#Electric vehicles

Topic within Mobility
Marlies van Exter, Communications Manager at AMS Institute, posted

How to make smart mobility hubs work for everyone? The why of citizen engagement 

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AMS Institute and SmartHubs are happy to announce the third episode of their webinar series on Mobility for the City of Tomorrow on 24 February from 14:00-15:00 (CET).

How to make smart mobility hubs work for everyone? The why of citizen engagement

There are quite some challenges for cities and other stakeholders to make mobility solutions well-tailored for everyone. It starts with finding suitable methods to engage and actively involve different user groups, such as citizens. Subsequently, they have to identify individual user needs with the traveller and co-create transport solutions for the traveller.

With citizen engagement, we try to provide the silent majority with an opportunity to raise their voice. If the SmartHubs project engages the citizen, the city-citizen relation will improve.

Marc Boijens and Laurens van Roozendaal will share some use cases and methods, actively involving the audience.

Online event on Feb 24th
Marlies van Exter, Communications Manager at AMS Institute, posted

Decision support systems for locating smart mobility hubs

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AMS Institute and SmartHubs are happy to announce the second episode of their webinar series on Mobility for the City of Tomorrow on 3 February from 14:00-15:00 (CET).

Decision support systems for locating smart mobility hubs

With the growing use of shared mobility modes comes the need to regulate and organize them into hub access points that offer several modes together. But there's a challenge. How should these hubs be located in a city so that they contribute to mobility sustainability and positively impact its urban fabric?

With that in mind, the SmartHubs project has been developing a decision support tool to help find the best potential areas for installing shared mobility hubs. It comprises a multi-criteria approach that integrates several objectives into the same overall potential score, providing cities with a geographical picture of where they should prioritize their investments.

Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Rodriguez Correia and Miquel Martí Casanovas will explain the method behind the decision support tool, using the city of Amsterdam as an example.

Online event on Feb 3rd
Marlies van Exter, Communications Manager at AMS Institute, posted

How to build the right ecosystem to make smart mobility hubs work?

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AMS Institute and SmartHubs are happy to announce the first episode of their webinar series on Mobility for the City of Tomorrow on 20 January from 14:00-15:00 (CET).

How to build the right ecosystem to make smart mobility hubs work?

An ecosystem consists of many parties, and it's beneficial for incremental innovation if there, somehow, is a connection between them. But what if your innovation is disruptive and an entire ecosystem has to undergo a transition? How do you find the right partners for your envisioned ecosystem? How can you create a common goal that is equally beneficial for all partners?

SmartHubs are not about technology but about creating an ecosystem with a solid value proposition and the right business models.

Marc Boijens and Laurens van Roozendaal will tell you more about how they tackle the challenges they encounter in the SmartHubs project.

Online event on Jan 20th
Erik Feleus, Digital Strategist & Smart Building Developer at Schiphol, posted

Let's go electric!

As in the rest of the Netherlands, the number of electric cars (EVs) at Schiphol will only increase in the coming years. Whereas Royal Schiphol Group currently has 400 EV charge points, we expect to grow rapidly towards 10,000 charge points over the next few years. We cannot achieve this growth alone. That is why we are looking for a partner who can help us manage this growth with smart technology. Can you help us? Check the link below to the tender on Negometrix

Erik Feleus's picture #Mobility
Giovanni Stijnen, Senior program & business developer at NEMO Kennislink, posted

Wat Mensen Beweegt wil duurzame mobiliteit in het ArenA-gebied stimuleren

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In de Johan Cruijff ArenA vond onlangs de kick-off plaats van Wat Mensen Beweegt, een nieuw onderzoeksproject gericht op duurzame mobiliteit in het Amsterdamse ArenA-gebied.

De Hogeschool van Amsterdam en NEMO Kennislink onderzoeken in samenwerking met eventlocaties ArenA, Ziggo Dome en AFAS Live wat ervoor nodig is om bezoekers te stimuleren duurzamere reiskeuzes te maken.

