#Internet of Things

Topic within Digital City
Francien Huizing, Program and Communication Manager at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Wicked Problems

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Te wicked? Niet voor ons.

Wij werken allemaal aan urgente, complexe, maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Issues die schier onoplosbaar lijken, van dilemma’s en paradoxen omgeven, nog niet duidelijk hoe het moet. Wel is duidelijk dát het moet, dat we elkaar nodig
hebben en dat we er NU aan moeten beginnen. Om met de woorden van Jan Rotmans te spreken; we leven niet in een tijdperk van verandering maar in een verandering van tijdperk. En hier hoort een nieuwe gereedschapskist bij.

En of je nou aan energietransitie werkt, andere mobiliteitssystemen, creëren van waterstofhubs, peer to peer autodeelsystemen, het maakt niet uit, we zien dat al deze opgaven op enig moment tegen gelijksoortige barrières aanlopen. Op samenwerking, financiering, privacy, onvoldoende aansluiting op de maatschappij, om maar een paar voorbeelden te noemen.

Unieke samenwerking
Als Amsterdam Smart City netwerk willen en kunnen we deze opgaven niet laten liggen. Door het bundelen van onze kennis en expertise kunnen we als netwerk iets unieks bieden en de wil en durf tonen om deze barrières te doorbreken. De betrokken partners die dit uitdenken en begeleiden zijn RHDHV, Kennisland, Drift, NEMO, Arcadis, Alliander, HvA en Metabolic. Zij bundelen hun expertise en ervaring om de echte vragen boven tafel te krijgen, tot nieuwe manieren van samenwerken te komen en barrières te doorbreken. We richten ons met name op de start van de samenwerking. Gezamenlijk ontwikkelen we een ‘wicked problem aanpak’. Op een nieuwe manier, lerend door te doen, exploratief.

Waar moet je aan denken?
Wat is eigenlijk het echte probleem? Wiens probleem is dit? Hoe kijken anderen er tegenaan? Welke andere partijen lijken nodig? Hoe vind je ze? Hoe ga je om met eigenaarschap en botsende frames? Hoe zorg je dat je al in
een vroeg stadium de maatschappij (bewoners, ondernemers, werknemers, etc) betrekt en hun ervaringen in het project trekt? Het wicked problem team zet nieuwe methoden in voor het beantwoorden van deze vragen. En het creëren van de benodigde commitment om het vraagstuk aan te pakken. Niets staat van te voren vast, want we passen ons aan aan wat we tegenkomen. Met elkaar ontwikkelen we een nieuwe aanpak om de barrières te doorbreken.

Francien Huizing's picture #Energy
Monique Custers, coodo Brandmanager & importeur Nederland , posted

coodo sneak preview

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Be smart!
Invest in how you
#live #work #care #recreate
on your
#roof #water #forest #dune #public space #plot

Do connect if you have a roof, plot or project or are just curious what we can do for you!

Soon available in the Netherlands to boost sustainable urban and rural development.

Monique Custers's picture #Citizens&Living
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Official launch of this new online platform!

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Today, in a liveshow together with BTG and the City of Almere, aired from Pakhuis de
Zwijger, Leonie van den Beuken, program director, officially launched the new
Amsterdam Smart City platform.

The first contribution? Made by the community!!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #DigitalCity
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Hoe kan 5G bijdragen aan de verduurzaming van steden, growing green cities?

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We brengen de Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona naar je keukentafel!

BTG, gemeente Almere en Amsterdam Smart City nodigen je uit voor dit MRA evenement.

In een slimme stad zijn traditionele netwerken en diensten meer flexibel, efficiënt en duurzaam. Digitale informatie en telecomtechnologie laten de stad beter werken ten gunste van haar inwoners. Slimme steden zijn groener, veiliger en vriendelijker.

