
Topic within Digital City
Liza Verheijke, Community Manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Hogeschool van Amsterdam gaat mkb helpen met digitalisering

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Staatssecretaris Mona Keijzer heeft dertien mkb-deals ondertekend. Daarmee draagt haar ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) met ruim zeven miljoen euro bij aan regionale mkb-projecten van provincies en gemeenten. Bedrijven krijgen daardoor een impuls om te innoveren, digitaliseren en internationaal te opereren. De Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) is bij twee deals over digitalisering betrokken; een belangrijke speerpunt binnen de hogeschool.

In de regio’s Groot-Amsterdam en Gooi en Vechtstreek gaat de HvA mkb’ers helpen met digitaliseringsvraagstukken. Waar mogelijk wordt binnen de twee deals samengewerkt. Veel ondernemers willen en moeten wel aan de slag met digitalisering, maar hebben het gevoel kansen te missen. Zo hebben mkb’ers moeite om zich aan te passen aan bepaalde tekorten op de arbeidsmarkt, de opkomst van (digitale) platformen, verduurzaming, globalisering en recent COVID19.

Digitaliseringsoffensief voor mkb in regio Groot-Amsterdam

In de regio Groot-Amsterdam heeft het HvA Expertisecentrum Applied Artificial Intelligence samen met partners het mkb Digitaliseringsoffensief gelanceerd. Dit project draagt bij aan de kennis en kunde van ondernemers op het gebied van kansen (gebruik van data, online marketing, sales en automatisering), risico's (veilig ondernemerschap) en het gebruik van digitale tools.

Met het digitaliseringsoffensief wil het consortium in Amsterdam minimaal 30.000 mkb-bedrijven bereiken om hen te wijzen op de kansen en mogelijkheden van digitalisering. Aan minimaal 750 bedrijven wordt een zelfscan aangeboden, waarna ze doorverwezen worden naar diverse online trainingen op het gebied van digitalisering en data-analyse, passend bij het volwassenheidsniveau van hun bedrijf.

Via een online platform wordt het mkb gekoppeld aan mkb-bedrijven die al innovatief bezig zijn en kennis kunnen delen. Voor mkb-bedrijven die echt intensief met digitalisering aan de slag gaan, zijn er intensieve trainingstrajecten en coaching. Vanuit het expertisecentrum zal het lab dat zich richt op retail en marketing - het Centre for Market Insights - het mkb gaan helpen met de eerste stappen van digitalisering (onder meer ontwikkelen van de zelfscan en online trainingen).

Het consortium voor het mkb Digitaliseringsoffensief bestaat naast de HvA uit MKB Amsterdam en Ready to Scale (onder leiding van Stichting THE Startup Network). De gemeente Amsterdam heeft de deal geïnitieerd.

Lees in het digitaal magazine meer over de mkb-deal in Groot-Amsterdam

Digitaal en fysiek loket voor mkb’ers in Gooi en Vechtstreek

Met de andere mkb-deal gaat de HvA mkb’ers in de regio Gooi en Vechtstreek digitaal klaarstomen. Het project SPOT 035 organiseert een digitaal en fysiek loket voor mkb’ers met digitaliseringsvragen. Op het Media Park in Hilversum krijgen ondernemers toegang tot een regionaal netwerk van studenten, kennisinstellingen en ‘digital frontrunners’ (toonaangevende technologie- en mediabedrijven).

Het online en fysieke platform biedt voorlichting, helpt bij het opstellen van een digitaliseringsstrategie en begeleidt ondernemers in de stap naar realisatie en financiering. De HvA heeft bij SPOT 035 de lead, omdat zij veel ervaring heeft met het oplossen van digitale vraagstukken van bedrijven. Bovendien is het een van de manieren waarop de HvA haar doelstelling - bedrijven en professionals helpen met transformatie- en kwalificatievraagstukken - ook echt in de praktijk kan brengen. Het project heeft als doel dat meer mkb-bedrijven met digitalisering aan de slag gaan, waardoor zij bestaansrecht hebben en houden, groeien of zelfs nieuwe business gaan opzetten.

Voor SPOT 035 werkt de HvA nauw samen met de gemeente Hilversum, regio Gooi en Vechtstreek, BV Hilversum, MBO College Hilversum en Media Perspectives.

Lees in het digitaal magazine meer over de mkb-deal in Gooi en Vechtstreek

Liza Verheijke's picture #DigitalCity
Jochem Kootstra, Lecturer at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Aandacht voor klimaatverandering in het onderwijs

In gesprek met docent-onderzoeker Lisette Klok (HvA) over klimaat in het onderwijs

Hoe wordt er binnen het onderwijs aandacht besteed aan klimaatverandering? Docent-onderzoeker Lisette Klok (HvA minor Klimaatbestendige stad) spreekt over hoe de thematiek van klimaatverandering in hun opleiding terugkomt, wat de opleiding de studenten hierover wil meegeven en hoe zij zelf tegen deze thematiek aankijken. ‘Zij kennen de urgentie van het wereldwijde klimaatprobleem en weten dat we ons moeten aanpassen aan de klimaatverandering die gaande is.’

