#Smart grids

Topic within Energy
Jochem Kootstra, Lecturer at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

De toekomst: 100% fossielvrij elektriciteitsverbruik op HvA

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Centre of Expertise Urban Technology gaat langjarig en strategisch partnerschap aan met Vattenfall

Centre of Expertise Urban Technology van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) gaat een partnerschap aan voor tien jaar met energieleverancier Vattenfall, om toe te werken naar 100% fossielvrij elektriciteitsverbruik van alle HvA gebouwen. Tevens biedt Vattenfall als praktijkpartner urgente vraagstukken aan om een langdurige onderwijs- en onderzoekslijn te bepalen. Daarmee kan HvA serieuze stappen zetten in verduurzaming en de energietransitie. ‘De bevindingen uit onze onderzoeken dienen als voorbeelden voor het toekomstige energiesysteem in Nederland.’
De tienjarige samenwerking start in 2022, maar het eerste thema van de langdurige onderzoekslijn is al bepaald om toe te werken naar fossielvrij elektriciteitsverbruik: ‘uurmatching’. Dit is de zoektocht naar een oplossing voor de mismatch per uur tussen enerzijds het verbruik van duurzame elektriciteit en anderzijds het aanbod van duurzaam opgewekte elektriciteit. Deze mismatch wordt veroorzaakt doordat duurzame bronnen niet altijd voldoende elektriciteit produceren of elektriciteit produceren op momenten dat er geen behoefte is.

HvA wil samen met Vattenfall  in de komende jaren toewerken naar 100% fossielvrij elektriciteitsverbruik (100% uurmatching) in haar gebouwen. Ook de panden van de Universiteit van Amsterdam  (UvA) en Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica  (CWI) dienen als proeftuin van dit onderzoek. Om de oplossingen voor mitsmatch te vinden, ontwikkelt de HvA de komende jaren onderzoeksprojecten ondersteund door nationale en Europese subsidiefondsen.

Op zoek naar de challenge

‘Voor het onderwijs zoeken we samen met Vattenfall naar een overkoepelende ‘challenge’, die we elke paar jaar bijstellen naar behoefte vanuit de beroepspraktijk’, vertelt Felia Boerwinkel, themaregisseur Energietransitie bij Centre of Expertise Urban Technology van de HvA. ‘Vattenfall dient vraagstukken bij ons in, en gezamenlijk met onderwijs en onderzoek gaan we dit invullen met opleidingsminors, stageplaatsen, workshops en gastcolleges. In onze studio’s benutten we specifieke technologieën en vaardigheden voor de kennis- en innovatievraagstukken, en komt onderwijs in aanraking met onderzoek. Zo kunnen we studenten heel gericht klaarstomen voor werk na de studie.’

Vattenfall is een belangrijke speler in het Amsterdamse en Nederlandse energieveld als eigenaar van een deel van het Amsterdamse warmtenet, marktleider in publieke laadpunten en energieleverancier van vele klanten. Renee Heller, lector Energie & Innovatie bij de HvA: ‘Door met Vattenfall samen te werken aan verduurzaming en energie-innovaties kunnen we grote impact hebben. Het is een groot bedrijf waar voor onze studenten ook veel kansen liggen, voor stages en als toekomstige werkgever. Met het krappe aanbod van technici is het voor Vattenfall interessant onze studenten te leren kennen.’
Groene energie

Krachten bundelen

‘Door een lange samenwerking met een praktijkpartner kunnen we continu van elkaar leren, onderzoek constant bijsturen en beter weten wat voor vaardigheden studenten moeten ontwikkelen; nu en voor de toekomst’, vult Boerwinkel aan. ‘Daarnaast biedt een structurele samenwerking de kans om onderzoek thematisch breed aan te vliegen en andere Centres of Expertise en lectoraten van de HvA erbij te betrekken. Binnen het lectoraat Energie & Innovatie hebben we kennis over de techniek, maar in een transitie spelen brede vraagstukken om echt resultaat te boeken, bijvoorbeeld over gedragsverandering, beleid en financierbaarheid.’