In de groeiende groene stad groeit innovatie mee om er voor te zorgen dat ze de wensen en behoeften van haar bewoners kan vervullen en voorspellen en kan verduurzamen. Dit heeft betrekking op mobiliteit, energie, circulariteit, infrastructuur, gezondheid en technologie.

Slimmere producten, diensten en een groter gebruik van data, sensoren en IoT stellen hogere eisen aan onze infrastructuur. Wifi 6, 5G en een fijnmaziger glasvezel netwerk met hogere snelheden zijn nodig. In dit webinar staan verschillende pilots op gebied van IoT en 5G centraal in de context van Floriade Expo 2022.

Programma 18 november

09.00 uur - Opening en welkom door Danny Frietman, Petra Claessen (BTG/TGG) en Leonie van den Beuken (ASC)

09.15 uur - Keynote Agentschap Telecom over antennes in steden

09.45 uur - Lenneke de Voogd over pilots Do IoT Fieldlab

10.15 uur - Keynote Serge Hollander, Floriade Expo 2022

10.35 uur - Gesprek aan tafel en samenvatting

11.00 uur - Afsluiting

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Online event on Nov 18th
Vrusti kiri, smart city design student , posted

Seeking smart city employment opportunities

Hello everyone,
I am seeking employment opportunities within the urban solution and smart city community. I am really eager to get some experience and expand my knowledge in Digitalisation, energy revolution, E mobility, Mobility as a service, sensors, open data. From November onwards, I am available to join an exciting and innovative project which I could collaborate with you on!

I just completed a Master's in Smart City Design from Macromedia university of applied science, Berlin. My master thesis is about the Optimization of existing EV charging infrastructure. I have worked on projects with companies on the topic of digitalization of city, Car-free city, and the use of blockchain. All of the projects include solutions to the challenge, business proposal, and urban solution.

Any known opportunities or advice would be greatly appreciated. Please email me on vrusti.kiri@gmail.com for my resume. Thanks in advance:)!

Vrusti kiri's picture #DigitalCity
Kristina Gorr, Communications Manager at Mozilla Foundation, posted

MozFest's Call for Session Proposals is OPEN!

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MozFest is a unique hybrid: part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you and your community to participate in the first-ever virtual MozFest! There will also be a local taster event in Amsterdam.

Submit A Session Idea for MozFest This Year: mzl.la/proposals2021

We’re excited to use the programming that we’ve honed over a decade of festivals – participant-led sessions, immersive art exhibits, space for spontaneous conversations, inspiring Dialogues & Debates – to address current and global crises. Through our Call for Session Proposals (where you're invited to propose an interactive workshop to host at the festival), we’ll seek solutions together, through the lens of trustworthy artificial intelligence.

Anyone can submit a session – you don’t need any particular expertise, just a great project or idea and the desire to collaborate and learn from festival participants.

If you or someone you know is interested in leading a session at MozFest this year, you can submit your session idea here! The deadline is November 23.

Details and submission page: mzl.la/proposals2021

Kristina Gorr's picture #DigitalCity
Kristina Gorr, Communications Manager at Mozilla Foundation, posted

MozFest Call for Session Proposals

MozFest is a unique hybrid: part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world.
That’s why I’m excited to invite you and your community to participate in the first-ever virtual MozFest! Details and submission page here: mzl.la/proposals2021
Anyone can submit a session – you don’t need any particular expertise, just a great project or idea and the desire to collaborate and learn from festival participants. Submit your session idea today! Deadline is November 23: mzl.la/proposals2021

Kristina Gorr's picture #DigitalCity
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Join CityFlows Webinar #2 Big Data & IoT for Crowd Management on October 13

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What are best practice and lessons learned when it comes to data collection and management for crowd management? CityFlows project partners will share their experience during the second CityFlows webinar on Tuesday, October 13. Join in and contribute to the discussion with fellow crowd management practitioners and researchers.

