
Topic within Citizens & Living
NEMO Science Museum, posted

Stand-up - Comedy for Climate (reprise)

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Een avondje lachen

Klimaatopwarming is niet het meest grappige onderwerp. Toch proberen we daar door middel van een stand-up comedy avond voor één keer verandering in te brengen. Waarbij we lachen om onszelf en het klimaat. Met alleen een microfoon zetten de comedians van Het Comedyhuis zware klimaatonderwerpen om in luchtige grappen. Een lekker avondje lachen dus. Want lachen is gezond! Om daarna met goede moed en op volle kracht te werken aan de oplossing.

Over Het Comedyhuis

Comedy for Climate wordt georganiseerd door Het Comedyhuis. Een van de oudste stand-up comedy gezelschappen van Nederland. Sinds 2009 organiseert de groep comedyshows in het land, schrijven ze teksten voor TV programma’s als de Avondshow van Lubach en helpen ze beginnende comedians om hun eerste stappen op het podium te zetten met hun beproefde stand-up comedycursussen.

Tijdens Comedy for Climate kun je genieten van de grappen van:

  • Andries Tunru
  • Pieter Jouke
  • Wouter Monden
  • Tim Kroezen


Voor een bezoek aan dit evenement in De Studio reserveer je een ticket via de website van NEMO. De toegangsprijs is € 7,50.

Comedy for Climate start om 20.00 uur en en duurt ongeveer 1 tot 1,5 uur. Voorafgaand aan het evenement kun je vanaf 19.00 uur de tentoonstelling Energy Junkies bezoeken.
Op vertoon van een kortingspas ontvangen pashouders voorafgaand aan de activiteit een gratis drankje. Deelnemende passen zijn: Museumkaart, VriendenLoterij VIP-KAART, Stadspas Amsterdam, CJP pas en Collegekaart.
De Studio van NEMO is een extra locatie van NEMO Science Museum op het Marineterrein in Amsterdam. De programmering is speciaal voor volwassenen.

NEMO Science Museum's picture Meet-up on Jun 8th
Beth Njeri, Digital Communications Manager at Metabolic, posted

Event - Circularity 23

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Transforming our systems, structures, and strategies is crucial for a just, resilient world within planetary boundaries. It's time to unlearn linear systems and move from extractive to regenerative.

To dive into this discussion, CEO, Eva Gladek, and Commercial & Partnerships Lead - Agrifood & Biodiversity, Andrew McCue at Metabolic, will speak at Circularity 23 on June 5th - 7th, 2023, themed around accelerating the circular economy. This premier event, organized by GreenBiz Group, brings together professionals driving the circular economy.

Eva will share insights on innovative financing for the circular economy, while Andrew will discuss the importance of circular food supply chains.

More about the event in the link!

Beth Njeri's picture Congress from Jun 5th to Jun 7th
Xander Bakker, Community Manager at Green Innovation Hub, posted

Inspiratie en netwerken: meld je nu aan voor de Green Innovation Hub Open Coffee!

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Heb jij een idee, product of dienst voor een duurzame en inclusieve samenleving en wil je dit graag met ons delen? Op dinsdag 21 maart nodigen wij je van harte uit voor de Green Innovation Hub Open Coffee.

Van 10:30 – 12:00 geven wij een update over de Green Innovation Hub en zijn er twee inspirerende gastsprekers die een oproep doen aan de markt.

De komende jaren zullen er meer dan 100.000 nieuwe woningen gebouwd worden, maar wat is daarvoor nodig om dat te realiseren? Hoe kunnen we digitaal-gedreven innovaties opschalen?

Wil je meepraten? Meld je dan nu aan via: https://lnkd.in/etg9rjd5

Let op! Maximaal 50 personen (vol = vol).

Xander Bakker's picture Meet-up on Mar 21st
Harmen van Sprang, co-founder & CEO Sharing Cities Alliance , posted

Tech Talk: 'Metaverse & de publieke ruimte'

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Lopen we straks allemaal met een Augmented Reality-bril door de stad? Waarmee je in een oogopslag de route ziet die je moet lopen, of het social media profiel van jouw tegenligger op straat kunt zien? Hoe is het dan gesteld met onze privacy in de openbare ruimte? En als de fysieke en virtuele wereld zo met elkaar verbonden zijn, is het dan nog wel duidelijk of iets ‘echt’ is?