‘Bij de minor Klimaatbestendige stad van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam leren studenten alles over klimaatverandering, de gevolgen hiervan voor de stad en hoe stedelijk gebied klimaatbestendig ingericht kan worden. Klimaatverandering betekent meer extremen: heftiger regenval en meer hitte. Extreme buien leiden tot wateroverlast en waterschade. Hitte geeft gezondheidsproblemen en zet de leefbaarheid van steden onder druk. Ook droogte en zeespiegelstijging zijn thema’s binnen de minor. Om al deze nadelige gevolgen van klimaatverandering te voorkomen en prettig te kunnen blijven leven, moet de inrichting van het stedelijk gebied worden aangepast. De belangrijkste vraag binnen de minor is daarom: Hoe kunnen steden, wijken en straten klimaatbestendig worden ingericht rekening houdend met meer hitte, extreme regenval, droogte en overstromingen?


De studenten die voor deze minor kiezen doen dit, omdat zij weten dat er in de nabije toekomst veel werk verricht zal moeten worden om Nederland klimaatbestendig in te richten. Zij kennen de urgentie van het wereldwijde klimaatprobleem en weten dat we ons moeten aanpassen aan de klimaatverandering die gaande is.


Naast theoretische kennis, gastcolleges en excursies, voeren studenten ook meetonderzoeken uit om temperaturen en neerslagpatronen in de eigen woonomgeving in kaart te brengen. Ook doen de studenten praktijkervaring op doordat zij een actueel klimaatbestendig project voor een echte opdrachtgever moeten uitvoeren. De meeste studenten vinden dit onderdeel van de minor het leukst. Gemeentes, waterschappen of adviesbureaus dienen vaak als opdrachtgever en de studenten oefenen in de rol van opdrachtnemer. Hierdoor proeven zij de sfeer die er in ‘de echte wereld’ hangt met de bijbehorende ‘officiële’ vergaderingen.


Ze werken daarbij aan veel verschillende vraagstukken: Wat zijn de meest urgente locaties om maatregelen te nemen met het oog op wateroverlast, droogte en hitte? Met welke inrichtingsmaatregelen kan een bepaalde wijk of straat klimaatbestendig ingericht worden? Hoe verhouden de baten van deze maatregelen zich met de kosten? Hoe zou een klimaatbestendig ontwerp voor een bepaalde buurt eruit kunnen zien? Hoeveel oppervlaktewater, waterberging, groen of groene daken zijn nodig om te voldoen aan de klimaatbestendige beleidsdoelen van een gemeente?


Het gewenste eindresultaat van zo’n praktijkopdracht is in de meeste gevallen een klimaatbestendig ontwerp van een gebied onderbouwd met een gedegen kwetsbaarheidsanalyse, kloppende argumentaties, juiste berekeningen en ondersteund door mooie visualisaties. Zo werken we in de minor samen met praktijkpartijen om verder te werken aan technische en ontwerp gerelateerde vraagstukken rondom klimaatverandering.’


Studenten zetten straten onder water
HvA-dak proeftuin voor 10.000m2 klimaatbestendige daken
Gezocht: verkoeling in Amsterdam
Studenten onderzoeken waterpasserende bestrating

Jochem Kootstra's picture #Energy
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Data Dilemma’s: Digital twins – hype or necessity?

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With the growing availability of data and technology, digital versions of objects or systems are getting more interesting. Pairing the virtual and physical world, it is possible to continue critical physical processes while digitally experimenting and looking for improvements. The ‘digital twin’ therefore is an interesting feature, also in urban development.

Governments are exploring what a digital twin can mean for them or have already taken the first steps. Some with a clear output or use case in mind, some to experiment and build upon for the future. Setting up a digital twin of a city or region is complex and could therefore become costly. A digital twin may even grow into a
system where no one is able to comprehend how an implication has come about anymore.

In a discussion with a number of digital twin projects, we will address opportunities and barriers. Are current projects more than 3D models? What are the key enablers and challenges in starting digital twins for urban applications? Which steps are the
most difficult to implement? Do we fully trust on the system and will reality be handled by a computer? How are decisions for further development made?

Join us for these and of course the questions from the audience during this session of Data Dilemmas on the 17th of December!

Online event
Date: 17th of December 2020
Language: English

15.50: Digital walk-in
16.00 – 16.05: Introduction by Amsterdam Smart City & Datalab
16.05 – 16.45: Presentations + Q&A
- Wietse Balster - geo information advisor at City of Amsterdam
- Eric Jeansson - project manager at City of Gothenburg
- Paolo Pileggi - IT program developer & Walter Lohman - project lead at TNO
16.45 – 17.15: Plenary discussion and wrap-up

Sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/data-dilemmas-digital-twins-hype-or-necessity-tickets-131311784081

About the Data Dilemmas series
Digital Twins show us that possibilities of using data and new technologies to address urban challenges are endless. We use data to make cities safer, cleaner and, for example, more accessible. But do we really need the data in all cases? What happens to all the data that is collected? Which choices did people make and why? Which dilemmas can be encountered? These questions are important for everyone; for governments, knowledge institutions, residents and companies. Amsterdam Smart City likes to explore with you which decisions are needed for responsible use of data.
Data Dilemmas is a collaboration between Amsterdam Smart City and the City of Amsterdam’s Datalab.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Online event on Dec 17th
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

CityFlows Webinar #4: 5G Applications for Crowd Management

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The EIT-KIC project CityFlows aims to improve the liveability of crowded pedestrian spaces through the use of Crowd Monitoring Decision Support Systems (CM-DSS) to manage pedestrian flows. To facilitate knowledge exchange between project partners and stakeholders, the CityFlows project is hosting a webinar series in four parts.

