Smart City Academy

Are you interested in the experiences of others working in smart city projects and organizations? The Smart City Academy provides available knowledge about smart city projects and can help you with project development. This Smart City Academy page provides you with information and researches about the impact and conditions of smart city projects. Professors, teachers and students study the initiation, management, collaboration and scaling of smart city projects and would like to share these results with you. They do so by organizing events and masterclasses, by developing smart city tools and methodologies and by making research and outcomes accessible. You can find everything here. And the good news is.... You can add your knowledge too! Are you working on Smart City research? Please feel free to share your knowledge in the Academy section, under ‘Other research and theses’. The Smart City Academy is powered by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. If you have any questions, you can contact

Lauren Macpherson, Head of Growth at Eli5, posted

Sign up for the beta launch of our reading platform - and upvote on Product Hunt!

We're on a mission to create the best online reading experience ever - and would really appreciate an upvote on Product Hunt if you have time today -

If you like swapping articles with colleagues, friends and other groups, but are tired of a) lots of links in lots of different places and b) not knowing exactly which bit they want to highlight - then this one is for you. A way to share articles cross-platform, in one place, with highlights and comments.

You can also sign up to receive beta access when we launch.

Let us know what you think!

Lauren Macpherson's picture #Citizens&Living
Siddharth Venkatachalam, Graduate, MSc MADE AMS institute at AMS Institute, posted

Looking for interviewees for Master thesis project.

Hi all! I am Siddharth, a master student at the AMS Institute. For my thesis, I am researching how citizen engagement can contribute to evaluation/assessment of smart city and smart city projects with respect to quality of life. Quality of life is a basic compnent of the smart city but evaluation for quality of life does not happen successfully. How can citizen engagement fill the gap in assessing the smart city and smart projects for quality of life?
If you are a citizen, researcher, project developer, innovator or public official who has any insights or interest in this topic and would like to contribute to my research project please do contact me. I look forward to talking to you!

Siddharth Venkatachalam's picture #Citizens&Living
Siddharth Daswani, posted

Participants needed for a fun virtual session about responsible technologies in public spaces.

Do you wish to live in a world where everything you do is being monitored by the government like the world described by George Orwell in his novel 1984 or how about be sent to jail before even committing a crime like in the movie and novel Minority Report? I think not then what kind of world do you want to live in? It is a fact that smart technologies are here and governments usage of them is an inevitable future and if we wish for them to use these technologies responsibly then we must first ourselves must know how they should be used. Come be part of a fun virtual session where I will help you reflect a bit on what you desire from your city and in turn, you help me a design master student with his graduation thesis. To participate you can fill this form: and for the information, you reach out to me

Siddharth Daswani's picture #DigitalCity
Anonymous posted

Marineterrein Amsterdam Last Mile Challenge

Door werkzaamheden in de openbare ruimte kan het een uitdaging zijn om je eindbestemming te bereiken. Heb jij een innovatief idee over hoe de last mile het best afgelegd kan worden? Doe dan mee met de Marineterrein Last Mile Challenge en grijp je kans om zes weken gratis te testen op Marineterrein Amsterdam!

In steden wordt continu gewerkt om leefbaarheid en verkeersstromen te verbeteren. Door de wegopbrekingen die hier soms voor nodig zijn kunnen delen van de stad tijdelijk moeilijk bereikbaar zijn. Als parkeren in de buurt niet kan, hoe zorgen we dan dat mensen hun bestemming bereiken?

Deel je idee
Met de Marineterrein Last Mile Challenge doen we een oproep aan iedereen die een goed idee heeft om de bereikbaarheid te verbeteren en dit wil testen. Vanaf zondag 23 februari is het door werkzaamheden aan de Kattenburgerstraat niet meer mogelijk om te parkeren buiten de poort van het Marineterrein. Een ideaal moment om te experimenteren met oplossingen voor de last mile.

Wat zoeken wij?
Wij zijn op zoek naar innovatieve ideeën die het Marineterrein bereikbaar houden tijdens de wegwerkzaamheden. Dit kan zowel over de weg als over het water zijn, en moet een oplossing bieden aan tijdelijke problemen met de bereikbaarheid: Makkelijk te implementeren, en makkelijk te beëindigen. Als jouw idee gekozen wordt, krijg je de kans dit vanaf eind februari/begin maart gedurende zes weken te testen. De operationele kosten worden vergoed. Houd er dus rekening mee dat je ook snel moet kunnen starten. Stuur je innovatieve idee vóór 21 februari 16.00 uur in via dit formulier!