Energielevering universiteitsgebouwen

De samenwerking kreeg vorm als onderdeel van een nieuwe energie-aanbesteding van HvA, UvA en CWI, uitgevoerd door Facility Services (FS). Vattenfall kwam uit de bus als energieleverancier en partner op onderwijs en onderzoek tussen 2022 en 2032. Door eerdere samenwerkingen vonden FS en Urban Technology elkaar snel. ‘In ons partnerschap werken we al jaren aan duurzaamheidsambities, zoals duurzame inkoop en het energiezuinig maken van onze panden’, vertelt Rowan Boeters van FS. ‘Nu we met Vattenfall langdurig in het huwelijksbootje zijn gestapt, kunnen we aan lange termijndoelen werken en een serieuze bijdrage leveren aan de energietransitie. We zijn nu bezig met de routekaart hoe we onze elektriciteitsinkoop duurzamer, groener kunnen maken. Wij geloven in het verbinden van onderwijs, onderzoek en de beroepspraktijk, om daarin echt resultaten te boeken.’

Centre of Expertise Urban Technology

Het Centre of Expertise Urban Technology van de HvA draait om de belangrijke opgaven voor de stad, namelijk het toewerken naar circulaire, competitieve en leefbare steden. Vier thema’s staan centraal: EnergietransitieCirculaire stadDesigning Future Cities en Connectiviteit/Mobiliteit. Thema Energietransitie gaat over het leveren van een bijdrage aan de lokale duurzame energietransitie met focus op warmtenetten, vergroting zonne-energie, smart grids (met focus op inpassing van elektrische mobiliteit), energieneutrale- en positieve gebouwen/wijken en de ontwikkeling van laadinfrastructuur voor elektrisch vervoer. Als Centre of Expertise van de Faculteit Techniek fungeert Urban Technology als linking pin tussen onderwijs, onderzoek en beroepspraktijk.

Jochem Kootstra's picture #Energy
Jeffrey Bartels, Edmij , posted

Cleaner en cheaper charging EV with realtime energyprices

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Normally, people come home from work and charge their EV immediately. Current grid
systems can handle these new flows in power hardly. Smart Charging means that
you postpone EV charging to timeslots with lower demand. This stabilize the grid
and the EV owner can charge at lower, and even negative prices.

Edmij, together with Sensoria, developed a way to charge at realtime power prices per
quarter of an hour. At September 25th, they initially postpone charging and
starts charging at times with negative prices. Balancing the grid with smart
charging brings benefits to the EV owner and the grid operator: a win-win!

Jeffrey Bartels's picture #Energy
Aymeric Peronnau-Nyssens, Student , posted

Looking for smart grids or smart buildings internship opportunities

For my master degree in engineering, I am looking for an internship in the smart grids or smart buildings fields. It will start in April 2021 and last 4 to 5 months. My subjects of study are energy (electricity, Heat transfer, renewable energies) and IT (programming, embedded systems, IOT). I want to use my skills to help your community on any project related to energy. I'm particularly interested in programming and IOT.
Currently, I'm working on a smart street light network project. The idea is to design energy efficient street lights that communicate with one another and prevent night time disorders by recording any noise over a given threshold and pushing the data to a supervisor.
Feel free to contact me if you need any further informations.
Warm regards,

Aymeric Peronnau-Nyssens's picture #Energy
Sanne de Boer, posted

De energietransitie uitgelegd

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De energietransitie is een van de belangrijkste maatschappelijke thema’s van dit moment en van de komende jaren. Maar wat ís de energietransitie? En wat zijn de specifieke doelen? Wat is het verschil tussen ‘energieneutraal’, ‘klimaatneutraal’ en ‘CO₂-neutraal’? Welke rol kan waterstof (niet) gaan spelen in de gebouwde omgeving van de toekomst? En hoe zitten ons huidige energieverbruik en energiesysteem in elkaar? Deze en andere vragen worden beantwoord in het boek ‘De energietransitie uitgelegd’. Ook komt aan de orde waar de uitdagingen liggen voor de energietransitie en hoe het energiesysteem er in 2050 ongeveer uit zal zien.