Please note! This webinar was previously scheduled for December 1 and has been postponed to December 15.

• 14:55 – 15:00 Zoom meeting room open
• 15:00 – 15:05 Welcome & introductions
• 15:05 – 15:20 Crowd management innovations at Milan Central Station by Giuseppe Gammariello & Giovanni Criscuolo
• 15:20 – 15:35 Crowd management innovations at Johan Cruijff Arena by Willem Hegen
• 15:35 – 15:40 Reflection from Barcelona partners
• 15:40 – 16:00 Q&A with the audience
• 16:00 Program end

Crowd-management researchers and practitioners are encouraged to join this interactive webinar and to share their best practices and lessons learned.

For more information about the CityFlows project please visit: https://cityflows-project.eu

Cornelia Dinca's picture Online event on Dec 15th
Jeroen Sipman, Liaison of the Province of Noord-Holland at Province of Noord-Holland, posted

Interessant Volkskrant-artikel over de groeiende beweging van citizen-sensing

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De provincie Noord-Holland is twee jaar geleden in samenwerking met het RIVM, de Waag Society, Tata Steel en lokale overheden het project Hollandse Luchten gestart om de luchtkwaliteit op zwaarder belaste locaties rondom het Noordzeekanaalgebied fijnmazig in kaart te brengen. Hierbij worden inwoners begeleid en opgeleid om de sensoren in elkaar te zetten en de uitkomsten van de metingen te begrijpen. Vervolgens kan er een discussie worden gehouden over het gezamenlijk ontstane beeld van de omgevingskwaliteit.

De Volkskrant schreef een artikel over hoe het meten van de omgevingskwaliteit door inwoners met de jaren is ontwikkeld en wat voor een invloed dit heeft op de discussie rondom leefbaarheid van gebieden.

Jeroen Sipman's picture #Citizens&Living
Teska Drosten, Communicator at Waag, posted

Transforming citizen sensing

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A two day conference on open source hardware for air quality measurement across borders.

This is an online event. Information on how to join the meetup will follow after registration.



In many corners of the world, people choose to measure local air quality out of concern for their neighbourhood, their health, the climate or agriculture. These citizens collect data with the help of affordable and accessible sensor technology and sometimes come together to be part of a citizen sensing network - think of the global networks of open source hardware such as GOSH and Hackteria. And then there are international sensor communities, such as global platform Sensor.CommunityPublic Lab and Smart Citizen kit, and Dutch initiatives, such as SnuffelfietsMeet je stad and Hollandse Luchten. These citizen sensing initiatives now have a wealth of knowledge and experience in making open source sensors. They form sensing communities that collaborate successfully on a local level. This often takes root in top-down measurement programmes aimed at a specific group in a specific location. But air quality knows no borders — it is an urgent matter across the globe. It’s about time we share knowledge, learn from each other, and make sensor technology accessible to a broad and international group with a common environmental concern.

On Wednesday December 9th and Thursday December 10th Waag and SODAQ will organise the Transforming citizen sensing conference. During this two-day conference, a wide variety of citizens, environmental activists, makers, ecologist, technical experts and researchers will come together to discuss their concerns and needs around air quality measurement. Global sensing initiatives are invited to share their knowledge. The goal is to identify the requirements a sensor should meet in order to address the common issue and to discover the limits of what is technically possible.

Involve the user in the design process
The production process of (sensor) technology is often inaccessible to the consumer, who has little or no say in the subject of the product. During this conference, the communities that use sensor technology will be involved in the first phase of the design process. This open production process is also referred to as open source hardware (OSH). Open source hardware is not only about transparent, accessible and reproducible hardware, but is mainly aimed at a participatory and community-driven design process. The experiences of communities form the basis of the design and the entire process (from design to prototype to product) is transparent for users.

What concerns are most pressing globally? What design challenges do these concerns present to sensor making? And what can we learn from experienced open source hardware initiatives around the world? Join us to find out.

Your input will be considered during the development of Sodaq and Waag’s open source prototype.

Day 1 | sensor making: from use case to design challenge
On day one we will start with presentations by sensing initiatives. What prompted them to start the initiative, what lessons have they learned, what was the biggest design challenge and how do they involve the community? After this there will be a joint discussion about the bottlenecks in measuring air quality and we will go deeper into why and what air quality sensors can help for. We will end this day with a clear overview of the needs of the participants and the related design challenges. In addition, we will let you know what role participants have in the further development of the sensor.

When: Wednesday December 9
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm

19:00 hrs - Introduction programme
19:05 hrs - Presentation use cases*:
-  Lukas Mocek, Sensor.Community
19:40 hrs - Q&A
19:50 hrs - Break
20:00 hrs - Sharing concerns and identify needs
20:30 hrs - Formulate design challenges
21:15 hrs - End

Day 2 | from design challenge to first sensor concepts
On day two, sensor makers will share their knowledge on: electricity, internet connection, sensor technology, modularity, software, data quality and data visualisation. In groups, researchers, data specialists and citizen initiatives will work on the design challenges of day one. Your input and knowledge will therefore have a direct impact on the sensor that will be developed in 2021. At the end of the day, you will know the latest developments in (air quality) sensors, you will have gotten to know other makers, you will have made an active contribution to the design of a new air quality sensor and you will be part of a worldwide network of sensor makers.

