Julie Chenadec


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Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

EV ENERGY Project - Policy Brochure

European cities are moving massively into electric mobility with electric vehicles (EVs), from motorcycles to cars and buses to trucks. This is important to create healthier cities. Solar energy in the city is also growing as the most viable clean energy source in densely
populated areas, and EV technologies are reaching market maturity. However, governments across Europe are struggling with the development of charging
infrastructure, especially with its implementation and financing. The largest challenge is in arranging integration of clean energy and mobility at larger scales in and around the city. It is time for a coherent policy!

This policy brochure is realised by the EV ENERGY project, where good policies and practices are exchanged. It focuses on both the project partners and on outstanding policies in this field across the most advanced regions in Europe.

Indeed, supportive policies are the backbone for a successful rollout of electric mobility and the energy transition.

Three main topics can be seen in this area:
→ Favouring electric vehicles (EVs)
→ Supporting renewable energy in the city
→ Developing EV charging infrastructure

Find the brochure here:

Julie Chenadec's picture News
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Green IT Amsterdam Region is hiring a new Project Manager to join the team! (vacancy closed)

Do IT, sustainability and energy grab your interest? Would you like to be involved in a organisation whose main ambition is to achieve sustainable targets for the Amsterdam region? Enjoy working with technology innovation European projects in a flexible environment?

We are looking for a self-motivated and proactive project manager, with an academic background and several years of experience in research and innovation projects, taking place both at European level and Amsterdam Region level. In this position, you are required to have the ability of managing various activities in parallel and capable of working autonomously.

The successful candidate will work directly in multiple domains and sectors such as companies active in Smart Cities, Smart Grids, but also data centers, research oriented organizations and government institutions.

We are looking for a dedicated individual who will fit with our collaborative culture. If you enjoy working and connecting with other professionals who believe in sustainable innovation, we encourage you to apply.

Interested? Please send contact Robbert Hoeffnagel
robbert.hoeffnagel@greenitamsterdam.nl or +31651282040

“Green IT Amsterdam makes the energy and sustainability transition possible using smart IT solutions for the Amsterdam region”

Julie Chenadec's picture #DigitalCity
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Green IT Amsterdam Region is hiring a new Project Manager to join the team! (vacancy closed)

Featured image

Do IT, sustainability and energy grab your interest? Would you like to be involved in a organisation whose main ambition is to achieve sustainable targets for the Amsterdam region? Enjoy working with technology innovation European projects in a flexible environment?

We are looking for a self-motivated and proactive project manager, with an academic background and several years of experience in research and innovation projects, taking place both at European level and Amsterdam Region level. In this position, you are required to have the ability of managing various activities in parallel and capable of working autonomously.

The successful candidate will work directly in multiple domains and sectors such as companies active in Smart Cities, Smart Grids, but also data centers, research oriented organizations and government institutions.

We are looking for a dedicated individual who will fit with our collaborative culture. If you enjoy working and connecting with other professionals who believe in sustainable innovation, we encourage you to apply.

Interested? Please send contact Robbert Hoeffnagel
robbert.hoeffnagel@greenitamsterdam.nl or +31651282040


“Green IT Amsterdam makes the energy and sustainability transition possible using smart IT solutions for the Amsterdam region”

Julie Chenadec's picture #Energy
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

European Clean Energy & Mobility Conference

Featured image

Creating synergies from clean energy and e-mobility through innovative policies, technology and implementation.

European cities are moving massively into electric mobility. Renewable energy in the city is also growing fast, mostly solar as the most viable clean source of energy in densely populated areas. This conference addresses the need for integrating e-mobility and renewables, facilitated by ICT and how these developments can reinforce benefits instead of creating problems for each other.

Large scale integration of e-mobility and renewables in and around the city is a challenge. Growth in solar energy creates an energy production peak in the early afternoon, which mismatches with the energy demand peaks in the morning and evening. This creates problems for the electricity grid, which will aggravate rapidly if we do not act now. Integrated zero emission mobility and clean energy, smart storage and flexible demand will play a large role in tackling these issues.

Where the EV ENERGY project is focused at good practice and policies to encourage this integration in cities, the CleanMobilEnergy project develops and implements a Europe-wide applicable Energy Management System, with a focus on optimising multiple energy generation, storage and consumption devices within the city. Together with both projects, this conference aims to boost large-scale integration of clean energy, clean mobility and flexible demand and storage.

This conference brings together outstanding examples from Europe, focusing on:
■ Large scale e-mobility parking and energy exchange experiences
■ Smart EV-charging in the city to ‘un-stress’ the grid
■ Energy Management Systems in Europe
■ Tools for energy planning
■ Developing viable business models

The example projects demonstrate the need for an ‘energy systems’ approach in which the energy and mobility sector can produce synergies and reinforce each other.

Check out the current programme here: https://resourcefully.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Clean-Energy-Mobility-Conference-Programme-5th-June.pdf

We look forward to your participation in this conference!

Julie Chenadec's picture Event on Jun 5th
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Nieuwe mobiliteitsoplossingen vereisen slimme ICT

De komende jaren zal het Nederlandse wagenpark ingrijpend veranderen. Het percentage elektrische voertuigen is momenteel weliswaar nog zeer klein, maar zal naar verwachting de komende jaren sterk gaan groeien. Dat gaat zonder twijfel leiden tot forse problemen in het elektriciteitsnetwerk van ons land. Er is daarom veel nieuwe kennis en veel slimme ICT nodig om de smart mobility-oplossingen waaraan nu wordt gewerkt straks ook daadwerkelijk mogelijk te maken.

Nog afgezien van de vraag of het grid wel in staat zal zijn om te gaan met de snelle groei van elektriciteit opgewekt door windmolens en zonnepanelen, gaat de vraag naar elektrische energie ook nog eens drastisch veranderen. Het moment waarop met name zonne-energie kan worden opgewekt sluit namelijk niet aan op de tijdstippen waarop de vraag naar elektrische energie wel eens zou kunnen gaan pieken. Elektrische auto’s zullen immers vooral ‘s avonds worden opgeladen, terwijl overdag de meeste zonne-energie wordt opgewekt. Daarom wordt in het kader van het Europese EV-Energy project gekeken naar technieken en tools waarmee deze mismatch kan worden voorkomen of kan worden bijgestuurd.

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Julie Chenadec's picture #Mobility