#Mobility as a Service

Topic within Mobility
Jochem Karstanje, Owner , posted

Go Abroad Day voor Smart City ondernemers

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Createness organiseert de Go Abroad Day voor Smart City ondernemers die hun product ook in het buitenland willen vermarkten.

U draait in Nederland een leuke business en zou graag uit willen breiden naar andere landen, maar ja, u spreekt de taal niet en heeft al handen te kort om de Nederlandse markt goed te bedienen. Die stap naar het buitenland trekt u aan. Uw product zou daar een goede kans van slagen hebben. Of u zou graag uitbreiden naar een ander land … maar eerst moet u dit nog even regelen… Herkenbaar?

Bij Createness assisteren we bedrijven bij het écht zetten van internationale stappen. Eigenaar Jochem Karstanje ziet dit spanningsveld bij veel organisaties. ‘Er is veel tijd, geld en energie gestoken in een nieuw product. Alles ligt klaar, het geloof is er en dan er op uit. Het product op de Nederlandse markt lanceren gaat de meesten met veel doorzettingsvermogen nog wel goed af. Totdat je kansen in het buitenland ziet … Een sales medewerker of exportmanager aannemen is te duur. Je budget zit per slot van rekening in de ontwikkeling van het nieuwe product. Dan zelf op en neer naar Gent of Stuttgart .. maar waar moet je dan zijn en hoe zit het met de wet- en regelgeving daar? Heb je daar rekening mee te houden? …. Misschien toch nog even wachten dan… je moet dit eerst uitzoeken en dat kost tijd … ‘At the end zie ik dus veel goede initiatieven stranden en dat is jammer’ aldus Jochem ‘want we hebben zoveel gave producten die zeker hun plek op de internationale markt verdienen’. Daarom organiseert Createness de Go Abroad Day.
De Go Abroad Day is een vernieuwd concept om je bedrijf export klaar te stomen. In het programma op de Go Abroad Day staat actie en interactie centraal. Door een tiental ondernemers / sales- en export managers van bedrijven met elkaar te laten sparren en bij elkaar in de keuken te laten kijken ontstaat er een groot leer- en afkijkeffect.

Kortom een dag vol met inspiratie, u gaat aan het eind van de Go Abroad Day naar huis met complete export actiepuntenlijst en een hoofd vol inspiratie om al uw ideeën echt tot werkelijkheid te laten worden.
Wilt u ook stappen nemen naar het buitenland of met uw organisatie een nieuw land betreden? Er zijn nog een plekken beschikbaar voor 25 oktober en 29 november.

Kosten 499 euro. Exporteer je minder dan 25 % of is je bedrijf jonger dan 3 jaar? Dan is deelname gratis! NVO Nederland sponsort deze dag in zijn geheel!
Wacht niet langer en schrijf je nu in!

Jochem Karstanje's picture Event on Nov 29th
Anna Iievlieva, Marketing Manager , posted

Insights from Snapcarr and Flixbus: Machine Learning in Mobility

Only 15 seats left for Machine Learning in Mobility, a free event organized by Enjins and Moqod in Utrecht on 3rd of October.

In this interactive afternoon technical leads from scale-ups and mobility experts will share their Machine Learning use cases and experiences:

Tom van Arman, Smart City Strategist @ Tapp:
» ML as Design Tool to create more meaningful and purposeful public space
Mario Wester, CTO @ Yource:
» Automating Flight Compensation Claims
Dylan Herrebout & William Nolan, Machine Learning @ Snappcar:
» Ranking the Cars
Taras Slipets, Senior Software Engineer @ Flixbus:
» Evolution of AWS Infrastructure for ML, from Zero to Hero!

Sign up now to save your spot: mlmob.eventbrite.com
See you there!

#machinelearning #deeplearning #automating #smartcity #mobility #machinelearning

Anna Iievlieva's picture #Mobility
Anna Iievlieva, Marketing Manager , posted

MLMOB: Machine Learning In Mobility

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Data is one of the main drivers of innovation in the mobility space. Initiatives like car-sharing, smart logistics, and claim handling all benefit when data is leveraged to the fullest. Machine Learning can contribute heavily to those innovations.
During MLMOB you will learn why and how the mobility sector companies apply Machine Learning, and the challenges they face during development and implementation.