11:50 – 12:00 Zoom meeting room open
12:00 – 12:05 Welcome & introductions
12:05 – 12:20 Best practices & lessons learned from Barcelona by Jordi Ortuño, Maziar Ahmadi & Chloe Cortés
12:20 – 12:35 Data source integration for tourism flows governance and safety by Mauro Annunziato & Piero De Sabbata
12:35 – 12:40 Reflection from Amsterdam
12:40 – 13:00 Q&A with the audience
13:00 Program end

For more information and registration visit the CityFlows project page: https://cityflows-project.eu/event/webinar-2/

Cornelia Dinca's picture #DigitalCity
AMS Institute, Re-inventing the city (urban innovation) at AMS Institute, posted

POSTPONED: Launch Responsible Sensing Lab & Opening Senses of Amsterdam Exhibit

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On Oct 27, we will officially launch the Responsible Sensing Lab during an interactive livestream event. This event also marks the opening of the interactive exhibit ‘Senses of Amsterdam’ at NEMO Studio: discover how sensors make Amsterdam a smarter city.
To celebrate this, we would like to invite you to join the interactive livestream of this event. Experts and guests will talk about what responsible sensing means to them, and we will present how the Responsible Sensing Lab wants to help design a better, more democratic, and more responsible digital future city.

Our keynote speaker Anthony Townsend will discuss the current state of Smart Cities through a livestream from the US. Deputy Mayor Touria Meliani will close the program with the official opening of the exhibit.


16.00 Start live stream

16.05 - Welcome
| Thijs Turel | AMS Institute, Program Manager Responsible Digitization
| Coen Bergman | CTO, City of Amsterdam, Innovation Developer Public Tech

16.10 - Keynote: From parasite to symbiant: Redesigning our relationship with urban sensors
| Anthony Townsend, writer and researcher

16.30 - Talkshow: Introduction to Responsible Sensing Lab
| Coen Bergman | CTO Office, City of Amsterdam, Innovation Developer Public Tech
| Thijs Turel | AMS Institute, Program Manager Responsible Digitization

16.45 - Panel Discussion: Influence of Corona on surveillance in Amsterdam
| Beryl Dreijer | CTO Office, City of Amsterdam, Privacy Officer
| Judith Veenkamp | Waag, Head of Smart Citizens Lab
| Prof. dr. Gerd Kortuem | AMS Institute, Principal Investigator & TU Delft, Professor of Internet of Things
Moderator | Aik van Eemeren, CTO Office, City of Amsterdam, Head of Public Tech

17.00 - Interview: why do we need a Responsible Sensing Lab in Amsterdam?
| Deputy Mayor Meliani | responsible for Arts and Culture, and Digital City
Interviewer | Aik van Eemeren, CTO Office, City of Amsterdam, Head of Public Tech

17.10 - Official Opening 'Senses of Amsterdam'
| Deputy Mayor Meliani | responsible for Arts and Culture, and Digital City

17.15 - Closing

More information about the full program & registration here: <https://www.ams-institute.org/events/official-launch-responsible-sensing-lab-opening-exhibit-senses-amsterdam/>

AMS Institute's picture Online event on Oct 27th
Liza Verheijke, Community Manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Official launch of the HvA Expertise Centre Applied AI during Month of the AAI

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Get to know the Expertise Centre Applied Artificial Intelligence (ECAAI) of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences! Launched in January 2020, ECAAI has turned November in the Month of the AAI, in which it will present itself and its labs officially.

We co-create to make AI work, that’s the motto of ECAAI. And together with you, the expertise centre will make its official launch work. You’re invited to join on Thursday the 5th of November. ECAAIs scientific director Nanda Piersma will tell more about the latest developments, there will be a keynote from Jann de Waal (founder of INFO & Chair Topteam Creative Industries) and ECAAIs advisory council will participate in a panel discussion. So if you want to know all about the expertise centre, please sign up via the event page.

Please note that the launch will be held in Dutch.

