Julie Chenadec


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Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Europe’s Urban Energy & Mobility Transition - EUSEW

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Four European projects - SEEV4-City, CleanMobilEnergy, SIMPLA and EV ENERGY are organising an event on Europe's Urban Energy and Mobility Transition.

This event presents activities developed by and with European cities and regions that are frontrunners applying innovative renewable energy solutions combined with EV charging infrastructure.

The four European projects are working on these topics from different angles, in different stages and provide ingredients to get these sustainable solutions replicated in large scale. The target is city level and beyond. These project initiatives jointly aim to boost progress.

Our speakers are:
- Mark van Stiphout – EC DG Energy
- Ger Baron - City of Amsterdam's CTO
- Shelley Forrester - European Investment Bank
- Henk van Raan – Johan Cruijff Amsterdam ArenA
- Adrian Vinsome - CENEX UK
- Hugo Niesing - Resourcefully
- Luca Mercatelli, Area Science Park
- Julie Chenadec - Green IT Amsterdam

Agenda and more information on the website: https://www.eusew.eu/energy-days/demonstration-and-upscaling-how-achieve-adequate-policy-measures-and-large-scale

Julie Chenadec's picture Event on Jun 5th
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Nationale Dag voor Duurzaamheid in het Hoger Onderwijs (NDDHO)

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Al 5 jaar staat de Nationale Dag voor Duurzaamheid in het Hoger Onderwijs (NDDHO) in het teken van duurzaamheid en verbinding. NDDHO18 verbindt onderwijs, onderzoek, overheid, bedrijfsleven én verbindt jong en oud.
Het thema van NDDHO18 is 'Duurzaam. Verbindend. Circulair'.

NDDHO is interessant voor duurzaamheidscoördinatoren en ICT’ers, maar ook voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in duurzaamheid in het algemeen en het inzetten van ICT om verduurzaming binnen onderwijs, onderzoek en bedrijfsvoering te bewerkstelligen. In het bijzonder:
- opleidingsmanagers
- docenten en onderzoekers van ICT-opleidingen
- studenten
- managers facilitair en inkoop
- onderzoekers en betrokkenen bij topsectoren

Circulair is het hoofdthema van NDDHO18. Waarom? Het huidige lineaire productiesysteem zal moeten veranderen in een herstellend en vernieuwend systeem, waarin producten en materialen waardevol blijven voor hergebruik. Wat betekent circulariteit voor:
- ontwerp, productie, gebruik en afvoer?
- ICT-apparatuur met kostbare grondstoffen?
- onderwijsgebouwen: nieuwbouw en renovatie?
- smart cities en energie?
- onderwijs en onderzoek, overheid en bedrijfsleven?
- (keten)samenwerking?
- waardebehoud of zelfs waardevermeerdering?
- toekomstige generatie(s) – en dus onze studenten?

Julie Chenadec's picture Event on May 25th
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Workshop Event - Green ICT in practice

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>> The Workshop: The half-day stimulating, yet intensive workshop will be divided into three different parts.

The first part of the day will be dedicated to policy and public administration interventions on national policies and programmes and a state of the art of measures that are being taken in Green ICT in the region. Renowned players of the region will provide interventions and allow the audience to see what priorities are available as well as opportunities. The results will feed into the Policy roadmap report that ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will deliver at the end of the project that can serve to deliver some recommendations to policies on future topics and priorities that need further research.

The second part of the workshop will be offered to showcase best practices from the ICTFOOOTPRINT.eu marketplace of reputable Green ICT tools and services available to help companies become better in ICT energy efficiency. This will lead to a Q&A open discussion with members of ICTFOOTPRINT’s.eu esteemed External Advisory Group (EAG) members who can provide thought-provoking insights and questions to the panellists pitching their products and services.

The final part of the workshop will be an interactive training session with the participants who will complete the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Self-Assessment Organization tool accessed here: http://sat-o.ictfootprint.eu/ and will provide user experience feedback with our experts. As the consortium has identified a series of success stories on its marketplace – they will also be invited to contribute actively to the workshop and provide an overview of their solutions on offer.

Julie Chenadec's picture Event on Mar 20th
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Upcoming event on February 1st

One month to go before our annual free event, Green IT Leaders Live event, on February 1st.

Are you interesting in exploring how groundbreaking technologies are connected to the digital transformation a city? Are you familiar with circular datacenters? Are you a policy-maker? Do wish to learn more about smart infrastructure? Are you dying to know what are the latest trends in ICT?

If you have answered 'yes' to the previous questions, please register yourself with the link below:

Hope to see there !
Kind regards,
Julie Chenadec

Julie Chenadec's picture #DigitalCity
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Green IT Leaders Live Event

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Green IT Amsterdam en NUON presenteren: 'GREEN IT LEADERS LIVE'

Op het programma voor het event staan een aantal inspirerende keynotes en we geven we de vloer aan diverse innovators over hun out-of-the-box ideeën en oplossingen op het gebied van sustainable ICT. We gaan samen met het publiek in gesprek over wat er nodig is om te komen tot een radicaal duurzamere datacenter sector. Uiteraard is er tussendoor en na afloop voldoende ruimte om onderling in gesprek te gaan.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/registratie-green-it-weeks-leaders-live-2017-38629362463

Julie Chenadec's picture Event on Feb 1st
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Project EV Energy at the Vehicle 2 Grid conference (Amsterdam)

Green IT Amsterdam was present at this high-level conference (http://amsterdamv2gconference.eu/) on Electric Vehicles and Smart IT Solutions.

It was a unique opportunity for one of our projects, EV Energy (https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/projects/ev-energy), to introduce its vision and goals while getting in touch with relevant stakeholders of the wider Amsterdam region.

Julie Chenadec and Vasiliki Georgiadou represented our consortium and collected experiences and insights on how different cities and countries have initiated a Vehicle-2-Grid approach, combining Renewable Energy and Smart IT Infrastructure for the roll-out of Electric Vehicles.

Ms Georgiadou wrote an article that highlights the importance of revising policies to boost the uptake of EVs by both the industry and society at large.

>> "Removing the last hurdle to EV’s integration: policies and regulations overdue make-over"

Julie Chenadec's picture #Mobility