When: Thursday December 10
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm

19:00 hrs - Introduction programme
19:05 hrs - Presentation use cases*
19:40 hrs - Q&A
19:50 hrs - Break
20:00 hrs - Design challenge
20:35 hrs - Presents results
21:15 hrs - End

* Speakers will be announced on this page shortly.

Do you have experience in making sensors and would you like to share your knowledge with others in the field? And do you want to be part of a worldwide, open source hardware community?

join us online on december 9 & 10

Open Next
The Transforming citizen sensing conference is part of the European Open Next project. This open source project links to the maker movement. This movement reduces the distinction between professional makers and amateurs. Open source hardware (OSH) is an important part that contributes to this. It makes knowledge sharing available in an accessible way, so that innovation and the do-it-yourself culture is reflected in the home and at work.

This means that products or services are no longer designed to be patented, expensive or closed, but rather accessible and transparent. A well-known platform for OSH is Wikifactory. Here everyone can share his or her idea, but also improve and recreate ideas or products from other people. For proprietary rights, you can choose from several tested and established certificates such as, FOSS (based on OSH), Creative Commons(which is linked to different creative products) or CERN, which focuses on specific OSH and offers a choice of both commercial and non- commercial goals. For example, a non-commercial certificate no longer protects a complete product, but can be opened up under a number of conditions. Consider releasing construction drawings of an air quality sensor so that they can be downloaded from anywhere in the world. In this way you give people at home or at work the opportunity to build something themselves with which to measure their air quality and you increase the range and reliability of the measurements. This way of working has an impact on the traditional business model and deserves a redefinition in today's society. The certificates mentioned make it possible to enter into an inclusive collaboration during the design and development phase and can be extended to the development of new versions. Citizens and communities can then be involved based on their needs and/or skills.

Waag en Sodaq
Waag previously developed the HoLu sensor with participants from the local measurement communities of Hollandse Luchten. They deal with air pollution on a daily basis and are concerned about their health, environment and climate. By formulating the design questions together with them, we ensure that the technology serves what the citizen scientists need. Waag and Sodaq are working together and are investigating how the HoLu sensor kit can be further developed into a sustainable sensor based on open source hardware. Sodaq is specialised in developing sensor technology with an interest in open-source hardware developments. Together we work towards the goal of developing an air quality sensor based on input from a wide audience, so that we can make sensor technology accessible at a global level and thus connect with other communities where the theme of air pollution is urgent. The results of the conference and the design drawings will be shared here at a later stage. In January we organise a series of design prints that you can be part of.

Teska Drosten's picture Meet-up from Dec 9th to Dec 10th
Responsible Sensing Lab, posted

Responsible Sensing Lab

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Smart city systems can help solve urban challenges. But when collecting data, what public values are involved? The Responsible Sensing Lab explores how to integrate social values such as autonomy, privacy, transparency, inclusiveness and empowerment in the design of sensing systems in public space.

In January 2021 the Responsible Sensing Lab was officially launched during an interactive livestream event. In essence the Lab is a testbed for conducting rigorous, transparent, and replicable research on how our smart technologies placed in public space can be designed in a way that makes the smart city ‘responsible’. Responsible Sensing Lab is a collaboration between the City of Amsterdam and AMS Institute.

A lab for a ‘responsible’ smart city

The City of Amsterdam has many smart technologies in place: from smart devices that measure things (i.e. sensors) to smart devices that steer processes in the city (i.e. actuators) such as traffic lights, charging stations, adaptable street lights, barriers that go up and down, and adaptive digital signs.

At the Responsible Sensing Lab we research, develop and integrate smart technologies like the aforementioned to help solve urban challenges. At the same time, we explore how to embed society’s public and democratic values in the design of these innovations.

(Re)designing, prototype testing and implementing responsible sensing systems

Within the Lab academics are invited to connect and work with practitioners who are responsible for digital systems in the city to (re)design, prototype and test (more) responsible ways of sensing in public space.

Hence, Responsible Sensing Lab is a place where teams of multi-disciplinary stakeholders – such as computer scientists, policy makers, psychologists, designers and hardware experts – can address existing hardware, software and other city sensing systems.

Core values

At the Responsible Sensing Lab, we use the City’s values (TADA, Digital City Agenda) as our starting point. We explore what these values mean when applied to actual software, hardware, user-experience design and governance.

Also, we are inspired by the methodology of value sensitive design. This approach allows us to focus on design choices inherent in the type of sensing hardware, the distribution of intelligence between cloud and back-end, the physical design and placement of sensors in public space, and interaction possibilities for citizens.

Do you want to know more or are you looking to collaborate? Contact us via our website!

Responsible Sensing Lab's picture #DigitalCity
Francien Huizing, Program and Communication Manager at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Wicked Problems

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Te wicked? Niet voor ons.

Wij werken allemaal aan urgente, complexe, maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Issues die schier onoplosbaar lijken, van dilemma’s en paradoxen omgeven, nog niet duidelijk hoe het moet. Wel is duidelijk dát het moet, dat we elkaar nodig
hebben en dat we er NU aan moeten beginnen. Om met de woorden van Jan Rotmans te spreken; we leven niet in een tijdperk van verandering maar in een verandering van tijdperk. En hier hoort een nieuwe gereedschapskist bij.

