#Digital City

Jaime San Martin, Project Manager - Communications at Urbytus, posted

Respondents needed: surveys for homeowners, VvE presidents and property managers

Hello! Urbytus (urbytus.com) is a startup taking part in Startupbootcamp Smart City and IoT.
We would really appreciate some help with surveys regarding experiences either as homeowners, community presidents or professional property managers in residential community associations (VvE).

For homeowners:

For VvE presidents and property managers

Thanks in advance!

Jaime San Martin's picture #DigitalCity
Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra, Trade developer Smart City & Health at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Looking for players in the sharing & platform economy interested in travelling to a sharing economy exhibition in Japan!

On November 20-22 the Japan Management Association is organizing a sharing economy exhibition. The idea is to combine an exhibition (with booths from Japanese and international companies) with a conference. A total of 5000 visitors and 100 exhibitors are expected. The Dutch Embassy in Japan is actively looking for companies that wish to speak at the conference or that wish to exhibit their company. There are a growing number of Japanese corporates in the Energy, Transport, Real Estate and Consumer Goods as well as Employment Agencies, that are interested in incorporating (foreign) sharing concepts. This makes the Japanese market very interesting for companies active in the Sharing economy. If you are interested, let me know and I'll bring you in contact with the Dutch Embassy.

Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra's picture #DigitalCity
Francois Le Guillou, COO , posted

Seeking feedback on IoT problems

We'd like to have returns of experience from municipalities and other corporations involved in setting-up, managing and servicing IoTs. What are the different problems and approaches that have been encountered when Smart Cities face the the need to inspect and maintain their IoTs.
We handle geographically distributed tasks and wonder to what extend the need to provide rapid response for IoT maintenance helps to keep citizen satisfaction and quality of big data.

Francois Le Guillou's picture #DigitalCity
Jutta Ravelli, Communication advisor at City of Amsterdam, posted

Vacature programmamanager bij Gemeente Amsterdam

Vaste baan, voor 36 uur
Vacaturenummer: 18050243
Geplaatst op: 4 juli 2018

De functie
Als Programmamanager Data ben je verantwoordelijk voor de ontwikkeling en aansturing van een programma waarin een aantal opgaven, die een sleutelrol spelen in de modernisering en digitalisering in de gemeente Amsterdam worden aangepakt. Deze opgaven gaan over de ontwikkeling van de organisatie en de infrastructuur voor het ontsluiten en gebruiken van data, de activiteiten voor datacollectie en voor het opstellen van de basisstatistieken.

In Amsterdam wordt sinds drie jaar gewerkt aan een nieuwe infrastructuur voor het ontsluiten en gebruiken van databronnen binnen en buiten de gemeentelijke organisatie. Deze infrastructuur is de centrale voorziening voor toegang tot databronnen op een gestandaardiseerde en veilige manier en draagt de naam Datapunt. Onderdeel hiervan is de website http://data.amsterdam.nl

Er wordt gewerkt op basis van agile methodes in een aantal teams. In totaal werken ongeveer dertig professionals, variërend van programmeurs en onderzoekers tot ontwerpers en van infrastructuurexperts tot functioneel beheerders in deze teams. Er wordt zo veel mogelijk gebruik gemaakt van open source componenten. Ook de software die wordt ontwikkeld is open source. Meer hierover is te vinden op http://amsterdam.github.io

Onlangs is de inrichting van data governance voor de gemeente Amsterdam vastgesteld. Daarin zijn afspraken vastgelegd over de kaders voor het inwinnen, opslaan, beheren, ontsluiten en gebruiken van data. Tevens zijn de tactische en operationele taken voor het uitvoeren van de ontsluiting van data en het adviseren over het gebruik centraal belegd bij Onderzoek, Informatie en Statistiek. Dit is het organisatiedeel dat ook Datapunt ontwikkelt en beheert.

Als programmamanager data ben je verantwoordelijk voor de realisatie van DataPunt en voor de implementatie van het data governance beleid. Niet alleen moet er een ICT-Voorziening worden gebouwd, ook moet er een lijnorganisatie worden ingericht die gebruik maakt van de voorziening, het beheer verzorgt en de doorontwikkeling vormgeeft. Je werkt daarbij intensief samen met de product owner voor Datapunt, tevens lead devops.

