Sladjana Mijatovic


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Sladjana Mijatovic, Program Manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Renewable energy provides 5 times more jobs than coal mines in the U.S.

According to the U.S. Energy Department and leaders of the solar and wind industries the rural areas that missed out on economic growth under President Barack Obama are benefiting from the expansion of clean energy. And that growth isn’t driving the collapse of coal mining, according to Abigail Hopper, the recently hired chief executive officer of the Solar Energy Industries Association.

Sladjana Mijatovic's picture #Energy
Sladjana Mijatovic, Program Manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Join the Online Hacktathon: Mobile Mining Challenge

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How can used mobile phones be collected via reverse logistics, throughout the city of Amsterdam, to facilitate replacement, repair, remanufacturing and recycling?
Getting these small goldmines back into the value chain represents economic opportunities and huge environmental savings!

The Challenge
You know your old mobile phone? Yea, that’s right, the one you have lying around in a drawer somewhere. Well instead of forgetting about it, you could repair it or take it apart. You can make sure that battery that seems to always die at the worst time is replaced and that the old one is used to make new batteries. If your mobile phone just won’t even turn on we could take the valuable gold, copper, and silver inside of it and use it to make jewelry and automotive parts. If we could recycle just 1 ton of used mobile phones – a mere 6,000 – we can recover up to 340 grams of gold and prevent environmental damage caused by mining, that’s more than 56 times the amount of gold you would get if you mined 1 ton of gold ore.

Now, not everyone is a tech-expert, but how could we get mobile phones back into the hands of the people that are? How can logistics suppliers, repair shop owners, and even cities play their part in making this happen?

Circle Econmy is calling all systems thinkers, urbanists, innovative minds and all-around creative geniuses to discover unique ways of retaining the value of mobile phones.

Do you have a passion for engaging with difficult problems, like to think outside the box, and enjoy trying to connect the dots to unveil new opportunities?

Then join Circle Economy during this online hackathon, right from the comfort of your own home or with your own team, to create reverse logistics solutions for the circular economy!

Challenge begins Monday 27 February 2017 at 9:00 GMT+1
Challenge ends Monday 6 March 2017 at 17:00 GMT+1
Winners will be announced on Monday 13 March 2017

Feel free to join in on the discussion and submit your ideas at any time. Whether you’re flying solo or would like to set up a team through our platform or in person, all ideas, regardless of their size or complexity are welcome!

Sign-up below...

Sladjana Mijatovic's picture Event from Feb 27th to Mar 6th
Sladjana Mijatovic, Program Manager at City of Amsterdam, posted


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How can big data, prototyping, 3D-printing and scientific innovation help to solve the complex challenges that the metropole Amsterdam faces? Teaming up with Pakhuis de Zwijger, AMS is putting together a series on metropolitan development and innovation. Upcoming and established (inter)national urban professionals from AMS and our academic partners will introduce us to the newest research and practical solutions within urban themes as water, energy, waste, food, data and mobility.

Sladjana Mijatovic's picture Event from Mar 27th to Feb 27th
Sladjana Mijatovic, Program Manager at City of Amsterdam, posted


Sladjana Mijatovic's picture News
Sladjana Mijatovic, Program Manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Looking for a suitable space for your business? The 'Stadsloods' from the City of Amsterdam can help you in this search! (Dutch)

Zoekt u een ruimte voor uw bedrijf, onderneming of culturele organisatie? De Stadsloods begeleidt u in uw zoektocht naar een geschikte werkruimte. Stadsloods helpt u met gemeentelijke regelgeving en met vragen over ruimte, huurprijzen, erfpacht, gemeentelijk vastgoed, bestemmingsplannen, beleid en vergunningen. Het motto is: voor elk bedrijf een goede plek!

Voorbeelden van initiatieven die in 2016 een locatie vonden met behulp van de Stadsloods zijn: Respijthuis Amsterdam, Impact Hub, Geef Café, De Appel, Rederij Kees, Stichting OOPOEH, Klederdrachtmuseum, Sungevity en Waarmakers.

22,5% méér vonden een plek
In 2016 begeleidde Stadsloods 559 partijen die ruimte zochten, waarvan bijna 400 nieuwe ruimtezoekers. Dat is 22,5% meer dan in 2015. Het gaat om grote en kleine bedrijven, om commerciële en niet-commerciële organisaties. Kantoren, bedrijven, culturele organisaties, sport, winkels, religie tot maatschappelijke instellingen: alle sectoren kunnen bij de Stadsloods terecht. In 2016 is met hulp van de Stadsloods circa 55.000 m2 leegstand gevuld, waarmee naar schatting 2500 arbeidsplaatsen zijn gemoeid.

Trends en ontwikkelingen
Door de druk op de woningmarkt verdwijnen kleinschalige bedrijfsruimten meer en meer uit de binnenstad. Maar de trend van flexkantoren zet in alle stadsdelen door, van het Centrum (bijvoorbeeld WeWork in de Weesperstraat) tot in Nieuw-West (bijvoorbeeld B. Amsterdam in de Johan Huizingalaan). Betaalbaar maatschappelijk vastgoed wordt steeds schaarser en duurder. Voor sociale ondernemingen wordt het steeds moeilijker een plek te vinden. Het fenomeen pop-up blijft populair, onder andere in winkelgebieden.

Meer lezen?

Sladjana Mijatovic's picture News
Sladjana Mijatovic, Program Manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Organizing the Circular City

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Performing action-oriented research into (water) governance in relation to new water technology, including decentralised water initiatives.

Sladjana Mijatovic's picture #Energy