En of je nou aan energietransitie werkt, andere mobiliteitssystemen, creëren van waterstofhubs, peer to peer autodeelsystemen, het maakt niet uit, we zien dat al deze opgaven op enig moment tegen gelijksoortige barrières aanlopen. Op samenwerking, financiering, privacy, onvoldoende aansluiting op de maatschappij, om maar een paar voorbeelden te noemen.

Unieke samenwerking
Als Amsterdam Smart City netwerk willen en kunnen we deze opgaven niet laten liggen. Door het bundelen van onze kennis en expertise kunnen we als netwerk iets unieks bieden en de wil en durf tonen om deze barrières te doorbreken. De betrokken partners die dit uitdenken en begeleiden zijn RHDHV, Kennisland, Drift, NEMO, Arcadis, Alliander, HvA en Metabolic. Zij bundelen hun expertise en ervaring om de echte vragen boven tafel te krijgen, tot nieuwe manieren van samenwerken te komen en barrières te doorbreken. We richten ons met name op de start van de samenwerking. Gezamenlijk ontwikkelen we een ‘wicked problem aanpak’. Op een nieuwe manier, lerend door te doen, exploratief.

Waar moet je aan denken?
Wat is eigenlijk het echte probleem? Wiens probleem is dit? Hoe kijken anderen er tegenaan? Welke andere partijen lijken nodig? Hoe vind je ze? Hoe ga je om met eigenaarschap en botsende frames? Hoe zorg je dat je al in
een vroeg stadium de maatschappij (bewoners, ondernemers, werknemers, etc) betrekt en hun ervaringen in het project trekt? Het wicked problem team zet nieuwe methoden in voor het beantwoorden van deze vragen. En het creëren van de benodigde commitment om het vraagstuk aan te pakken. Niets staat van te voren vast, want we passen ons aan aan wat we tegenkomen. Met elkaar ontwikkelen we een nieuwe aanpak om de barrières te doorbreken.

Francien Huizing's picture #Energy
Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

State of the Region 2020

Deze editie zoomen we in op de economische gevolgen van de coronacrisis, de lessen die we hieruit leren, en de acties die partijen in en om Amsterdam nemen om uiteindelijk beter en duurzamer uit de crisis te komen. We kunnen het virus misschien nog niet de baas, wel kunnen we actie nemen om mensen snel opnieuw perspectief op werk te geven en in organisaties bedrijfsprocessen duurzaam in te richten.

State of the Region

Burgemeester van Amsterdam Femke Halsema spreekt haar jaarlijkse ‘State of the Region’ uit en prominenten uit bedrijfsleven, wetenschap en overheid gaan vervolgens met elkaar in gesprek over de toekomst van de regio en wat vandaag nodig en haalbaar is.

Amsterdam Economic Board's picture Online event on Dec 2nd
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

How this new platform contributes to better streets, neighbourhoods and cities

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Today, in a liveshow together with BTG and the City of Almere, aired from Pakhuis de Zwijger, Leonie van den Beuken, program director, officially launched the new Amsterdam Smart City platform.

Now and in the future we want to live and work in healthy, livable, vibrant cities. These are the places where we live, work, play and move. But certainly in the city, public space is scarce and you can feel the density. Cities are getting busier and we are experiencing the effects of climate change and pollution. Changes in this are not made very fast and we have to go through a lot of barriers. Technology can help to deal with the shortage of space and improve the quality of public space, if you use technology in the right way. After all, nobody wants to live in a Smart City. We do want to live in a safe, clean and pleasant city.

Another barrier for change in cities is collaboration. The challenges of today's cities require collaboration between governments, knowledge institutions, companies and residents. But many parties who need each other do not know each other, do not know how to find each other or have different interests. Collaboration with each other requires a different mindset, the mindset to do it together and not alone.

And that is where Amsterdam Smart City comes into play. We are working on the smart, green and healthy future of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. We do this together: close by in your own street and in the region. Fortunately, our city and region are full of active communities, social organizations, cooperatives and entrepreneurs who want to contribute to this. Together they make better streets, neighborhoods and cities and are of great importance to realize the city of the future.

At Amsterdam Smart City we have developed a way to mobilize this power of society. We bring these companies, public institutions and residents to shape the cities of the future. We do this by offering an open and safe place where connection and collaboration can develop. We have been doing this for 11 years, 4 of them also online. A large community is active on the online platform. More than 8,000 innovators in total. People who meet, show what they do and help each other across the Amsterdam and Dutch borders.

New online platform!
This new platform offers more possibilities to stay up to date on specific topics, to share with an interested target group what you do yourself and to find each other. We have been working on it for a while and are very curious what our network, including you!, thinks about it! If you were already a member of the community, please log in again with a new password. If you were not a member yet, sign up now!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #DigitalCity
Jacqueline Bij de Vaate, Marketing Manager Eurofiber NL at Eurofiber, posted

Werken in de Cloud

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CLOUD webinar
COVID-19 heeft gezorgd voor het grootste thuiswerkexperiment in de geschiedenis.
Gelukkig zorgt de Cloud dat we onze werkzaamheden thuis kunnen doen. Tijdens het Webinar Business continuïteit en werken in de Cloud neemt Sander Duivestein je mee in de kansen en mogelijkheden.

Hoe zorg je ervoor dat collega’s binding houden met je organisatie? Is online smalltalk essentieel? En hoe faciliteer je dit? Frenk Storm (Eurofiber) gaat in gesprek met expert Sander Duivenstein voor antwoorden en tips.