De modernisering van de wijze waarop OIS de gegevens verwerkt die nodig zijn voor het opstellen van de basisstatistieken over de stad, zoals bevolking en woningen, maakt onderdeel uit van de opgave. Dit geldt ook voor datacollectie, de activiteiten op het gebied van enquêtering en het bewonerspanel. Voor de komende fase is het van belang om de ontsluiting van databronnen in de stad te versnellen en in samenwerking met de business de ontwikkeling van nieuwe toepassingen te faciliteren. Je werkt hierbij intensief samen met de andere teams binnen OIS die de business inhoudelijk bedienen.

Je werkt in een van de meest inspirerende werkomgevingen van Amsterdam: Het Datalab. Dit lab, gelegen aan de Weesperstraat in het centrum van Amsterdam is de centrale plek in de stad waar gewerkt wordt aan datavraagstukken en daaraan gelieerde innovatieve toepassingen.

• Opstellen strategie en uitvoeringsplan voor het implementeren van het data governance beleid;
• Coördineren van de samenwerking met andere organisatieonderdelen binnen en buiten OIS;
• Actieve participatie in de doorontwikkeling van OIS en de gemeente Amsterdam;
• Sturen op de resultaten van de teams die werken aan de ontwikkeling en het beheer van Datapunt, de basisstatistieken en datacollectie;
• Management op het investeringsproject Datapunt;
• Binnen de gemeente en daarbuiten vertegenwoordigen van OIS op het gebied van data diensten.

Wij vragen
• Academisch werk- en denkniveau;
• Ervaring in een leidende rol in een complexe organisatie;
• In de afgelopen jaren aantoonbare ervaring met projecten waarin software werd ontwikkeld en state of the art tooling op het gebied van statistiek, data management en data analyse werd gebruikt;
• Op de hoogte van de mogelijkheden van tools en technologie op het gebied van platforms voor data management en moderne applicatieontwikkeling;
• Kennis en affiniteit met onderzoek en statistiek;
• Belangstelling voor innovatieve technieken op het vakgebied zoals machine learning en beslissingsondersteunende systemen;
• Een teamspeler; bij OIS vindt al het werk, dus ook sturing en organisatieontwikkeling, in teams plaats;
• Belangstelling voor scrum / agile werken en werken met zelforganiserende teams;
• Een groot doorzettingsvermogen en de wil om iets te bereiken;
• De competentie om samen te kunnen werken met partners en het kunnen verenigen van verschillende belangen;
• Een klantgerichte, positieve en pro-actieve houding.

Verder verwachten we van jou een nieuwsgierige en creatieve houding en het vermogen om als leider te motiveren en inspireren. Je houdt van realiseren van nieuwe oplossingen en het verbazen van anderen door samenwerking in teams. Ook heb je affiniteit met stedelijke ontwikkelingen, uitstekende technische vaardigheden en een sterk gevoel voor de visualisatie en presentatie van eindproducten. Je bent communicatief vaardig en spreekt zowel de taal van ontwikkelaars, onderzoekers, data-analisten, statistici en survey specialisten als de taal van de business.

Wij bieden
• Een unieke kans om te werken in het centrum van Amsterdam en mee te werken aan innovatieve projecten over en voor de stad;
• Een omgeving met hooggekwalificeerde medewerkers op een breed spectrum van expertisegebieden;
• Afhankelijk van je opleiding en werkervaring bedraagt het salaris minimaal € 4.770,- en maximaal € 6.574,- bruto per maand (salarisschaal 14) op basis van 36 uren per week;
• De gemeente Amsterdam kent prima opleidings- en ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden plus een goed pakket secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden. Deze secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden bestaan o.a. uit opname in het ABP-pensioenfonds, een maandelijkse bijdrage in de ziektekostenverzekering en per 1 januari 2017 het Individueel Keuzebudget. Dit is een vrij besteedbaar budget. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld zelf beslissen wanneer je het budget wil laten uitbetalen en hoeveel extra verlof je nodig hebt.

De organisatie
Amsterdam is een unieke stad. Aantrekkelijk om te wonen, werken en studeren en toonaangevend als dynamische internationale metropool. Tegelijkertijd staat de stad voor een grote uitdaging. De snelle verandering van onze samenleving leidt tot nieuwe opgaven voor de stad. Een van die opgaven is het beter en slimmer benutten van gegevens van en over de stad. Onderzoek, Informatie en Statistiek (OIS) van de gemeente Amsterdam speelt hierin een belangrijke rol. OIS helpt de stad beter te begrijpen en verder te ontwikkelen, onder andere door het creëren van nieuwe kennis en het gebruiken van deze nieuwe inzichten om bestaande gemeentelijke processen te verbeteren. De medewerkers van OIS zijn specialisten op diverse stedelijke domeinen en zijn in staat om met moderne middelen kennis uit literatuur, mensen en data samen te brengen teneinde de genoemde opgaven te realiseren.

