#User involvement

Topic within Smart City Academy
Ferencz Robert, CEO at Unserver Business Solutions, posted

Tarnaveni Smart City App

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With this application, we want to facilitate communication between citizens and the city hall. We want citizens to be actively involved in city development and problem solving by reporting issues directly through the application. The city hall can keep citizens informed about the infrastructure works that are taking place through constant updates. We also managed to eliminate a huge parte o birocracy through ANA, the only virtual public official based on artificial intelligence from Romania, it provides useful information to users about the services offered by public institutions. The application also supports local economics by enabling companies to list their vacancies jobs in the application, as well as promoting local products through a special section. The application wants to improve the cultural activity of the city so we constantly announce users about the cultural events that take place.

Ferencz Robert's picture #Citizens&Living
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Innovation Tour

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Those with an interest in urban innovation topics can now discover what makes Amsterdam an innovative, smart city without the timing and logistical constraints of a guided tour. The new self-guided Amsterdam Innovation Tour enables local and international stakeholders to immerse themselves in learning about the City’s innovative projects at any time — day or night.

Amsterdam Innovation Tour app preview

Cornelia Dinca's picture #DigitalCity
Burcu Kuzlak, Program Manager 5G at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted


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5G will be the new generation of mobile connectivity. The connection will be faster and more reliable, and will bring previously unknown possibilities for citizens and business. Amsterdam is exploring the opportunities and obstacles on the road to a safe and useful 5G network. One of the ways we do this is with our field lab in Amsterdam South East, from the train station to the Johan Cruijff ArenA. But also through regional, national and international collaborations.

Burcu Kuzlak's picture #DigitalCity
Menno Houtstra, chairman cooperative , posted

De KasKantine

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The KasKantine is a small, transportable, ecovillage in the city, currently buildin up on its fourth location in the West of Amsterdam, completely made with DoItYourSelf technology and mostly with natural and waste materials. Still it has hold a liquor permit and a restaurant that can host up to 150 guests. Furthermore a mobile aquaponic system, rain water filter and waste water filter, 30 solar panels and 13 shipping containers accommodating social initiatives and ecological entrepreneurs.

Menno Houtstra's picture #Citizens&Living
Roos Groothuizen, Media Artist and Designer , posted

The Black Box Bellagio

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Welcome to the Black Box Bellagio - an unusual casino that won’t take your money, but is after your freedom, integrity and private data instead. Play with the (un)fairness of expected values, predicted risks, and giving up your identity. Disclaimer: The house always seems to win.

The internet services we think of as free are often paid for with our data: it is the price of access, and is used to determine our treatment and advantages. Our data feeds the algorithms which can unfairly or wrongly categorise, exclude or discriminate against us. The Black Box Bellagio uses the dynamics of a casino to communicate the asymmetry of this relationship. At this casino, like on the internet, your personal data determines the advantages you get, the luck and misfortune you experience, and how much it really costs you to play.

The Black Box Bellagio has been developed by Roos Groothuizen (1992, NL), an Amsterdam/Utrecht-based designer and artist, who cares about digital rights. Fascinated with the unfair distribution of information and how online algorithms systematically discriminate us, her work reflects on in-depth research and recent developments, often with interactive or game-like elements. The Black Box Bellagio has been realized in collaboration with Ymer Marinus and the Waag.

Film documentation from De Nieuwe Anita (May 2018), by Jimena Gauna for Waag:

The Black Box Bellagio at de Nieuwe Anita / Aftermovie

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 732546. The Black Box Bellagio is organised as part of DECODE, a project developed by 14 European partners. Through this casino DECODE aims to engage a new group of people in conversations about personal data, privacy and data commons.

Pictures by Jimena Gauna for Waag
More picture and information: Click here

Roos Groothuizen's picture #DigitalCity
Anonymous posted


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Nature4Cities is a H2020 EU-funded project, creating a comprehensive reference Platform for Nature Based Solutions (NBS), offering technical solutions, methods and tools to empower urban planning decision making. This will help addressing the contemporary environmental, social and economic challenges that face European Cities.

We will bring Nature back into innovation, planning and their implementation. This new governance implies new collaborative models driven by citizens, researchers, policy makers, and industry leaders, utilizing co-creation processes and sharing of Best Practice. Thus, the goal for implementation Projects is a positive balance between economic, environmental and societal benefits and costs.