Jacqueline Bij de Vaate's picture Online event on Nov 19th
Teska Drosten, Communicator at Waag, posted

Wat als je luchtkwaliteit op wijkniveau zou kunnen voorspellen?

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'Morgen wordt het zonnig met kans op wat luchtvervuiling.' Een droom, of binnenkort werkelijkheid?
Dit is een online evenement. Informatie over het bijwonen van de meetup volgt na registratie.
Meld je aan

Er is een groeiende beweging van burgers die de leefomgeving actief in kaart brengen. Wanneer is het water het schoonst om een duik te nemen in de gracht bij jou in de buurt? Wat is de ‘gezondste’ route naar je werk? En hoe staat het écht met de geluidsoverlast in jouw woonwijk?

Het is steeds gemakkelijker om zelf data te verzamelen en te analyseren: met je smartphone, slimme horloge, thermostaat of met een zelfgebouwde sensor. Maar kun je ook voorspellingen doen op basis van die data? En wat als we satellietdata en sensoren met elkaar combineren? Hoe zou dat ons leven kunnen veranderen? Misschien is een toekomstbeeld waar je luchtvervuiling net zoals het weer kan voorspellen niet eens zo ver weg.

Tijdens de meetup op donderdag 26 november kijken we samen met burgers en experts naar de manier waarop satellietgegevens en modellen van het Copernicus Programma kunnen bijdragen aan het voorspellen van luchtkwaliteit op lokaal niveau. Daarnaast staan we stil bij de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen van het zelf meten van luchtkwaliteit. Wat kun je met de laatste (sensor)technologie precies meten in jouw (woon)omgeving, hoe doe je dat het beste, en hoe kun je de verschillende data gebruiken om jouw leefomgeving gezonder te maken?

Centraal staat de vraag: wat zou een burger doen met de mogelijkheid om voorspellingen te doen over luchtkwaliteit? Het gesprek en de bevindingen van de meetup zullen gebruikt worden voor de projecten Hollandse Luchten en Sentinel Citizen. In het project Hollandse Luchten ondersteunen we een groep burgers die de luchtkwaliteit meten met goedkope sensoren, terwijl we met Sentinel Citizen onderzoeken hoe de data die we met Hollandse Luchten verzamelen gecombineerd kan worden met de data van de Sentinel-satellietfamilie. Binnen het project Sentinel Citizen heeft Waag samen met IHS (Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) een statistische voorspellingsmethode voor luchtvervuiling ontwikkeld, die de gegevens van de HoLu-sensoren gebruikt om de luchtvervuiling op wijkniveau te voorspellingen. Tijdens de meetup laten we de technologie zien en gaan we met jullie in gesprek over de behoeftes en mogelijke verbeteringen.

Praat en denk mee tijdens de meetup op donderdag 26 november.

meld je aan

19:30 uur - Opening en inleiding programma - Teska Drosten, communicator Smart Citizens Lab Waag
19:40 uur - Interview met Judith Veenkamp, hoofd Smart Citizens Lab Waag, over trends en ontwikkelingen in citizen science
19:50 uur - Presentatie Sentinel Citizen - Miha Turšič, hoofd Open Space Lab Waag en mede-oprichter van het Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies
20:00 uur - Presentatie forecast module - Alexander Los, IHS, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
20:15 uur - Paneldiscussie
20:45 uur - Afsluiting

De meetup is zowel interessant voor burgers die de luchtkwaliteit in hun omgeving meten als bewoners die nog moeten starten met meten. Neem vast een kijkje op het de website van het burgermeetplatform Hollandse Luchten of bekijk de documentaire Citizen Science Revolution - Making Sense.

Over Smart Citizens Lab
In het Smart Citizens Lab verkennen we middels citizen science tools en applicaties hoe bewoners zelf data verzamelen en de wereld om hun heen in kaart kunnen brengen. Citizen science staat voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat geheel of gedeeltelijk wordt uitgevoerd door burgers.

Teska Drosten's picture Meet-up on Nov 26th
Vrusti kiri, smart city design student , posted

Seeking smart city employment opportunities

Hello everyone,
I am seeking employment opportunities within the urban solution and smart city community. I am really eager to get some experience and expand my knowledge in Digitalisation, energy revolution, E mobility, Mobility as a service, sensors, open data. From November onwards, I am available to join an exciting and innovative project which I could collaborate with you on!

I just completed a Master's in Smart City Design from Macromedia university of applied science, Berlin. My master thesis is about the Optimization of existing EV charging infrastructure. I have worked on projects with companies on the topic of digitalization of city, Car-free city, and the use of blockchain. All of the projects include solutions to the challenge, business proposal, and urban solution.

Any known opportunities or advice would be greatly appreciated. Please email me on vrusti.kiri@gmail.com for my resume. Thanks in advance:)!

Vrusti kiri's picture #DigitalCity
Kristina Gorr, Communications Manager at Mozilla Foundation, posted

MozFest's Call for Session Proposals is OPEN!

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MozFest is a unique hybrid: part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you and your community to participate in the first-ever virtual MozFest! There will also be a local taster event in Amsterdam.

Submit A Session Idea for MozFest This Year: mzl.la/proposals2021

We’re excited to use the programming that we’ve honed over a decade of festivals – participant-led sessions, immersive art exhibits, space for spontaneous conversations, inspiring Dialogues & Debates – to address current and global crises. Through our Call for Session Proposals (where you're invited to propose an interactive workshop to host at the festival), we’ll seek solutions together, through the lens of trustworthy artificial intelligence.

