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TransformCity® is a highly actionable and locally dedicated online urban transformation dashboard. It integrates storytelling, data-sharing, co-creation, participatory democracy, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. Now citizens, businesses, organizations and the government can directly exchange information and ideas and collectively plan, change and own their city or neighborhood.



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Saskia Beer, Founder/Director at TransformCity®, posted


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Transformcity is the online platform for collaborative urban development, aimed at growing a sustainable and inclusive local community of co-owners. Transformcity is currently being implemented in two of Amsterdam’s largest transformation areas.

Transformcity won the second prize in the international Le Monde Smart Cities Innovation Awards 2016, category Citizen Engagement. The international high-profile jury was led by prof. Saskia Sassen.

Later that year we won the Call for Soultions in Barcelona World Smart City Event.

In 2017 we won Amsterdam's Startup in Residence programme.

In 2018 we won the Provada / Holland ConTech & PropTech Start-up Battle

Also check out our video:


Saskia Beer's picture #Citizens&Living