16.00 | Start & Welcome by Frank Kresin, dean of the Faculty Digital Media and Creative Industries of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
16.05 | Introduction by Nanda Piersma
16.10 | Presentation labs
16.15 | Keynote by Jann de Waal
16.25 | Presentation labs
16.30 | Panel discussion with ECAAIs advisory council
16.50 | Conclusion by Geleyn Meijer, rector of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
17.00 | End plenary part + Possibility to have a chat with the experts of the labs in break-out sessions
17.30 | End launch

Curious about our experts? Please find the links to their break-out sessions here:

But that’s not all, a variety of activities is waiting for you in the Month of the AAI, where it’s all about applied AI, meaningful applications and different application domains. All activities will be listed here, including webinars with Amsterdam Data Science, live casts with Pakhuis de Zwijger and talks at SIAs congress and Gala van de Wetenschap. ECAAI even has the privilege to present its own Dutch Applied AI Award during the Computable Awards.

Don’t miss a thing and subscribe to ECAAIs newsletter

For questions, you can reach out to <appliedai@hva.nl>

About the Expertise Centre Applied Artificial Intelligence

ECAAI encompasses all of the HvAs AI research and education activities. This centre drives the development of applications of AI technology in a responsible and inclusive manner. AI technology and its implications for companies, organisations, governments and people can only be understood in context and through experimentation. Each faculty of the HvA has created a lab that brings research, education and practices together to solve short and middle term challenges in the application of AI.

Curious about these labs, where you can work together? Please find them at www.hva.nl/ai

Liza Verheijke's picture Online event on Nov 5th
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Amsterdam and Helsinki launch AI registers to detail city systems

The cities of Helsinki and Amsterdam have worked together to each launch a first-of-its-kind Artificial Intelligence Register.

“Together with the city of Helsinki, we are on a mission to create as much understanding about algorithms as possible and be transparent about the way we – as cities – use them,” commented Touria Meliani, Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam (Digital City).

Folkert Leffring's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Linda van de Fliert, Innovation officer , posted

Next Generation Internet Policy Summit

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What kind of future internet do you want to see? Join us on 28 and 29 September for a free and immersive digital event, The NGI Policy Summit.

Organised by Nesta and the City of Amsterdam, the NGI Policy Summit is the flagship policy event of the Next Generation Internet initiative, the European Commission’s ambitious programme, which seeks to build a more democratic, inclusive and resilient future Internet by 2030.

The Summit is free to attend online. It caters to policymakers at all levels of governance, as well as leaders in public sector innovation, academia and civil society. Together, we will set out an ambitious European vision for the future Internet and explore some of the long-term policy interventions and technical solutions that can help get us there. This year’s event will explore a broad range of issues from digital identity to internet sustainability, and puts a particular emphasis on the role of local initiatives to tackle the challenges of digitalization.

Whether you’re interested in attending the full two-day conference experience or just joining an individual session, we would be delighted to welcome you to the NGI Policy Summit.

Check out the detailed programme and register today at https://summit.ngi.eu/.

Online event from Sep 28th to Sep 30th
Wendolijn Beukers, Project manager , posted

Webinar India & The Netherlands: accessing Urban Data - Co-creating Livable Smart Cities

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The use of data in urban areas is becoming more and more important in reaching Sustainable Development Goal 11: making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. During this webinar, we will look at the world of the Urban Data in both the Netherlands and India.

3 speakers will teach us more about how to use urban data in the urban planning process. How do you manage data, and how do you standardise it? This webinar focuses on innovation in the field of Urban data. The speakers are:

Professor Inder Gopal, visiting professor – Indian Institute of Science (IISc) on Indian Urban Data Exchange;
Mr Bert Beentjes, senior strategist at the Netherlands' Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Kadaster); and
Mr Albert Seubers, Director of Global Strategy Smart Cities at Atos and member of the Board of Directors of the FIWARE Foundation.

Reserve your spot
Register for the accessing Urban Data webinar now! After registering, you will get more information.

This webinar is organized by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom relations, the Future City Foundation (Fiware) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.

