#Mobility as a Service

Topic within Mobility
Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

State of the Region 2020

Deze editie zoomen we in op de economische gevolgen van de coronacrisis, de lessen die we hieruit leren, en de acties die partijen in en om Amsterdam nemen om uiteindelijk beter en duurzamer uit de crisis te komen. We kunnen het virus misschien nog niet de baas, wel kunnen we actie nemen om mensen snel opnieuw perspectief op werk te geven en in organisaties bedrijfsprocessen duurzaam in te richten.

State of the Region

Burgemeester van Amsterdam Femke Halsema spreekt haar jaarlijkse ‘State of the Region’ uit en prominenten uit bedrijfsleven, wetenschap en overheid gaan vervolgens met elkaar in gesprek over de toekomst van de regio en wat vandaag nodig en haalbaar is.

Amsterdam Economic Board's picture Online event on Dec 2nd
Jorden van der Hoogt, Strategy and Innovation Lead at Cenex NL, posted

Cenex-LCV 2020 Event

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Hello! Next week the Cenex-LCV and Cenex-CAM 2020 event will take place on 18th and 19th November. A yearly event organised by our partner Cenex in the UK. Normally, this is a physical event at the Millbrook proving ground just outside Milton Keynes receiving nearly 5000 visitors in 2019. Due to the Covid-19 situation, this event will now take place online.

It is a 2-day event, covering the newest developments in clean and smart mobility. You can browse through the full seminar program here: https://www.cenex-lcv.co.uk/seminars

If you see a session you would like to attend, register for free and mark the timeslot on your agenda. Visit the following link to reserve your virtual seat: https://register.cenexevents-2020.co.uk/cenex-lcv-cam

Besides the seminars, you can visit exhibitors virtually and start a chat if you wish. We as Cenex Nederland will also be present and host one of the technical talk seminar session. Stop by for a visit next week!

Hoping to see you there!

Jorden van der Hoogt's picture Online event from Nov 18th to Nov 19th
Maarten Poot, Founder at felyx, posted

The importance of public space and e-moped sharing!

Did you know shared e-mopeds can be 175 times more efficient in terms of public space usage compared to cars?! Let us explain! 🔍

In Amsterdam, 30% of the people with a parking permit use their car once, or even less often, per week. There are 133.000 permit holders, so for these residents we need 39.900 parking spots (30% x 133.000). For their 39.900 weekly movements, we also need 39.900 parking spots.

Shared e-mopeds are used 7 days a week and let's assume about 5 times per day on average. On the space of one parking spot you could fit 5 e-mopeds. So one parking spot used for shared e-mopeds could facilitate 5 x 7 x 5 = 175 movements per week! For 39.900 weekly movements, you would only need 228 (!) parking spots, so this is also 175 times more efficient!
As you can see, sharing (of e-mopeds) is a much more efficient way of using scarce public space. We would say: let's turn some car parking spots into e-moped spots! 🛵

Please let us know what your thoughts are on this!💡 See also on LinkedIn:

#publicspace #emopeds #felyx #beatemissions

Maarten Poot's picture #Mobility
Vrusti kiri, smart city design student , posted

Seeking smart city employment opportunities

Hello everyone,
I am seeking employment opportunities within the urban solution and smart city community. I am really eager to get some experience and expand my knowledge in Digitalisation, energy revolution, E mobility, Mobility as a service, sensors, open data. From November onwards, I am available to join an exciting and innovative project which I could collaborate with you on!

I just completed a Master's in Smart City Design from Macromedia university of applied science, Berlin. My master thesis is about the Optimization of existing EV charging infrastructure. I have worked on projects with companies on the topic of digitalization of city, Car-free city, and the use of blockchain. All of the projects include solutions to the challenge, business proposal, and urban solution.

Any known opportunities or advice would be greatly appreciated. Please email me on vrusti.kiri@gmail.com for my resume. Thanks in advance:)!

