#Mobility as a Service

Topic within Mobility
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Incoming & Outgoing Missions from Dutch Pavilion at Smart City Expo in Barcelona

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During the Smart City Expo in Barcelona, Amsterdam Smart City will host several incoming and outgoing missions from the Dutch Pavilion in collaboration with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). The purpose of these missions is to provide Dutch delegates opportunities to connect with international colleagues, facilitating knowledge exchange, collaboration and trade.  
Missions Program
Tue, 15 Nov, 10:00 – 11:00 Outgoing Dutch Mission to Microsoft Pavilion
Dutch delegates are invited to visit the Microsoft Pavilion for a showcase of how AI, machine learning and cloud solutions are empowering municipal governments to bring more forward-thinking, efficient, and secure services to their citizens. 
Tue, 15 Nov, 11:30 – 12:00 Outgoing Mission to EIT Urban Mobility
Dutch delegates are invited to visit the EIT Urban Mobility at Tomorrow Mobility. Delegates  will be received by Willem Frederik Metzelaar, Managing Director EIT Urban Mobility Hub West who will provide an introduction to EIT Urban Mobility programs and projects relevant for Dutch public and private stakeholders.
Tue, 15 Nov, 12:05 – 12:20 Incoming Mission by Minister for Transport from Baden-Württemberg (invite only)
The Minister for Transport from the German State of Baden-Württemberg, Mr. Winfried Hermann will visit the Dutch Pavilion for a meeting and discussion with a selection of Dutch delegates. 
Tue, 15 Nov, 14:00 – 14:30 Incoming Mission by Australian Delegation (focus on IoT, safety & security, crowd management)
Dutch delegates are invited to meet their Australian counterparts at the Dutch Pavilion.  Dutch and Australian delegates will have a chance to introduce their work, followed by an informal exchange of experiences and opportunities for doing business in Australia and the Netherlands.
Tue, 15 Nov, 15:00 – 15:45  Dutch Mission to Canadian Pavilion & Canadian Delegation to Dutch Pavilion
Dutch delegates are invited to meet their Canadian counterparts at the Canadian Pavilion. After an introduction by a selection of Canadian exhibitors, the delegates will move to the Dutch pavilion. Dutch and Canadian delegates will have a chance to introduce their work, followed by an informal exchange of experiences and opportunities for doing business in Canada and the Netherlands.
Wed, 16 Nov, 14:30 – 15:00 Outgoing Mission to Nordic Pavilion (focus on energy transition and circular economy)
Dutch delegates are invited to meet their Nordic colleagues.  Following short introductions from select Nordic exhibitors, Dutch and Nordic participants can have an informal exchange regarding urban challenges and innovations in the Netherlands and the Nordics.

Wed, 16 Nov, 15:00 – 15:45 Outgoing Mission to Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i)
Dutch delegates are invited to meet their German colleagues from the state of Baden-Württemberg.  Following short introductions from select exhibitors, Dutch and German participants can exchange experiences and opportunities for doing business in the Netherlands and Germany.  At the end of the day, Dutch participants are invited to join for the “German Night” networking event at the Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) booth, C111 from 5:30-7:00pm.
Thu, 17 Nov, 10:30 – 11:00 Outgoing Mission to Berlin Pavilion
Dutch delegates are invited to visit the Berlin Pavilion.  Following short introductions from select exhibitors, participants can have an informal exchange regarding urban challenges and innovations in Dutch and German cities.

Thu, 17 Nov, 11:30 – 12:00 Outgoing Mission to European Commission Pavilion
Dutch delegates are invited to visit the European Commission Pavilion where they will meet with representatives from several projects and programs, including the 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge and the 100 Climate Neutral Cities Mission.

Thu, 17 Nov, 13:00 – 13:30 Incoming Mission by Finnish Delegation (focus on mobility and data)
Dutch delegates are invited to meet their Finnish colleagues at the Dutch Pavilion.  Following short introductions from select Dutch exhibitors and delegates, Dutch and Finnish participants can have an informal exchange regarding urban challenges and innovations in Dutch and Finnish cities.
Unless indicated otherwise, all missions are limited to 15 participants.  Dutch delegates can reserve a spot by registering via Typeform.  Participants should gather at the Dutch Pavilion 5min prior to mission start time.

The Dutch Pavilion is located at Gran Via, Hall 2, Level 0, Street E, Stand 145.
More opportunities to connect
Looking for other ways to connect with Amsterdam Smart City and Dutch delegates in Barcelona?  Take a look at the other activities co-hosted by Amsterdam Smart City, and the full program of hosted at the Dutch Pavilion.
If you have questions or would like more information about any of the above, please send an email to Amsterdam Smart City International Liaison, Cornelia Dinca via cornelia@amsterdamsmartcity.com.

Cornelia Dinca's picture Meet-up from Nov 15th to Nov 17th
Linda Kas, Communicatieadviseur at Vervoerregio Amsterdam, posted

MRA-congres smart mobility 'Grensverleggend Groeien'

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Groeien?! Hoe doe je dat in de Metropoolregio Amsterdam, de drukste regio van Nederland? Hoe kunnen we ruimte geven aan meer woningen, terwijl de ruimte beperkt is? Hoe houden we de stad duurzaam bereikbaar én leefbaar, terwijl de verkeersstromen alleen maar toenemen in aantal en omvang? En ook: hoe zorgen we voor aansluiting tussen stad en platteland, terwijl de ov-opties hier steeds minder worden?