Anonymous posted

MaaS in the Amsterdam business district

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Travelling to your office with different modes of transport is a huge hassle. There are many services available but they each come with their own app, smart card and subscription.
So what happens if your employer offers a mobility budget?
How do employees experience travelling differently?

The Zuidas Mobility Experience is a pilot MaaS project where participants who currently drive to Zuidas for work are challenged to change their mobility patterns for a month and truly employ the prototype of Mobility as a Service.
This has resulted in a user study and offers insights in their motivations. See the report (in Dutch) at: https://zuidas.nl/cms/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Bijlage-7-Doelgroepen-en-drijfverenonderzoek-Zuidas.pdf

The success of the MaaS Experience and the challenges in the Amsterdam business district have led to the preparation of a follow-up, MaaS pilot Amsterdam Zuid-As (in Dutch): https://dutchmobilityinnovations.com/spaces/1131/maas-pilot-amsterdam-zuidas/landing

Amsterdam Smart City made a video about the MaaS project, with one of the participants:

The Road to Barcelona - Mobility as a Service

Smart Stories

Check the article about the MaaS Challenge featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Anonymous posted

Sneller melden ("report quickly")

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Rembrandt Square is a very popular entertainment area in Amsterdam. But people are also living there, and trying to get some rest. For enforcement, it's difficult to know where the problems are. Together with all parties involved, we created a solution that connects the local residents to enforcement in the streets.

About Tiltshift: https://www.tiltshift.nl/

Debbie Dekkers, project manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Reisproef Amsterdam

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Ga het avontuur aan!
We dagen Amsterdammers uit om hun auto en parkeervergunning voor twee maanden in te leveren en te ervaren hoe anders reizen bevalt. In ruil daarvoor krijgen deelnemers een bedrag aan reistegoed bij alle aangesloten vervoerders.

Doe mee met een proef en ruil uw auto twee maanden in voor ander vervoer. Samen houden we de stad bereikbaar en leefbaar.

Meld je hier aan


Lees meer over het smart mobility programma van Amsterdam


Lees hier meer over een eerdere pilot rondom de Zuidas


Informatie en vragen over de proef

Van welke vervoerders kan ik gebruik maken?

  • Openbaar vervoer op basis van de OV-chipkaart
  • Taxi: TCA, Uber
  • Deelauto: Car2Go, Greenwheels, mywheels
  • Huurauto: Tripmanager
  • Deelfiets: Urbee
  • Scooter: Felyx
  • Ridesharing: Viavan

Deze lijst kan nog uitgebreid worden.

Wanneer start de periode van twee maanden? Kan ik zelf kiezen welke maanden ik mee wil doen?

Binnen de looptijd van het experiment bepaalt u zelf de maanden van deelname. Er zijn wel vaste instapmomenten in verband met het inleveren van uw auto.

Waar parkeer ik mijn auto tijdens de proef?

Gedurende de twee maanden van de proef parkeert u uw auto in een gemeentelijke garage. Wij maken de locatie na inschrijving aan de deelnemers bekend.

Moet ik betalen voor mijn vergunning terwijl ik hem niet gebruik?

In de periode dat u meedoet aan de proef levert u uw auto in en kunt u geen gebruik maken van uw parkeervergunning. De kosten van de parkeervergunning in de periode van deelname krijgt u vergoed als aanvulling op uw reiscredits.

Kan ik ook meedoen als ik geen auto heb, of geen parkeervergunning maar wel een auto?

Het experiment is alleen toegankelijk voor mensen in het bezit van een auto + parkeervergunning. Het experiment maakt onderdeel uit van een groter project om Amsterdam autoluw(er) te maken en om het aanbod aan alternatieven voor de auto verder te ontwikkelen.

Kan ik tussendoor mijn auto gebruiken?

Het is niet mogelijk om uw auto tussendoor te gebruiken. Is er sprake van nood dan bekijkt het projectteam per geval of u de auto terug kunt krijgen.

Debbie Dekkers's picture #Mobility
Aafke Fraaije, PhD Responsible Smart Cities at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), posted

Onderzoeksproject Catalyst

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Voor dit onderzoeksproject zijn we nieuwsgierig hoe kunst kan helpen om bewoners en andere stadsgebruikers een mening te laten vormen over de slimme stad.