Vrusti kiri's picture #DigitalCity
Anouk van der Laan, Public Affairs Manager at Check Technologies B.V., posted

Check introduceert de Parkeer Check: beter parkeren voor deelscooters

De opmars van de elektrische deelscooter is onmiskenbaar: het aantal Nederlandse steden waar het mogelijk is om een elektrische deelscooter gebruik te maken schoot het afgelopen jaar omhoog van 3 naar 14. De voordelen zijn evident: voor gebruikers levert het tijd en gemak op, en voor alle inwoners van de stad leidt het tot een schonere lucht, minder geluidsoverlast en een betere doorstroming van het verkeer. Toch zijn er ook minder positieve geluiden, met name rondom fout geparkeerde scooters in de openbare ruimte. Aanbieder Check voegt vandaag een nieuwe functionaliteit aan haar service toe om dit probleem tegen te gaan: de Parkeer Check.

Check zet in op bewustwording bij gebruikers
De introductie van de Parkeer Check gaat gepaard met een grootschalige campagne waarmee Check haar gebruikers bewust maakt van het belang van goed parkeren. Paul van Merrienboer, mede-oprichter van Check, vertelt: ​‘Het is belangrijk dat onze gebruikers zich bewust zijn van het feit dat ze een scooter in de openbare ruimte parkeren. We willen toe naar een situatie waarin gebruikers niet alleen zichzelf maar ook elkaar verantwoordelijk houden voor hun parkeergedrag. We introduceren daarom een nieuwe functionaliteit in de app waarmee ze dit op een laagdrempelige manier kunnen doen.’ ​De Parkeer Check stelt gebruikers in staat om met een druk op de knop fout geparkeerde scooters te melden.

Een oplossing samen met de gebruiker
Gebruikers klikken in de app op de betreffende scooter en kunnen een melding maken met de knop ‘Meld parkeerprobleem’. Er wordt direct een foto van de situatie doorgestuurd waarna de vorige gebruiker een waarschuwing krijgt over zijn/haar parkeergedrag. Check volgt een strikt protocol: na 3 waarschuwingen is het voor de foutparkeerder (tijdelijk) niet meer mogelijk om van Check gebruik te maken. En moet de scooter verplaatst worden? Dan volgt een boete van € 50,-.

Anouk van der Laan's picture #Mobility
Anouk van der Laan, Public Affairs Manager at Check Technologies B.V., posted

Elektrische deelscooter aanbieder Check lanceert in Amsterdam

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Snelgroeiende start-up Check biedt 350 elektrische deelscooters aan in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam zet al jaren in op minder autoverkeer in de binnenstad. Het inzetten van elektrische deelscooters draagt hier uitstekend aan bij: als meer mensen gebruikmaken van deelscooters, is er minder autoverkeer in de stad en zijn er minder parkeerplekken nodig. Marco Knitel, voormalig General Manager bij Uber en medeoprichter van Check, bevestigt dit vanuit de ervaring van e-deelscooter bedrijf Check in Rotterdam: “Als de beschikbaarheid goed genoeg is, zien we dat mensen op termijn afstand durven te doen van hun eigen vervoermiddel. We hebben in Rotterdam een grote groep klanten die onze e-scooters meerdere malen per week gebruikt en de deelscooter echt heeft omarmd als alternatief.” Vanaf vandaag zijn de Check e-scooters ook beschikbaar in Amsterdam. In de komende dagen zet het bedrijf er in totaal 350 neer.

Onnodige verkeersdrukte Amsterdam
Check wil de makkelijkste weg door de stad aanbieden. Met name voor autobezitters valt er veel te winnen: met de auto een rit maken in Amsterdam is namelijk geen pretje. Op dit moment staan er maar liefst 1400 auto’s per vierkante kilometer in de regio en onderzoek toont aan dat 37% van alle autoritten korter is dan 2 kilometer en in de stad zelf blijft. De verkeers verstopping is op dit moment zo groot dat je in de avondspits gemiddeld 17 minuten per half uur langer over een autorit doet. Steeds meer Amsterdammers stappen daarom over op slimme alternatieven om van A naar B te komen. De (e-)deelscooter is sterk in opkomst. Het is de ambitie van nieuwe aanbieder Check om de transitie van autobezit naar (e-)deelscooter verder te versnellen. “Mensen vragen snel naar vermeende concurrentie met andere deelmobiliteit aanbieders, maar het gaat juist om samenwerken. Hoe groter het aanbod, hoe groter de vraag”, aldus Paul van Merrienboer, voormalig manager bij Greenwheels en medeoprichter van Check.