‘De energietransitie uitgelegd’ biedt alle basiskennis die nodig is om het nieuws omtrent de energietransitie kritisch te kunnen volgen en een gefundeerde mening te vormen in discussies over dit thema. Er is geen specifieke voorkennis nodig om het boek te kunnen lezen, maar het gaat op bepaalde onderwerpen wel diep in. Hierdoor is het boek interessant voor zowel energie-professionals als geïnteresseerde leken.

Nieuwsgierig geworden? Bestel het boek via uw boekhandel, bol.com of door het sturen van een email aan info@degroenewaterlelie.nl. Bij een afname van 10 of meer boeken ontvang je 5% korting (alleen bij bestellingen via email).

Het boek is gedrukt op boomvrij papier. Er zijn alleen bio-inkten gebruikt en er is gewerkt zonder schadelijke oplosmiddelen.

Sanne de Boer's picture #Energy
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Smart Energy Community - Kick-off

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Interesse in #SmartEnergy voor woningen en bedrijfsgebouwen? Meld je aan voor de kick off van de Smart Energy Community op 17 november!

Programma van 17 november:
Ter inspiratie beginnen we met 2 PowerPitches van inspirerende ondernemers:
• Hoe kunnen de batterijen van Friday Energy grote zonnedaken meer rendabel maken door Bouke Siebenga, Friday Energy.
• Smart Energy oplossingen in alle woningen in de duurzame wijk in Voorhout, door Adriaan Harthoorn, 4YEF (For Your Energy Freedom)

Vervolgens komt Jan Pellis van FAN & Stedin aan het woord, over de twee studies die FAN heeft uitgevoerd naar smart grid ready warmtepompen en smart grid ready laadpalen.

Tot slot hebben we Arjan Wargers van ElaadNL over de resultaten uit de studie 'In-home Energy Flexibility', en tips & tricks om de aansturing van flexibele apparaten effectief en schaalbaar vorm te geven.

Programma: https://bit.ly/SmartEnergyCommunity
Aanmelden: https://bit.ly/sec_subscribe

Let op: dit evenement is in het Nederlands.

Over de Smart Energy Community:
Slimme energiediensten nemen de komende jaren een vlucht, wat vraagt om een intensieve samenwerking tussen betrokken partijen. Wij nodigen hen daarom graag uit om zich aan te sluiten bij de Smart Energy Community voor woningen en bedrijfsgebouwen. Op 17 november vindt de kick-off plaats, in 2021 volgens meer evenementen.

Met deze nieuwe community brengen TKI Urban Energy en Flexiblepower Alliance Network (FAN) de actoren bij elkaar die zich bezighouden met, of meer willen weten van energieflexibiliteit voor woningen en bedrijfsgebouwen. Binnen de community kan actief kennis worden uitgewisseld over wat er nu al mogelijk is, waar de ontbrekende puzzelstukjes liggen, en welke kansen voor innovatie er nog in het verschiet liggen. Natuurlijk biedt de community ook de mogelijkheid om gezamenlijk business te creëren.

Adriaan van Eck's picture Online event on Nov 17th
florentine van Boetzelaer, posted

Amsterdam: Towards flexible electricity grids – innovations on multiple levels

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The City of Amsterdam is exploring which FLEX solutions for an electricity grid are applicable in Amsterdam and which conditions are necessary to scale them. How can we organize this innovation? And what should the collaboration, responsibilities, and division of roles between market players and Amsterdam look like? Do you have answers to our questions? Meet and join us online on Monday the 9th of November at 13.00 pm.

Online event on Nov 9th
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

FLEXCON 2020 last track: The Value of Energy Fexibility in Buildings

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Demand Response & Energy Performance Contracts in Buildings

Learn about the value of Energy Flexibility in Buildings, Energy Performance Contracts and Demand Response services in Belgium, Spain, Italy and Portugal. By Nilufar Neyestani (INESC TEC, Ambience) and Jef Verbeeck (EnergyVille, Ambience)

Adriaan van Eck's picture Online event on Oct 28th
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted


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FLEXCON2020 is converted in 6 digital tracks, for free. From 23 September to 28 October, we will serve a Smart Energy track every wednesday.