Wendolijn Beukers's picture Online event on Sep 8th
Daniela Guzun, Community builder , posted

Product Up: The Startup and Scaleup Conference 🇳🇱

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Product Up is a free online conference that is here to help you get the knowledge on what it takes to launch and grow your business! ➡️ https://bit.ly/SC-ProductUp2020

On October 29–30, find out what it means to find the perfect product, engage a buying audience, recruit the team to make it happen and go global, all at Product Up!

Product Up isn't your standard online conference. We want to bring the theatre to YOU and teleport you to a real offline conference atmosphere from the comfort of your own home!

Be a part of our debut on the largest stage and screen in Amsterdam and witness talks, real keynotes, and authentic fireside chats with the greatest entrepreneurial minds on the Dutch and international markets.

We’ll have talks from leaders from Deliveroo, Polarsteps, Picnic, NewMotion, GrowthTribe, What3words, WeAreKeen, PRLab, and many more! Check the lineup at http://bit.ly/ProductUpConferenceLineup

Product Up is your conference, no matter your background or skills, this is the growth event for you!

Daniela Guzun's picture Online event from Oct 29th to Oct 30th
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

CALL-FOR-PROPOSAL to Develop and Test-bed Narrowband Internet-of-Things Advanced Electricity Meters

Request below from the Dutch Embassy in Singapore

Background / Description
To develop, test-bed and commission advanced electricity meters capable of providing remote meter reading that is secure, reliable, and cost efficient. The advanced meter should be able to connect to a telecommunications company’s (“Telco”) Narrowband Internet-of-Things (“NB-IoT”) network, and GovTech’s Device Control and Data Acquisition (“DECADA”) platform as the Network Management System (“NMS”).

Current Situation
Currently, electricity meters are procured, installed and maintained by SP PowerGrid Ltd (“SPPG”) for and on behalf of SPPA. SP Services Ltd (“SPS”) reads electricity meters and bills consumers buying electricity from SPS and provides the consumption data to electricity retailers and the market operator.
There are two types of electricity meters. Cumulative meters, which are manually read by SPS’ meter readers on a bi-monthly basis, and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (“AMI”) meters, which are remotely read using SPPA’s AMI system based on Wireless Smart Utility Network (“Wi-SUN”) technology.
To support the Government’s push for a singular network standard in Singapore for IoT sensors, EMA is working with other agencies to explore the feasibility of using NB-IoT network as the communication network for electricity AMI meters.

Technical Specifications
For detailed requirements and specifications, please refer to the Gov-PACT website here.
All proposals must be submitted via the Gov-PACT website by 29 Sep 2020, 2359hrs.
Briefing for Interested Participants and Additional Enquiries
Interested participants are required to attend an online briefing on 28 Jul, 3pm. Please email joel_loong@ema.gov.sg with the particulars of the attendees by 24 Jul, 3pm.

Preferred Business Model
R&D Collaboration

Further information:

Liz Ng
Senior Trade Officer/Trade Section
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
541 Orchard Road #13-01| Liat Towers | Singapore 238881
Office : (+65) 6739 1113 (office)
Email : Liz.ng@minbuza.nl | Website : https://www.netherlandsandyou.nl/

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #DigitalCity
Sander van Lingen, Innovation Manager at Dell Technologies, posted

Blue Force Tracking

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Testing medical certified body sensors to detect unexpected behaviour, triggering an alert, which allows the command & control room to act and better support their fellow officers in the field.


Blue Force Tracking - Nalta Experience #1

How to improve the protection and safety of the Dutch Blue Force using smart Technology?
Nalta built a new innovative Internet of Things solution solving just that. In partnership with the Netherlands Police, the municipality of Amsterdam, Johan Cruijff Arena, Dell Technologies and Dell Boomi we cre

Nalta YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cyFp_XGLFA)

Sander van Lingen's picture #DigitalCity
Sander van Lingen, Innovation Manager at Dell Technologies, posted

Innovatie Manager Nationale Politie Mark Wiebes & ABN AMRO delen visie over innovatie

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Innovatie Manager Nationale Politie Mark Wiebes & Micha Rentier, Head Technology Lab bij ABN AMRO geven visie over innovatie en technologie.