An interactive setting, where technical leads from scale-ups and the mobility sector challengers will share their Machine Learning use cases and experiences.

- Tom van Arman, Smart City Strategist @ Tapp: Machine Learning ad Design Tool to create more meaningful and purposeful public space
- Mario Wester, CTO @ Yource: Automating Flight Compensation Claims
- Dylan Herrebout & William Nolan, Machine Learning @ Snappcar: Ranking the Cars
- Taras Slipets, Senior Software Engineer @ Flixbus: Evolution of AWS Infrastructure for ML

Anna Iievlieva's picture Event on Oct 3rd
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

Wat zijn datacommons?

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Het gebruik van data neemt sterk toe, ook in de mobiliteitssector. Denk daarbij aan OV-data, maar ook aan data van bijvoorbeeld routeplanners, e-steps en deelfietsen. Inzichten uit deze data kunnen van grote waarde zijn. Hoe gaan we daarmee om? Wat gebeurt er met onze data? En welke invloed hebben burgers op het gebruik van hun data? Tijdens deze startbijeenkomst van het Mobiliteitslab verkennen we de toekomst van mobiliteit en datacommons met onderzoekers, gebruikers en andere experts.

Op deze avond verkennen we de toekomst van mobiliteitsdata. Wat is een aangename stad om in te leven? En hoe kunnen datastromen gebruikt worden om de infrastructuur te optimaliseren? Deze publieksavond is de kans om jouw perspectief te laten horen. De input op de avond zal worden meegenomen naar de designbijeenkomsten van het Mobiliteitslab Fietsdatacommons.

In het Mobiliteitslab Datacommons wordt onderzocht hoe het gebruik van fietsdata kan worden vormgegeven. Dat wordt gedaan aan de hand van het concept van datacommons. Datacommons zijn dataplatformen voor gemeenschappelijk gebruik waarbij de gemeenschap gezamenlijk de regels voor toegang en gebruik opstelt. De datacommons zijn een nieuwe manier om de data te organiseren en terug te geven aan de burger.

Het Mobiliteitslab Fietsdatacommons wordt georganiseerd door CTO Amsterdam, Vervoerregio Amsterdam en Waag. Aan de hand van welke randvoorwaarden de partijen data willen delen binnen datacommons wordt samengewerkt. Deze startbijeenkomst is één van de twee publieksavonden die wordt georganiseerd. Daarnaast worden er ook designsprints georganiseerd waarvoor inwoners, ondernemers en beleidsmakers zullen worden uitgenodigd.

Ruben Verborgh is professor semantisch-webtechnologie aan de Universiteit Gent en onderzoeker aan de Decentralized Information Group van MIT. Samen met Tim Berners-Lee, uitvinder van het www, werkt hij aan Solid: een nieuwe architectuur voor het web.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Sep 26th
Tom van Arman, Director & Founder at Tapp, posted

Future Mobility Amsterdam - 8 Concepts from California College of the Arts

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As of the 1st of July 2019, Amsterdam officially began to ban the use of mobile phones while biking. How then, do we safely use navigation apps while biking? Graduate design students from the California College of the Arts Oakland asked these questions and many more during their summer program “Urban Mobility Amsterdam”. For example, one industrial design team proposed a hands free solution titled “INNATE” an Intuitive Navigation System for bike grips to connect your favorite Map app and guide you safely through the city via haptics and LED signals built into your handlebars! The students developed and presented their final concepts at Van Moof HQ on Thursday 27 June. For more information about this concept and 7 more please visit http://bit.ly/Maas-AMS

Tom van Arman's picture #Mobility
Justine Olschanezky, Communications & Partnership Manager , posted

