Pakhuis De Zwijger


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Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Lecture by Adam Frampton

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© Foto Only If
Insights from New York-based architect and co-author 'Cities Without Ground'.

After ten years of economic crisis, Amsterdam is flourishing. Real estate prices go through the roof an all major museums have been renovated and tourists from over the world are visiting the city in ever larger numbers. What can Amsterdam learn from cities like New York, Paris, Shanghai or Istanbul? The Amsterdam Agenda, a lecture series by the Academy of Architecture, invites special guests with international perspectives to present their best practices. This first evening, architect Adam Frampton, the Principal of Only If, will share his knowledge and present several projects.

Adam Frampton
This evening Adam Frampton will discuss his research and design work on several projects, including ‘Irregular Development’ – small irregular plots in New York City that are often overlooked, but that are made suitable for residential development. How could this approach offer an alternative to what is currently being done in the Netherlands?

Architect Adam Frampton is the Principal of Only If, a New York City-based design practice for architecture and urbanism. He earned a degree in architecture at Princeton University before working in Rotterdam and Hong Kong for OMA; leading projects in China, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and India; and co-authoring a book on Hong Kong urbanism. Registered to practice in both the Netherlands and the US, Frampton opened Only If in 2013. Only If is currently engaged in a range of projects, from the design of a single-family housing prototype to an 84-unit senior affordable residential project, to larger-scale urban planning, research, and speculation. Only If has been recognized as part of the 2018 AIANY New Practices New York, PIN-UP’s Magazine’s New Power Generation (2017), and the World Interior News’ 2016 Emerging Interior Practice of the Year.

Approaching any project, Only If seeks to focus on the fundamental questions and potentials. The ambition of this process is to create clarity and distil simplicity within often-complex circumstances and constraints. They believe in the potential of simple shapes and geometries—like circles and squares—framing and shaping underlying uncertainties and complexities.

The Amsterdam Agenda
This year, the cities long-awaited north-to-south subway will open, just as a new direct Eurostar train to London. Amsterdam seems to be attractive for investors, entrepreneurs and expats alike. To keep up with the growth, the municipality has announced plans for the development of Haven-Stad (Harbour City), a large new urban district.

Yet, there is also a lot of discussion about the way Amsterdam is developing. Urban development seems to be mainly profit-driven, housing corporations are having difficulties developing new housing stock and their waiting lists have grown to unacceptable lengths. And plans to make the city more energy sustainable are not yet producing the expected results. Is Amsterdam still accessible for all income groups? What is the quality of the urban housing stock? Has the city become merely an object for investors? Metropolises around the globe are struggling with accessibility, tourism, multi-culturalism and sustainability. What can we learn from these other cities? The Amsterdam Agenda invites different speakers to address subjects like Accessibility, Tech and Identity.

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Mar 15th
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

What the Wiv?!

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Een gesprek over veiligheid versus vrijheid met o.m. Rutger Groot Wassink.

In de aanloop naar het referendum op 21 maart organiseert Meer Democratie een serie tweegesprekken met prominente gasten, die niet perse uitgesproken voor- of tegenstanders zijn van de Wet op de Inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten of van elkaar. We streven een open en genuanceerd gesprek na over de voors en tegens van de wet, die nu in het referendum aan ons allen wordt voorgelegd. Ook bespreken we de nut en noodzaak van het referendum. Is de Wiv een geschikt onderwerp voor directe democratie? En is het terecht dat dit referendum mogelijk het laatste referendum is dat gehouden kan worden?

Met in dit programma onder anderen
Rutger Groot Wassink
Fractievoorzitter GroenLinks in Amsterdam & beleidsadviseur Woonbond

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Mar 6th
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Empowering Women in the Digital Era

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©Foto Europees Parlement

In light of International Women’s Day we discuss gender equality via digital inclusion. With music by DJ Isis

While our societies are rapidly becoming more digital, not everyone is benefitting from this digitalisation. Shockingly, women are still greatly outnumbered in the tech world. Figures from European Parliament show that only 9% of software developers in Europe and 19% of CEO’s in the ICT sector are women. What do we need to do on the European as well as the national level to make our 21st century societies more digitally inclusive? Join us to discuss with different experts how digitalisation can make a positive impact on our societies and the empowerment of women. After the conversation we meet each other during a special performance by famous Dutch DJ Isis.

Met in dit programma onder anderen
Konstantina Davaki
Researcher department Social Policy at the London School of Economics.

Saskia Nijs
Columnist at 'Financieel Dagblad'

DJ Isis

Saskia Nijs
Saskia Nijs is researcher at the VU, columnist at Financieel Dagblad, employee at Philips, part of their diversity team, and speaker and advisor on the 21st century organization. She is also a role model for girls in tech via InspiringFifty. Many of her projects focus on the way digital technology can bring people to their highest potential on the work floor.

Konstantina Davaki
Konstantina Davaki is research fellow at the department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics. Among her research interests are comparative social policy, equality, gender and welfare. Currently she is writing a report commissioned by the European Parliament on the empowerment of women through digital inclusion.

DJ Isis
Isis, formally known as 100% Isis, is one of the female pioneers in the global electronic music scene. She kick started her career at age 17 with a residency at Club RoXY (Amsterdam) from 1992 to 1994. From that moment on, she started her long running international career, performing at famous venues and festivals all over the world in Europe, the US, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. From 2010 to 2012 Isis was Nightlife Ambassador (Nachtburgemeester) of Amsterdam.

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Mar 9th
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

De duurzame stad

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© Foto Sebastiaan ter Burg

Let op! Dit programma is niet in Pakhuis de Zwijger. Het vindt plaats bij Broedplaats LELY.