Alles op een rijtje:
- Last Mile Challenge: Wie heeft de beste oplossing om de tijdelijke last mile soepel te overbruggen?
- We zoeken oplossingen die vernieuwend zijn, in de vorm van hardware, een platform of samenwerking.
- Fietstaxi’s en andere reguliere commerciële activiteiten zijn uitgesloten van deelname.
- Gratis testen op dé plek voor experimenteren op het gebied van stedelijke vraagstukken.
- Gratis exposure en koppeling met gemeente Amsterdam/Chief Technology Office.
- Testduur tot ten minste 20 april.
- Inschrijven kan tot 21 februari, 16.00 uur.

Een commissie kiest uit alle inzendingen het beste idee. De commissie bestaat uit:
- Thijs Meijer, adjunct-directeur en procesmanager van Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.
- Pim Stevens, projectleider Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab.
- Gerben Mienis, thematrekker Last Mile oplossingen.
- Joshua Serrão, innovation officer bij Chief Technology Office, gemeente Amsterdam.

Op basis van een eerste selectie volgt een pitchronde, waarbij de geselecteerde ideeën gepresenteerd worden aan deze commissie. De winnaar wordt vervolgens op korte termijn gekozen, zodat bezoekers van het Marineterrein zo snel mogelijk gebruik kunnen maken van het gekozen idee!

Vragen? Neem contact met ons op via

Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam is gerechtigd om te besluiten de challenge (vroegtijdig) te beëindigen als inschrijvingen onvoldoende invulling geven aan de gedefinieerde challenge.
De overeenkomst over het uitvoeren van de last mile challenge wordt in overleg met beide partijen opgesteld en ingevuld na bekendmaking van de winnaar door Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.
De uitvoerder Last Mile Challenge is zelf verantwoordelijk voor het aanvragen en afsluiten van de benodigde vergunningen en verzekeringen.
Deelnemers zijn verplicht tot het verschaffen van correcte, actuele en complete informatie bij de deelname aan een prijsvraag of winactie.
De persoonsgegevens die in het kader van winacties worden verkregen, worden alleen gebruikt door Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.

Lotte Geeraedts, Student researcher circular transitions , posted

Looking for interviewees to support the development of a new citizen engagement strategy for circular transitions

Hey everyone!

As a graduation project, I'm researching citizen engagement strategies in circular transitions. My goal is to develop a new citizen engagement strategy. To gain insights in the needs and wants, I want to interview citizens and organisations that are engaged in circularity challenges.
If you're interested in supporting this research by letting me interview you, or just curious about the results, feel free to contact me!

Best regards,

Lotte Geeraedts's picture #CircularCity
seyoung yu, posted

We want visit Amsterdam smart city.

My name is Seyoung Yu from South Korea and I am a student University of Ulsan majoring in Management.
I am interested in Smart City in different cities and countries, and my team is now working on a project on that topic,
"The development of a Smart City in Amsterdam."

Currently, we are under the school project called, "Global Chanllger", My university support groups of student
who want to visit other Universities and institutions to reseach and gather information regarding topics such as "Study on the Development of Smart city in Amsterdam."
We would like to visit Amsterdam from January 27 to 31, 2020.
We would like to attend the I want to visit Amsterdam Smart City.
Is there a place where I can visit for free or get some information about Amsterdam Smart City for a small fee?

We would like to ask for your permission for us to visit so that we
could have an opprtunity to obtain knowledge and various experience for "Smart City".
If it is possible to for the us to get your approval, please feel free to contact me. via email

Thank you for taking
the time to review our request :)

seyoung yu's picture #Citizens&Living
Benjamin Gramsch, posted

Job application

I am Benjamin, master’s graduated in Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics at VU Amsterdam. I am interested in smart city projects, related to energy, mobility and city development.
I have knowledge in data analysis and environmental & urban economics as I’ve worked in related projects in Chile, such as the implementation of the first 100 electric public transport buses in Latin-America and the renovation of abandoned public spaces in Santiago. Also, I am currently working part-time as a researcher in a project called Leave Fossil Fuels Underground at UvA.
I am looking for a part time position related with these topics, if you are interested please don't hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Benjamin Gramsch's picture #Energy
Varsha Sethuraman, Student , posted

Internship opportunities

I am a second year climate study master student actively looking for internship opportunities in the field of climate adaptation and governance in creating resilient cities. I specialise in climate, society and economics. I have a background in climate governance and international environmental policy & politics.
If someone could help with some leads, would be nice

Varsha Sethuraman's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Phoebe Kamea, posted

Architects working on Smart City projects.