Ford in Amsterdam to Meet with Startups

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The event in Amsterdam is an opportunity to hear directly from the Ford business team and to pitch your ideas before the main Challenge event in September.
On September 25-26th, the sixth annual Ford Make It Driveable Challenge will be pulling into Lisbon.
Why Attend? Pretty simple, the Challenge is an opportunity to work directly with Ford. If your submission application is accepted, you will have direct access to Ford executives, engineers, business teams as well as invited guests.
Prizes include all expenses paid trip to the Ford HQ in Dearborn, Palo Alto or London for follow up demo days as well as a trip to Mobile World Congress 2020 in Barcelona.
If you have an idea that can enhance the Connected Car or a smartphone based app, then the Ford Make It Driveable Challenge is for you!
For the full details on the Challenge and what we are looking for we suggest you check out www.makeitdriveable.com.
Get in the car with Ford!

Event on Jul 25th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Event recap: MaaS Transit Getting Around Smart in Amsterdam

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Imagine a future Amsterdam where personal combustion engine vehicles are a thing of the past – resigned to an exhibit in the Rijksmuseum. Laugh now, but we may be closer to that possible future than you think. WeMakeThe.City recently held a discussion on the future of travel in and around the center of Amsterdam. The prognosis? Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a way for the city to manage growth and congestion while improving the quality of life of residents. A recap of the event by our special reporter Derrek Clarke.

MaaS transit consists of both private and public transportation solutions that are consumed as a service through a single interface. Instead of personal vehicles, travellers will have their choice of shared electric cars, bicycles, scooters, trams, trains and ferries – whichever mode of transportation fits their needs.

“Multi-modal (MaaS) transit is the future of urban travel and its coming to Amsterdam.” – Miguel Gamino Jr., Head of Global Cities at Mastercard

Amsterdammers will not be forced to give up their cars immediately, but incentives are already being put in place to drive change. This summer the city has already embarked on a plan to replace around 11,000 streetside vehicle parking spaces in the urban center with more bike racks. In addition, smarter infrastructure management practices have also been piloted around the ArenAPoort area. Here drivers and public transport users are provided with transport information such as wait times, the location of available parking and payment instructions – all of which have led to 75% lower congestion in the area.

Sounds great doesn’t it? Less congestion and traffic frustrations, fewer accidents, lower costs, safer travel. Getting there won’t be easy through. As Robert Jan ter Kuile, the Strategy Officer for GVB states, “This will entail accommodating different travel needs from disparate destinations such as from rural locations to urban locations or vice versa”. This transition will require the formation of more public-private partnerships to be successful. Government agencies will need to partner with fast moving private companies to create the infrastructure to support a MaaS transit vision of the future that finds the right balance between different modes of transportation.

Envisioning Transportation Equality For All

Finding the right balance of technology to support MaaS transportation will not be easy. For example, replacing all personal vehicles or public transportation with ridesharing may create more problems than is solved. As Oded Cats, an Associate Professor at TU Delft and AMS Institute points out, “…with ridesharing, as demand increases travel time will also increase as riders have to wait longer for a car to arrive. This will lead to increased ride cancellations as people become increasingly frustrated with extended waiting times”. However, having more rideshares available will also mean that another, potentially available car will not be far away.

Increasing the number of combustion engine cars constantly roaming around Amsterdam in search of passengers will not help air quality. This is where alternative fuel vehicles such as electric or the often-hyped hydrogen fuelled cars will come into play. To be successful, service providers will need more infrastructure than what is currently provided. The current limited number of EV charging infrastructure for cars and other vehicles is hampering growth in the use of electric vehicles. Charging locations have to be more visible and frequently located to instil confidence in users that if a car is running low you won’t be stranded in the middle of a journey. Hydrogen fuelled cars are still quite far off into the future.

Investing in EV charging infrastructure will also benefit the adoption of electric buses, trams and the transition to more energy efficient buildings. Yes, you read that right, EV charging infrastructure can help make buildings more energy efficient. This is accomplished through the use of bi-directional charging. In this way, the EV charging infrastructure can act as batteries for buildings – feeding electricity back when the price is high and vehicle batteries are already fully charged. Not only will this reduce energy costs, but it will also alleviate pressure on ageing utility grids. This is a step towards being a smart city through smarter infrastructure. As Vivek Makhija, Head of E-Mobility and Advanced Biofuels at Royal Dutch Shell stated, “We will need a mosaic of energy futures moving forward (to transition to a smarter urban future)”.