Anyone can submit a session – you don’t need any particular expertise, just a great project or idea and the desire to collaborate and learn from festival participants.

If you or someone you know is interested in leading a session at MozFest this year, you can submit your session idea here! The deadline is November 23.

Details and submission page: mzl.la/proposals2021

Kristina Gorr's picture #DigitalCity
Kristina Gorr, Communications Manager at Mozilla Foundation, posted

MozFest Call for Session Proposals

MozFest is a unique hybrid: part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world.
That’s why I’m excited to invite you and your community to participate in the first-ever virtual MozFest! Details and submission page here: mzl.la/proposals2021
Anyone can submit a session – you don’t need any particular expertise, just a great project or idea and the desire to collaborate and learn from festival participants. Submit your session idea today! Deadline is November 23: mzl.la/proposals2021

Kristina Gorr's picture #DigitalCity
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Amsterdam and Helsinki launch AI registers to detail city systems

The cities of Helsinki and Amsterdam have worked together to each launch a first-of-its-kind Artificial Intelligence Register.

“Together with the city of Helsinki, we are on a mission to create as much understanding about algorithms as possible and be transparent about the way we – as cities – use them,” commented Touria Meliani, Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam (Digital City).

Folkert Leffring's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam and Helsinki first cities in the world to launch open AI register

The City of Amsterdam, Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki, in collaboration with Saidot, launched the first Public AI Register. The Algorithm Register is an overview of the artificial intelligence systems and algorithms used by the Cities of Amsterdam and Helsinki. Through the register, you can get acquainted with the quick overviews of the city's algorithmic systems or examine their more detailed information based on your own interests.

If you're interested in learning more, here's something for you. The new white paper that was co-written by Linda van de Fliert, Pasi Rautio and Meeri Haataja. They really hope this will part some conversation and most importantly, help other government organisations address #transparency and take their first steps in implementing #AI #governance.

You can also give feedback and thus participate in building human-centered algorithms in Amsterdam. The register is still under development.

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #DigitalCity
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

WeMakeThe.City RESET: Digital Rights

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After two successful editions, the WeMakeThe.City festival is heading for 2025 as a biennale: the 750th anniversary of Amsterdam. This year the uncertain future of our city and metropolitan region was discussed in a 12-hour livecast marathon on the 21st of September. The WeMakeThe.City theme ‘Reset’ brings together genius thinking, imagination and creativity to formulate alternative perspectives for action. How are we going to do things differently in the coming years? How do we work together to make our metropolis fairer, more inclusive, more sustainable, more climate-resilient, safer, more successful and happier? After all, together we make the city of, for and by everyone!

During last spring's lockdown, it became even clearer how much we depend on the digital world. We meet, chat and date in front of the screen. A solution to combat the spread of Covid-19 is also being sought in the digital domain. These developments have raised the privacy issue again: how can people's data rights be protected? Such as anonymity, transparency and control over data. Time for a good conversation about values and the importance of digital civil rights.

The session kicks off with Marleen Stikker, director of Waag and Ger Baron, Chief Technology Officer of the City of Amsterdam. Marleen explains what our digital human rights are. ‘These are the same rights just as in the analogue world. Where there is relatively much attention for analogue human rights, our civil rights in the digital domain have run wild, too little attention has been paid to this. Let's reclaim those rights! It is for example about the right to be forgotten, the right to be anonymous, but most important to me is digital sovereignty. Everyone should have the possibility to have insights in their own actions online.’

Ger agrees with Marleen. According to him, governments, and cities as well, collects too many data about residents and the public space without even knowing what they want to do with these data.’ The reason to collect them should be to learn something specific that you can improve or help people. Helping people with the collection of data also brings in new dilemmas. The city used to have a collaboration with energy providers for example. Once someone didn’t pay for the energy service, they sent out a message to the city administration. The City could then prevent someone get evicted from his/her home.

This example is not enough reason for Marleen to collect the data: ‘To me, this sounds as if we didn’t invest in our society. We could have helped these people as well if they had adequate supervision or guidance. In last years, we invested heavily in the digital domain and we made budget cuts on home care, debt counselling and community police officers. Digital solutions are not always the best solutions! Especially not when all kinds of companies have data without people knowing about this.’ Ger: ‘To a certain point I agree with this point. Digital rights also include rights to know about the data that is collected, why this is and what you can do about this. This is currenty not transparant at all, even though the City of Amsterdam is becoming more and more about about his.

Marleen: ‘I see the City of Amsterdam going in the right direction, by starting for example the Coalition for Digital Rights. However, the steps in this direction go really slow, especially in politics. This way, it remains unclear what rules companies dealing with personal data should obey. That’s why Marleen also calls on politicians in The Hague: guarantee digital human rights by imposing conditions on the market.’

Next up is Miram Rasch, researcher and teacher at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and writer of the book ‘Friction. Ethics in times of dataism. Her book opens with a story about escaping the eyes of data collectors and algorithms. She states this is only possible at home. And even there, it becomes harder. ‘We have smart meters, smartphones, smart tvs. It is not clear why these devices need to collect data, with whom they share them. We don’t know now, but especially we don’t know in the future. Everybody has something to hide, because we don’t know yet what we should hide. Of course you have to inform yourself about the conditions you’re accepting. However, this is not easy at all. Try to read the Terms and Conditions of the services you use, the texts are too long and complicated. Unfortunately it can take a long before something changes. The few individuals who are conscious about the digital world, won’t change it. We need rules and regulations! But we know from the past, that maybe something heavy has to happen before people open their eyes.’