Neem voor meer informatie over de functie of procedure contact op met Marielle Nuijs, bereikbaar via 06-55725205 en/of per mail: m.nuijs@amsterdam.nl. Meer informatie over OIS vind je via www.ois.amsterdam.nl.

Heb je belangstelling voor deze functie? Reageer dan uiterlijk 12 juli 2018 onder vermelding van Programmamanager Data - 18050243.

De gemeente Amsterdam wil een diverse en inclusieve organisatie zijn. Een organisatie die ruimte biedt aan iedereen en die de kracht van de diversiteit van medewerkers gebruikt om betere resultaten te halen voor de stad. Talent als basis, diversiteit als kracht. We streven ernaar dat het personeelsbestand een afspiegeling is van de beroepsbevolking van Amsterdam met al haar aanwezige verschillen. Vacatures staan open voor iedereen, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders vermeld.
Acquisitie wordt niet op prijs gesteld.

Jutta Ravelli's picture #DigitalCity
William Reed, secondary teacher , posted

USA school teacher: opportunities to learn about Dutch climate mitigation/adaptation strategies Jun28-July7

Hello! I'm hoping (at the very last minute) to connect with some folks who might be interested in sharing their work with me through a brief informal tour or interview while I'm here in the Netherlands for the next 8 or 9 days. I'm here with the help of a small, self directed grant to develop a unit of study for my students in Chicago that will inspire them to better understand climate change as a global issue with which they can engage in creative ways in their local context. I'm interested in more or less any and all work happening around Amsterdam (or Utrecht, where I'll be from July 3-July 5, or Wageningen, July 5- July 7) that relates to the effects of climate change or mitigation/adaptation strategies. This could include any climate relevant public or private work in the electricity, transportation, building, industrial, agricultural, tech, or education sectors. For example, if you are involved with a start up that does circular economy work that reduces emissions, have a perspective to share on regional transportation, know something about zero emission architecture, or work in education and are interested in developing collaborations in terms of sustainability/climate curriculum, I'm interested in hearing from you and (in an ideal world) chatting for 30 minutes or an hour. My students are typically low income, racial minority teenagers who I believe need to be empowered to make the future as much as their economically well off and culturally "mainstream" peers. Most of my students are also soon to be voting eligible citizens of the USA, which seems relevant. Anyway, I appreciate you considering my vague request! I am of course thrilled about the wealth of resources available through Smart City Amsterdam (including the very cool new Amsterdam Innovation Tour app), and I've booked, for example, a standard tour on Friday through architour. But unfortunately my dates of travel did not align with WeMakeTheCity, the ASC Open House is not happening this Friday, and many of the other tour options are out of my price range as an individual traveling on a small grant. Thanks for any and all input. Cheers!

Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Call for proposal: Amsterdam self-guided innovation tour

The City of Amsterdam’s Chief Technology Office (CTO) and Amsterdam Smart City (ASC) receive numerous requests from international delegations interested in Amsterdam’s urban innovations and smart city projects. Delegations consist primarily of civil servants and private sector professionals but we also get requests from researchers, journalists, students and other “innovation tourists”.

In the face of rising demand, we have decided to scale our impact by providing a self-guided tour that will facilitate knowledge transfer. The tour will be launched during We Make The City Festival (20-24 June 2018).

ASC will provide content for the tour but we are seeking a technology partner to help us communicate in an innovative and effective way.

Main criteria for selection:
• The solution will help ASC communicate on ~10 different innovation topics;
• The solution works with Android and iOS devices;
• The solution will help users navigate from point to point;
• The solution works offline;
• The solution leverages innovative infrastructure (e.g., beacons or JC Decaux digital marketing screens) and/or AR capabilities.

NB: Developing a new app is not feasible due to ASC’s limited budget and timeline. Therefore, we suggest leveraging existing technology.
Deadline: Your prototype is available for testing by 4 June and finalized by 20 June
Budget: Your total cost of delivery and support is less than €13,000

If you are interested in this project, then please email a one page proposal to cornelia@amsterdamsmartcity.com by 18:00 Friday, 4 May. Please include the following information in your proposal:
• Description of your solution and how it meets our needs
• Deliverables timeline and budget

If you have any questions, then please post them in the comments section below or email cornelia@amsterdamsmartcity.com.