Vaak gaat het bij dit soort vraagstukken over technische of infrastructurele uitdagingen want die zijn van groot belang. Het gedrag van de individuele reiziger speelt vaak net zo’n belangrijke rol. Daarom richt dit project zich op de belevingswereld van bezoekers. Wat beweegt hen om te kiezen voor de auto, trein of ander vervoer? Hoe kunnen door inzicht te krijgen in de rol van emoties en gedrag betrokken organisaties zoals de ArenA worden geholpen bij het faciliteren van een duurzamer reisgedrag? En hoe kunnen we zorgen dat de bezoeker daar zelf actief aan bijdraagt?

Dit project doet hiervoor een eerste exploratieve verkenning. Resultaten worden in het voorjaar van 2022 getoetst op mogelijkheden om de aanpak die is ontwikkeld verder op te schalen.

 Unieke samenwerking

Dit project is een unieke samenwerking tussen de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Lectoraat Creative Media for Social Change) die creatieve methoden inbrengt en het wetenschapjournalistieke platform NEMO Kennislink dat werkt via constructieve journalistieke methoden. Naast de eventlocaties wordt nauw samengewerkt met het Platform Smart Mobility Amsterdam, ZO Bereikbaar en het Amsterdam Smart City netwerk.


Wil je meer weten, neem dan contact op met:

 Johan Cruijff ArenA

Maurits van Hövell, Consultant Mobility and Environment, m.van.hovell@johancruijffarena.nl

 Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Tamara Witschge Lector Creative Media for Social Change, t.a.c.witschge@hva.nl

 NEMO Kennislink

Giovanni Stijnen, sr. program & business development, stijnen@e-nemo.nl

Leon Heuts, Hoofdredacteur, heuts@nemokennislink.nl

Giovanni Stijnen's picture #Mobility
Daan van Rooij, Technical Specialist at Cenex NL, posted

Shared mobility for more liveable cities. How can we make it work?

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Join us at the EIT Climate-KIC Sustainable Shared Mobility (SuSMo) closing webinar on the 7th of December 14:00 - 16:00 to find out how to introduce shared mobility in your city and learn from the experiences from European frontrunners.

The SuSMo partners will present learning material and guidelines for introducing, managing and regulating shared mobility in cities. In addition to the SuSMo partners we introduce speakers from CROW and autodelen.net. CROW will present their car sharing toolkit for Dutch municipalities while autodelen.net will discuss best practices from car sharing in Belgium. See the attached agenda for the full list of speakers and topics.

You do not want to miss this webinar!

Please register here: https://tinyurl.com/SuSMoWebinar

We look forward to meeting you online!

Online event on Dec 7th
Eline Meijer, Communication Specialist , posted

Transformatie verkeerssysteem Berlijn? Geert Kloppenburg legt uit hoe simpel het is!

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In een korte video (3min) geeft Geert Kloppenburg zijn visie geeft over hoe 7 wegen het Berlijnse verkeerssysteem transformeren middels een goedkoop en snel uitvoerbaar plan.

Bekijk de video hier en wordt abonnee van het youtube kanaal voor meer video's!

Laat je feedback achter in de comments of stuur een email naar: eline@geertkloppenburg.nl

Eline Meijer's picture #Mobility
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Data & IT platforms, smart buildings and Smart Energy

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Check out FAN's most recent newsletter for 3 events in Smart Energy:

  • 1 November: webinar on the role of data & IT platforms in the smart control of buildings and devices, with TenneT, Spectral, Alliander and EnergyNXT

  • 23 November: Working conference Top Sector Energy: Increase the scale for the energy transition

  • 24 & 25 January: FLEXCON 2022 - confirmed partners

Adriaan van Eck's picture Online event on Nov 1st
Trisha van Engelen, Junior Community & Program Officer at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Green Deal ZES MRA Meetup #8

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Twee jaar geleden hebben meer dan 50 publieke en private partijen uit de Metropool Amsterdam de Green Deal Zero Emissie Stadslogistiek MRA ondertekend. Daarmee gaven zij aan zich in te willen spannen op weg naar emissie-vrije stadslogistiek in 2025.

