Julie Chenadec


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Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Webinar Series for the CATALYST project

** Converting data centres in energy flexibility ecosystems **

The CATALYST Webinar Series will run for 4 weeks from the 29th July through to the 19th August and cover some exciting topics:

CATALYST aspires to turn data centres into flexible multi-energy hubs, which can sustain investments in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

Leveraging on results of past projects, CATALYST has adapted, scaled up, deployed and validated an innovative technological and business framework that enables data centres to offer a range of mutualized energy flexibility services to both electricity and heat grids, while simultaneously increasing their own resiliency to energy supply.

This webinar series provides further information on the:

CATALYST DC Manager (TUC) 29th July @2pm
CATALYST Marketplace (ENG, SiLO, POPs) 5th August @2pm
CATALYST Pilots (PSNC) 12th August @2pm
Green Data Centre Roadmap and Assessment Toolbox (GIT) 19th August @ 2pm


Julie Chenadec's picture #Energy
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Refurbishment survey

The CEDaCI project launches an online survey on refurbishment of ICT equipment. The questionnaire can be found in the link below.

The CEDaCI project is building a circular economy for the data center industry. The project, funded by the European Union, is developing circular solutions to reduce the environmental impact of the IT equipment used by the data center industry (DCI).

All important findings and results of the CEDaCI project will be made public at www.cedaci.org to help DCI on its way to circularity.

Julie Chenadec's picture #CircularCity
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Green IT Amsterdam launches Green IT Foundation training

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This spring, Green IT Amsterdam is launching a series of training courses aimed at making IT use more sustainable within companies and government institutions.

The so-called ‘Green IT Foundation Training’ is an entry-level qualification for everyone involved in creating sustainable, energy-efficient IT systems and IT environments.

3-day course

The 3-day course is aimed at anyone who is involved in or interested in Green IT and wants to gain knowledge in this area or understand how their role fits into the wider context of Green IT. Although designed for IT professionals, this qualification is also very relevant for non-IT professionals who require basic knowledge of the field - such as Managers for Corporate Sustainability and Procurement. The training also offers a lot of useful information for employees of vendors.

Topics and themes

Topics covered during the training include:
- The broader background of Green IT
- How do I develop a Green IT policy within his organization?
- How do I prepare a Green IT action plan?
- Concepts and techniques for internal assessment
- The risks and benefits of Green IT
- The available techniques and technologies to make Green IT possible
- The role of Green IT in the organization
- The roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders

The course is in English and is provided by Green IT Amsterdam adviser, John Booth.

Date: April 15, 16, 17
Time: all day, including breakfast & lunch
Location: SURFsara, Science Park 140, 1098 XG Amsterdam

More information can be found here: http://www.greenitamsterdam.nl/projects/2108-green-it-foundation-training

Julie Chenadec's picture News
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

CEDaCI – Circular Economy for the Data Center Industry

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The Data Centre Industry has grown rapidly and generates a large volume of e-waste / WEEE. The current infrastructure for dealing with this waste is underdeveloped and consequently, there is a real and urgent need to address this now. CEDaCI will build a Circular Economy for the Data Centre Industry by bringing together stakeholders from all equipment life cycle stages to turn this waste into a useful resource and support the ongoing rapid growth of the DCI.

Julie Chenadec's picture #CircularCity
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Open source hardware project

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DatacenterWorks en CloudWorks organiseren op dinsdag 3 december 2019 een speciaal event dat geheel in het teken staat van open source-hardware en de kansen die dit u als IT-manager, floormanager of datacentermanager biedt. Dit event zal plaatsvinden bij maincubes B.V. te Schiphol-Rijk.

De markt
Nadat open source eerst al de softwaremarkt wist te veroveren (denk aan Linux, OpenStack enz) zien we nu langzaam maar zeker iets vergelijkbaars gebeuren in de hardware-markt. Datacenters waren tot voor kort aangewezen op hardware-producten die volledig op het principe van vendor lock-in zijn gebaseerd. Onder invloed van de hyperscalers (Facebook, Google, Microsoft enz) zien we nu een omgekeerde situatie ontstaan: het datacenter bepaalt welke hardware-producten hij wil hebben en vraagt de industrie deze voor hem te bouwen.

Wie doet wat?
Steeds meer manufacturers stappen in deze nieuwe markt. Maar wie doet nu precies wat? Hebben we het hier enkel over het Open Compute Project (OCP)? Of over meer open source-projecten (hint: ja!). Tijdens dit event meer informatie hierover en krijgt u tevens antwoorden op uw vragen.

- Green IT Amsterdam houdt zich al geruime bezig met projecten op het gebied van energiebesparing en het verkleinen van de ‘environmental footprint’ van datacenters en IT-afdelingen. Open source hardware kan hierbij een belangrijke rol spelen.

Daarom verzorgt Julie Chenadec van Green IT Amsterdam tijdens het Open Source Hardware event dat op 3 december in Amsterdam plaatsvindt een presentatie over de rol die open source hardware kan spelen bij het verkleinen van de impact van datacenters op milieu en omgeving.

In haar presentatie gaat zij onder andere in op het Europese Cedaci-project waaraan Green IT Amsterdam deelneemt.

Ook laat zij zien hoe open source hardware een van de opties is voor datacenters en IT-afdelingen die hun ‘environmental footprint’ verder willen terugdringen.

Interesse om deze presentatie bij te wonen? Kijk hier voor meer informatie.
> https://opensourcehardware.datacenterworks.nl/110219

Julie Chenadec's picture Event on Mar 10th
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Green IT Barometer 2019

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In partnership with Green IT Amsterdam (NL), Sustainability For London (UK), Green IT Belgium (BE), Green IT SIG (CH) and FISMA (FI), Alliance Green IT (FR) launched the survey for the 3rd edition of the Green IT Barometer.

This survey aims to assess the number of computers and office equipment present in companies and more generally the maturity of companies in the use of eco-responsible digital services.

This is the third edition of this survey called Green IT Barometer.

The first two editions, 2015 and 2017, have been the subject of two publications: http://alliancegreenit.org/publications (in French only)

Answering this survey will allow you to
- Know the best practices, thanks to the game of questions
- Measure your level of maturity
- Compare your results

From October 1st, 2019 to January 31st, 2020, all companies can answer in an entirely anonymous way the online questionnaire on:

>> https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/greenitbarometer2019 > In April 2020, the results will be published, in a strictly anonymous way.

Julie Chenadec's picture #DigitalCity