Uitbreiding in andere steden
Naast de lancering in Amsterdam heeft Check afgelopen week ook 200 e-scooters toegevoegd aan haar vloot in Rotterdam. Dit is een verdubbeling van de 200 e-scooters waar Check afgelopen februari mee begon in de Maasstad. De operatie van Check in Den Haag gaat ook vanaf volgende week van start en Breda volgt daarna.

Deelmobiliteit populair in Coronatijd
Corona beïnvloedt de mobiliteitskeuze van mensen behoorlijk. Zo is het OV-gebruik nog steeds tientallen procenten onder het normale niveau en schaffen Nederlanders massaal (gebruikte) auto’s aan. Om ervoor te zorgen dat we niet een aantal stappen achteruit zetten heeft de gemeente Check gevraagd om de uitrol te versnellen. “We zien dat onze elektrische deelscooters juist aan populariteit hebben gewonnen gedurende de Corona crisis. Dat komt omdat we feitelijk ‘social distancing’ ingebouwd hebben in ons product. Gecombineerd met het feit dat sommige scooters tot wel 30 mensen per dag vervoeren is het niet alleen een heel veilig maar ook een zeer efficiënte manier van vervoer, ” aldus van Merrienboer.

Bronvermelding data in artikel: TomTom Index (2019), Pon Datalab (2018), CBS (2018)

Over Check
De missie van Check is het aanbieden van de makkelijkste weg door de stad. Check biedt hiertoe een mobiele app aan waarmee gebruikers elektrische deelscooters per minuut kunnen reserveren en gebruiken. Sinds februari 2020 is Check actief in Rotterdam en in de zomer van 2020 breidt het bedrijf haar diensten uit naar onder andere Amsterdam en Den Haag.

Anouk van der Laan's picture #Mobility
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Interesting article: 'Pricing the Curb' by prof. Donald Shoup

Abstract: "Parked cars have colonized city streets for so long they seem to own the curb lanes. Decolonizing is underway, however, because new demands are overcrowding the curb. E-commerce deliveries need truck-loading zones. Uber and Lyft need passenger-loading zones. Traffic congestion has increased the need for dedicated bus lanes. Cyclists want safe bike lanes, and pedestrians want wide sidewalks. The curb is the new urban frontier, and parking is not always its most productive use. The curb lane will not be used properly until it is priced properly. When it comes to managing the curb, cities can let prices do the planning and use the resulting revenue to pay for public services. Getting curb parking prices right will improve cities, the economy, the environment, and the planet."

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Mobility
Bob Munten, Editor at Vervoerregio Amsterdam, posted

Smart Mobility MRA festival 2020

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In de eerste editie van ons tweejaarlijks event in 2018, hebben we laten zien hoe Smart Mobility bijdraagt aan de mobiliteitsvraagstukken in de MRA. Sinds die tijd is een hoop werk verzet en zijn er nieuwe inzichten en technieken bijgekomen. Om de kennis te delen, van elkaar te leren en samen verder te komen, organiseren we dit najaar een vierdaags-festival.

Het Smart Mobility MRA festival 2020 vindt grotendeels online plaats, soms op locatie (als het kan) en met een programma dat we samen met jou opstellen. Kortom, net zo slim, groen en veilig georganiseerd als de onderwerpen die we bespreken. Het wordt een mix van online en lokale events waarbij we jouw kennis en ervaring ophalen. Zet het Smart Mobility MRA Festival 2020 van 16 tot en met 19 november alvast in je agenda te beginnen met de digitale liveshow op maandagochtend.

Wanneer en hoe?
Op maandagochtend 16 november trappen we af met een digitale liveshow, vanuit huis of op kantoor te volgen. De rest van de week zijn er volop sessies in allerlei on- en offline werkvormen. Denk aan werkateliers, masterclasses en verkennende Smart Mobility-safari’s. Een ding hebben ze gemeen: alle sessies geven antwoord op vragen die leven bij professionals en nieuwkomers binnen de vijf smart mobility-thema’s van ons platform.

Jouw sessie op ons podium: het festival maken we samen!
Tijdens het festival willen we leren van elkaar. Daarom vragen we je om jouw kennis te delen en een programmaonderdeel te verzorgen. Dit geeft jou ook gelegenheid om tijdens je sessie input op te halen bij je publiek.
Daarnaast stemmen we het aanbod graag af op de behoefte. Dus heb je vragen over smart mobility? Ben je aan het puzzelen welke slimme techniek bijdraagt aan jouw opgaven? Laat ons weten welke kennis jij zoekt. Kom maar op met die input! Je hebt hier tot en met 10 september 2020 de tijd voor.