Om deze opgaven waar te kunnen maken, moeten we grenzen verleggen. Tijdens ons smart mobility congres op dinsdagmiddag 8 november zoeken we samen die grenzen op, en kijken we waar en hoe we deze kunnen verleggen. Met een afwisselend en interactief programma met inspirerende deelsessies zoeken we antwoord op de vragen: Waar wrikt en schuurt het? En waar liggen kansen voor slimme mobiliteitsoplossingen?

Ontmoet het MRA-netwerk

Dit congres ‘voor en door’ overheden, kennisinstellingen en de markt is dé plek om kennis op te halen en het smart mobility-netwerk te ontmoeten. Grensverleggend groeien kunnen we namelijk alleen samen, hand in hand met vernieuwende technologie, slimme organisatie en mobiliteitsoplossingen. Waarbij we met nieuwe ogen kijken naar onszelf, de processen en de opgaven die voor ons liggen. Jouw perspectief en expertise zijn daarbij van harte welkom!

Laat je inspireren door bevlogen sprekers

Ons congres wordt ingeluid door twee inspirerende en bevlogen sprekers. Zij benaderen smart mobility vanuit twee verschillende invalshoeken. Marja Ruigrok, bestuurslid Vervoerregio Amsterdam en wethouder gemeente Haarlemmermeer, vanuit de bestuurlijke kant en Bas Kodden, schrijver, spreker en onderzoeker, vanuit een meer menselijk perspectief. Dat belooft een vliegende start van het congres. De dagvoorzitter is Meindert Schut, journalist en radiopresentator bij BNR Nieuwsradio. Wacht dus niet langer en meld je aan!


Wil je je aanmelden voor het MRA-congres smart mobility op dinsdagmiddag 8 november in het BIMHUIS in hartje Amsterdam? Ga dan naar onze congreswebsite. Hier vind je alle informatie over het thema Grensverleggend Groeien, het programma en de verschillende deelsessies.

We hopen je te zien tijdens ons smart mobility congres op 8 november!

Linda Kas's picture Conference on Nov 8th
NEMO Science Museum, posted

Wat mensen beweegt: ‘We hebben meer luisterambtenaren nodig’

Duurzaam reisgedrag kun je niet stimuleren zonder écht te luisteren naar de afwegingen die mensen maken bij hun keuze voor een vervoermiddel. En daar schort het nu nog regelmatig aan, stelt gedragswetenschapper Reint Jan Renes.
-> Lees dit artikel op NEMO Kennislink

Dit artikel is onderdeel van het project ''Wat mensen beweegt'. Waarin NEMO Kennislink, in samenwerking met lectoraat Creative Media for Social Change van de Hogeschool voor Amsterdam, het reisgedrag in het ArenA-gebied onderzoekt. NEMO Kennislink bevroeg hiervoor een aantal reguliere bezoekers.

Slotbijeenkomst 'Wat mensen beweegt' in NEMO op 8 september om 14.30
In samenwerking met VU-onderzoeker en theatermaker Frank Kupper én theatermaker Bartelijn Ouweltjes gaan we de verhalen van bezoekers met u delen, door middel van improvisatietheater. Improvisatietheater is een mooie manier om emoties, dilemma’s en persoonlijke waarden uit te lichten, goed te beluisteren en misschien nog eens te hernemen. Zo leren we de bezoekers goed kennen – wat weer te vertalen is naar beleid en communicatie. -> Lees meer

In dit project werken we nauw samen met Johan Cruijff Arena, AFAS Live, Ziggo Dome , Platform Smart Mobility Amsterdam, ZO Bereikbaar, het Amsterdam Smart City netwerk, CTO Gemeente Amsterdam.

NEMO Science Museum's picture #Mobility
Ioannis Ioannidis, Entrepreneurship Lead at AMS Institute, posted

AMS Startup Booster 2022-23 - Call for applications is open until Sep 30th

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Call for applications is open until Sep 30th. The program will last from Oct 2022 until Feb 2023.

The AMS Startup Booster is a business idea development and validation program hosted by AMS Institute, aiming to help aspiring entrepreneurs turn their gut feeling into a business. The entrepreneurs are expected to pursue an impact-driven startup in the field of urban tech.

Lasting over 4-months, the AMS Startup Booster 2022-23 will start on Oct 2022 and run until Feb 2023. The program will be hybrid, mainly physical at the AMS Institute (Marineterrein, Amsterdam). The program is most effective when all teams are fully committed so during the aforementioned time period there is a minimum requirement of 16 hours per week for each startup.

The program consists of more than 12 workshops focusing on customer discovery and problem-solution fit. During these workshops, the following topics will be addressed:

  • Research Fundamentals & Problem Definition
  • Market Segmentation & Customer Personas
  • Customer Discovery
  • Value Proposition & Business Model Design
  • MVP Design & Prototyping
  • Experiment Design
  • Pitching

In addition, our complimentary masterclasses will cover topics such as <strong>Team Fit & Alignment, Marketing & Branding, IP Rights, Finance & Funding</strong>, and many more. Peer-to-peer sessions and 1-on-1 coaching will complete the free services we offer to the selected startups. In total, the startups will get a 360 entrepreneurship curriculum consisting of more than 30 workshops & masterclasses.