Praat mee over de kansen en uitdagingen van Extended Reality voor de publieke ruimte. Extended Reality is een verzamelterm voor Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) en Mixed Reality (MR) waarmee virtuele 3D werelden kunnen worden gecreëerd.

De toepassingen van Extended Reality zijn volop in ontwikkeling. Het lijkt een kwestie van tijd voordat deze een rol gaan spelen in ons dagelijks leven. Zo is het denkbaar dat Augmented Reality-brillen ons gaan ondersteunen in het onderwijs en op de werkvloer. Daarnaast is het denkbaar dat bedrijven virtuele lagen en toepassingen op de publieke ruimte projecteren waardoor deze voor iedereen verandert.

Daarom gaan we in gesprek met experts, onderzoekers en Amsterdammers over de mogelijke en wenselijke rol van Extended Reality. Gezamenlijk zoeken we een antwoord op de volgende vraag: hoe blijft de publieke ruimte een plek van en voor iedereen?


  • Geert-Jan Bogaerts, Voorzitter van PublicSpaces
  • Stefan Roolvink, Onderzoeker bij Rathenau Instituut
  • Rivke Jaffe, Hoogleraar Stadsgeografie bij Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Esther Hammelburg, Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Sebastiaan Crul, Onderzoeker bij FreedomLab
  • Joris Haverkort, Director Microsoft Technology Center bij Microsoft
  • Edo Haveman, Hoofd Public Policy Netherlands bij Meta


  • Timo Nieuwenhuis, onderzoeker bij Digitalisering & Innovatie, Gemeente Amsterdam
  • Harmen van Sprang, co-founder van de Sharing Cities Alliance
Harmen van Sprang's picture Meet-up on Apr 19th
Beth Njeri, Digital Communications Manager at Metabolic, posted

Vacancy: Marketing and Communications Manager

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Are you passionate about sustainability and making a positive impact on the world? Do you believe in the power of communication to drive systemic change? Then Metabolic's MarComms & Design Team is looking for someone like you to support our work in Dutch and English!

Join our dynamic and multicultural team to work on innovative communication strategies that break down the complexities of sustainability and inspire action. As a brand advocate, you'll network to form media and communications partnerships that accelerate our impact and guide your teammates to create large-scale campaigns with high relevance and reach.

Excited about this opportunity? Submit your application OR circulate it widely to your networks.

#greenjobs #vacancy #sustainability

Beth Njeri's picture #Citizens&Living
Amber Kahmann, Communications at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted

Open Call: Create impact with the European CommuniCity project!

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Does your organisation work with vulnerable target groups in Amsterdam, or are you a tech company with great ideas for digital solutions for this group? Create tech applications together for the challenges of vulnerable communities during the European CommuniCity project.

From 28 February to 31 March, you can submit your proposal for one of the challenges to CommuniCity for a chance to win a €12,500 grant to test your idea in practice.

How does it work?

  • Companies or organisations submit their proposal via the CommuniCity website;
  • The submissions are assessed against the set criteria and thus the winners are selected;
  • The winning entries receive a grant of 12,500 euros to develop and test their solution together with the target group in Amsterdam.

For more information about the project, the challenges for Amsterdam and application conditions check the website below!

Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager , posted

Tech Talent – A Changing Tech Landscape, New strategies to attract and maintain tech talent

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As we all know, the tech industry is changing at a fast pace. Big tech parties, including Microsoft, Meta, HP, Spotify, and Amazon, have been laying off workers by the thousands in the last months. What lies behind the wave of layoffs? Is it a correction for the exponential growth of recent years or are there other underlying factors?

Despite the recent layoffs in the tech industry human capital remains one of the most important factors for the growth of tech companies and there is still a great demand for tech talent. Employees still have the luxury to choose from offers from multiple tech companies. Employees are increasingly making decisions about their careers based on the impact and the sustainable strategy of their future employer rather than the salary or bonuses they will receive. Other relevant factors are the ability to influence the policy of the company and to create a positive impact on society and on well-being instead of merely helping the company achieve its revenue targets.