Hoe bouwen we een toekomstbestendige stad?

Nu de bouwproductie op volle toeren draait is het essentieel om toekomstbestendige woningen te bouwen die generaties lang meegaan. Technisch zijn tal van mogelijkheden en pioniers laten zien dat het kan. Tijd om keuzes te maken. Welke warmtevoorziening past bij nieuw te bouwen wijken? Welke keuzes maken we om extreme regenbuien en warmte op te vangen? En hoe scheiden en hergebruiken we ons afval zo effectief mogelijk? We gaan in gesprek met duurzaamheidsdeskundigen, ambtenaren en betrokken Amsterdammers over een toekomstbestendig Amsterdam.

Met in dit programma onder anderen
Abdeluheb Choho
Wethouder Duurzaamheid, Openbare Ruimte & Groen, gemeente Amsterdam

Pieter Klomp
Adjunct Directeur Ruimte en Duurzaamheid Gemeente Amsterdam

Babette Porcelijn
Auteur De Verborgen Impact | Ontwerper bij Studio Babette Porcelijn

Daniel Goedbloed
Programmamanager Amsterdam Rainproof

Albert van Winden
Programmamanager Optimaliseren Afvalketen Amsterdam

Robert de Wit
USG Engineering NL

Saskia Müller
Stadslab Buiksloterham

Bob Mantel
Ruimte en Duurzaamheid Gemeente Amsterdam

Maarten Markus
Projectmanager Duurzaamheid at AM

Jaap de Jong
Directeur De Gezonde Stad

Cees Midden
Emeritus hoogleraar Human Technology Interaction Universiteit Eindhoven

Teun Vercauteren
Project developer sustainable energy at Eteck B.V.

Adjunct-directeur Ruimte en Duurzaamheid Pieter Klomp trapt de avond af met een introductie van Koers 2025 – Ruimte voor de stad. Voor welke opgave staat Amsterdam? Wethouder Duurzaamheid Abdeluheb Choho neemt het stokje over en bespreekt vraagstukken zoals warmtevoorziening, klimaatadaptie en afval in de stad. Keynote spreker Babette Porcelijn, vernieuwer, adviseur en publicist van onder meer van het boek Verborgen impact, biedt inzicht in wat de impact is van bepaald gedrag en welke keuzes de meest winst opleveren voor het klimaat. Hierna discussiëren panels, samengesteld uit een divers gezelschap experts, aan de hand van stellingen met elkaar en het publiek in de zaal.

Met een veranderend klimaat komen extreme regenbuien steeds vaker voor. Daniel Goedbloed, trekker van Rainproof vertelt voor welke opgave we staan en hoe we onze stad warmte- en waterbestendig kunnen inrichten.
In de nieuw te bouwen wijken met hoogbouw is zelfs geen ruimte meer voor ondergrondse afvalcontainers. Hoe gaan we hier als stad mee om? Albert van Winden vertelt ons meer.
Hoe kunnen datacenters bijdragen aan het opwarmen van gebouwen en hoe realiseren we dan zo’n dergelijk netwerk? Robert de Wit zal namens de Dutch Datacenter Association in gesprek gaan over de mogelijkheden voor Amsterdam.
De afdeling Ruimte en Duurzaamheid, waar Bob Mantel voor werkt, ontwikkelt een duurzame visie op ieder schaalniveau, van portiek tot metropool. Daarnaast zet de afdeling zich in voor het uitwerken van die visie tot concrete voorstellen en inrichtingsplannen en het mogelijk maken van die ontwikkelingen.
Welke lessen kunnen we trekken vanuit het living-lab Circulair Buiksloterham voor het ontwikkelen van onze stad? Kwartiermaker Saskia Müller gaat hierover in gesprek.

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Mar 6th
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Communicatie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Blockchain for Change

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© Image Patrick de Bruin

What does blockchain do for international development cooperation?

The United Nations used blockchain to transfer cryptocurrency vouchers to over 10.000 refugees in Syria and tries to alleviate hunger by using the technology to transfer money to those most in need. What does blockchain technology do for international development cooperation and disaster relief? Discover what is already shifting in the ways of working due to blockchain. Let’s discuss how to make our world a smarter and better one.

With amongst others
Yvo Hunink
Responsible Innovation at Energy Bazaar

Simone Vermeend
Auteur 'Blockchain, de technologie die de wereld radicaal verandert'

Tey el-Rjula
Co-founder at

Khalid Maliki
Co-founder at
Tobias Disse
Co-founder at Kryha Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain for International Development
How can blockchain technology improve international development? Together with The Spindle (the Dutch innovation platform for development cooperation), we look at possibilities for blockchain to improve international development projects.

Simone Vermeend – Author of ‘Blockchain, the technology that will change the world radically‘. In her book Simone gives a look inside the world of blockchain. What is it and what are the possibilities?

Yvo Hunink – Responsible Innovation at Energy Bazaar. He is an expert on blockchain who will guide us through what’s already happening in the world of blockchain regarding the fight against poverty.

Tey el-Rjula and Khalid Maliki – Founders of Tykn leverages blockchain technology to bring trust, privacy, and interoperability to vital records. They just partnered up with The Netherlands Red Cross to develop a system with a digital wallet that can be used to transfer money faster to those affected in a disaster area.

Tobias Disse – blockchain expert at Kryha. Is it easy to build a blockchain tool in practice or not so accessible as we may believe?
The Spindle is the Dutch innovation platform for development cooperation, powered by Partos (the Dutch association for NGOs working in international development)

Pakhuis De Zwijger's picture Event on Feb 26th