The Future Is Uncertain Until We Decide To Create It

In the end, it is up to the citizens of Amsterdam to effect change. Some 40 years ago, the people of Amsterdam, neighbourhood by neighbourhood decided to become a more bike centric society. This transition is still happening today. The same effort will be required to transition to a MaaS transit society. To get there though, we will have to answer some tough questions about ourselves. Franka Couzy, Head of Sector Research at ABN AMRO voiced some of these questions such as “Am I ready to give up my car?”, “Is there a good replacement system I can rely upon?”, “Is my expensive parking space going to become a stranded asset?”, and “How much privacy am I willing to give up for personalized transportation services?”.

To be successful, the development of a MaaS transit system is going to require the active participation of private enterprise, government agencies and private citizens working alongside each other. This is the next evolution of the problem of the commons – where we all have to pitch in to protect and support our collective environment. It’s time for change, are you ready?

Text and photos: Derrek Clarke

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Mobility
Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Start Smart Mobility Amsterdam 2019 - 2025

An accessible, liveable and less polluted city: this is what we’d like to achieve for residents, visitors and businesses in Amsterdam today and for future generations.
Smarter and cleaner mobility can help us realise these aims. As a city, we want to offer Amsterdammers, commuters and visitors alternatives to the present forms of mobility, providing a door-to-door solution and contributing to our aims. This includes shared electric transport, from cars to bikes, in ‘Neighbourhood eHubs’ (eBuurthubs) established in cooperation with local residents. That way, we can use clean modes of transport and create more space in the city by sharing. We can then use this extra space to improve liveability.

More info on www.amsterdam.nl/smartmobility

Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Program Smart Mobility Amsterdam 2019 - 2025

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An accessible, liveable and less polluted city: this is what we’d like to achieve for residents, visitors and businesses in Amsterdam today and for future generations. Smarter and cleaner mobility can help us realise these aims. As a city, we want to offer Amsterdammers, commuters and visitors alternatives to the present forms of mobility, providing a door-to-door solution and contributing to our aims. This includes shared electric transport, from cars to bikes, in ‘Neighbourhood eHubs’ (eBuurthubs) established in cooperation with local residents. That way, we can use clean modes of transport and create more space in the city by sharing. We can then use this extra space to improve liveability.
More info and link to the program via www.amsterdam.nl/smartmobility

Check the report:



To achieve the ambitions, we will start working with two program lines:

1. Data and digitization
This program line helps the municipal organization digital tools and skills to ensure sufficient control in the future be able to rely on mobility in the city and around
improve quality in public spaces. We are working towards a mobility center of the
future. For this we will use the take the following steps:
• A shared basis: building a strong one data position
• A level playing field: frameworks
• Learning by doing: from traffic management to mobility management
• Ready for the future: aware of the consequences of digitization of mobility

2. Innovative mobility solutions

In this program we work together on concrete smart and clean alternatives to transport, so that Amsterdammers and visitors to the city are less dependent on their own car. We do this by setting up projects in certain urban areas and for specific target groups. We also focus on smart city logistics and we explore the possibilities of transport by water and air. Special attention is given to vulnerable groups and Amsterdam residents with a small grant. We improve the range of new affordable mobility concepts and increase demand, we grow into smart mobility city number 1 with a better and accessible mobility system for everyone. For this we will include the following in this program:

• Smart organization of mobility in the city: travelers are working on alternatives to possessing cars and initiating behavioral change.
• Smart fitting and efficient deployment of new mobility solutions: creating space for new concepts in the city and scaling up
• Anticipate on technological innovations: insights into new opportunities and collaborations. The report contains an overview of the various projects started in the previous program that are still running and newly started activities.