Demo Day: Pitch and win prizes during the 'finals'
We close off the program with a Demo Day during which the teams showcase their business ideas and prototypes to a broad audience of experts, investors and entrepreneurs and compete for a list of amazing prizes! Prizes include:

  • Guidance on the design of your feasibility experiment in the Marineterrein Living Lab
  • Access to a 5000 euros feasibility grant
  • Access to follow-up programs & funding opportunities
  • Additional customer discovery sessions
  • Continuous coaching & mentoring
  • Office Space & Makerspace
  • Promo material & access to a large network

In addition, connections with other programs and potential investors will be made.

For whom?
We are looking for ambitious students, researchers and young professionals who have an awesome business idea that could impact city life and solve metropolitan challenges. Please note we are looking for teams not a single founder.

Apply for the AMS Startup Booster via this form. Applications should be submitted <strong>no later than Sep 30th</strong>.

Ioannis Ioannidis's picture #CircularCity
Amarins Tamminga, Marketing and Sales , posted

E-bikes draadloos laden op een oplaadtegel, nu bij MOBIHUB Ijsbaanpad in Amsterdam

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De trend van het elektrisch fietsen brengt wonderlijke innovaties met zich mee. Van onzichtbare accu’s tot usb-poorten en Spotify op je fietsdisplay. Het laadproces van de e-bike blijft hierin niet achter met de nieuwste innovatie van TILER: draadloos opladen via een stoeptegel. Een product dat naadloos toe te passen is in de MOBIHUBS van MOBIAN: een nieuwe samenwerking is geboren.

TILER heeft de handeling om e-bikes te laden eigenlijk volledig weggenomen. Parkeren is laden en er hoeft verder niks voor gedaan te worden. Het enige wat hiervoor nodig is, is een Laadtegel en de standaard van de fiets moet vervangen worden door TILERs Laadstandaard. Dit is ideaal voor onbeheerde deelfietsvloten, hier wordt het laden nog wel eens vergeten door de gebruiker en zijn standaard laders erg fragiel en niet gemaakt voor dergelijk intensief gebruik. 

‘Een te gekke, nieuwe en toegankelijke manier om de e-bike op te laden’, aldus Sven Snel, oprichter van MOBIAN. ‘De trend van de e-bike is ons de laatste jaren niet ontgaan, maar om op onze MOBIHUBS elektrische deelfietsen op een goede manier aan te kunnen bieden blijkt een behoorlijke uitdaging. We hebben ons eerder aan e-bikes gewaagd, maar stuitten te vaak op vernieling van onze laadproducten. In TILER zien we een toffe huterproof-oplossing en gaan dus graag samen de uitdaging om opnieuw e-bikes toe te voegen aan de deelmobiliteiten op onze MOBIHUBS.’ 

MOBIAN is niet de eerste die samenwerkt met TILER, ook met andere deelfiets concepten is TILER al actief. Voorbeelden zijn huurfietsen bij hotels en pool e-bikes voor personeel. Ook zijn ze onlangs een project gestart met een deelfiets hub bij Arnhem Centraal. ‘Wij zijn erg enthousiast om dit project met MOBIAN te starten, MOBIAN past perfect in deze doelgroep, ook vooral omdat zij zelf hebben ondervonden dat er een laadoplossing moet zijn als je in autonome hubs e-bikes aan wilt bieden. TILER’s visie is om steden te veranderen, meer gericht op mens en natuur - MOBIAN’s park & ride concept past daar natuurlijk perfect in. Auto buiten de stad en binnen de stad verder op licht elektrisch vervoer.’ aldus Christiaan van Nispen, oprichter van TILER.

Vanaf deze week kunnen er e-bikes gehuurd worden bij de MOBIHUB Ijsbaanpad en later deze maand ook bij MOBIHUB Amsterdam West. Wanneer het project succesvol verloopt hopen de bedrijven verder uit te kunnen rollen in de verschillende Nederlandse steden.


Amarins Tamminga's picture #Mobility
Tom Kuipers, Programme Developer at AMS Institute, posted

Mobility Solutions and Active Mobility

On 2 & 3 June, EIT Urban Mobility is organizing a learning and networking event with inspiring mobility thought leaders at AMS Institute in Amsterdam. During the Mobility Solutions Cities' Showcase, urban mobility innovations from across Europe will be demonstrated.

EIT Urban Mobility has evaluated several applications from innovation-to-market projects and compiled a catalogue with Mobility Solutions from which some will be presented on June 2nd. Amongst others the projects SmartHubs (presentation by AMS Institute's innovation director Stephan van Dijk) and Code the Streets, in which Amsterdam and AMS Institute collaborate will have the stage. This will be followed by a keynote speech from Prof. Dr. Marco te Brommelstroet, co-author of Het Recht van de Snelste

June 3rd, on the United Nations World Bicycle Day, content-driven sessions on Active Mobility will take place with influential mobility thought leaders such as Melissa Bruntlett and Danny Nelissen, all moderated by Carlo van de Weijer

Do you want to join and learn more about our mobility solutions and content-driven sessions on active mobility? Register in the link attached! https://bit.ly/3xp2X4A

Tom Kuipers's picture Conference from Jun 2nd to Jun 3rd
Herman van den Bosch, professor in management development , posted

Will MaaS reduce the use of cars?