Hello. I'm Phoebe and I'm an architecture student from Greece. I'm doing my thesis on "The contribution of architects in smart cities" and I want to contact with architects working on Smart City projects.

Phoebe Kamea's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Jacqueline Verheugen, Community manager at Marineterrein Amsterdam, posted

Job offer: operations officer Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (16-24 hours)

Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is een samenwerking tussen de partners AMS Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Amsterdam Smart City, Amsterdam Economic Board, NEMO Science Museum en Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam. Het belangrijkste doel van Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is het realiseren van opschaalbare innovaties die steden leefbaar maken en houden. Om dat te bereiken, brengen de partners hun expertise en netwerk op het gebied van onderzoek, innovatie, stedelijke ontwikkeling en experimenteren samen op deze unieke plek in Amsterdam.

Voor het komende half jaar (september 2019 - maart 2020, mogelijk met uitloop) zoeken we een gedreven operations officer die het Living Lab operationeel gaat maken, aanvragen toetst, start met het runnen van de experimenten en zorgt voor verdere ontwikkeling van het Living Lab in samenwerking met de partners.

Interesse? Bekijk de vacature hier:

Gertjan de Vries, Partner at Learn Adapt Build, posted

WANTED: Launching customer for AI audio analysis project with Google, ML6 and SensorTeam

Google, ML6 and SensorTeam are joining forces and are looking for your help

We have started a proof of concept to recognize sound by expanding our cutting edge wireless sensor-technology with AI based audio analysis models from ML6.

SensorTeam’s IoT SoundSensor™ is an extremely accurate and cheap sound sensor which is solar powered, LoRaWAN compliant and LTE-M ready. This plug-and-play outdoor sensor runs autonomously anywhere in the world.

Sound recognition from regular ambient noise can be interesting for many reasons:

- Smart maintenance and Industry application
- Social noise disturbances from festivals, events or terrasses
- Public safety: gunshots, explosives, angry crowds
- Noise impact of airplanes, trains or highways
- Indoor noise solutions (office, security)
- Your idea here ;)

Interested in our technology or a mutually beneficial collaboration with Google/ML6 and SensorTeam? Do you have a relevant use case for our technology? Please contact us by sending an email to

Gertjan de Vries's picture #DigitalCity
Anonymous posted

Plastic Waste Recyling

Hi everyone!
I am Enrico, office coordinator for a startup of e-scooter sharing. I am looking for companies who can collect and reuse our plastic waste and turn it into swags and other objects and create nice cooperation around plastic reuse. We are also looking for a partner in handling our organic food waste to create compost!
Thank you all!

Zuzana Kapustíková, Student , posted

Looking for interview participants for my research

Warm greetings to everyone!

My name is Zuzana and I am doing my bachelor thesis about the impact of civic hacking on government transparency. If you are working for the municipality of Amsterdam or you identify yourself as a civic hacker than I have an interesting offer for you!

What I need from you as a participant:
- You either work for the municipality of Amsterdam or identify yourself as a civic hacker and
you have been involved in a project where the mutual collaboration took place.
- You are willing to do an interview with me and answer questions like how the collaboration itself looked like, what was the input of civic hackers, and in what ways this input helped to achieve effective outcomes, i.e. improve the information exchange between citizens and the municipality.

What you get from me as a participant:
- You will have a chance to share your experience over a nice cup of coffee or tea
- You will help me with my research and eventually contribute to creating more understanding of how the public sector can benefit from collaboration with civic hackers.

In total, I am looking for 10 participants. If you are interested or know someone who can help me, please send me a message on

I look forward to hearing from you!


Zuzana Kapustíková's picture #Citizens&Living
Anuradha Sharma, Management Consultant , posted

Looking for a job opportunity in the areas of smart cities / digital transformation

I am a Smart Cities Consultant, actively looking for opportunities in the areas of Smart Cities, Digital Transformation, Livable Cities, Sustainable Development, Urban Mobility, ICT/ IoT, Strategy Planning, Project Management, Urban Management, Urban Economic Development, Urban Governance, Feasibility Studies, Technical Research, and Development.
I hold a Masters degree from Germany with specialization in Urban Agglomerations. I would be happy to hear from you pointing out at any leads or opportunities.
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,

Anuradha Sharma's picture #DigitalCity
Luke James, Director & Head of Research , posted

Introduction to Impact & Monetising OEM & Fleet Data

Hi All,

This is my first post so I thought I should introduce myself... Hi!