Mark Wiebes, innovatiemanager bij de Nationale Politie, spreekt op 7 juli 2020 tussen 14.00-16.00 uur met andere Nederlandse innovatie experts. Wiebes bespreekt hoe met slimme oplossingen invulling kan worden gegeven aan de digitale transformatie en hoe de politie samenwerkt in het project "Digitale Perimeter" met de Gemeente Amsterdam & de JC Arena.

Micha Rentier, Head Technology Lab bij ABN AMRO zal bespreken hoe ABN AMRO werkt en aan welke innovaties er gewerkt wordt in het dataistic center van de bank. Denk daarbij aan het beschikbaar stellen van hun rekenkracht voor het oplossen van maatschappelijke uitdagingen zoals in de strijd tegen corona.

Deze webinar wordt een LIVE en interactieve sessie met interessante sprekers Mark Wiebes (innovatiemanager Nationale Politie), Micha Rentier (Head Technology Lab ABN AMRO), Janneke van den Heuvel (CEO Aura Aware), Peter Rake (Directeur 5Groningen) met als moderator Danny Frietman.

Registreer u via de volgende link voor dit GRATIS LIVE EVENT op 7 Juli 2020 van 14:00-16:00

Sander van Lingen's picture Online event on Jul 7th
Socrates Schouten, posted

Will we see the rebound effect in 5G?

In sustainability studies the 'rebound effect' explains why people use clean devices such as smart heating longer – it is economical and clean so leaving it on won't hurt. As a result, one could end up using the same amount of energy as with your old, inefficient heating. But also in 5G, the rebound effect is expected to occur – both in ways related to sustainability and 'smartness'. Should we throw ourselves enthusiastically into 5G, without thinking about how we use our internet connections in the future? A mini essay by Socrates Schouten (in Dutch).

Socrates Schouten's picture #DigitalCity
Aditya Putta, Venture Sourcing Lead , posted

Webinar #3: Smart Cities and Mobility, Indo-Dutch innovation during crisis (June 9)

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Webinar #3: Indo-Dutch innovation during crisis - Smart Cities and Mobility

Click here to register: https://forms.gle/gM94BTsxTu9vfZaR6

The full impact of COVID-19 on Smart Cities and Mobility is still unknown. However, one thing is for certain— there are global economic and financial ramifications. This is affecting how our buildings, transport and utilities are managed. It is felt through the global supply chains, from raw materials to finished products.

During this webinar, we will delve into the immediate impact of the isolation measures on these industries, explore the degree to which there are long term consequences and how we can adapt our systems and capabilities. We will also focus on the progress and positives coming out of these thematic areas through experts. And we’ll hear entrepreneurs who are coming up with innovative solutions to deal with the outbreak and cope with the repercussions that are bound to come our way. The audience will have a chance to interact with the speakers. By doing so, we learn from each other and provide an opportunity to form strategic Indo-Dutch ties!
We welcome you to become part of this bottom-up collective backing startup entrepreneurs to play their role as game changers.

Program for Tuesday 9 June
11:00 – 12:30 Central European Time and 14:30 – 16:00 Indian Standard time

Welcome addresses
Freek Jan Frerichs, Senior Policy Advisor Life Science & Health at The Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands

Country level response and industry expert opinion
Shashank Ojha, Senior Digital Development Specialist at The World Bank
Cornelia Dinca, Incoming Delegations and Living Labs Lead at Amsterdam Smart City, The Netherlands
Sander van Lingen, Business Development Manager for Smart Cites at Dell Technologies

Entrepreneurs presentation and Q&A
Simranjit Singh Grewal, CEO & Founder at Y the Wait, The Netherlands
Ayon Hazra, Co-Founder & CEO at Qlikchain, India/The Netherlands
Sanjoy Roy, CEO at AskSid AI, India
Pranav Vempati, Chief Executive Officer at Kal Bionics, India
Peter van der Veen, Tripservice, The Netherlands

Aditya Putta, Venture Sourcing Lead, WorldStartup

Target audience

We especially welcome innovation managers within government and corporates, along with investors who can support the entrepreneurs with pilots, projects, investment and partnerships.