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In the 18th episode of the Better Cities - The contribution of technology-series, I answer the question how digital technology in the form of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) will help reduce car use, which is the most important intervention of improving the livability of cities, in addition to providing citizens with a decent income.

Any human activity that causes 1.35 million deaths worldwide, more than 20 million injuries, total damage of $1,600 billion, consumes 50% of urban space and contributes substantially to global warming would be banned immediately. This does not apply to traffic, because it is closely linked to our way of life and to the interests of motordom. For example, in his books Fighting traffic and Autonorame: The illusory promise of high-tech driving, Peter Horton refers to the coteri of the automotive industry, the oil companies and befriended politicians who have been stimulating car use for a century. Without interventions, global car ownership and use will grow exponentially over the next 30 years.

Reduction of car use

In parallel with the growth of car use, trillions have been invested worldwide in ever new and wider roads and in the management of traffic flows with technological means.

It has repeatedly been confirmed that the construction of more roads and traffic-regulating technology have a temporary effect and then further increase car use. Economists call this induced demand. The only effective counter-measures are impeding car use and to discourage the perceived need to use the car, preferably in a non-discriminatory way.

Bringing housing, shopping, and employment closer together (15-minute city) reduces the need to travel by car, but this is a long-term perspective. The most effective policy in the short term is to reduce parking options at home, at work and near shopping facilities and always prioritizing alternative modes of transport (walking, micro-mobility, and public transport). Copenhagen and Amsterdam have been investing in bicycle infrastructure for years and are giving cyclists a green track in many places at the expense of car traffic.

For several years now, Paris has also been introducing measures to discourage car traffic by 1,400 kilometers of cycle paths, ban on petrol and diesel cars in 2030, redesign of intersections with priority for pedestrians, 200 kilometers of extension of the metro system and closure of roads and streets. Meanwhile, car use has fallen from 61% in 2001 to 35% now. Milan has similar plans and in Berlin a group is preparing a referendum in 2023 with the aim of making an area car-free larger than Manhattan. Even in Manhattan and Brooklyn, there is a strong movement to reduce car use through a substantial shift of road capacity from cars to bicycles, pedestrians, and buses.

Public transport

Because of the pandemic, the use of public transport has decreased significantly worldwide as many users worked from home, could not go to school, took the bicycle or a car. Nevertheless, cities continue to promote public transport as a major strategy to reduce car use. In many places in the world, including in Europe, urban development has resulted in a high degree of dispersion of and between places to live, shop, and work. The ease of bridging the 'last mile' will contribute significantly to the increase in the use of public transport. While bicycles play an important role in this in the Netherlands, the ideas elsewhere are based on all forms of 'dockless micromobility’.

Autonomous transport

From a technological point of view, autonomous passenger transport involves type four or five at a taxonomy of automated cars. This includes the Waymo brand developed by Google. In some places in the US, these cars are allowed to drive with a supervisor ('safety driver') on board. Type 5 (fully autonomous driving under all circumstances) does not yet exist at all, and it is highly questionable whether this will ever happen. Besides, it is questionable too whether the automotive industry aspires building such a car at a substantial scale. Given their availability, it is expected that many people will forgo purchasing them and instead use them as a shared car or as a (shared or not) taxi. This will significantly reduce car ownership. To sell as many cars as possible, it is expected that the automotive industry will aim for level three automation, which means that the car can take over the actions of the driver, who must stay vigilant.

The impact on cities of autonomous shared cars and (shared) taxis is highly uncertain. Based on traffic data in the Boston area and surveys of residents, a study by the Boston Consultancy Group shows that approximately 30% of all transport movements (excluding walking) will take place in an autonomous car. But it also appears that users of public transport are a significant part of this group. Most people interviewed were scared using an unmanned shared taxi. Without sharing, there will be more cars on the road and more traffic jams in large parts of the city than now. A scenario study in the city of Porto (Portugal) that assumes that autonomous cars are mainly used as shared taxis and public transport is not cannibalized shows a significant decrease in car traffic.

Considering refraining from car use

Designing an efficient transport system is not that difficult; its acceptance by people is. Many see the car as an extension of the home, in which - even more than at home - they can listen to their favorite music, smoke, make phone calls or meet other persons unnoticed. Considering this, the step to alternative transport such as walking, cycling, or using public transport is a big one.

Most people will only decide to do so if external circumstances give sufficient reason. Hybrid working can lead to people wondering whether keeping an expensive (second) car is still responsible and cycling – in good weather – is also an option. Or they notice that because of restrictions driving a car loses part of its attractiveness and that public transport is not that bad after all. Some employers (Arcadis, for example) also encourage other forms of mobility than the (electric) lease car. <i>This lays the foundation for a 'mind set' in which people begin to break down their mobility needs into different components, each of which is best served by another mode of transport.</i> As soon as they realize that the car is an optimal solution only for part of the journeys, they realize that the price is shockingly high and a shared car is cheaper. For other journeys, a (shared) bicycle or public transport may be considered. Against this background, the concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) must be placed.

Mobility as a Service: MaaS

MaaS is an app that offers comprehensive door-to-door proposals for upcoming journeys, ranging from the nearest shared bicycle or scooter for the first mile or alternatively a (shared) taxi, the best available connection to public transport, the best transfer option, to the best option for the last mile. For daily users of the same route, the app provides information about alternatives in the event of disruptions. In the event of a delay in the journey, for example on the way to the airport, an alternative will be arranged if necessary. No worries about departure times, mode of transport, tickets, reservations, and payment. At least, ideally.