The kick off is coming Wednesday 23 September, with Elia, Enervalis, OpenADR and ElaadNL, they will talk about e-Mobility, Smart Charging and V2G.
We also have Enel X, Siemens, Nodes, Epex, Tennet, EnergyVille, Technolution, DNVGL, Enery Pool, iLeco and Spectral as partners, to name a few.

23 September : eMobility, Smart Charging and V2G
30 September : Flexibility markets
7 October : Buildings, Devices & smart technologies
14 October : Industrial & commercial Flexibility
21 October : New concepts in Energy Networks
28 October : Active managed buildings & energy performance contracts

FLEXCON2020 is FREE, but registration is required.

Check our program:

Adriaan van Eck's picture Online event from Oct 7th to Oct 28th
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

FLEXCON2020 Digital edition : registration open

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As you may know, we have turned FLEXCON2020 into a digital event.

From September 23 on, we will provide a series of weekly digital FLEXCON2020 tracks, with speakers and sessions all related to a specific Smart Energy topic.

FLEXCON2020 digital edition is free of charge, but registration is required. You can register here: http://bit.ly/FLEXCON2020_reg

Our current planning:
- 23 September 2020 : eMobility, Smart Charging and V2G
- 30 September 2020 : Flexibility markets
- 7 October 2020 : Buildings, Devices & smart technologies
- 14 October 2020 : Industrial & commercial Flexibility
- 21 October 2020 : New concepts in Energy Networks
- 04 November 2020 : Active managed buildings & energy performance contracts

FLEXCON2020 registration:

Visit the FLEXCON2020 for more information:

#SmartEnergy #Sustainability #ElectricVehicles #SmartGrid #DigitalGrid #Blockchain #IoT #SmartHome #SmartCharging

Adriaan van Eck's picture #Energy
Anonymous posted

EC-Link Platform

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You would like to connect with Urban Environmental Sustainability practitioners and researchers in China and exchange your approaches to green transport, clean energy, compact urban development, water and solid waste management, green buildings and municipal finance? Then sign up to the EC-Link platform! The platform links Eco Cities across Europe and China, offering inspiring examples from both sides of Eurasia and enabling direct contacts to the innovators. With the help of an integrated translation tool, posts can be translated into Chinese and English with just one click. Use of the platform is free of charge: http://eclink.org/bbs/#/?lang=en

A description of how the platform works can be downloaded here: http://eclink.org/ec_platform/upload/document/EC-Link_Users'%20Guide-EN.pdf

EC Link

Hugo Niezen, International Growth Lead at DutchBasecamp, posted

Globaliser Sustainable Solutions

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As today's world presents us with a growing amount of global sustainability challenges, there is no going around the importance of building more sustainable solutions for the future. We are helping 8 sustainable solutions entrepreneurs with their internationalisation strategy and to help them achieve a global impact.
The Globaliser is a ten week programme for the international growth of Sustainable Solutions scale-ups.
You will build a solid internationalisation strategy with the use of DutchBasecamp’s tools, network and unique approach. The objective is to create a foundation, so you can channel your precious resources into unfamiliar territories with conviction.

What to expect?
Four sprints containing each a plenary session, specific homework and individual coaching by a seasoned entrepreneur.

After finishing you will have:
A validated international target market
A GTM strategy for that market
A solid international roadmap which will give you practical guidance on the next steps to take

Hugo Niezen's picture #Energy
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Webinar Series for the CATALYST project

** Converting data centres in energy flexibility ecosystems **

The CATALYST Webinar Series will run for 4 weeks from the 29th July through to the 19th August and cover some exciting topics:

CATALYST aspires to turn data centres into flexible multi-energy hubs, which can sustain investments in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

Leveraging on results of past projects, CATALYST has adapted, scaled up, deployed and validated an innovative technological and business framework that enables data centres to offer a range of mutualized energy flexibility services to both electricity and heat grids, while simultaneously increasing their own resiliency to energy supply.