Zo krijgen we een festival dat informeert en inspireert voor en dankzij jou. Een win-win dus!

Kijk voor meer informatie op de website van het event: <https://www.smartmobilitymrafestival.nl/newsletter/view.php?newsletter=853c8292d111468da0567d4cea4b856a>. En volg ons op LinkedIn: <https://www.linkedin.com/company/smart-mobility-mra/> en tag ons via #SMOBfestival2020.

Bob Munten's picture Online event from Nov 16th to Nov 19th
Daniela Guzun, Community builder , posted

Product Up: The Startup and Scaleup Conference 🇳🇱

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Product Up is a free online conference that is here to help you get the knowledge on what it takes to launch and grow your business! ➡️ https://bit.ly/SC-ProductUp2020

On October 29–30, find out what it means to find the perfect product, engage a buying audience, recruit the team to make it happen and go global, all at Product Up!

Product Up isn't your standard online conference. We want to bring the theatre to YOU and teleport you to a real offline conference atmosphere from the comfort of your own home!

Be a part of our debut on the largest stage and screen in Amsterdam and witness talks, real keynotes, and authentic fireside chats with the greatest entrepreneurial minds on the Dutch and international markets.

We’ll have talks from leaders from Deliveroo, Polarsteps, Picnic, NewMotion, GrowthTribe, What3words, WeAreKeen, PRLab, and many more! Check the lineup at http://bit.ly/ProductUpConferenceLineup

Product Up is your conference, no matter your background or skills, this is the growth event for you!

Daniela Guzun's picture Online event from Oct 29th to Oct 30th
Justine Olschanezky, Communications & Partnership Manager , posted

Ford European Make It Driveable Challenge

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In its 7th year MakeItDriveable is an opportunity for startups to engage directly with Ford and to potentially fast track their idea to market. If accepted to attend entrepreneurs will have a chance to meet with Ford executives, engineers, business teams as well as invited guests.
This Challenge is for companies interested in "getting in the car" with either an idea for the Connected Vehicle or an iOS/Android application.
To learn more about the challenge, what you could gain from participating and to apply, please check here: www.makeitdriveable.com.
Be ready and become Ford's next business partner!

Online event from Oct 20th to Oct 21st
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

Mobility and liveability

You will find the Dutch version 'De beloopbare stad' of my newest post in the series cities of the future below. The English version will be published at SmartCityHub next month.

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Mobility
Harmen van Sprang, co-founder & CEO Sharing Cities Alliance , posted


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The landscape of mobility has been in motion for some time now, but the current pandemic is accelerating a shift towards new types of transportation. Is this just a temporary occurrence or will we see a fundamental change in the way we move? As we start to leave our homes again, options to move around are limited. Our cities cannot handle more cars and the capacity of public transport is reduced dramatically. How do we keep ourselves mobile while maintaining enough distance from each other?

In several cities around the world, measures are being taken to give more space to people. Will pedestrians and cyclists get more freedom to move after the pandemic is over? There is a global bicycle boom but has the bike really become a simple, safe, sustainable, and healthy form of transport? And, what about cars. At this stage, you might prefer your own car (if you have one) over public transportation, but will this be different once we can safely sit in the same bus or train again? Will we need fewer cars if part of society continues to work from home? And what roles might spatial planning and emerging technologies play when looking at transportation in urban areas in the years ahead? Let’s explore the path forward together and reshape mobility in our cities.

Harmen van Sprang's picture Online event on Jul 16th
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Dublin's COVID-19 Mobility & Transport Response

This is a link to Dublin's COVID-19 Mobility & Transport Response document for those who are interested...

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Mobility
Aditya Putta, Venture Sourcing Lead , posted

Webinar #3: Smart Cities and Mobility, Indo-Dutch innovation during crisis (June 9)

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Webinar #3: Indo-Dutch innovation during crisis - Smart Cities and Mobility

Click here to register: https://forms.gle/gM94BTsxTu9vfZaR6

The full impact of COVID-19 on Smart Cities and Mobility is still unknown. However, one thing is for certain— there are global economic and financial ramifications. This is affecting how our buildings, transport and utilities are managed. It is felt through the global supply chains, from raw materials to finished products.