These kinds of apps are being developed in many places in the world and by various companies and organizations. First, Big Tech is active, especially Google. Intel also seems to have all the components for a complete MaaS solution, after taking over Moovit, Mobileye and Cubic. In Europe, it is mainly local and regional authorities, transport companies (Transdec, RATP, NS) and the automotive industry (Daimler-Benz and in the Netherlands PON).

The Netherlands follows its own course. The national MaaS program is based on public-private partnership. Seven pilots are ready to take-off. Each of these pilots places a different emphasis: Sustainability, accessibility of rural areas, congestion reduction and public transport promotion, integration of target group transport, public transport for the elderly and cross-border transport.

The pandemic has delayed its start significantly. The Gaiyo pilot in Utrecht (Leidsche Rijn) is the only one that is active for some time, and the results are encouraging. Apart from the national MaS pilots, the RiVier initiative was launched in January 2019; a joint venture of NS, RET and HTM in collaboration with Siemens.

Worth mentioning is an initiative from the European Union (European Institute for Innovation and technology - Urban Mobility), Eindhoven University of Technology, Achmea and Capgemini. 21 partners have now joined, including the municipality of Amsterdam. The aim is a pan-European open mobility service platform, called Urban Mobility Operating System (UMOS). The project aims to provide MaaS for the whole of Europe in the long term. UMOS expects local providers to join this initiative. Unlike most other initiatives, this is a non-profit platform. For the other providers, profitability will mainly be a long-term perspective.

The development of the MaaS app is complex from a technological and organizational point of view. It is therefore not surprising that five years after the first landing there are only partial solutions. <b>The basis for a successful app is the presence of a varied and high-quality range of transport facilities, a centralized information and sales system and standardization of various data and interfaces of all transport companies involved.</b> So far, they have not always been willing to share data. A company like London Transport wants to maintain direct contact with customers, and Uber and Lyft don't want to hand over the algorithms they use to calculate their variable fare. This type of data is indispensable for realizing a real-time offer of several door-to-door transport alternatives for every conceivable route, including pricing, and purchasing tickets. It is hoped that licensing authorities will mandate the provision of all data required for a fully functioning MaaS platform.

One of the most balanced MaaS applications is MaaX developed by Capgemini, the Paris Transport Authority and the RATP. This is comparable to the NS and OV9292 app, supplemented by options for carpooling, taxi transport, shared cars, shared bicycles, scooters, electric scooters, and parking.

Does MaaS is viable?

I believe that MaaS as such will encourage very few motorists to refrain from owning a car. This will mainly have to be done through measures that impede car use or reduce the need for it. Nevertheless, MaaS is useful for those who have just decided to look for alternatives. The app also has added-value for users of public transport, for instance if information in the event of disruptions is made available timely.

It is therefore clear to me that this app should be made available as a form of service, funded by the transport providers and the government and can make significant savings in infrastructure costs if car use decreases.

The above deepens two essays included in my e-book Cities of the Future: Always humane, smart if helpful. The first essay Livability and traffic – The walkable city connects insights about livability with different forms of passenger transport and policy. The second essay Towards zero road casualties: The traffic-safe city discusses policies to make traffic safer and the effect of 'self-driving' cars on road safety. The e-book can be downloaded here by following the link below.

Herman van den Bosch's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Floor Beckers, Communication professional at Gemeente Amsterdam, posted

Do you have the ultimate solution for a safe cycle path?

In the Netherlands, people like to cycle a lot. However, bicycle paths are not always safe due to the great variety of cyclists, such as cargo bikes and e-bikes, racing cyclists and bicycle delivery drivers. The Amsterdam Bike City (ABC) Innovation Lab from the Municipality of Amsterdam is looking for the best solution for the variety of speeds on the cycle path, to do something about this problem. The ten best submissions may present their solution to a jury of leading professionals.

Do you have the best idea to improve safety on bicycle paths? If so, you will win € 2,000 and have a chance of winning € 45,000 to implement your idea. Take that chance!

More information:

Zoë Spaaij, Project manager , posted

Wat kunnen we leren van de deelfietsgoeroe van Nederland?

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Het afgelopen jaar verschenen er tal van rapporten over digitalisering en technologisering. Maar wat kunnen we daarmee in 2022? Welke lessen kunnen we trekken voor de slimme stad? Welke ideeën kunnen ons gaan inspireren in dit nieuwe smartcityjaar?

Dit soort gesprekken voer je normaal gesproken als je elkaar tegenkomt tijdens een nieuwjaarsborrel, een congres of een andere netwerkbijeenkomst. Helaas kan dit nu even niet fysiek, maar gelukkig laat het digitale ons niet in de steek. Zo kunnen we toch met elkaar nieuwe kennis delen en verspreiden.

Daarom is de Future City Foundation op zoek gegaan naar de makers en bedenkers achter de rapporten. Zo gaan we op 26 januari in gesprek met deelfietsgoeroe van Nederland Ronald Haverman en laten ons door zijn ideeën inspireren.

Wanneer: 26 januari van 16.00- 17.00 uur
Kosten: Gratis

Let op: Dit webinar wordt niet opgenomen en is dus een eenmalige kans om in gesprek te gaan met Ronald Haverman.