Interviews for short listed candidates will be held during the week of 7 May and a decision will be announced by 11 May.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #DigitalCity
Anonymous posted

Any crypto / blockchain / cryptoanarchy enthusiast?

Did you miss out on Internet revolution? Don't worry, Blockchain Talks (https://blockchaintalks.io) is looking for enthusiastic actors, graphic designers, writers and ambassadors for their project! We provide you with an opportunity to build your portfolio right away as well as working on a very crucial topic nowadays - a revolutionary technology called blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Voluntary basis, some reward/recognition based on the performance.

Simona Sustova, Innovation Student , posted

How are technological trends influencing your job role? Share your experience!

Hello! Are you working in Computer Science and IT, Marketing and Sales, Digital media or Design? I will highly appreciate 5 minutes of your time in completing a short questionnaire on how is your job influenced by technological developments and how do you keep on learning most efficiently in an age of excessive information.

I am conducting this research as part of my Bachelor thesis on how technological trends are influencing the current digital job marketplace and shaping the skills which professionals need. The gathered data will help me in identifying patterns across job roles in the degree to which they are changing along with technology, what are the top 3 skills for the certain role and how do you engage in learning. Moreover, the research will serve me in thinking of a solution on how to help students and recent graduates in preparing for their dream job roles and the specific skills they need.
Here is the link to the form: https://simona101.typeform.com/to/J8W5JN
Thank you in advance!

Simona Sustova's picture #DigitalCity
Per Juel Knudsen, Conference moderator , posted

Looking for speaker on subject "AI & robotics" at Norwegian IT-conferense in Amsterdam

KIF = Kommunalt IT-Forum is a Norwegian IT-community with members from municipalities. Our annual conference (with 42 participants) will take place in Amsterdam April 23. and 24. We're are in need of a speaker on the "subject AI & robotics". This will be a 45 min. presentation.

Per Juel Knudsen's picture #DigitalCity
Youri Goudswaard, Program Manager Amsterdam Trade at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Join us @ SXSW

Are you a Dutch creative, startup, city or entrepreneur specialized-or interested in Smart & Liveable cities?
Want to share you brand-new ideas and vision about Urban Living with an international audience during the South by Soutwest festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, USA?
Then we are looking for you!

What is SXSW?
The South by Southwest Festival (SXSW) is a unique festival and conference gathering of the Interactive, musicand creative industry, which is held from 9-18 March 2018 in Austin, Texas, USA.
In recent years, SXSW has become a launching platform for successful companies like Twitter and Foursquare. Fortune Magazine called SXSW “the single best place in the creative innovation world to build relationships and to get to know people.” In 2017, SXSW equipped 421,900 people from 95 countries with a platform for achievement, inspiration and discovery. New this year is the official SXSW program is the Cities Summit, which is held March 12 & 13.

New Dutch Wave grants a stage during the SXSW Festival for Dutch companies, startups, creatives, agencies, artists and bands to present themselves to a large and international audience. You will get inspired, given the opportunity to make new connections and to do business. The amount of networking opportunities is mind-blowing. The Cities and startups that participate in SXSW are not only leveraging the conference for its massive audience, but also for a captive media opportunity, and the ever-changing nature of the industry!

For more information, please contact Youri Goudswaard @ y.goudswaard@amsterdam.nl

Youri Goudswaard's picture #DigitalCity
Pablo Pinkus, Chairman of Stichting Elektrisch Varen , posted

Looking for a speaker at HISWA 2018

Stichting Elektrisch Varen is looking for someone who has a true vision on sustainable management of the dutch waterways. How can Amsterdam improve and protect the quality of its water and air, keep leisure for its citizens approachable and mark a milestone in innovative infrastructure?

Pablo Pinkus's picture #DigitalCity
Christian Fasting, Owner , posted

Brazil: City of Sorocaba is searching for Smart City collaboration

Beginning of this month I’ve visited the Town Hall of Sorocaba in Brazil. The secretaries of urban planning Mrs. Zacareli and Mr. Fioravante informed me about their current projects and ambitions around Smart City. They also shared their vision to make the municipality more sustainable and pleasant for its inhabitants. Sorocaba is looking for international collaborations.