In 2025 zijn vrachtvoertuigen in de stad emissievrij. Logistieke en verkeersdata zijn slim gekoppeld. Slimme en schone (stads)logistiek is een belangrijke voorwaarde voor de economische vitaliteit en de aantrekkelijkheid van de regio. In de transitie naar slimme en schone stadslogistiek is de ondertekening van de GDZES MRA in 2019 op en 2020 – op initiatief van de Amsterdam Economic Board – door meer dan 60 partijen van grote betekenis geweest.

Maar hoe staat het er nu voor? Welke acties zijn er door overheden, bedrijven en kennisinstellingen inmiddels opgezet en wat werkt wel en wat werkt niet?

Na anderhalf jaar zoomen organiseert de Amsterdam Economic Board de Green Deal ZES Meetup#8. Op 12 oktober komen we weer live bij elkaar. Hier zullen een aantal succesvolle en onverwachte samenwerkingen worden besproken en heb jij de kans om jouw voorstel, idee of vraagstuk met een korte pitch te delen met de community. En natuurlijk worden de nieuwe ondertekenaars ook nog voorgesteld!

Het programma is als volgt:

Welkom & Introductie
Richard Hoving

Updates & Calls
Met onder andere pitches van:
- Hurby, duurzame regionale sameday avondbezorging – Mark Fontein
- Vervoerregio, Regionale Uitvoeringsagenda Stadslogistiek – Ton Geuzendam (lees ook dit interview)
- Coding the Curbs, op weg naar slimme flexibele infrastructuur – Martijn Pater
- Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Future Food Logistics Challenge – Kees-Willem Rademakers

Introductie nieuwe GDZESMRA toetreders
Met o.a. Cargoledger, Cenex Group, Open Waste, Schneider Electric, CLIC, Alliander,
Goodman, Leap24, Bidfood, Pantar, Coding the Curbs, Babboe Pro, Cipiobox, Hurby, Feenstra, HAVI en EVConsult.

Feestelijk teken- en fotomoment

GDZES MRA Netwerkborrel

Wil je erbij zijn? Dat kan! Meld je aan via de link.

Trisha van Engelen's picture Meet-up on Oct 12th
Jorden van der Hoogt, Strategy and Innovation Lead at Cenex NL, posted

CleanMobilEnergy Digital Seminar Series: An Introduction to CME

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The first event in the CleanMobilEnergy Digital Seminar series shall provide a general overview of the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) CleanMobilEnergy project, through which an interoperable Energy Management System (iEMS) is being developed and implemented to optimise energy production and usage, thus dramatically reducing carbon emissions.

11:00 Opening
11:05 General overview of the CleanMobilEnergy project
11:30 Moderated Q & A session
11:55 Closing remarks

Jorden van der Hoogt's picture Online event on Sep 28th
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted


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📣 Save the date for FLEXCON's 4th edition: FLEXCON 2022!

FLEXCON brings together parties who share the common goal to engage consumers in the flexible energy revolution. The 4th edition of this international event will take place on 24 and 25 January 2022.

3 tracks each day... and more!

Just like in 2017, 2018 and 2020, FLEXCON 2022 will have 3 tracks each day:

      Day 1

  • Energy Systems Interactions
  • Data, Enabling Technologies, Interoperability
  • Smart Energy Workshops

Day 2

  • Commercial and Industrial Scale Solutions
  • E-Mobility, Smart Charging & V2X
  • Smart Energy Workshops

Next to the 3 tracks we have our famous Networking Dinner for partners & organizers, and we have Startups & Idea pitching. Each day will be closed with Smart Energy Drinks.

Join FLEXCON as a partner.
FLEXCON provides a unique platform for businesses, projects, and solutions to showcase their knowledge, strategies, and technologies. Do not miss the opportunity to participate as a partner of FLEXCON 2022! Contact us via the FLEXCON website or via adriaan@flexible-energy.eu.