Achttien jaar geleden was het nog een utopie: fietsen die je kunt delen. Niet voor Ronald Haverman, de bedenker van een van de eerste deelfietsen ter wereld: de (inmiddels bekende) OV-fiets.

Maar wat is de volgende innovatie? Want Haverman is nog lang niet klaar met oplossingen bedenken. Hij is inmiddels werkzaam als mobiliteitsstrateeg bij de provincie Zuid-Holland en deelt op 26 januari zijn ideeën over hoe deelmobiliteit een oplossing kan zijn voor ruimtegebrek en een meer duurzame samenleving.

Hoe ziet hij dat voor zich? Hoe zet je bijvoorbeeld slimme oplossingen als geofencing in om deelmobiliteit optimaal te laten werken? Wat is de volgende OV-fiets?


Online event on Jan 26th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Smart City End-of-year-Demoday

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Demodays are part of our innovation process and intended to boost the progress of the various innovation projects, put requests for help on the table, share dilemmas and involve others in your projects or challenges. We host them every 8-10 weeks.

Invitations are sent but we're always open to adding a few new names to the list.

During Demo days, community members pitch projects and ask for input. In small groups we work on concrete questions. All in a very positive, open and cheerful vibe.

This time on the agenda:

- Responsible Sensing Lab & Responsible Drones
- Public Eye / Shuttercam
- Pilot Regenerative Braking
- Social functions of neighbourhood hubs
- ArenApoort LIFE
- What Design Can Do

Want to join? Have a question? Let’s hear it in the comments!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Meet-up on Dec 14th
Giovanni Stijnen, Senior program & business developer at NEMO Kennislink, posted

Wat Mensen Beweegt wil duurzame mobiliteit in het ArenA-gebied stimuleren

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In de Johan Cruijff ArenA vond onlangs de kick-off plaats van Wat Mensen Beweegt, een nieuw onderzoeksproject gericht op duurzame mobiliteit in het Amsterdamse ArenA-gebied.

De Hogeschool van Amsterdam en NEMO Kennislink onderzoeken in samenwerking met eventlocaties ArenA, Ziggo Dome en AFAS Live wat ervoor nodig is om bezoekers te stimuleren duurzamere reiskeuzes te maken.

Vaak gaat het bij dit soort vraagstukken over technische of infrastructurele uitdagingen want die zijn van groot belang. Het gedrag van de individuele reiziger speelt vaak net zo’n belangrijke rol. Daarom richt dit project zich op de belevingswereld van bezoekers. Wat beweegt hen om te kiezen voor de auto, trein of ander vervoer? Hoe kunnen door inzicht te krijgen in de rol van emoties en gedrag betrokken organisaties zoals de ArenA worden geholpen bij het faciliteren van een duurzamer reisgedrag? En hoe kunnen we zorgen dat de bezoeker daar zelf actief aan bijdraagt?

Dit project doet hiervoor een eerste exploratieve verkenning. Resultaten worden in het voorjaar van 2022 getoetst op mogelijkheden om de aanpak die is ontwikkeld verder op te schalen.

 Unieke samenwerking

Dit project is een unieke samenwerking tussen de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Lectoraat Creative Media for Social Change) die creatieve methoden inbrengt en het wetenschapjournalistieke platform NEMO Kennislink dat werkt via constructieve journalistieke methoden. Naast de eventlocaties wordt nauw samengewerkt met het Platform Smart Mobility Amsterdam, ZO Bereikbaar en het Amsterdam Smart City netwerk.


Wil je meer weten, neem dan contact op met:

 Johan Cruijff ArenA

Maurits van Hövell, Consultant Mobility and Environment, m.van.hovell@johancruijffarena.nl

 Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Tamara Witschge Lector Creative Media for Social Change, t.a.c.witschge@hva.nl

 NEMO Kennislink

Giovanni Stijnen, sr. program & business development, stijnen@e-nemo.nl

Leon Heuts, Hoofdredacteur, heuts@nemokennislink.nl

Giovanni Stijnen's picture #Mobility
Daan van Rooij, Technical Specialist at Cenex NL, posted

Shared mobility for more liveable cities. How can we make it work?

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Join us at the EIT Climate-KIC Sustainable Shared Mobility (SuSMo) closing webinar on the 7th of December 14:00 - 16:00 to find out how to introduce shared mobility in your city and learn from the experiences from European frontrunners.

The SuSMo partners will present learning material and guidelines for introducing, managing and regulating shared mobility in cities. In addition to the SuSMo partners we introduce speakers from CROW and autodelen.net. CROW will present their car sharing toolkit for Dutch municipalities while autodelen.net will discuss best practices from car sharing in Belgium. See the attached agenda for the full list of speakers and topics.

You do not want to miss this webinar!

Please register here: https://tinyurl.com/SuSMoWebinar

We look forward to meeting you online!

Online event on Dec 7th
Casper Koomen, futurist & creative at blau lab, posted

Building a shared vision of the city - with LEGO!

Building the largest interactive LEGO model of the future city ever!

Imagine a model of the city; however, instead of a literal representation, this is a sculpture that holds ideas and dreams from citizens, policymakers, entrepreneurs and visitors about what the city might be like after we solve major transitional challenges (e.g. sustainability, energy, equality, smart).