Since this is also a time to share, we welcome other entrepreneurs who seek inspiration and would like to join forces through collaborations. All Indian and Dutch stakeholders that are involved and interested in Smart Cities & Mobility, and startup innovation in general are also invited.

Click here to register for the Webinar #3: https://forms.gle/gM94BTsxTu9vfZaR6
(Look out for an email from Crowdcast, the webinar tool. We will invite you.)

For any questions or comments, please contact Aditya Putta (aditya@worldstartup.co).

Made possible by
The Netherlands Embassy in India
Consulate General of The Netherlands in Bangalore
Dell Technologies
Amsterdam SmartCity
The World Bank

Aditya Putta's picture Online event on Jun 9th
Wendolijn Beukers, Project manager , posted

Pitchcarrousel - (Realtime) Data verzamelen

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We hoeven u niet meer te vertellen dat data ons inzicht kan geven in hoe een (deel van een) gemeente er voor staat (zie webinar Data & Beleid). En we willen tegelijkertijd onze publieke waarden beschermen in de slimme stad (zie webinar Belangen borgen in de digitaliserende gemeente). Maar hoe kom je aan data die je nodig hebt om beleid te meten, te voorspellen en te monitoren? Er is natuurlijk open data, maar als dat niet voldoende is dan zijn er tal van andere toepassingen om data te verzamelen.

Om u een indruk te geven wat er allemaal mogelijk is en op de markt is, organiseren we een pitchcarrousel op woensdag 29 april om 15.00 uur met 4 bedrijven die u wegwijs maken in het verzamelen van de juiste data voor uw beleid.

Meld u hier aan voor de pitchcarrousel

Dit kunt u verwachten

  • 4 pitches van producten/diensten waarmee uw gemeente (realtime) data kan verzamelen voor een (deel van een) beleidsvraagstuk.
  • Concrete smart city oplossingen voor de uitdagingen waar gemeenten of provincies tegenaan lopen (fysiek, sociaal en economisch).
  • Meet & Greet met pitchers in virtuele subzalen en ontdek de mogelijkheden voor uw vraagstuk.

Realtime Omgevingsbeleid
Deze pitchcarrousel is onderdeel van het project Realtime Omgevingsbeleid waarin we onderzoeken hoe inzicht in data de manier verandert waarop beslissingen worden voorbereid en genomen. Dat doen we samen met een netwerk op van bedrijven en overheden. De volgende partijen doen er al mee of hebben serieuze interesse: Civity, DHM Infra, ELBA\REC, Kennedy Van Der Laan, VodafoneZiggo, Provincies Zuid-Holland en Utrecht, gemeenten Zwolle, Apeldoorn, Amersfoort, Krimpen aan den IJssel.

Hoe kunt u deelnemen?
Deelnemen is gratis en eenvoudig: klik hier om u te registreren voor de pitchcarrousel. U krijgt woensdagochtend een link om deel te nemen aan het webinar. Voor het webinar maken we gebruik van Discord. Als u zich registreert dan ontvangt u ook een uitnodiging voor de komende webinars.

Wilt u graag uw product of dienst pitchen?
Neem dan contact op met Wendolijn Beukers (wendolijn@future-city.nl). Zet in uw email kort uiteen wat uw product of dienst inhoudt en hoe een gemeente met uw product/dienst data kan verzamelen en met welk doel. Wij maken een selectie van inzendingen. Over de selectie wordt niet gecorrespondeerd.

Wendolijn Beukers's picture Online event on Apr 29th