Adriaan van Eck's picture Conference from Jan 24th to Jan 25th
Eva Gutbrod, Project Manager for international projects at Baden-Württemberg International, posted

International Lightweight Talks including matchmaking

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Be part of the International Lightweight Talks on 21.09.2021 from 2.30 pm until 5.30 pm (CET). Are you looking for business or projects partners? You can book bilateral meetings or exchange with experts on smart city, architecture, mobility and circular economy. To register free of charge please follow the link below. The virtual event is organised by BW_i and Leichtbau BW and supported by the Enterprise Europe Network.
Have a look at the programme here: www.leichtbau-bw.de/ilt
In case of questions don't hesitate to contact Eva Gutbrod (eva.gutbrod@bw-i.de, +49711 227 87-947).

Eva Gutbrod's picture Online event on Sep 21st
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Demoday Circular City x Mobility

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Demodays are part of our innovation process and intended to boost the progress of the various innovation projects, put requests for help on the table, share dilemmas and involve others in your projects or challenges. We host them every 8-10 weeks.

Invitations are sent but we're always open to adding a few new names to the list.

During Demo days, community members pitch projects and ask for input. In small groups we work on concrete questions. We organize workshops with our partners to get a step further in the process. All in a very positive, open and cheerful vibe.

This time on the agenda:


Electric charging service hub – Beelen Mobility
There are more and more electric cars that also need to be charged. This growth cannot be fully accommodated with charging hubs in streets. De Beelengroep is developing a charging hub, a place where you can charge your car, and do other useful or fun things in the meantime. These hubs are well integrated into the energy system and do not place a greater burden on the grid. How do we make this even better?

A smart city, that's how you do it - Future City Foundation
Digitization and technology will fundamentally change our cities, regions and villages in the coming years. But what instruments do we need to make this happen in the best possible way? In the City Deal 'A smart city, that's how you do it' we develop, test and implement these instruments.

From Waste to Harvest – De Gezonde Stad
In Amsterdam we throw away organic waste together with household waste. The 'From Waste to Harvest' project takes a concrete step towards a circular and healthy city. More than 100 people have registered and deliver their organic waste to the neighborhood garden, which is used to make valuable compost. De Gezonde Stad tells how to involve people and let them experience the value of their 'waste'.

Robots and a liveable city – TU Delft / AMS Institute
In the near future, robots will most likely take to the streets to do their jobs. Think of robots that deliver groceries or medicines, or robots that support in keeping the city clean and pleasant. How can we design these robots in such a way that they can share public space with us in a harmonious way?

Supply of catering, by water – City of Amsterdam
For 20 years, efforts have been made to increase transport by water. There is still a lot of logistics space here. It can therefore relieve the road, and water transport can also be clean. Technology is available, but there is no business case yet.

Shared mobility – solution or annoyance?
We keep seeing forms of shared mobility; cars, scooters and cargo bikes. A nice development. But in many cities it also leads to problems. How do we ensure that we actually use these new forms of mobility to reduce problems, emissions and use of raw materials?

Want to join? Have a question? Let’s hear it in the comments!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Online event on Sep 16th
Jasmyn Mazloum, Communicatie at Gemeente Almere, posted

Onderzoek: Deelmobiliteit in Almere! / Enquête

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Almere is een stad waarin de mogelijkheden om jezelf te verplaatsen eindeloos zijn. Niet alle vervoersmiddelen zijn even praktisch, milieuvriendelijk of gezond. Veel van onze auto’s staan het grootste gedeelte van de tijd stil op de parkeerplaats. Ze nemen kostbare ruimte in en daarbij zorgt het gebruik van de auto voor een minder gezonde lucht.

Wat is deelmobiliteit?
Een oplossing hiervoor kan zijn om voertuigen te delen. Dit noemen we ook wel deelmobiliteit. Niet iedereen een eigen auto, maar één auto die wordt gebruikt door meerdere personen. Naast een auto kun je ook (e-)fietsen of scooters delen. Deze zijn belangrijk om bijvoorbeeld het laatste stukje van het treinstation of bushalte gemakkelijk naar je werk te komen.

De gemeente Almere is benieuwd hoe jij hierover denkt. Jouw mening kunnen we gebruiken bij het opzetten van deelmobiliteit in onze stad. We gaan betrouwbaar om met uw gegevens en de reacties worden anoniem verwerkt. Vul voor ons de enquête in!

