourself in this situation, your answer is very much welcomed! Help us gather 40 responses by the 17th of Jan! Link to survey is .
Sharing is caring. thank you.

Tudor Mihai's picture #Mobility
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

New Years Drinks

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You are invited for the Amsterdam Smart City new year's drinks! *Event description + speakers are Dutch. For the network drinks, language is no problem.
We blikken terug op een mooi jaar vol innovaties, nieuwe samenwerkingen en initiatieven om de stad leefbaarder te maken voor iedereen. Hier hebben we met jou aan gewerkt! Daarom willen we je graag uitnodigen voor de nieuwjaarsborrel van Amsterdam Smart City en het Actieprogramma Smart Mobility van de Gemeente Amsterdam. Samen kijken we terug en proosten we op een mooi nieuw jaar!

Amsterdam Smart City en het netwerk van het Actieprogramma Smart Mobility bundelen de krachten en hebben samen een mooi programma voor je samengesteld. Dit programma is opgedeeld in twee delen.

Deel 1: Actieprogramma Smart Mobility, Gemeente Amsterdam 16.00-17.00
- Speech door wethouder Pieter Litjens
- Terugblik door Tijs Roelofs
- Smart Mobility door AMS Institute

Deel 2: Amsterdam Smart City 17.00-19.00
- Bas Boorsma (schrijver van A New Digital Deal) geeft een inspirerende keynote
- Met jou, als smart citizen heffen we daarna het glas op een toekomstbestendige stad!

Meld je zo snel mogelijk aan, want er is een beperkt aantal plekken! Bij het bestellen van de tickets kun je aangeven of je bij één of beide onderdelen aanwezig wilt zijn.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Event on Jan 23rd
Sarah Essbai, Urban Planner , posted

#TheGlobalGrid Twitter Chat | Autonomous Driving: Are Cities Ready?

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We’ve all read it or heard it: It’s only a matter of time before self-driving cars, also known as autonomous vehicles, become part of our streetscape. For the first time in decades, here is an innovation that promises to have a lasting impact on our cities and change our approach to urban development and the way our cities are built.
How can cities prepare for the imminent advent of self-driving cars without compromising their livability? And ultimately, how can they proactively approach the short and long-term regulatory, planning and governance challenges that they will be faced with?
These questions will be asked during our Twitter chat this month. Join us and our panelists from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. PST (21:00 to 22:00 (CET)) on Wednesday, January 17th.

More info and RSVP:
Questions? Check or tweet @theglobalgrid

Sarah Essbai's picture Event on Jan 17th
Smart City Academy, posted

We are looking for Smart City issues and research questions!

Our ambition is to do further research on Smart City projects and their ecosystem. Therefore, we are curious about your smart city issues and questions! Are you a company, foundation, government or startup with a challenge in health, mobility, energy or other smart city issues? Are you curious about the possibilities of big data, struggling to scale-up, wondering how to create effective partnerships, trying to make a business case for you smart city project?
Put your research question into the spotlight at our Smart City Academy event on the 16th of january and win a research voucher. This voucher gives you access to a researcher that will explore your issue for a week. We will try to formulate some first answers to your research question and explore further steps for research together with public or private companies.

If you're interested in pitching on this event, or want some further information, please contact

For more information about the event, click here

Smart City Academy's picture #SmartCityAcademy