In this tech table, we have gathered tech specialists from Sweden and the Netherlands to discuss which lessons the recent development in the tech sector can be learned.  Are you as an employee a good fit for the company and is the company as an employer a good fit for you? Labor has gotten a lot more expensive, and companies have to hire the best, but is that enough?  Companies also have to rethink how they reskill and upskill their teams. People are the most important factor for a company’s growth. How to find the right people and which strategies do you need to build stronger, more innovative, and inspiring teams, How to maintain and attract new tech talent?

Conference on Mar 28th
Xander Bakker, Community Manager at Green Innovation Hub, posted

Opening Green Innovation Hub: startschot voor digitale innovatie in Almere

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Op woensdag 22 februari heeft de Green Innovation Hub in Almere officieel zijn deuren geopend. De publiek-private samenwerking tussen de Gemeente Almere, Provincie Flevoland en telecombedrijf VodafoneZiggo richt zich op de ontwikkeling van digitale innovaties op het gebied van bouw, voedsel, energie, mobiliteit en (digitale) inclusie.

Almere bouwt de komende vijftien jaar 130.000 nieuwe woningen. Daarnaast wil de gemeente in 2030 klimaatneutraal zijn. Hiervoor is integrale, duurzame en inclusieve gebiedsontwikkeling belangrijk.

De Green Innovation Hub is een broedplaats voor ontmoeting, samenwerking en innovatie. Partijen ontwikkelen digitale oplossingen voor een gezonde stadsomgeving, lokale voedselzekerheid, mobiliteit, circulair bouwen, energiedistributie en sociale verbondenheid tussen stadsbewoners. Gezamenlijke innovaties worden getest en opgeschaald op speciale ‘greenfield' locaties.

Open ecosysteem
De Green Innovation Hub is een broedplaats voor ontmoeting, samenwerking en innovatie. Partijen ontwikkelen digitale oplossingen voor een gezonde stadsomgeving, lokale voedselzekerheid, mobiliteit, circulair bouwen, energiedistributie en sociale verbondenheid tussen stadsbewoners. Gezamenlijke innovaties worden getest en opgeschaald op speciale ‘greenfield’ locaties. De Green Innovation Hub is een open ecosysteem, waarin partners, het bedrijfsleven, overheden en het onderwijs.

Wethouder Maaike Veeningen: “Met deze samenwerking willen we de innovatiekracht van Almere vergroten. Digitalisering en technologie zijn daarbij onmisbaar, net als de kennis en kwaliteiten van inwoners van onze regio. Met de Green Innovation Hub in het hart van de stad laten we zien hoe belangrijk duurzame en inclusieve gebiedsontwikkeling voor ons is.”
Gedeputeerde Jan Nico Appelman: “Provincie Flevoland ondersteunt van harte de Green Innovation Hub: een plek waar samenwerken, innoveren en ontmoeten centraal staat. Digitalisering én duurzaamheid zijn twee thema’s die belangrijk zijn voor de ontwikkeling onze provincie. Hiermee past de Hub ook uitstekend in de groeiambitie van Almere."

Vragen van morgen
Laura van Gestel, directeur duurzaamheid van VodafoneZiggo: “Als telecombedrijf willen we onze impact op het milieu hebben gehalveerd in 2025. Tegelijk willen we twee miljoen mensen vooruithelpen in de samenleving. Hoe gaan we in de toekomst wonen en werken? Welke rol kunnen we daarin spelen? Belangrijke vragen die grote thema’s raken als zorg en mobiliteit, maar ook klimaatverandering en sociale ongelijkheid. Met de Green Innovation Hub willen we samen oplossingen ontwikkelen voor de vragen van morgen.”

Xander Bakker's picture #Mobility
Henrike Slob, Marketing Communications Lead at Impact Hub Amsterdam, posted

Inclusion Ecosystem Networking Drinks

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Are you working towards a more inclusive product range? Then, join us for networking drinks to meet many stakeholders from our inclusion ecosystem.

Seize this opportunity to connect to entrepreneurs, investors and other organizations accelerating positive change in regards to inclusion. While enjoying drinks from 17:00 - 18:00 h, you can make new connections, explore potential partnerships, exchange knowledge on your business and sustainability goals and meet the Impact Hub team.

Earlier in the day, we will host an invite-only Inclusion Ecosystem Day. During our Inclusion Ecosystem Day, we invite product innovation managers to join us in finding out why embedding diversity and inclusion in the development phase can create both a positive impact and successful products. You will get a chance to meet them, too!