Jasmyn Mazloum's picture #Mobility
Linda Kas, Communicatieadviseur at Vervoerregio Amsterdam, posted

#SmartThursday MRA-platform smart mobility: BuurtHubs in Amsterdam

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De mobiliteit in de Metropoolregio Amsterdam is in beweging letterlijk en figuurlijk. We verwachten een grote groei van bewoners en bezoekers. Dat heeft zijn weerslag op de openbare ruimte. Om de stad leefbaar en duurzaam te houden moeten we ervoor zorgen dat we op een andere manier door de stad gaan bewegen. Daarom experimenteert de gemeente Amsterdam met BuurtHubs. Dat zijn plekken in de buurt waar Amsterdammers gebruik kunnen maken van elektrische deelmobiliteit.

Tijdens de Smart Thursday op 9 september van 16.00 tot 17.00 uur deelt Gemeente Amsterdam de eerste ervaringen met BuurtHubs. Naast het delen van de geleerde lessen over praktische zaken (zoals het inpassen van een hub in de openbare ruimte) gaan we ook in op de buurtgerichte aanpak. Tenslotte delen we interessante inzichten uit het eHUBS project het Europese project waar de BuurtHubs onder vallen. Meer weten? Lees dan alvast dit artikel.

Linda Kas's picture Online event on Sep 9th
Cameron Watson, Sustainability Innovation Consultant at Energy Tech Meetup Amsterdam, posted

Energy Tech x The Netherlands: Launch Event

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Launching ETM Amsterdam, an accessible event series focusing on exploring the energy transition.


Ready to throw yourself into all things energy transition? We’re kicking off the Dutch chapter of the global Energy Tech Meetup movement.

ETM is the global community for energy innovation. Starting out in Tokyo, Energy Tech Meetup events have been bringing together startups, professionals, academics, investors, and students since the start of 2019. And now ETM is coming to the Netherlands and we want anyone and everyone who’s got energy on the 🧠 to be a part of our community.

In partnership with leading energy VC SET Ventures, we’re starting off our series with a special event on what’s shaking up the Dutch energy landscape. You’ll get fresh and varied insights from innovation departments, research gurus, and cutting-edge startups.

Sound good? Then come join our first event in Zoku, Amsterdam – you can exchange ideas, find new opportunities in energy or simply mingle over a beer.

And keep up to date on what's happening over on Instagram and LinkedIn 👀

Launch event

The Dutch energy sector is booming and we’re giving the floor to those who are right in the thick of it. You'll get the inside scoop on all things energy transition during our launch event from EnergyworxGradyentE-Flux BVEnecoSET Ventures, and more.

Here’s what to expect:

7:00pm - 8:00pm: We'll have guest speakers giving a broad perspective of innovation in the Netherlands. With a startup, corporate and academic view, we’ll discover where we should be sitting up and taking notice within the energy transition.

8:15pm - 9:00pm: Those on the ground building cutting-edge startups, will be telling us about the sectors that are core to the Dutch energy transition.

Location – Zoku

We’re over the 🌕 to link up with Zoku for our first event – a trendy, home-office hybrid, Zoku is all about building a community around sustainability, solidifying their commitment with attaining a B Corp certification back in 2018.


ETM is run by volunteers and is a nonprofit, so we won’t be pocketing any of the dosh. The €5* gets you a free drink on arrival, so in the words of Wham...‘Club Tropicana, drinks are free. Fun and sunshine**, there's enough for everyone’.

*the tickets are non-refundable

**can’t guarantee sunshine, but yes to the free🍹

Cameron Watson's picture Meet-up on Sep 7th
Joren Bassant, Journalist , posted

De deelstep komt eraan! Geofencing, dropzones en ‘eigenaarschap’ moeten hem temmen.

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Vanaf medio volgend jaar mogen elektrische deelsteps de Nederlandse weg op. Dat is leuk voor stepfanaten, maar gemeenten kijken met argusogen naar de ontwikkeling. Want in Europese steden zorgen de steps voor veel overlast. Welke middelen kan je als gemeente inzetten om rommelig geparkeerde stepjes en ongelukken te voorkomen?