Anonymous posted

Invitation Munich Mobility Programme @ WeMaketheCity Festival Amsterdam (17-22 June)

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

After the dutch royal couple visited Munich in 2016 the cooperation between the Region of Amsterdam, Utrecht Region and the City of Munich on Future and Green Mobility has been intensified.

In February 2017 a large delegation from Amsterdam and Utrecht visited Munich for an exchange on the topic „Full Mobility – More Public Space“ in order to learn about new mobilty concepts and solutions. In November 2017 a delegation from the Munich city council, administration and business visited Amsterdam and the Utrecht Region to get insights in the topics of urban mobility, sharing-mobility, public transport of the futures, E-mobility and Mobility as a Service in the Netherlands. In the framework of Dialoog Kreativ in Juli 2018 in Munich there was again a focus on Future Mobility. Representatives from Amsterdam, Utrecht and Munich worked together in the topics of cycling, cargobikes, 5G, smart mobilty and circular economy and much much more.

Now, soon, during the WeMakeTheCity festival in Amsterdam from 17th to the 22th of June 2019 Munich will again be present in Amsterdam on the topic of mobility.

Due to the close cooperation between the Amsterdam Region, Utrecht Region and Munich, during the WeMakeTheCity festival stakeholders from Munich will be present with keynotes, break-out sessions, pitches and interviews at the "Metropolitan Conference", dealing with mobility - a great opportunity to meet again!:

18 June: Getting Around Smart - Who's driving the digital revolution?
19 June: Car-reduces city
20 June: Green Logisitcs

We would be happy to welcome you in Amsterdam at our mobility events: https://wemakethe.city/nl/tickets
You are also happily invited for the Munich Networking Night at the 19th of June with talks, music and networking in the New Werktheater in Amsterdam. Please register at https://wemakethe.city/production/guest-city-munchen?ref=19148&lang=en&q=Munich

For more information you can visit the https://wemakethe.city website

Hope seeing you soon in Amsterdam!

Dipl. Geogr./M.Sc. (Physik)
Attila Lüttmerding

Landeshauptstadt München - Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft - Wirtschaftsförderung - Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik
City of Munich - Department of Labor and Economic Development - Mobility
Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15 - 80331 München
Tel. +49/89/233-27668, Fax: -27966


Floris Beemster
Repräsentant in Deutschland
CTO office/Amsterdam Trade & Innovate at City of Amsterdam
+49 15758721498

Event from Jun 17th to Jun 19th
Jochem Verheul, CEO , posted

Meet the builders: VMC + COSMOS + MOBOTIQ

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An event for everyone interested in blockchain and mobility.

Are you ready for a technical deepdive? Together with the Dutch Blockchain Week, we are organising a Meetup for people who are interested in building blockchain applications. We will share our experiences in the challenges we faced getting our implementations live and explain how to actually get applications live. Everybody is welcome. Recruiting and sales is not allowed. After the Meetup we will drink a few beers together.

Arrival: 16.00
Start of the programme: 16:30
End: 18:30
Join via: https://www.meetup.com/blockchain-mobility/events/261639552/

Max Mijnheer / VMC
Max is Lead Architect at VMC. Max has been involved with VMC from the very beginning. Max will explain in depth how VMC developed the first operational implementation in public transport. Although we used many open source components, the VMC stack is developed more or less from scratch. To get this technology in the hands of actual people required lots of work and innovations. Max will share his learnings, best practises and the stories behind this implementation.

Billy Rennekamp / Cosmos
Billy Rennekamp is an artist and developer. He works on a variety of projects including Cosmos and Tendermint. In this workshop, Billy will explain how to create a functional nameservice application. In the process, you will learn the basic concepts of Cosmos and structures of the SDK.

Thomas Cocirta
Thomas is an engineer and inventor. He is the intellect behind the autonomous robotaxi company Mobotiq. With Mobotiq, Thomas has produced self driving vehicles of which many parts can be produced via 3D printers. Thomas will share his vision on how 3D printing, robots and blockchain are together changing the world of (mass)production forever.