In nature, the most resilient ecosystems are the most diverse ones. Our society is just another ecosystem. Our work in the Inclusion Ecosystem contributes to innovative solutions representing and reflecting all of society. Learn more.

Henrike Slob's picture Meet-up on May 9th
Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Just Sustainability Transitions Course

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Do you believe, like us, that sustainability and social justice are key to fundamental change? ‘Just Sustainability Transitions’ is a six-month online course that provides the tools and inspiration you need to create your own transition strategy.

The Just Sustainability Transitions is a peer-learning course from DRIFT, The Dutch Research Institute for Transitions. It draws from our latest action research insights on justice, sustainability transitions and social innovation.

How can we facilitate and accelerate societal transformation? And how can we really bring in diverse allies to drive systemic change? This course helps you find answers to such questions by combining state-of-the-art research with deep critical reflection and applied action learning. We provide a diversity of perspectives that help you discover what works for you.

Special attention is given to tools and methods with which you can organise a process of transition in your area, organization or sector.
Your guides on this journey will be young and more seasoned DRIFT experts, all active in transitions research, (government) consultancy and education. They specialise in diverse domains such as climate policy, energy, agro-food, inclusiveness & participation, sustainable urbanism and the circular economy.

Wouter Mulders's picture Masterclass / workshop from May 4th to Oct 12th
Joe Calodich, Researcher , posted

Research Interview on Digitalization and Big Data in City Administrations

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My name is Joe Calodich and I work as a researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the research group Vital Cities and Citizens. I am currently looking for members of the city administrations in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Prague, Tallinn, Vienna, Zurich, Brussels, or Munich who are interested in participating in a research interview.

The study which I am asking your participation for focuses on how large European cities have undertaken the digitalisation process of the public administration and how this process has affected the workings and the policies. I would also like to learn about some concrete examples on the use of big data related to this digitalisation process.

I hope to complete the interviews by the end of February 2023. Each interview will last between one hour and fifteen minutes and one hour and a half. The interview will be recorded and the content will be exclusively used for academic purposes (analysis, scientific publications, presentations, reports) and within the boundaries of the study’s goals. The gathered information will be treated by complying with anonymity and confidentiality criteria as defined in the social sciences regarding the use of personal information.

If you, or a colleague, is interested in participating, please send me an email at: 627583jc@eur.nl.

I look forward to hearing from some of you soon!

Catalina Iorga, Content Lead at Amsterdam Impact (City of Amsterdam) , posted

Amsterdam entrepreneurs and SMEs invited to join Impact Deals and become more sustainable

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Are you an Amsterdam-based entrepreneur, or do you work for an SME? And do you want to make your company more sustainable? Then draw up a proposal for an Impact Deal before 24 February and receive support from the City of Amsterdam.

What is an Impact Deal?

The City of Amsterdam (Amsterdam Impact) is looking for 10 Amsterdam companies that want to take concrete steps in 2023 towards becoming more sustainable or increasing their social impact.

In an Impact Deal, the entrepreneur and the municipality agree to increase that company's impact by, for example, reducing CO2 emissions by 30 per cent or hiring five job seekers at a distance from the labour market.

The deal must be as concrete as possible, and the entrepreneur should define goals, activities and outcomes. The municipality provides support by offering access to its network and consultations on topics such as financing and access to European funds.

Who is behind the Impact Deals project?

Amsterdam Impact and MKB Amsterdam are the initiators of Impact Deals. The project is part of Local Green Deals, created by the European Commission's Intelligent Cities Challenge.

Want to learn more and submit your Impact Deal proposal?

Visit the Impact Deals page (in Dutch) on the website of the City of Amsterdam.

Catalina Iorga's picture #Citizens&Living
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

How Berlin & Amsterdam are Designing the City from the Bottom-Up

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City governments can have grand ideas and dreams about changing a city and revolutionizing services, but without a clear design and focus on building a base, many ideas and innovations can fall through. Amsterdam Smart City’s Programme Director, Leonie van den Beuken, was invited to speak about how to design a city from the bottom-up at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona.

Ralf Kleindiek, Chief Digital Officer and State Secretary for Digital Affairs and Administrative Modernization for the City of Berlin, and Caroline Paulick-Thiel, Executive Director for Politics of Tomorrow and the Co-Founder of nextlearning, joined her in this discussion.