Anonymous posted

World Smart City Expo Seoul

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The Dutch embassy in Seoul is inviting (online and, if possible, offline) Dutch companies to the Netherlands Pavilion at the World Smart City Expo in South Korea from 8 to 10 September! You can register and participate for free to have your company promoted during the expo.

The embassy can represent you in the Netherlands Pavilion with your own brochures, videos, posters and other promotional material. You can also participate in other online business activities around the fair. If the current travel restrictions for South Korea (2 weeks quarantine) are lifted, you can of course also participate physically.

Dutch-Korean Smart city cooperation

Various missions, a Government-to-Government Memorandum of Understanding (G2G-MoU) and smart city awards have brought Dutch and Korean activities in the field of smart city closer together since 2018. Smart cities are an important growth market. Partly for this reason, the Netherlands is very well represented with its own pavilion at the World Smart City Expo 2021 in Seoul.

For whom?

Participation is interesting if your company is active in the field of energy-neutral construction ('zero energy building'), smart mobility ('smart mobility') or urban agriculture ('urban agriculture'). It doesn't matter if you are a start-up, want to seize international opportunities for the first time, or are already active internationally.

Please contact Mr Peter Wijlhuizen, Senior Officer for Innovation, Technology and Science

Email: pw@nost-korea.com

* You will be able to see that the deadline to register yourself for this opportunity is over via the RVO link.
However, the deadline has been extended, so please first send your application to the above email address.

Online event from Sep 8th to Sep 10th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Recap of Demo Day #12 - Energy meets Mobility

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We share a quick overview of the mobility and energy projects that are on the minds of our partners and community half way through 2021. In another successful Demo Day we glided from Smart Energy to the first MaaS app. We learned about Code the Streets and easier ways to get projects subsidiest after Corona.

Our demo days are part of a series and are intended for Amsterdam Smart City partners to present the progress of various innovation projects, ask for input, share dilemmas and involve other partners in projects. We give you a recap.

The bottlenecks of Smart Energy - Alienke Ramaker from Royal Haskoning DHV

We want Smart Energy and make use of it in a flexible matter. So it’s not a surprise that pilots and projects pop up to make charging more efficient. But for some reason these projects don’t grow. Tom van Loon from Royalhaskoning DHV (commissioned by TKI Urban Energy and RVO) not only presents the 5 bottlenecks with the help of 40 experts but also gives us action points. The next step is to make these points land. How can we do that?

Amaze - Edvard Hendriksen from Overmorgen/Arcadis

Amaze is the first Mobility as a Service (MaaS) app in the Netherlands. It gives you access to public transport, shared mobility (cars, bikes) and taxi’s with one app. To scale up employers need to be convinced so employees are easily triggered to make use of shared mobility. In September 500 companies will join the launch event. Do you know any employers that should join, or are you one? Let us know in the comments so we can connect you to Edvard.

Code the Streets – Sander Oudbier & Lilian Leermakers from AMS Institute

Creating an app that makes cities less busy and saver, that’s what CODE the Streets is doing. Our region keeps growing and the same goes for our streets, neighbourhood’s and cities so we constantly need to come up with smart ways to organize mobility. Lilian Leermakers explains that the streets of Amsterdam are coded and added to navigation software. This can be used to avoid small streets around schools for instance. They’re looking for 200 users in Amsterdam and Helsinki so they can gather good feedback. The pilot starts at the end of August. Would you like to be part of the test team?

Innovation partners - Eefje Smeulders from City of Amsterdam & Dave van Loon from Kennisland

To give the region an economic and sustainable transition boost, the city of Amsterdam has extra funds available. A chance for our network to get a subsidy for the plans they work on.

Dave van Loon from Kennisland is working on a Dutch subsidy request himself: “energietransitie als vliegwiel voor een leefbare buurt”. An area oriented plan in which co-creation will connect multiple transitions. The idea is to work together with all the parties that are involved; residents, government, companies, energy suppliers, housing corporations and knowledge institutions. The end goal would be a Fieldlab. Would you like to know more and work with Dave on this? Let us know in the comments and we’ll connect you.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Mobility