What would it feel like to be in this city? What do people wish this future city to become?

the goal
A model of the city that contains the ideas that a diverse group of people have about how the city might emerge from major transitional change like climate adaptation, sustainability, equality, smart. Imagine the city from what might be and what opportunity change offers.

the form
A room-sized model built with LEGO in a public space and with interactivity (e.g. app / QR link / AR) to share the stories that this model contains.

the process
Lego is an powerful way to evoke and capture stories about how people think about something. Through a series of workshops, people from all parts of the city will be invited to share how they think about the future of the city and capture their stories in a collective model. An interactive installation opens up those stories to passers-by and other participants.

finance, organisational, tech

call to action
Get in touch if you want to contribute to the realisation of the largest LEGO city vision model ever!

Casper Koomen's picture #DigitalCity
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Excursieprogramma in Barcelona (tijdens Smart City Expo World Congress) - in Dutch

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De jaarlijkse Smart City Expo World Congress komt er al weer bijna aan! Deze vindt plaats op 16 – 18 november 2021 (maar eigenlijk begint het al de 14e). Naast het officiële missieprogramma van RVO hebben Amsterdam Smart City, G40, Future City Foundation en BTG ook eigen excursies en kennissessies georganiseerd.

Ben je in Barcelona voor de Smart City Expo en/of de RVO missie, dan kun je natuurlijk met ons mee! Door kennis op te doen voor de Nederlandse praktijk en andere deelnemers nog beter te leren kennen, kun je je tijd in Barcelona zo optimaal benutten.

Deelnemen aan de excursies is kosteloos. We verwachten dat je op eigen gelegenheid naar de programmalocaties komt.


Maandag 15 november

Hoe worden we de best verbonden samenleving in de wereld?

9.00 uur – Ontbijt en aftrap
We gaan naar Barcelona om te leren hoe we van Nederland de best verbonden samenleving van de wereld kunnen maken. We leggen uit wat deze moonshot is en hoe je daaraan kan meedoen. Want er zijn nogal wat acties te verrichten.

10.00 uur – Deelmobiliteit met Donkey Republic
Hoe zorgen we dat deelmobiliteit een oplossing is voor duurzame mobiliteit en voorkomen we verrommeling van de openbare ruimte? We gaan in gesprek met Allard Kalverkamp van Donkey Republic, een deelfietsoperator, die zowel in Nederland als in Barcelona werkt. Hoe gaan de gemeente Barcelona en de Metropoolregio om met de opkomst van deelmobiliteit? En natuurlijk fietsen we zelf ook een rondje! Locatie volgt (centrum Barcelona).

12.00 uur – Lunch en wrap-up
Learnings ophalen. Hoe kunnen we deze kennis toepassen in Nederland?

13.30 uur – Burgerparticipatie met Decidim
Hoe betrek je inwoners bij een stad en zorg je met een platform voor meer democratisering van bestuur? Hoe creëer je in samenspraak met burgers oplossingen? Ga mee naar Decidim, een open-source democratisch platform dat door de stad Barcelona wordt gebruikt om burgers te betrekken. Arnau Monterde vertelt hoe zij werken en tot welke veranderingen methodes hebben geleid? Locatie: Canòdrom, Carrer de Concepción Arenal, 165, 08027 Barcelona

15.00 uur – Borrel en terugkoppeling van de middag

Dinsdag 16 november


9.00 uur: Ontbijt
Hoe ga je van instrumentontwikkeling naar gebiedsontwikkeling? Hoe schaal je de smart city op en zorg je dat zij het nieuwe normaal wordt?

10.00 – 12.00 uur: Tour door Superblok Poblenou
In deze wijk zijn alle essentiële functies zijn op 15 minuten wandelen te bereiken. Ook is de mobiliteit in dit gebied aangepakt. Hoe kwam dit superblok tot stand en hoe kunnen Nederlandse steden en gemeentes hiervan leren? Exacte programma en locatie volgen.

12.00 – 13.00 uur: Lunch en wrap-up
Wat kunnen we leren van hoe Poblenou is opgezet? Is dit ook werkbaar voor Nederlandse steden en dorpen? En hoe betrek je bewoners in zo’n ontwerp?

13.00 – 18.00 uur: Smart City Expo (Fira Barcelona)
Tijd om te netwerken bij de Paviljoens van allerlei landen en steden. Doe mee met een inkomende of uitgaande missie, ga mee op safari, leer de mensen bij Holland Paviljoen kennen en ontdek welke kansen de beursvloer biedt.

Woensdag 17 november

Ethiek en sensoriek (van het riool van Barcelona)

9.00 uur: Ontbijt
We beginnen bij de vraag hoe waardecreatie kan ontstaan via dit project. Ook gaan we in op het nieuwe boek van de CityDeal (in de maak) ‘Zo creëer je waarde’.

11.00 – 12.00 uur: Bezoek aan de riolen van Barcelona
We bezoeken een meetstation en zien hoe data worden verzameld op wijkniveau. Wat kun je leren van het riool op gebied van watermanagement en hoe is het gesteld met de gezondheid van inwoners? Hoe koppel je sensordata aan gericht beleid en aan handelingsperspectieven? Daarna bezoeken we het kantoor van s::can en leren we meer over de gebruikte sensoren en de data. De toepassing op wijkniveau in plaats van op stadsniveau in Barcelona is redelijk uniek. Wat kunnen wij van hen leren en wat is toe te passen in Nederland?

12.00 – 13.00 uur: Lunch
Lunch en debat over de ethische vragen die dit met zich meebrengt.