Leonie highlighted that it is crucial to include residents in decision-making processes, but at the same time, we need to address how difficult the process and outcome may be. For example, if we want streets with less cars, residents need to give up their cars and find other alternatives. Key to designing the city from the bottom-up is to ask the right questions in an understandable and tangible way.

Watch the full interview and other interesting talks via the website Tomorrow. City: https://tomorrow.city/a/berlin-and-amsterdam-or-designing-the-city-from-the-bottom-up

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Citizens&Living
Sophie van der Ploeg, Community Manager & Program Lead Digital at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Responsible digitalisation challenge: How to make digital systems more human-centric?

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Technological and innovative developments are moving faster than ever before. As a government, you want and need to keep up with these developments. At the same time, the use of digitalisation and data often leads to undesired results, increasing the distance between citizens/entrepreneurs and the government.

The municipality of Haarlemmermeer is shifting her focus from 'the system is central, people have to become more digitally savvy to 'people are central, our systems have to become human-centric’. The underlying question is: how do you really put people at the centre of digitalisation and the design of digital systems?

Do you want to know more or contribute to this challenge? Contact me via sophie@amsterdamsmartcity.com or let me know via the comments below.

Project’s current phase

Jeroen Brink and Christine Groothuis from the municipality of Haarlemmermeer introduced this challenge to the Amsterdam Smart City network on the 7th of November, 2022. During a co-creation session, we discussed that there are two main elements of this complex challenge that we would like to focus on. On the one hand, we’re talking about a radical and fundamental shift. A different way of thinking within governmental institutions. This shift requires a more philosophical and substantive conversation about how we would like our digital public space and systems to look like. But on the other hand, we want to think big but also start small. Therefore, the municipality of Haarlemmermeer would like to embrace a real-life case to bring human-centred digital systems to life.

On the 1st of December, we organised a follow-up session with Amsterdam Smart City partners. During this session, Max Kortlander (Waag) presented the Public Stack. This project puts the public value at the centre to create open, democratic and sustainable digital public spaces. Following this introduction, we did a futures-thinking exercise led by Sacha van Tongeren (Kennisland), to think about how we want the digital public space to look like in the future. And additionally, we used empathy maps to synthesize our collective knowledge about our audience, which brought us closer to a common understanding of who they are.

Sophie van der Ploeg's picture #Citizens&Living
Samara Zuckerbrod, Sustainability Policy , posted

Climate Actions Systems is #hiring a remote Executive Director AND a remote Climate Project Manager!

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Climate Action Systems is a non-profit organization uniting efforts to resolve the climate crisis by creating a powerful network of impact. Our Planet app is a platform that connects its users with people, ideas and resources to help them make progress toward their climate goals. Our mission is to reverse climate change in a single generation through the connective and catalyzing power of Planet. Our focus is on community activation—creating effective collaboration among disparate groups and individuals pursuing a climate goal that none can reach alone.

Learn more about each position below. 

Executive Director description: https://lnkd.in/gCimme83

Climate Project Manager description: https://lnkd.in/gxAJYgkK

We look forward to your application 😄

Samara Zuckerbrod's picture #Citizens&Living
Harmen van Sprang, co-founder & CEO Sharing Cities Alliance , posted

Metaverse & The City

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We are excited to invite you to join us for our next virtual ‘Metaverse & The City’ roundtable conversation on 24 January 2023 from 16.00 - 17.00 CET.

This specific session will focus on co-creating a ‘Metaverse & The City’ Manifesto: a continuous document that outlines the values, principles, and goals that should guide the development and use of the metaverse in our cities. The metaverse has the potential to transform how we live, work, and play, and we believe that it will have a significant impact on urban life in the coming years. It’s essential to have a shared vision for its future. 

We are currently assembling a panel of speakers who will share their insights and lead the discussion, and we hope that you will bring your own perspective and ideas to the table as well.

The roundtable takes 1 hour. It will be held via Zoom and is open to all interested participants. To RSVP and receive the link to join the call, please RSVP by mid-January 2023.

Like to share your ideas and suggestions already leading up to the roundtable, please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you and building a manifesto that reflects the diverse perspectives and aspirations of the metaverse community and beyond.

We hope you can join us for what promises to be an inspiring and insightful session.

This roundtable is the result of close collaboration with our knowledge partners: New York University, Cornell Tech, and The Hague School of Applied Sciences.