This webinar series provides further information on the:

CATALYST DC Manager (TUC) 29th July @2pm
CATALYST Marketplace (ENG, SiLO, POPs) 5th August @2pm
CATALYST Pilots (PSNC) 12th August @2pm
Green Data Centre Roadmap and Assessment Toolbox (GIT) 19th August @ 2pm


Julie Chenadec's picture #Energy
Hongsie Namingha, Program Associate Energy at Rockstart, posted

Applications open! Rockstart Energy Program 2020 is starting again

We are looking for startups 🚀
The Energy Program of Rockstart is a domain-focused accelerator-VC with follow-on growth funding. We are looking for startups at the intersection of IT & Energy that contribute to the current energy transition.

Through our Energy Program, Rockstart gives startups access to capital, market, community, and expertise by connecting them to and further working with strategic partners, investors, mentors and our extended network. The top-down, centralized, fossil fuel system is being disrupted by smart, decarbonized, digitalized and decentralized models, offering abundant, clean, renewable, and local energy. We are searching for startups with these energy goals in mind.

Does your startup fit the description? Find out more information on Rockstart’s program and how to apply on our Energy Program website: https://www.rockstart.com/energy/energy-program/

Hongsie Namingha's picture #Energy
Rhea Srivastava, Master's student , posted

Master's thesis: Looking for interviewees involved in Schoonschip project

Greetings everyone, my name is Rhea and i am pursuing my master's in Urban Management and Development.
I am currently writing my thesis on decentralised smart energy systems accelerating neighbourhood circularity (through the case of Schoonschip, Amsterdam), aiming for an integrated result in the energy and circularity transition as well as to fill the gap in literature about neighbourhood circularity.
Consequently, I am looking to interview people who were involved in the Schoonschip project, including experts, project developers, community members, municipality etc. The interview would be focusing on conditions such as technological, economic, institutional, socio-cultural and environmental (depending on the interviewee's background) associated with the development of Schoonschip and its energy systems. Your valuable insights will be fully acknowledged in the final publication.

Kindly contact me if you are willing to contribute to my research or if you know someone who could help me out. I would be grateful! Thanks in advance!

Rhea Srivastava's picture #Energy
Jochem Kootstra, Lecturer at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

SEEV4-City Closing Webinar 2: Vehicle-to-Grid and Smart Charging

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This second webinar of the SEEV4-City project is about Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Smart Charging: the future symbiosis between emission-free transport and sustainable energy infrastructure. In recent years new technologies have been developed that can help maximize the synergies between electric vehicles and local renewable energy sources. SEEV4-City explored these opportunities in practice as part of its approach to A Smarter Electricity Grid for People, Planet & Profit: the electricity grid is used as an energy buffer, on both a daily and a seasonal scale. Across Europe investments in renewable energy production and charging infrastructure for electric vehicles are growing – it is fundamental to see how they can work together.

SEEV4-City Closing Webinar 2: Vehicle-to-Grid and Smart Charging

Smart, Clean Energy and Electric Vehicles for the City (SEEV4-City) is an innovative project funded by the EU Interreg North Sea Region Programme that just came to its conclusion. Its main objective was to demonstrate that smart electric mobility solutions that integrate renewable-energy sources encourage take-up in cities.

The project looked at different pilot solutions and elaborated case studies and best practices based upon them. For this purpose, two approaches have been identified for testing:

  • Information and communication technologies can help to structure and maximize the synergies between electric vehicles and local renewable energy sources.
  • A Smarter Electricity Grid for People, Planet & Profit. The electricity grid is used as energy buffer, on a daily and a seasonal scale.

Join us for the 3 closing webinars to learn about the results of this project. Come to see how electromobility can be further boosted in Europe with the support of renewable energy sources and the smart and efficient use of energy infrastructures.

Focus of webinar 2:

This second webinar of the SEEV4-City project is about Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Smart Charging: the future symbiosis between emission-free transport and sustainable energy infrastructure. In recent years new technologies have been developed that can help maximize the synergies between electric vehicles and local renewable energy sources. SEEV4-City explored these opportunities in practice as part of its approach to A Smarter Electricity Grid for People, Planet & Profit: the electricity grid is used as an energy buffer, on both a daily and a seasonal scale. Across Europe investments in renewable energy production and charging infrastructure for electric vehicles are growing – it is fundamental to see how they can work together.