During this webinar, we will delve into the immediate impact of the isolation measures on these industries, explore the degree to which there are long term consequences and how we can adapt our systems and capabilities. We will also focus on the progress and positives coming out of these thematic areas through experts. And we’ll hear entrepreneurs who are coming up with innovative solutions to deal with the outbreak and cope with the repercussions that are bound to come our way. The audience will have a chance to interact with the speakers. By doing so, we learn from each other and provide an opportunity to form strategic Indo-Dutch ties!
We welcome you to become part of this bottom-up collective backing startup entrepreneurs to play their role as game changers.

Program for Tuesday 9 June
11:00 – 12:30 Central European Time and 14:30 – 16:00 Indian Standard time

Welcome addresses
Freek Jan Frerichs, Senior Policy Advisor Life Science & Health at The Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands

Country level response and industry expert opinion
Shashank Ojha, Senior Digital Development Specialist at The World Bank
Cornelia Dinca, Incoming Delegations and Living Labs Lead at Amsterdam Smart City, The Netherlands
Sander van Lingen, Business Development Manager for Smart Cites at Dell Technologies

Entrepreneurs presentation and Q&A
Simranjit Singh Grewal, CEO & Founder at Y the Wait, The Netherlands
Ayon Hazra, Co-Founder & CEO at Qlikchain, India/The Netherlands
Sanjoy Roy, CEO at AskSid AI, India
Pranav Vempati, Chief Executive Officer at Kal Bionics, India
Peter van der Veen, Tripservice, The Netherlands

Aditya Putta, Venture Sourcing Lead, WorldStartup

Target audience

We especially welcome innovation managers within government and corporates, along with investors who can support the entrepreneurs with pilots, projects, investment and partnerships.

Since this is also a time to share, we welcome other entrepreneurs who seek inspiration and would like to join forces through collaborations. All Indian and Dutch stakeholders that are involved and interested in Smart Cities & Mobility, and startup innovation in general are also invited.

Click here to register for the Webinar #3: https://forms.gle/gM94BTsxTu9vfZaR6
(Look out for an email from Crowdcast, the webinar tool. We will invite you.)

For any questions or comments, please contact Aditya Putta (aditya@worldstartup.co).

Made possible by
The Netherlands Embassy in India
Consulate General of The Netherlands in Bangalore
Dell Technologies
Amsterdam SmartCity
The World Bank

Aditya Putta's picture Online event on Jun 9th
Daniel Sanchez, CEO Assistant at Integra Innovation, posted

Meet the spaces and influx control solution that is helping to fight COVID-19 - FREE assistance

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Have you ever considered the advantages of knowing people influx in your space?

Knowing people and vehicles influx can be very useful to predict masses, value the use of facilities, manage consumptions and, improve people’s safety or even control confinement.
Due to the IoT S-PACES solution it is possible to know in real time the number of people and vehicles within a specific space thanks to the signals sent by their mobile devices. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain reports with data collected during several days, what helps while taking decisions and lets act in advance.
In this webinar, we will know its technology and functioning, as well as we will approach success cases where the solution was deployed like Water Park in Zaragoza (Spain) or Crawford Lake Park in Canada.

• S-PACES: what is it and how can it help me?
• Technology and performing of the solution
• Platform: a tailor-made design to meet your needs
• Real success cases

Knowing people and vehicles influx can be very useful to predict masses, value the use of facilities, manage consumptions and, improve people’s safety or even control confinement.

Due to the IoT S-PACES solution it is possible to know in real time the number of people and vehicles within a specific space thanks to the signals sent by their mobile devices. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain reports with data collected during several days, what helps while taking decisions and lets act in advance.

In this webinar, we will know its technology and functioning, as well as we will approach success cases where the solution was deployed like Water Park in Zaragoza (Spain) or Crawford Lake Park in Canada.


• S-PACES: what is it and how can it help me?