Jochem Verheul's picture Event on Jun 5th
James Power, posted

WEBINAR: Mobility Redefined: Blurred Lines in Public/Private Transportation

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Mobility on demand (MOD) has created a swing from a reliance upon traditional methods to embracing more scalable multi-modal transport initiatives. This takes us a step closer to achieving fully integrated, sustainable and scalable Mobility as a Service but to do so, public and private companies must work more closely than ever before.

Our exclusive live webinar “Mobility Redefined? Blurred Lines & New Business Models” (Thurs, May 2, 15:00 CET) feat. ViaVan, POLIS, MaaS Global & EMTA will discuss how we integrate mobility platforms with public transit infrastructure to provide on-demand and dynamic transportation solutions.

Key topics include:
• Mobility Redefined? See how municipalities need to innovate to explore new models which cater to evolving demands and lower congestion and emissions.
• Solving Public Transport Pain Points: Understanding how the public sector and transport authorities are creating new regulation for open data sharing
• Powered By Data: Harness the power of data to optimise routes, distribution and feed real time transportation data to commuters for a seamless transport experience
• Create Trusted Public/ Private Partnerships: Discuss how to work in harmony with the cities and enable integration between public transportation and shared mobility services

Chris Snyder, CEO, ViaVan
Thomas Geier, Policy & Research Officer, European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA)
Krista Huhtala-Jenks, Head of Go-to-Market, MaaS Global
Suzanne Hoadley, Senior Manager – Coordinator Traffic Efficiency, POLIS

If you can’t listen live, please sign up and we’ll send you the recording.

Event on May 2nd
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

€300,000 available to build Platform for Cycling Innovations & Showcase Amsterdam as a Knowledge Cycling City

Are you . . .
* Passionate about the role that the bicycle plays in keeping Amsterdam and the metropolitan area accessible and livable?
* Playing an active role in sharing this knowledge internationally?
* Experienced with building digital platforms and innovation ecosystems?

If so, the City of Amsterdam and the Vervoerregio (Amsterdam Transport Region) could select your organization as the collaboration partner to support the following goals:
* Develop and share knowledge about cycling
* Stimulate innovation and experimentation in the field of cycling
* Profile Amsterdam nationally and internationally as a knowledge cycling city
* Stimulate bicycle use to achieve these goals

In its Multi-year Bicycle Plan (MJP), the municipality of Amsterdam profiles itself "nationally and internationally as The Knowledge City in the Field of Cycling.” According to the MJP, the City would like to create more room for experimentation in order to solve Amsterdam’s unique cycling challenges, and testing of innovative bicycle concepts plays an integral role in finding those solutions.

Amsterdam has been building on knowledge development in the field of cycling in a compact city, and the municipality is now taking a deliberate path toward a stronger profile of sharing knowledge and supporting innovation and experimentation. To achieve these goals, the municipality of Amsterdam and Vervoerregio seek support for the following activities:

1. Digital Knowledge & Innovation Platform
Knowledge sharing leads to concrete ideas, projects or initiatives. The winning proposal will need to detail plans for a digital platform which will be in both Dutch and English, through which knowledge and innovations concerning cycling in the Amsterdam region will be bundled and made accessible. It will provide a shared bicycle platform for companies, citizens, academic, municipality, and transport region and social organizations in the field of cycling for the Amsterdam region. The platform will also offer the opportunity to showcase Amsterdam as a cycling city internationally. The platform must be fully transferable, so that it can be managed and further developed by the municipality or third parties at the end of the term of the agreement.

2. Expanded Network in the Field of Cycling
The winning proposal will be charged with setting up, mobilizing, and stimulating a powerful network organization. Through this network, the makers, inventors, implementers and policymakers will share bicycle knowledge and will be empowered and supported to develop innovative ideas in close collaboration with the commissioning parties.

3. Receive Delegations
The Bicycle platform for knowledge sharing, innovation and experiment has a leading role in receiving international delegations, giving and organizing presentations, and arranging excursions for the many delegations that are expected in Amsterdam and throughout the region.

Deadline for proposals is May 14 at 14:00 via TenderNed. All relevant documents and information can be found in Dutch via: https://www.tenderned.nl/tenderned-tap/aankondigingen/162544

Good Luck!
The wining proposal will play an important role in strengthening Amsterdam visibility as a cycling city nationally and internationally!

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Mobility
Luke James, Director & Head of Research , posted

Introduction to Impact & Monetising OEM & Fleet Data

Hi All,

This is my first post so I thought I should introduce myself... Hi!

I lead all our research across Impact, a mobility business intelligence unit based in London. We are holding our first Mobility Conference is in Amsterdam this June (24-25) and as such I'm keen to connect and engage with as many people in this space as possible! If we're not already connected you can find me on Linkedin here https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukejames1/

Conference Brochure & Attendee List - https://eloqua.impactconf.com/LP=22957?extsource=brochure_website

Conference Website - https://events.impactconf.com/mobility-eu/

Introduction aside I am currently in the midst of a deep dive into new monetisation strategies for OEMs and fleets. If any of you are involved in this space please say hello as I'd love to chat!


Luke James's picture #Mobility
James Power, posted


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The time of procrastination is over. That’s why we have created IMPACT>MOBILITY. It will unite the urban transportation ecosystem to deliver on-demand low-emission mobility services and create a sustainable business model for its emerging players.
Europe is undergoing a revolution in urban mobility as cities outlaw ICE vehicles to meet ambitious zero emission targets whilst working to meet the evolving needs of the on-demand consumer.
From Mobility as a Service and final mile logistics to public transportation and E-mobility, data will be the critical enabler bringing together fragmented stakeholder groups and ushering in a new era of urban transportation. Data will be the critical enabler bringing together fragmented stakeholder groups and ushering in a new era of urban transportation
Join executive leaders from stakeholders across the value chain for two days of focused content and extensive network to discuss, debate and shape the future of urban mobility.

A Snapshot of the Public & Private leaders You Will Meet:
• Chief Strategist, Swedish Transport Administration
• Smart Mobility, City of Amsterdam
• Head of Foresight, Transport for London
• Mobility Specialist, Surface Planner, Barcelona City Council
• Smart City Manager, City of Lublin
• CEO, ViaVan
• EMEA Strategy and Operations, Bird
• Head of International Communications, Lime
• Head of New E-Mobility Division, Toyota
• City Relations, Daimler Mobility Services

5 Reasons to Attend the Only Event Confronting the Business Realities of Mobility as a Service:

Data, Data, Data, Data
You’ve heard it before; “data is the new oil”! However, despite the promise, the true value of mobility and transportation data is still unclear for both public and private stakeholders. What is it worth? Who Will Buy it? What does it cost to analyse and storage? IMPACT>CITIES will evaluate these crucial questions underpinning build the business case for mobility
1. Move beyond the hype to scalability!
Hear case studies and best practices direct from executives at the forefront of building mobility services. Get key insights from real world deployments to see what’s worked and the challenges faced. Don’t make the mistakes others have already made
2. Learn from the whole marketplace – public and private:
New mobility services will only succeed if public and private stakeholders and play to their strengths and collaborate. IMPACT>MOBILITY will bring together the industry front-runners from across cities, public transit agencies, mobility service providers, automakers and tech innovators. Create solutions that solve problems – don’t create new ones!
3. A program focused on core business needs:
You already know the big picture trends. That’s why we’ve focused the agenda around the 4 core pillars of building mobility services; 1. Data Platforms & Business Models 2. Mobility as a Service 3. Investment & Financing Mobility 4. Last Mile & Connected Infrastructure. Get the holistic picture of success!
4. More than a conference – the mobility community coming together:
With more hours of networking and interactive discussions, and pre and post event networking platform, this summit is the best place to meet yours peers and build your network

For more information, click here: http://bit.ly/2FR4fJ9

Event from Jun 24th to Jun 25th
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Slimme en schone bevoorrading in Zaanstreek Waterland

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Bijna alle gemeenten uit de Zaanstreek Waterland hebben het streven naar slimme, schone en duurzame mobiliteitsoplossingen in hun coalitieakkoord opgenomen. Een belangrijke missie waar ook veel bedrijven in deze regio mee aan de slag zijn. Maar hoe kunnen gemeenten en bedrijven beter samenwerken? Welke slimme oplossingen zien we al in andere regio’s ontstaan en waar is vraag naar? Deze vragen proberen we samen met jou te beantwoorden.

Rolinka Kok's picture Event on May 5th
Evelien Brascamp, Communication advisor at Vervoerregio Amsterdam, posted

Deelfietsaanbieders gezocht voor marktverkenning

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Vervoerregio Amsterdam wil graag samen met aanbieders van deelfietsen zoeken naar een oplossing voor de Last-Mile bij het openbaar vervoer in de regio Waterland. De deelfiets, met zijn actieradius en flexibiliteit, lijkt een interessante mogelijkheid om het gebruik van het OV te vergroten, zeker wanneer deze elektrisch aangedreven wordt. Daarmee worden de inwoner, bezoeker en toerist in de regio Waterland van meer mogelijkheden voorzien. Om te kijken of er een goede business case te bedenken is met elektrische deelfietsen voor dit bijzondere stukje Nederland organiseert de Vervoerregio, in samenwerking met toerismeorganisatie Laag Holland, busvervoerder EBS en de gemeenten Waterland, Edam-Volendam, Purmerend, Beemster & Landsmeer een marktverkenning.

Een marktverkenning is interessant voor aanbieders om zich te oriënteren op de mogelijkheden die samenwerking met de overheid en OV-vervoerder kan bieden. Wij delen hierbij onze uitgangpunten en hopen naar aanleiding hiervan goede aanbiedingen te kunnen ontvangen. De marktverkenning zal plaatsvinden in Hotel Van der Valk Volendam, op 7 maart tussen 19.00 en 20.30. Mobiliteitsaanbieders zijn van harte uitgenodigd om langs te komen. Aanmelden en meer informatie via; a.vlieger@vervoerregio.nl

Elton Zorba, Urban planning , posted

Internship request in transportation

Looking forward to become part of an project or an existing program that covert the sector of transportation in metropolitan areas. During the bachelor and master course I could gain knowledge on the use of software related to data management, remote sensing and geographic representation-analysis. Othe courses related to economic estimation of impacts derivative from the interventions. Hope to make a path on an new urban experience. Linguistics soft skills: English, Italian, Albanian.

Elton Zorba's picture #Mobility
Wouter de Wit, Consultant at Deloitte, posted

Sign up for the Amsterdam Mobility Challenge!

The Metropolitan Region Amsterdam (MRA) expects to grow by two million people and more than 200,000 houses in the next 30 years. Because of this; a complex mobility challenge arises that has to answer to the following questions:

• How can we keep the traffic flowing in a way that allows people to get where they need to be?
• How can we make sure goods will be delivered to people and companies?
• How can we approach this challenge knowing that we are moving towards an emission-free world?
• How can we maintain investment levels in infrastructure at an acceptable and affordable level?

We’re challenging teams to develop solutions that focus on:
• Optimization: improve driver, vehicle and fleet efficiency
• Public transport & shared mobility: introduce new methods of transportation and multimodality that are more accessible and flexible for everyone
• Interactive systems with existing infrastructure

Solutions should contribute to Amsterdam’s 2025 zero emission target and should work for and benefit the whole ecosystem of the government, transportation and logistics companies, retailers, insurers, the automotive industry and tech/digital companies. In addition, a major focus should be to provide citizens with new modes of transportation that are faster, cheaper, cleaner, safer and more efficient.

First prize for the winning solution:
€4.000 + travel for two people per winning team to attend the Garage Opening Festival in Amsterdam, April 11, 2019, where they will pitch their idea to top CEOs from each industry.
Second price: €2.000
Third price: €1.000

Sign up before the 15th of February!
For more information, please see: https://deloittegarage.bemyapp.com/mobility