15h00 Welcome word by moderator Philippe Vangeel - Secretary General of AVERE

15h10 Ghanim Putrus - Professor of Electrical Power Engineering, Northumbria University

15h25 Pieter Bons - Researcher SEEV4-City, Flexpower2

15h50 Hiten Parmar - Director uYilo eMobility Programme, on V2G in South-Africa

16h05 Martin Messer Thomas - V2G expert at EV Test, on V2G in Denmark

16h20 Peter Swart, Project manager Interreg NWE, on CleanMobilEnergy (CME) project

16h35 Jan Winkler, Project Manager for The Mobility House, on Smart Charging Evolution

16h45 final Q&A with closing remarks

Check out all closing webinars:

April 22nd - Closing Webinar 1: Insights of the Project
May 6th - Closing Webinar 2: Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Smart Charging
May 20th - Closing Webinar 3: Policy Learning from SEEV4-City Pilots
Website: SEEV4-City Closing Webinars

More information about the project:


Jochem Kootstra's picture Online event on May 6th
Audrie van Veen, Director Strategic Partnerships at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

RVO announces European Green Deal call for SMEs

The European Green Deal is the European Commission's strategy for a more sustainable, cleaner and healthier European economy. Research and innovation are of course key to make this happen. RVO (the Dutch agency for subsidies) announces several calls in the coming months of 2020 with a total budget of € 1 billion.

First one on the planning is a special EIC accelerator call for SMEs that need some help to develop a green idea and scale it up internationally. Support will be a subsidy up to € 2,5 million and there is an option for receiving equity up to € 15 million. Projects need to contribute substantially to the European goals for fighting climate change.

Please note that this information is preliminary, more info in Dutch on the website of RVO and we expect that the EU will publish this call in the coming weeks. The RVO-site will update the links to the EC call info, which is not online yet.

Audrie van Veen's picture #Energy
Juliette Crespel, Project Manager at EVBox, posted


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On March 31 we will host the first-ever REVOLUTION Digital. Expect a two-hour live video broadcast, hosted by EV advocate Roger Atkins, that features interviews, special announcements, and a few surprises! Industry experts and thought leaders will participate in engaging conversations about various developments and trends in the eMobility industry.

The live video broadcast will be publicly accessible, so be sure to add this to your agenda and spread the word!
/// To make sure you get the webinar link, go to the event webpage and sign up. ///



14.00 Welcome Words by Roger Atkins

14.05 Opening Interview
with Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO EVBox & Everon

14.15 Electric vehicle trends
with Marcus Fendt, Managing Director The Mobility House & Colin McKerracher, Head of Advanced Transport BloombergNEF

14.45 Zero-emission urban mobility
with Joseph Constanty, Director of International NIU & Geert de Jong, Program Manager Air Quality, City of Amsterdam

15.15 Opportunities & barriers for European EV charging
with Mathieu Bonnet, CEO Allego & Christopher Burghardt, Managing Director Europe ChargePoint & Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO EVBox & Everon

15.35 Surprise Announcement

15.55 Closing Words

Juliette Crespel's picture Event on Mar 31st
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted


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FLEXCON is back! Building on the success of previous editions, smartEn and FAN have again joined forces for another inspiring edition of FLEXCON2020. This will take place on Monday 30 March 2020 in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam.

Topics include:
* Smart Devices, Smart Home, Smart Building
* Electric Vehicles, Smart Charging, V2G
* Settlement, electricity trading, blockchain
* The role of standards in scaling up
* IoT, Internet of Energy, Cybersecurity
* Market development, European policy, international cooperation
* (Local) Communities, VPPs, microgrids

Check our program on https://flexcon2020.eu/

Adriaan van Eck's picture Event on Mar 30th
Mateusz Jarosiewicz, Founder at Smart Cities Polska, posted

New Operating System For Smart Cities The philosophy behind the system is what makes the difference.

My article on the operating system for cities was published in the prestigious Dubai Smart City Network #neos #smartcities #SmartCitiesPolska
If the operating system performs its function in the background, we can experience games and multimedia on the screen and use our software necessary for a business. The same rule applies to cities and it’s “operating system”.

Mateusz Jarosiewicz's picture #Energy