13.00: Smart City Expo
Tijd voor een tweede middag op de Smart City Expo (Fira Barcelona).

Meld je hier aan voor het hele programma of voor aparte programmaonderdelen:

Heb je nog vragen? Stuur dan een bericht naar nancy@amsterdamsmartcity.com.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Meet-up from Nov 15th to Nov 17th
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Helsinki and Amsterdam invite motorists to ‘code the streets’

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Helsinki and Amsterdam are inviting motorists to take part in a study that aims to offer the most socially responsible driving routes in each city.

Code the Streets – an EU-sponsored mobility initiative which will run throughout October and November – asks drivers to test new functions in the traffic navigation app TomTomAmiGO and Mercedes-Benz’ navigation planner, to better understand how to route motorists in a more environmentally aware way.

This includes suggestions on avoiding roads close to schools, residential areas, and parts of the city with high pollution.

The initiative is a collaboration between the City of Amsterdam, City of Helsinki, Aalto University, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute), Forum Virium Helsinki, Technical University Delft and The Future Mobility Network, and is funded by TomTom, Mercedes-Benz and EIT Urban Mobility.

Read the full story here: https://cities-today.com/helsinki-and-amsterdam-invite-motorists-to-code-the-streets/

Folkert Leffring's picture #Mobility
Eline Meijer, Communication Specialist , posted

Redesign of public space in your own area possible?

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Would this simple redesign of the public space in the suburbs of Utrecht, be an option in your area? In a special serie of short videos, Geert Kloppenburg visit suburbs of the large cities in the Randstad in Holland. Here is part 1 Utrecht. Curious what you think of the idea and feel free to share!

Watch the video here:

Eline Meijer's picture #Mobility
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Demoday Circular City x Mobility

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Demodays are part of our innovation process and intended to boost the progress of the various innovation projects, put requests for help on the table, share dilemmas and involve others in your projects or challenges. We host them every 8-10 weeks.

Invitations are sent but we're always open to adding a few new names to the list.

During Demo days, community members pitch projects and ask for input. In small groups we work on concrete questions. We organize workshops with our partners to get a step further in the process. All in a very positive, open and cheerful vibe.

This time on the agenda:


Electric charging service hub – Beelen Mobility
There are more and more electric cars that also need to be charged. This growth cannot be fully accommodated with charging hubs in streets. De Beelengroep is developing a charging hub, a place where you can charge your car, and do other useful or fun things in the meantime. These hubs are well integrated into the energy system and do not place a greater burden on the grid. How do we make this even better?

A smart city, that's how you do it - Future City Foundation
Digitization and technology will fundamentally change our cities, regions and villages in the coming years. But what instruments do we need to make this happen in the best possible way? In the City Deal 'A smart city, that's how you do it' we develop, test and implement these instruments.

From Waste to Harvest – De Gezonde Stad
In Amsterdam we throw away organic waste together with household waste. The 'From Waste to Harvest' project takes a concrete step towards a circular and healthy city. More than 100 people have registered and deliver their organic waste to the neighborhood garden, which is used to make valuable compost. De Gezonde Stad tells how to involve people and let them experience the value of their 'waste'.

Robots and a liveable city – TU Delft / AMS Institute
In the near future, robots will most likely take to the streets to do their jobs. Think of robots that deliver groceries or medicines, or robots that support in keeping the city clean and pleasant. How can we design these robots in such a way that they can share public space with us in a harmonious way?

Supply of catering, by water – City of Amsterdam
For 20 years, efforts have been made to increase transport by water. There is still a lot of logistics space here. It can therefore relieve the road, and water transport can also be clean. Technology is available, but there is no business case yet.

Shared mobility – solution or annoyance?
We keep seeing forms of shared mobility; cars, scooters and cargo bikes. A nice development. But in many cities it also leads to problems. How do we ensure that we actually use these new forms of mobility to reduce problems, emissions and use of raw materials?

Want to join? Have a question? Let’s hear it in the comments!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Online event on Sep 16th
Jasmyn Mazloum, Communicatie at Gemeente Almere, posted

Onderzoek: Deelmobiliteit in Almere! / Enquête

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Almere is een stad waarin de mogelijkheden om jezelf te verplaatsen eindeloos zijn. Niet alle vervoersmiddelen zijn even praktisch, milieuvriendelijk of gezond. Veel van onze auto’s staan het grootste gedeelte van de tijd stil op de parkeerplaats. Ze nemen kostbare ruimte in en daarbij zorgt het gebruik van de auto voor een minder gezonde lucht.

Wat is deelmobiliteit?
Een oplossing hiervoor kan zijn om voertuigen te delen. Dit noemen we ook wel deelmobiliteit. Niet iedereen een eigen auto, maar één auto die wordt gebruikt door meerdere personen. Naast een auto kun je ook (e-)fietsen of scooters delen. Deze zijn belangrijk om bijvoorbeeld het laatste stukje van het treinstation of bushalte gemakkelijk naar je werk te komen.

De gemeente Almere is benieuwd hoe jij hierover denkt. Jouw mening kunnen we gebruiken bij het opzetten van deelmobiliteit in onze stad. We gaan betrouwbaar om met uw gegevens en de reacties worden anoniem verwerkt. Vul voor ons de enquête in!

Jasmyn Mazloum's picture #Mobility