The city of Sorocaba in the São Paulo state has 700.000 inhabitants, the metropolitan area of Sorocaba consists of 27 municipalities with a total of more than 2 million inhabitants. The industrial park boasts more than 25 million square meters and over 1,600 industries.

The city is foreseeing a growth of the municipality’s service package due to the growing metropolitan area of Sorocaba and the influx of inhabitants coming from São Paulo. Sorocaba embraces a smarter and more sustainable approach to cope with the future urban challenges.

With the recently started IPLASO ( Institute for Planning of Sorocaba ) the municipality is making a start to coordinate urban projects and unite stakeholders to share visions and implement plans.

In general, the municipality is looking for knowledge, best practices, guidance and support with enrolling their Smart City vision and sustainable urban projects within IPLASO. More specific, Sorocaba is looking for solutions to use their data better and to improve their health and municipal services.

In the Netherlands I’m supporting Sorocaba with their plans. Who wants to join?

Feel free to contact me via +31617456045 or christian.fasting@brazilservices.nl

It will be my pleasure to share my experiences in Sorocaba and Brazil with you.

Kind regards, Christian Fasting.

Christian Fasting's picture #DigitalCity
Marjorie Lightman, Partner , posted

What happened to canal travel?

While attending an exhibition of Dutch painting in the 17th century, I read an explanatory label that detailed scheduled barge travel among the major cities and noted that the trip from Amsterdam to Leiden took an hour -- What happened to canal travel and why is not a part of the urban landscape?

Youri Goudswaard, Program Manager Amsterdam Trade at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Trade mission to Vietnam and Malaysia

From 4-9 February 2018, minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Sigrid Kaag, is visiting both Vietnam and Malaysia.
When considering doing business in Southeast-Asia, this economic mission provides a good opportunity to learn more about these two important and growing economies. Innovation plays an important role in sustaining the economic growth in Vietnam and Malaysia and both countries are therefore looking for partners to develop new products and concepts. Especially in the field of urban planning and smart cities, this mission provides interesting opportunities for Dutch businesses, for instance in smart city Ho Chi Minh and at the World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur.

For more information on the mission, doing business in Vietnam and Malaysia and registration, please go to https://www.rvo.nl/actueel/evenementen/economische-missie-vietnam-en-maleisi%C3%AB

Youri Goudswaard's picture #DigitalCity
Irene Kinderman, Business developer , posted

Be part of European Innovations Pavilion in Vancouver

Dudoc Vancouver and Informa launch collaboration at the Vancouver Buildex 2018 to introduce new products and approaches to build our cities more sustainably. And they are looking for companies to join them.

February 2018 will present an excellent opportunity to those offering sustainable solutions for the building industry and are interested to discover the option of expanding to the West Coast of Canada. By taking part in the Buildex Vancouver conference your company can get acquainted with the market in a quick and cost-effective manner. This expo attracts about 14,000 visitors, among them builders, architects, developers, manufacturers, government officials, etc.

This year, Dudoc will be hosting a pavilion of European Innovations that make cities smarter and buildings more efficient. They are looking for 6-8 partners that offer innovative technologies and approaches to join in this year’s pavilion.

A project of the World of Walas, Dudoc provides an opportunity for exceptional innovators to introduce their advanced environmentally sustainable designs and products to the Canadian public. The Dudoc showroom in Vancouver is open to the public and displays world-leading innovations from select partners. They all share a common goal of setting new standards for healthy and energy-efficient communities. Dudoc opened in 2014 as a hub for the local community of change makers. This community thrives with ongoing networking events, workshops, well-attended trade missions, conferences and more.

Dudoc has gone to multiple tradeshows and under­stands the large scope of work that is involved with them. They understand the uncertainties that arise with the unfamiliarity with the North American regulations. However, they also know how advanta­geous it can be to get a first glimpse of the market and to assess the demand by participating in a trade show. Dudoc can help you ease your mind in these crucial first steps. They have been doing busi­ness development for European clients for 4 years with their platform. In Vancou­ver and its region, Dudoc Vancouver is recognized as the only hub for European knowledge, innova­tions and technologies that is on the lookout for latest trends and most sustainable solutions.