I lead all our research across Impact, a mobility business intelligence unit based in London. We are holding our first Mobility Conference is in Amsterdam this June (24-25) and as such I'm keen to connect and engage with as many people in this space as possible! If we're not already connected you can find me on Linkedin here

Conference Brochure & Attendee List -

Conference Website -

Introduction aside I am currently in the midst of a deep dive into new monetisation strategies for OEMs and fleets. If any of you are involved in this space please say hello as I'd love to chat!


Luke James's picture #Mobility
karan chawla, Co founder , posted

Opportunity for Collaboration (Individuals / Startups)

Are you an Individual / Startup involved in mobility (road / construction / lighting) sector In Amsterdam ?
Are you an Individual / Startup who believes in utilizing waste to create something amazing out of it ?
Are you an Individual / Startup who's ready to grab an opportunity to make this city more Safe, Smart and Sustainable ?

If you said " Yes " to all !! We just want to hear from you !!

We are bunch of engineers working on smart product to lighten the roads and cycle tracks. The product is ofcourse made up of waste and uses solar light to completely highlight the edge of roads/tracks. (A previous pilot in NL : but we bring it out in more Economical and Sustainable way to make is easily feasible on large scale.

We are on stage of development and pilot for product and hence !! Looking for someone like minded to launch this product in Amsterdam with Startup in Residence scheme !!

If this interests you !! Drop a comment and let's get things rolling.

Thank you

karan chawla's picture #Mobility
Laura van den Boogert, Project lead , posted

Sign up now for new Startup in Residence Sustainability incubator!

Startups & scaleups and social enterprises, check out our 2019 sustainability programme and sign up now:

The governmental startup incubator Startup in Residence gives sustainable entrepreneurs the opportunity to collaborate with the local government towards solving 18 sustainable city challenges. The sustainability challenges cover a variety of topics including waste recycling, new energy sources, sustainable sports city, climate-proof city, etc. Add to that, we as a municipality, would like to become more innovative and sustainable. Find the complete list of challenges here: !

Apply for our programme now! We’re looking forward to receiving your applications from February 5th until March 24th 2019!

Laura van den Boogert's picture #CircularCity
Elton Zorba, Urban planning , posted

Internship request in transportation

Looking forward to become part of an project or an existing program that covert the sector of transportation in metropolitan areas. During the bachelor and master course I could gain knowledge on the use of software related to data management, remote sensing and geographic representation-analysis. Othe courses related to economic estimation of impacts derivative from the interventions. Hope to make a path on an new urban experience. Linguistics soft skills: English, Italian, Albanian.

Elton Zorba's picture #Mobility
Wouter de Wit, Consultant at Deloitte, posted

Sign up for the Amsterdam Mobility Challenge!

The Metropolitan Region Amsterdam (MRA) expects to grow by two million people and more than 200,000 houses in the next 30 years. Because of this; a complex mobility challenge arises that has to answer to the following questions:

• How can we keep the traffic flowing in a way that allows people to get where they need to be?
• How can we make sure goods will be delivered to people and companies?
• How can we approach this challenge knowing that we are moving towards an emission-free world?
• How can we maintain investment levels in infrastructure at an acceptable and affordable level?

We’re challenging teams to develop solutions that focus on:
• Optimization: improve driver, vehicle and fleet efficiency
• Public transport & shared mobility: introduce new methods of transportation and multimodality that are more accessible and flexible for everyone
• Interactive systems with existing infrastructure

Solutions should contribute to Amsterdam’s 2025 zero emission target and should work for and benefit the whole ecosystem of the government, transportation and logistics companies, retailers, insurers, the automotive industry and tech/digital companies. In addition, a major focus should be to provide citizens with new modes of transportation that are faster, cheaper, cleaner, safer and more efficient.

First prize for the winning solution:
€4.000 + travel for two people per winning team to attend the Garage Opening Festival in Amsterdam, April 11, 2019, where they will pitch their idea to top CEOs from each industry.
Second price: €2.000
Third price: €1.000

Sign up before the 15th of February!
For more information, please see:
