#Smart grids

Topic within Energy
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Energy Communities and other collective solutions

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On June 6, Flexiblepower Alliance Network (FAN) and TKI Urban Energy are hosting the second webinar in the 2023 series of the Smart Energy Community: "Energy Communities and other collective solutions" (in Dutch).

Opening and update on the activities of Flexiblepower Alliance Network (FAN) by Adriaan van Eck, chairman of FAN.

Starting an Energy community, but how?
If you want to set up an energy community, where should you start? How do you organise an energy cooperation? Thijs Huls from the energy community Agem, in the Achterhoek, discusses what it takes to start an Energy community in terms of data, agreements and platforms and will explain how you can make an energy community really smart about their energy.

Power pitch: Groendus
Energy communities are not just for consumers, energy cooperations can also benefit businesses and entrepreneurs. René Raaijmakers of Groendus will tell us more about the opportunities for businesses to engage collectively in energy communities.

Power pitch: BAM
Within the innovation project TROEF, BAM is developing an energy-as-service concept. Marco Thijssen of BAM will explain more about the community platform that is part of TROEF and how they use gamification to encourage users to pursue their common goal.

Guide to Smart Energy Systems
Richard de Bruin of Rebel Group presents the Smart Energy Systems Guide, a report the Rebel Group developed on behalf of TKI Urban Energy. Richard will take us through the approach and considerations involved, taking three perspectives: energy hubs, business parks and energy communities.



Adriaan van Eck's picture Online event on Jun 6th
Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Question hour: Accelerating the energy transition

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As DRIFT, we’re noticing that changemakers in the energy transition are currently facing challenges that we could only dream of years ago – or that kept us up at night. In this question hour, you get to ask transition experts Gijs Diercks and Noortje Flinkenflögel all sorts of questions about the energy transition in general and our course Versnelling van de Energietransitie in particular.

Wouter Mulders's picture Online event on Jun 2nd
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Large amount of protocols in the heat pump industry hinders easy implementation of energy management systems

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Unfortunately, there is no single way for remotely controlling new heat pumps yet, nor is there a trend in that direction, according to the 'Flexmonitor Heat pumps' report. This hampers the possibilities of easily and quickly deploying heatpumps for a reliable electricity supply and creates unnecessary costs and complexity to use energy management systems.

Fortunately, the vast majority of heat pumps do support smart energy services. FAN and TKI Urban Energy therefore aim to use one standard for all energy management applications so that 80% of the market volume uses the same open energy management standard by the end of 2024.

We really need to work towards standardisation for the large-scale deployment of energy management for heat pumps, is the appeal of the FAN foundation.

Want to learn more? Read more about it and download the flexmonitor report here:

Adriaan van Eck's picture #Energy
Kirsten Mallant, MSc. Student at the TU Delft at 75inQ, posted

Please help me research gender inequality in Dutch energy companies!

I would like to know your perception of gender inequality in Dutch energy companies through this 5-minute survey.
Click on the link below to participate:

Important information:

  • This survey is conducted as part of Kirsten Mallant's Master's thesis, a student at <strong>TU Delft</strong>.
  • Duration: approximately <strong>5 minutes</strong>.
  • You may answer in <strong>Dutch or English</strong>.
  • <strong>Every perception</strong>, regardless of gender, is of great value to this research.

Thank you very much in advance!

Kirsten Mallant's picture #Energy
Masja Zeegers, eventmanager , posted

Kick-off - City Net Zero

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Op dinsdag 21 maart 2023 lanceren we op feestelijke wijze het Centre of Expertise City Net Zero.

De Metropoolregio Amsterdam wil in 2050 klimaatneutraal, circulair en klimaatbestendig zijn, een belangrijke en ingewikkelde opgave. City Net Zero wil hieraan bijdragen door de samenwerking tussen stad en kennisinstelling te versterken. We brengen onderwijs en onderzoek samen met overheid, bedrijfsleven en maatschappelijke partners. Zo draagt City Net Zero in de MRA bij aan zero emissions, zero waste en zero impact of climate extremes.

We nemen u graag mee in ons verhaal tijdens een feestelijke kick-off op dinsdag 21 maart 2023 in het Jakoba Mulderhuis op de Amstelcampus. Daarbij verkennen we de rol die een kennisinstelling als de HvA samen met haar partners kan spelen in de stedelijke transities. We gebruiken de middag om elkaar te verbinden, inspireren en activeren, in een programma met werk- en kennissessies en een plenaire sessie met keynote.

Meet-up on Mar 21st
Noor Veenhoven, Program manager energy & circularity at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Local energy systems challenge: How to organize collaboration and knowledge sharing for the creation of local energy systems?

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The climate crisis and current energy prices are stimulating a rapid shift from gas to electricity. This shift is happening quicker than expected and therefore has caused grid congestion.

Optimization of local energy usage, production, and exchange is important for tackling grid congestion. It can also stimulate the usage of sustainable energy resources and lower the costs of energy. However, optimization requires intensive collaboration between local stakeholders. It also requires them to take the common good into account instead of their self-interest.

Properly organizing these types of collaboration on the local level is therefore very challenging. There is a need to create a (as far as possible) standard approach with best practices and collaboration between the government, grid operators and the local communities. This challenge aims to create a collaboration between people working with Lokal Energy Systems (LES), to help them share their knowledge and learnings, and to empower people who want to create a LES of their own.

Noor Veenhoven's picture #Energy
Cato Bechtold, Advisor for public values at Hiemstra & de Vries, posted

SES-community sessie

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Dinsdag 13 december is er weer een 'SES-community meeting' - de laatste van 2023. En gelukkig opnieuw in levende lijve!
We gaan 'slimme oplossingen' verkennen op basis van twee praktijkcases. En er is natuurlijk weer veel ruimte voor uitwisseling en discussie.

Het programma ziet er als volgt uit:
- Intro door Jan Visser (Qirion) en Bertram van der Wal (Hiemstra & De Vries)
- Hans Schneider schetst de breedte van mogelijke (slimme én minder slimme) oplossingen voor krapte op het net: preventie, reparatie & 'de pijn herverdelen'.
- Qirion inspireert ons met enkele van hun voorbeeld-oplossingen.
&gt;&gt; En als hoofdschotel: vermogenstekort bij een Bruggenbedieningscenrale en bij Dokbedfijf Luyt. Hoe is dat te fixen? Het verhaal uit de eerste hand én korte pitches van partijen met mogelijke oplossingen.

Je bent de 13e welkom aan de Basisweg 10, te Amsterdam. We zijn te gast bij Qirion. Als je er bij wilt zijn meld je dan uiterlijk 12 december per e-mail aan bij Cato Bechtold (cato.bechtold@hiemstraendevries.nl).
De sessie start om 15.00 uur en we ronden om 17.30 af. We hopen jullie allen de 13 december te zien! Vergeet niet je aan te melden, want dat ontvang je nadere praktische informatie.

Tot de 13e!

Cato Bechtold's picture Meet-up on Dec 13th
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Op naar flexibel energiemanagement in en om de woning!

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Op 15 december 2022 organiseren FAN, ElaadNL en TKI Urban Energy een mini-symposium rondom energiemanagement in en om de woning. Wij nodigen jullie van harte uit om dit event bij te wonen.

De opkomst van all-electric woningen en elektrische voertuigen (EV’s) leidt tot een forse stijging van de stroomvraag in woonwijken. Daarnaast zien we steeds meer duurzame opwek door zonne- en windenergie. Met deze energietransitie komt het elektriciteitssysteem langzaam maar zeker onder druk te staan: de vraag naar elektriciteit stijgt. Bovendien komt deze vraag niet verspreid over de dag, maar ontstaan op bepaalde momenten grote pieken; bijvoorbeeld als men allemaal rond etenstijd de elektrische auto inplugt na een werkdag. Ook overlapt de vraag naar elektriciteit vaak niet met de opwek van duurzame energie.

Home Energy Management gaat een rol spelen om balans te brengen in vraag en aanbod van elektriciteit, om overbelasting van het elektriciteitsnet te voorkomen en de opwek en gebruik van duurzame energie beter op elkaar af te stemmen: het flexibel aansturen van apparaten in en om de woning maakt het mogelijk om een deel van de vraag en het aanbod naar elektriciteit te veranderen, te verschuiven of uit te spreiden in de tijd.

Het uitgangspunt is dat digitale oplossingen en nieuwe slimme energiediensten de consument gaan helpen, dit kan door het gebruik van een Home Energy Management System (HEMS) die energieverbruik kan afstemmen op de beschikbaarheid van zelf opgewekte energie of voordelige energieprijzen.

Om de inzet van energiemanagement in en om de woning te versnellen en in goede banen te leiden is een goede samenwerking nodig tussen bedrijven uit de energiesector, installateurs, energie-coöperaties en leveranciers van gebouwsystemen, en de eigenaren en gebruikers van gebouwen. Dit onderzoek biedt inzicht wat er nodig is om energiemanagement in en om de woning verder op te schalen en hoe dit bereikt kan worden.

Je bent van harte uitgenodigd om dit mini symposium bij te wonen. We zien je graag op 15 december in het Testlab van ElaadNL in Arnhem, of ‘digitaal’ in het webinar.

Adriaan van Eck's picture #Energy
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Smart energy services within office buildings

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Smart energy services in office buildings

The theme of the last webinar in the Smart Energy Community 2022 is "the opportunities for smart energy services within office buildings".


  • Artificial Intelligence for energy efficient buildings
  • Project 'hourly matching': Matching energy consumption to available electricity
  • Thermal mass of office buildings as a source of flexibility
  • Pulse Core: Enable installations to work together to optimize the electricity network

Register directly for December 6, 15.00 - 16.15 hours:

More information:

Adriaan van Eck's picture Online event on Dec 6th
Jorden van der Hoogt, Strategy and Innovation Lead at Cenex NL, posted

Road to Decarbonisation: Clean, Smart and Secure Solutions

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This final event of the Interreg North-West Europe CleanMobilEnergy (CME) project will be a unique opportunity to understand our road to decarbonisation. Speakers from the CME project and other innovative projects and organisations will share their experiences and learnings regarding realising local energy communities, electric mobility, sustainable heating, energy storage and smart, flexible energy systems (such as V2G) from a range of perspectives including technical, financial, social, governance and legal/policy to paint a holistic picture of the future of the energy system and how we get there.

The 1.5-day conference will feature experiences from the implementation of pilots in Arnhem, Nottingham, Stuttgart and Schwäbisch Gmünd within the CME project as well as real-world implementation learnings from other state-of-the-art projects in the field. In the CME pilots, e-mobility solutions were implemented together with local renewables, storage and an open-source energy management system (the REMove tool) to connect, monitor and optimise the energy flows. By matching local energy needs with local renewables through smart solutions, such a system increases renewable energy's economic value and significantly reduces CO2 emissions. This also contributes to increased energy security and independence of European cities and regions, at a time when the cost of energy has been increasing to record levels throughout Europe.

This event is meant for forward-looking local decision makers (including local and regional governments, community organisations and cooperatives), system integrators, e-mobility providers, renewable energy providers, electricity grid operators and ICT developers, to provide a clear view of how models such as energy communities and energy management tools like ReMove can support organisations, cities and regions in their decarbonisation journeys. The event will be held in English.

Finally, the second day of this event will include a site visit to the CME project’s Arnhem pilot site, where the ReMove tool supports the supply of local renewable energy from a 14MW solar farm to river cruise ships in the maintenance harbour adjacent to the city’s industrial area through a cold ironing (shore-to-ship power) system, as well as other pilots conducted at the IPKW innovative business park such as fuelling of hydrogen vehicles.

Jorden van der Hoogt's picture Conference from Dec 6th to Dec 7th
Robbert Monteban, Sustainable Mobility & Energy Advisor , posted

Battery on Wheels

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Monday, October 31 2022, DeeldeZon and the VER, Vereniging Elektrische Rijders, will jointly organise the 'Battery On Wheels Conference'. A seminar entirely dedicated to V2X: bi-directional charging of electric vehicles.

By charging the battery of an EV with sustainable energy and discharging it to the (local) grid, the electric car becomes an important link in the energy transition. It could also be a promising solution to rising energy costs and grid investments. What are the experiences, best practices, prospects and policies? How do we cleverly respond to this? What will the market look like? And how do we join forces?

You are cordially invited to Battery On Wheels on October 31st!

Meet-up on Oct 31st
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

New Smart Energy Community Event scheduled on October 11: in-person meetup.

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Join our speed date and engage with 3 great speakers at the first in-person Smart Energy Community meetup on October 11th!

Topics Smart Energy Community October 11:
Home Energy Management Systems in practice
Now that we are installing more and more heat pumps and EV chargers in homes, there is more and more need for energy management. How does this work? How to deal with cyber security and what role do protocols play? ElaadNL developed its own showcase house where this is put into practice. Arjan Wargers of Flexiblepower Alliance Network & ElaadNL discusses the lessons learned.

Power pitch ATEPS: Energy and storage
ATEPS develops, builds and supplies systems based on batteries that store energy. Jos Theuns (ATEPS) explains how they make storage of sustainable energy accessible, safe and attractive through smarter management of electrical energy. Due to the modular construction of ATEPS systems, they are suitable for both small and larger customers.

Power pitch withthegrid: Teleport
How do you connect PV, wind, battery, EV chargers and heat pumps without losing your mind in all protocols and without cloud lock-in? Paul Mignot (Withthegrid) discusses their new innovation Teleport. This gives customers maximum insights and control over their assets in minutes.

Speed dating, networking & visit demonstration house
In the second half, connecting with other professionals is central. During these speed dating sessions, you will get to know fellow innovators, share project ideas and explore opportunities for collaboration. There will be ample opportunity for discussion after the meeting. At the same time, you can take a tour of ElaadNL's new demonstration home for smart energy services, where various smart devices are optimised for home energy management.  

Adriaan van Eck's picture #Energy
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

October 11: in-person meetup Smart Energy Community

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Join our speed date and engage with 3 great speakers at the first in-person Smart Energy Community meetup on October 11th!

Topics Smart Energy Community October 11:

Home Energy Management Systems in practice
Now that we are installing more and more heat pumps and EV chargers in homes, there is more and more need for energy management. How does this work? How to deal with cyber security and what role do protocols play? ElaadNL developed its own showcase house where this is put into practice. Arjan Wargers of Flexiblepower Alliance Network & ElaadNL discusses the lessons learned.

Power pitch ATEPS: Energy and storage
ATEPS develops, builds and supplies systems based on batteries that store energy. Jos Theuns (ATEPS) explains how they make storage of sustainable energy accessible, safe and attractive through smarter management of electrical energy. Due to the modular construction of ATEPS systems, they are suitable for both small and larger customers.

Power pitch withthegrid: Teleport
How do you connect PV, wind, battery, EV chargers and heat pumps without losing your mind in all protocols and without cloud lock-in? Paul Mignot (Withthegrid) discusses their new innovation Teleport. This gives customers maximum insights and control over their assets in minutes.

Speed dating, networking & visit demonstration house
In the second half, connecting with other professionals is central. During these speed dating sessions, you will get to know fellow innovators, share project ideas and explore opportunities for collaboration. There will be ample opportunity for discussion after the meeting. At the same time, you can take a tour of ElaadNL's new demonstration home for smart energy services, where various smart devices are optimised for home energy management.

Adriaan van Eck's picture Conference on Oct 11th
Cato Bechtold, Advisor for public values at Hiemstra & de Vries, posted

SES Community event met Dennis Meerburg van PHB met o.a. goede SES voorbeelden

Op 20 september organiseert de werkgroep slimme energiesystemen (SES) weer een digitale community sessie van 15:30 tot 17:00. Dit keer geeft @Dennis Meerburg een presentatie over zijn ervaring met verduurzamen van bedrijventerreinen in het kader van #netcongestieproblematiek en de rol hierbij van slimme netoplossingen. Dennis vertelt o.a. over zijn aanpak, hoe hij de bedrijven ondersteunt en waar hij tegenaan loopt vanuit zijn ervaring bij #PHB en #SADC. Er is ruim de tijd voor vragen aan Dennis. Daarnaast kijken we welke onderwerpen er nog meer op de kalender (moeten) staan. De werkgroep SES is onderdeel van de Taskforce Energie-Infrastructuur Noord-Holland. Je kunt je nog aanmelden door een mail te sturen naar: heijdene@noord-holland.nl

Cato Bechtold's picture Meet-up on Sep 20th
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Ga mee naar de Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona!

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Is jouw bedrijf actief op het gebied van slimme en duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling en wil je je activiteiten uitbreiden naar andere landen binnen de Europese Unie? Ga van 13 t/m 16 november 2022 mee naar de Smart City World Expo Congress (SCWEC) in Barcelona.

De jaarlijkse Smart City Expo in Barcelona is dé plek waar corporates, startups, steden en kennissinstellingen die werken aan van klimaatneutrale en slimme steden, elkaar ontmoeten. Dit jaar vindt tegelijkertijd weer het Tomorrow.Mobility congres over plaats. Deze twee zakenbeurzen zijn belangrijke plekken om te netwerken en zaken te doen met internationale steden, bedrijven en investeerders.
Nederlandse partijen, waaronder Amsterdam Smart City, organiseren dit jaar diverse activiteiten.
Ben je geïnteresseerd of van plan om te gaan? Dan zijn er twee goede opties:

1. Er is een handelsmissie van RVO en de 5 grote steden, speciaal voor startups en scale-ups met maatschappelijke uitdagingen in steden, die willen groeien in Europa. We bezoeken de beurs, er komt een businessforum met matchmaking, plus meer informele (inter)nationale bijeenkomsten, er is vooraf een climate impacttraining (om de impact van je innovatieve oplossing op duurzaamheid en klimaatneutraliteit kwantitatief te meten) en we maken de combi met het 100 Climate Neutral Cities programma van de EU. Voor meer informatie en aanmelden: https://english.rvo.nl/news/events/smart-city-expo-world-congress-scwec-2022
2. Past deze missie niet bij jou of bij de fase waarin je bedrijf zich bevindt, maar wil je wel naar de Smart City Expo? Dan is er genoeg te doen! Diverse Nederlandse partijen werken op dit moment aan een (inter)nationaal programma voor Nederlandse bedrijven. Ook hier moet je denken aan een bezoek aan diverse stands, tours door de stad Barcelona en deelname aan het businessforum met workshops voorafgaand aan de Expo. Aan dit programma wordt de komende tijd nog gewerkt. Zodra er nieuws bekend is, deel ik dat.
Ben je hierin geïnteresseerd of heb je vragen? Neem dan contact op met Nancy Zikken, trade developer smart & sustainable cities bij Amsterdam Trade & innovate, via n.zikken@amsterdam.nl. Ik vertel je graag meer en houd je op de hoogte!

Nancy Zikken's picture #CircularCity
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) 2022

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Is your company operating in the field of smart and sustainable urban development and are you interested in the elaboration of your activities within the European Union? Join us from 13 to 16 November on our Climate neutral & Smart City mission during the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona.

The yearly event of SCEWC in Barcelona is the place where companies, entrepreneurs, startups, cities, and research institutions in the field of climate neutrality and smart cities meet. This year, another congress about urban mobility takes place simultaneously. These 2 business fairs are important places to network and do business with cities, companies, and investors. Before this mission takes place, there is the opportunity to follow an impact assessment training. The purpose of this training is to measure the impact of your innovative solution to sustainability and climate neutrality in a quantitative manner. This complements the European frameworks and methodologies for cities to report their contribution to climate neutrality.

Participation is possible for Dutch companies (startups, scale-up, small and medium enterprises (SMEs)) with export ambitions that aim to offer solutions for societal challenges in cities. The purpose of this mission is to support Dutch startups, scale-ups, and innovative SMEs with their growth in Europe.

For more information and registration: https://english.rvo.nl/news/events/smart-city-expo-world-congress-scwec-2022

Nancy Zikken's picture Conference from Nov 13th to Nov 16th
Mark de Hoop, Sustainability advisor , posted

Sign up now for the Transform.Hackathon for our energy system of the future

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How do we transform our centralized energy system to a #decentralized system of mutually reinforcing energy networks? What kind of legislation is needed to do this? And what will the economic model of this new sustainable #energy system look like?
From October 31 to November 2, 2022, more than 200 designers, policymakers, hackers, artists and pioneers will work together for 48 hours to accelerate the new energy system during #TransformHackathon. Thé event on system innovation in the Dutch energy sector.

Want to know more? Check out the website www.transformhackathon.eu, and sign up for one of the meet-ups.

September 1 19:30 - 21:30 (Arnhem, The green meeting Center)
September 8 19:30 - 21:30 (Eindhoven, klokgebouw)
September 14, 19:30 - 21:30 (Rotterdam, Groothandelsgebouw).

Conference from Oct 31st to Nov 2nd
Kyaw Nyunt Linn, Sustainability Analyst , posted

Wat weet jij over gedecentraliseerde energiesystemen?

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Ik ben Kyaw Nyunt Linn, momenteel bezig met mijn masterscriptie in MSc. Urban Management and Development (UMD) aan het Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Het doel van dit onderzoek is om de houding ten opzichte van gedecentraliseerde energiesystemen op gemeenschapsniveau te onderzoeken en te begrijpen hoe prosumerisme en vraagrespons kunnen worden gerealiseerd in de energietransitie van Nederland. De resultaten van dit onderzoek kunnen worden gebruikt om beleidsmakers en lokale energie-initiatieven te begeleiden bij het ontwikkelen van hun gemeenschappen en activiteiten met betrekking tot de transitie van hernieuwbare energie op gemeenschapsniveau.

Voor dit onderzoek ben ik op zoek naar mensen die mijn enquête hierover willen invullen.

Het invullen van de enquête duurt ongeveer 7-10 minuten.

Wij verzekeren dat alle verstrekte informatie vertrouwelijk verwerkt wordt en alleen voor academische doeleinden zal worden gebruikt. 

Kyaw Nyunt Linn's picture #Energy