This is your chance to gain the value of reaching 14,000 clients that are looking for cutting-edge solutions to the problems of sustainability; all at only a frac­tion of the cost. You can either apply for an Exhibitor spot (total 6 spots), which provides you with a 3x3m space and 30-45 minute presentation time. Regular value for this is 15.000 euros, if you join our European Pavilion, we can offer it to you for 3.000 euros. Or you can go for a Presenter spot (total 4 spots), which provides you with a 30-45 minute presentation time. Regular value is 3.000 euros, if you join us this will only cost you 500 euros. If you think one of these opportunities is for you, please apply to be part by contacting Dudoc Vancouver. Don’t wait too long, spots are limited.

For questions and application, please send an email to contact@dudocvancouver.com

For more information on Dudoc Vancouver and World of Walas

For more information on the Buildex:

Charley Fiedeldij Dop, Programmaker at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Intern opportunity - Gezocht: Stagiair programmamaker @ Pakhuis de Zwijger

Ben jij ook zo nieuwsgierig hoe onze maatschappij van de toekomst eruit ziet? Ben jij geïnteresseerd in de (sociale) invloed van technologische innovatie op de samenleving, zoals de gevolgen voor onze economie, mobiliteit, onderwijs en zorg? Solliciteer en wordt onze nieuwe stagiair programmamaker. Door het organiseren van programma’s en het ontmoeten van interessante sprekers sta je in een mum van tijd midden in het maatschappelijk debat. NB Onbetaalde stage.


Charley Fiedeldij Dop's picture #DigitalCity
Anonymous posted

Invitation for Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven-Smart Energy Playground

Dear All,

I would like to invite you to our Smart Playground Installation in Gemeente Eindhoven on the Dutch Design Week (21-29 October)
There will be an installation of playground equipment which transforms the kinetic energy into light and Bluetooth control of a Mobile app, where the kids collect points according to the produced energy. Also a smart Street Fitness will show you how by working out on your Skywalk you could observe Augmented Reality in Google Street View.

Feel free to join us for a coffee on our Solar Lighting Benches :))
If you'd like to meet, drop me a line to alexandra@playgroundenergy.com

Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt, Founder , posted

Volunteers for meet-up on Blockchain and Food ... next Tuesday oct 3 @ 17:00

I'm looking for 2 volunteers that want to gain experience and build their network in the space of Blockchain Technology and Food. A unique combination.

I need some hands to run and improve this recurring event: https://www.meetup.com/Blockchain-Food/events/241781586/

First meet-up is this Tuesday 3rd of October, starting at 17:00

If you're interested, give me a call on 06 13502191


Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt's picture #DigitalCity
Anonymous posted

Research about smart city initiatives in Amsterdam

Hi people!

We are a group of students from Lund University (Sweden), studying our Master in Information Systems. In one of our courses, we are doing research about sustainable/smart cities in Europe and (of course) we selected Amsterdam!

We are looking for managers and entrepreneurs from both the private and public sector involved in initiatives or SME focusing on smart cities, technology, energy and sustainability. Any kind of area focusing on Smart cities.

We are interested in knowing how you got involved in the smart city projects, the products/services you are offering, we are also going to ask different agreement statements for further insights of your involvements.

The answers we’ll be gathering will be used for further research within the area of Smart Cities. The interviews however will be done through skype or by call and will take around 30 minutes to finish.

Perhaps you’re asking yourself “What’s in it for me?” Well, first and foremost you’ll be helping four students to complete their assignment and if you’re interested you can continue to be a part of the further research to come within the area since one of our professors is focusing on Smart City development and IT sustainability.

We would be very grateful if you took your time to answer our interview questions and we are looking forward to hear from you.

We would really appreciate any feedback

To get in touch with us, please contact me on waldau.fredrik@gmail.com

Best regards

Master Students at Lund University - Department of Informatics

Shvedenko Artem, CIO , posted

Collaboration with IT Innopolis University in Kazan, Russia

Hello, all! My name is Artem.
I'm studing at Innopolis University on the Master of Science in Information Technology – Software Engineering, based on Carnegie Mellon University program.
Now I try to find an interesting project, where there is a demand/requirement in IT collective to improve some program products, smartphone Application, Web portal etc.

So, I am looking for 2 things:

-A customer (with whom we will work, someone who will give us information,
instructions, leads to make requirements to Agile cycles)

-A GNU program product ~ 50000 lines of code to work with it
Our collaboration is free. Of course we cant make the whole program product, but we can improve some parts. Maybe it could be a start to the next cooperation between our university and your wonderful city.

With warm regards,
Shvedenko Artem

Shvedenko Artem's picture #DigitalCity