Jim Boevink, advisor Taskforce Digital Safety at the City of Amsterdam, starts an intermezzo about the right to be anonymous. Marleen Stikker: ‘People who want to abuse others, are free to hide themselves. This is because platforms are not responsible for the content their users post. They earn money with these users, they are their business models. But they they are not responsible for things happening on their platform. This is the first thing that has to change. The legal system is not in order. Make them responsible for the content on their platforms.’ M****arleen: ‘And good to emphasize: someone who is critical about the digital domain and the internet, is not necessarily against the digital world. We only have to make the internet safe and reliable!’

Want to watch the livecast (in Dutch) yourself? Check <https://dezwijger.nl/programma/reset-digital-rights>.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #DigitalCity
Tom van Arman, Director & Founder at Tapp, posted

ModelMe3D - City Information Modeling !!!DEMO!!!

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Howdy - this Friday 25.09 @12h we'll be giving a demo to show you MM3D - a new “white board” for city information modeling that can empower you or any other project stakeholders to plan, collaborate & share projects. In this webinar we’ll show you what all these features and functionalities mean for your own real-world projects. We’ll be using the Marineterrein (former navy base) in the heart of Amsterdam as our user case. Interested? Grab a sandwich and sign up here: bit.ly/MM3D_MT

Tom van Arman's picture #DigitalCity
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

A Successful Launch of the CityFlows Webinar Series — Crowd Management in Times of Corona

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On Tuesday, 8 September, forty-five participants gathered for the first CityFlows webinar on the topic of crowd-management in response to corona. Speakers came from three partner cities: Eelco Thiellier, Project Manager Crowd Monitoring System Amsterdam (CMSA); Valentino Sevino, Mobility Planning Director at City of Milan’s Environmental Mobility and Territory Agency (AMAT); and Aina Pedret, Mobility & Tourism Specialist at the City of Barcelona.

The participants were CityFlows project partners (37%), crowd-management researchers or academics (17%), crowd-management professionals working for public authorities (13%), crowd-management professionals working for companies or start-ups (10%), non-professionals interested in the topic (13%), and other (10%).

The meeting represented a successful launch of the EIT-KIC CityFlows webinar series which will continue with additional webinars in October, November and December.

Following a brief introduction to the CityFlows project, Eelco Thieller shared how the City of Amsterdam has quickly adapted its crowd monitoring infrastructure to respond to the corona crisis. Eelco showed the techniques that are used and how they are instituted throughout the city in crowded locations, or “hot spots”, such as shopping districts and market areas, the Red Light District, and in parks and at event locations. The focus is always on managing crowds or flows of people in the most privacy-preserving way with infrared sensors being a good example of how this is done in Vondelpark. Eelco also described the predictive models that were developed using the data which are helpful with determining what crowd-management actions should be undertaken by the City to ensure the health and safety of the residents and visitors.

Valentino Sevino shared a broader perspective on how the City of Milan has used data and modelling to respond to the corona emergency. Valentino showed how the modal-share in the city had drastically changed since the end of February through June as a result of the corona crisis. This shed light on levels on congestion throughout the city and showed a large reduction in all modalities during the lock down. Following the lock-down, public transport began operating at 25% which then required the city to undertake a complete rethinking of the mobility system with the goal of focusing on more temporal distribution, promotion of remote working, and promotion of active transport through street space reallocation to non-motorized transport. The data collected enabled them to predict and plan for different scenarios, especially considering the goal of abiding by social distancing guidelines during rush hours.

Aina Pedret from the City of Barcelona responded to the first two presentations by reflecting on the global challenge of ensuring confidence and safety for people in response to corona. To ensure this confidence and safety for both locals and tourists, the City of Barcelona is developing an application showing real time data of busyness at “hot spots”. And similar to the City of Amsterdam, the City of Barcelona is using cameras to monitor and manage occupancy and crowds at busy locations such as markets.

The webinar ended with an open discussion facilitated by Dorine Duives, CityFlows Principle Investigator at TU Delft.

Did you miss the webinar? It is possible to watch the recording via https://vimeo.com/460939134


CityFlows is an EIT-KIC project aims to improve the liveability of crowded pedestrian spaces through the use of Crowd Monitoring Decision Support Systems to manage pedestrian flows. The project is led by AMS Institute and brings together crowd-management and mobility practitioners and researchers in Amsterdam, Barcelona and Milan. The CityFlows project tests and evaluates various innovative crowd monitoring techniques in real-life settings where large crowds meet, such as mass events, tourist spaces and transfer hubs. The CityFlows project also prepares a CM-DSS for market launch which incorporates state-of-the-art monitoring techniques.
Join us for one or all of the next CityFlows webinars:
• Tuesday, 13 October, 2020 – 12:00-13:00 CET
• Tuesday, 3 November – 15:00-16:00 CET
• Tuesday, December 1 – 15:00-16:00 CET

Are you a practitioner or researcher working on a relevant crowd-management project and would like to share your work and findings with the CityFlows network? Send a short email explaining your project to CityFlows Communications Officer, Cornelia Dinca via cornelia.dinca@ams-institute.org.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #DigitalCity