• Technology and performing of the solution

• Platform: a tailor-made design to meet your needs

• Real success cases

Daniel Sanchez's picture Online event on May 21st
Aad Vredenbregt, Business Developer Air Quality , posted

Datastandaard voor mobiliteitsdiensten

Samen met @info_vlaanderen en @Stad_Antwerpen heeft imec een datastandaard ontwikkeld voor slimme digitale mobiliteitsplatformen. Overheid en private organisaties kunnen zo makkelijk informatie uitwisselen om reizigers vlot én veilig vervoermiddelen te laten combineren.

Aad Vredenbregt's picture #Mobility
Juliette Crespel, Project Manager at EVBox, posted


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On March 31 we will host the first-ever REVOLUTION Digital. Expect a two-hour live video broadcast, hosted by EV advocate Roger Atkins, that features interviews, special announcements, and a few surprises! Industry experts and thought leaders will participate in engaging conversations about various developments and trends in the eMobility industry.

The live video broadcast will be publicly accessible, so be sure to add this to your agenda and spread the word!
/// To make sure you get the webinar link, go to the event webpage and sign up. ///



14.00 Welcome Words by Roger Atkins

14.05 Opening Interview
with Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO EVBox & Everon

14.15 Electric vehicle trends
with Marcus Fendt, Managing Director The Mobility House & Colin McKerracher, Head of Advanced Transport BloombergNEF

14.45 Zero-emission urban mobility
with Joseph Constanty, Director of International NIU & Geert de Jong, Program Manager Air Quality, City of Amsterdam

15.15 Opportunities & barriers for European EV charging
with Mathieu Bonnet, CEO Allego & Christopher Burghardt, Managing Director Europe ChargePoint & Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO EVBox & Everon

15.35 Surprise Announcement

15.55 Closing Words

Juliette Crespel's picture Event on Mar 31st
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Uber forms privacy coalition to halt city data collection

Mobility provider Uber has joined forces with seven community advocacy groups to create a privacy coalition that aims to stop cities collecting certain data on passenger journeys.

Folkert Leffring's picture #Citizens&Living
geert kloppenburg, Expert urban mobility , posted

The Metropolitan Mobility Podcast!

How do we keep metropolitan areas accessible and vibrant places to live? This podcast offers concrete solutions for the future of our cities. Mobility expert Geert Kloppenburg in conversation with innovative entrepreneurs, scientists, and policy-makers.
Listen and join conversations about the best practices of MaaS, Bus Rapid Transit, getting people from cars on to bikes!

James Power, posted


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The only conference to unite private and public stakeholders to confront the real monetization, scalability and customer experience challenges facing mobility

Based on the promise of innovative shared transportation services, brand-new digital revenues, reduced emissions and increased safety, billions of dollars have been invested into the future of mobility. Despite the hype, no long-term business model for mobility has been established.

For the mobility revolution to scale, it’s time to confront the tough question; where’s the money in mobility?

IMPACT>MOBILITY is the only conference to unite private and public stakeholders to confront the monetization, scalability and customer experience challenges facing mobility. Built around business best practices, data strategies and benchmarks, it is designed to move the ecosystem beyond pilots, towards a scalable and profitable business model.

Uniting the Entire Mobility & Transport Ecosystem

Mobility innovation can only be delivered when public and private stakeholders collaborate. At IMPACT>MOBILITY we unite the entire ecosystem under one roof. Click below where you sit in the ecosystem to see why you can’t afford to miss IMPACT>MOBILITY.

The only conference to unite private and public stakeholders to confront the real monetization, scalability and customer experience challenges facing mobility

Based on the promise of innovative shared transportation services, brand-new digital revenues, reduced emissions and increased safety, billions of dollars have been invested into the future of mobility. Despite the hype, no long-term business model for mobility has been established.

For the mobility revolution to scale, it’s time to confront the tough question; where’s the money in mobility?

IMPACT>MOBILITY Europe is the only conference to unite private and public stakeholders to confront the monetization, scalability and customer experience challenges facing mobility. Built around business best practices, data strategies and benchmarks, it is designed to move the ecosystem beyond pilots, towards a scalable and profitable business model.

Uniting the Entire Mobility & Transport Ecosystem

Mobility innovation can only be delivered when public and private stakeholders collaborate. At IMPACT>MOBILITY we unite the entire ecosystem under one roof. Click below where you sit in the ecosystem to see why you can’t afford to miss IMPACT>MOBILITY.

Event from Jun 24th to Jun 25th