Thibault Van der Auwermeulen


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Thibault Van der Auwermeulen, Founder & Managing director , posted


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INNO2050: The Virtual Expo with a Community of its Own
INNO2050, the 100% virtual and permanent fair, aims to help visitors and exhibitors connect the dots for a better tomorrow. (Free for visitors and exhibitors)

INNO2050, an international portal and virtual expo in its own right, focuses on a world of tomorrow, connecting lawmakers, scientists, learners and businesses together. From better waste management to building plans for a smarter city of the future, INNO250 aims to give governments the arsenal to prepare for a better tomorrow.

It’s all about building a bright future and tackle global warming together here. Network with others, and discuss more effective energy and water management. Our solution, built from professionals with expertise of over ten years, is designed to help make it all a seamless affair.

We believe INNO2050 is about building a community that can network over chats and messages, discuss on a job board, or meet up at physical exhibitions and congresses. You’ve people sharing the same interests as you – and you know everyone’s here for the greater good.

Ensure better and greener business practices for your construction company, with new technologies that are cost effective as well. Or, connect with city officials and startups to showcase your smart city solution. It’s all possible.

And you don’t have to pay anything to get started. INNO2050 is completely free. All it takes to create your own stand in our permanent virtual exhibition is a few seconds on your time.

Become an exhibitor and join the community today!

Thibault Van der Auwermeulen's picture Event on Jun 30th
Thibault Van der Auwermeulen, Founder & Managing director , posted

INNO2050, the 100% virtual and permanent fair, aims to help visitors and exhibitors connect the dots for a better tomorrow.

INNO2050, an international portal and virtual expo in its own right, focuses on a world of tomorrow, connecting lawmakers, scientists, learners and businesses together. From better waste management to building plans for a smarter city of the future, INNO250 aims to give governments the arsenal to prepare for a better tomorrow.

It’s all about building a bright future and tackle global warming together here. Network with others, and discuss more effective energy and water management. Our solution, built from professionals with expertise of over ten years, is designed to help make it all a seamless affair.

We believe INNO2050 is about building a community that can network over chats and messages, discuss on a job board, or meet up at physical exhibitions and congresses. You’ve people sharing the same interests as you – and you know everyone’s here for the greater good.

Ensure better and greener business practices for your construction company, with new technologies that are cost effective as well. Or, connect with city officials and startups to showcase your smart city solution. It’s all possible.

And you don’t have to pay anything to get started. INNO2050 is completely free. All it takes to create your own stand in our permanent virtual exhibition is a few seconds on your time.

Become an exhibitor and join the community today!

Thibault Van der Auwermeulen's picture #Energy
Thibault Van der Auwermeulen, Founder & Managing director , posted

Smart City Virtual Expo

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Smart City Virtual Expo connects government officials with vendors.
It's not feasible for smart city government officials to attend every smart city tech conference. A
new online expo makes it easy for city officials, vendors, startups, and universities to connect.

Thibault Van der Auwermeulen's picture Event from Sep 19th to Sep 25th
Thibault Van der Auwermeulen, Founder & Managing director , posted

From smart ideas to smart cities and smart governments

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Een slim idee is pas een echt een slim idee als het ook uitgevoerd wordt en operationeel kan doorgroeien. Dat geldt voor start-ups maar ook en vooral voor smart cities en smart governments. Het gaat hier echter niet alleen om een panoplie van goede ideeën, maar ook om een inpiratiebron die gevoed wordt door meerdere stakeholders, van academi, beleidsvoerders, ondernemers, politici én in toenemende mate ook burgers. Een sterk uitgebouwde langetermijnvisie, gebaseerd op menselijk vernuft en technologie moet, of liever kan leiden tot een betere dienstverlening voor alle burgers. Innovatief denken maar ook innovatief verwezelijken is de leidraad.

Op dit event ‘Smart Cities of things & Smart Government’ willen we de ‘smart ideas’ van diverse betrokkenen, zowel op overheids- als op aanbodniveau verwoorden. ‘Smart’ is inderdaad het sleutelwoord maar dan wel met een duidelijke oproep tot actie. Het gaat immers niet alleen om Smart Government, maar ook om Smart Environment, Smart Living, Smart Mobility, Smart Economy en uiteraard ook over u, Smart People.

Met ruim 40 sprekers tracht dit congres een antwoord, mogelijk zelfs een oplossing te bieden op de prangende vragen rond een leefbare en dienstbare samenleving en hoe innovatieve technologie daarbij een rol kan spelen. Daarom combineert deze bijeenkomst ook voor het eerst Smart Cities met Smart Governments. Beiden zijn immers verbonden: de burger, wij dus, staat centraal, zoveel is duidelijk.

Thibault Van der Auwermeulen's picture News