Harmen van Sprang's picture Online event on Jan 24th
Manon den Dunnen, Strategisch specialist digitaal , posted

Free Arduinoworkshop- part 1

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From Januari - April, every 3th Wednesday their will be a course (workshop) to learn about arduino, electronics and creating your own products/solutions with it! The workshop starts at exactly 19h, be sure to have arduino downloaded on your computer.

But you can also work on your own projects with likeminded and discuss your challenges, or learn to work with Raspberry Pi or work on a prototype to 3Dprint etc. Manuals are available (but also on Youtube) and we have a lot of fun little projects to work on!

Manon den Dunnen's picture Meet-up on Jan 18th
Manon den Dunnen, Strategisch specialist digitaal , posted

X-mas makersnight special

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This evening we will have some Xmas-ideas and materials for you to work on, as to not only (learn to) use the machines & sensors, but also take home a souvenir (it would help if you already have Inkscape installed if you want to make the xmas tree decorations with your name in it:-)

Of course you can also work on your own projects with likeminded and discuss your challenges, or learn to work with Raspberry Pi or work on a prototype to 3Dprint etc. Manuals are available (but also on Youtube) and we have a lot of fun little projects to work on!

Manon den Dunnen's picture Meet-up on Dec 21st
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Digital ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus (NEB)

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The webinar "Digital ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus (NEB)" aims to showcase how digiNEB.eu can contribute to the NEB ecosystem by adding digital solutions and tools.

The webinar is divided into two main parts. The first introductory part will illustrate the digital solutions to expand the NEB's practices among stakeholders and user groups from different contexts. The second part will involve panelists explaining how to better bring digital solutions to the world of NEB.

For more information and to register visit: https://digineb.eu/events/webinar-digital-ecosystem-new-european-bauhaus-neb

Cornelia Dinca's picture Online event on Dec 12th
NEMO Science Museum, posted

Dialoog/game - Climate Privilege Walk

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Foto: Pexels - Susanne Jutzeler

Climate Privilege Walk

De gevolgen van klimaatverandering treffen iedereen op een andere manier. En gezinnen met een hoger inkomen kunnen zich vaak beter beschermen tegen de negatieve effecten van milieuvervuiling.

In de Climate Privilege Walk ontdek je hoe het is om in de schoenen van een ander te staan. Op basis van jouw persoonlijke situatie beantwoord je verschillende vragen over energie en klimaat. Heb jij ooit een rekening niet kunnen betalen door de stijgende energieprijzen? Of moet de verwarming soms hoger zetten omdat het tocht in je huis? Maak jij je zorgen omdat iedereen in 2050 van het gas af moet?Afhankelijk van je antwoord op een vraag zet je een stap naar voren, blijf je staan, of zet je een stap naar achter. Aan het eind van de Climate Privilege Walk wordt door de afstand tussen de deelnemers duidelijk hoe groot de ongelijkheid is.

Over Sarita Bajnath

De Climate Privilege Walk wordt verzorgd door Sarita Bajnath. Zij is trainer, spreker en motivator op het gebied van inclusie, diversiteit en dialoog. Ze werkt zowel nationaal als internationaal voor bedrijven, NGO's, universiteiten en hogescholen.


Voor een bezoek aan dit programma in De Studio reserveer je een apart ticket. De toegangsprijs is € 7,50. Het programma is inclusief een bezoek aan de tentoonstelling Energy Junkies. Reserveer hier ticket.

Locatie en tijd

De privilege walk start om 20.00 en 21.30 uur en duurt ongeveer 1 uur. In de ticketportal kun je het tijdstip kiezen wat jou het beste uitkomt. De privilege walk om 20.00 uur zal Nederlandstalig zijn en om 21.30 Engelstalig. Voorafgaand aan de activiteit kun je vanaf 19.00 en 21.00 uur de tentoonstelling Energy Junkies bezoeken.

De Studio van NEMO is een extra locatie van NEMO Science Museum op het Marineterrein in Amsterdam. De programmering is speciaal voor volwassenen. Adres: Kattenburgerstraat 5, gebouw 027A in Amsterdam. Volg de bordjes vanaf de hoofdingang aan de Kattenburgerstraat.

NEMO Science Museum's picture Meet-up on Mar 2nd