We doen dat in drie rondes, waarbij we steeds meer de diepte ingaan:
* De eerste ronde vindt plaats op straat; voorbijgangers worden geprikkeld om over de slimme stad na te denken door middel van kunstinstallaties en onzichtbaar theater.
* Ronde twee vindt plaats in buurthuizen; bewoners en andere stadsgebruikers worden gestimuleerd om een mening te vormen over de slimme stad.
* Ronde drie vindt plaats bij het NEMO Science Museum en brengt bewoners in gesprek met slimme stadsmakers, zoals technologieontwikkelaars en beleidsmakers.

Daarbij hebben we steeds drie vragen:
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes om de slimme stad relevant te maken voor deelnemers? Wanneer ervaren deelnemers het als leuk en belangrijk om een mening te vormen over de slimme stad?
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes deelnemers om de verbeelding te stimuleren? De slimme stad is voor veel mensen een abstract begrip. Hoe kan kunst helpen om de slimme stad tastbaar en bespreekbaar te maken?
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes deelnemers om gefundeerde mening te vormen over de slimme stad? wat helpt deelnemers om niet alleen een mening te vormen, maar ook van zichzelf te begrijpen waar deze mening vandaan komt?

We onderzoeken deze vragen op een kwalitatieve manier, namelijk door middel van observaties en interviews. De publieksactiviteiten vinden plaats in Amsterdam tussen september 2018 en januari 2019.

Aafke Fraaije's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Bep Schrammeijer, PhD researcher , posted

Crowdsensing Rembrandtpark

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Urban green is good for your health. Urban green is good for social cohesion and Amsterdam’s city parks are being used more and more intensively. It is the City of Amsterdam’s responsibility to ensure that the parks remain attractive for everyone, but how? The Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at the VU is working together with the Gemeente Amsterdam on an app that collects information about how people perceive and use urban green spaces. A pilot is being conducted in the Rembrandtpark to see how such information can inform park renovations.

An example of the first results may look like this:

Are you visiting the Rembrandtpark? Go to http://mijnpark.environmentalgeography.nl/ to join!

Smart Stories

Check the article about MijnPark featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Bep Schrammeijer's picture #Citizens&Living
Dina El Filali, Intern Research & Valorisation at AMS Institute, posted

We Make Amsterdam Resilient

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The increasing changes (in the weather, economy, politics and the socio-technical infrastructures etc.), bring next to new opportunities also new challenges and require us to rethink the way we co-create resilient cities in terms of energy, food, mobility and living.

Stay tuned via this channel for the date and time of the next event or contact me for questions via:


Dina El Filali's picture #Citizens&Living
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted


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As part of the TechConnect action programme, a number of initiatives are being launched to increase equal opportunities in the tech sector by making related study programmes and tech jobs accessible to everyone. In practice, this means that thousands of women, people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods and owners of SMEs will be trained to become coders, data analysts, growth hackers, UX designers or tech administrators.

For more information, visit the website: <https://techconnect.city/>

Nancy Zikken's picture #DigitalCity
Gertjan de Vries, Partner at Learn Adapt Build, posted

Prevent noise nuisance from a youth hangout

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Noise pollution is one of the biggest social problems in densely populated areas. To monitor and solve noise pollution problems in cities SensorTeam developed a novel automated platform and sound sensor for distributed noise measurements.

In a partnership with the city of Amstelveen we have installed a professional audio system in a hangout at the Zetterij in Amstelveen. We use wireless sensors to measure the sound level (dB) produced around this meeting place to avoid public nuisance.

These sensors are placed in the area around the hangout. Maximum sound levels can be remotely monitored and adjusted from SensorTeam’s cloud platform.

In this smart city project the city of Amstelveen gives substance to the local youth’s wish to play music at their own hangout.

About the technique
SensorTeam’s sound level meter is solar powered and is using low power network (LoRa) communication for realtime cloud monitoring. Measurements are accurate and independent and are displayed on SensorTeam’s cloud dashboard. To visualise the recorded data (sound levels) the varying decibels are represented on a coloured map, using inverse distance weighted technique.

LoRa Sound Sensor

SensorTeam IoT Dashboard

Gertjan de Vries's picture #Citizens&Living
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Green Deal Zero Emission City Logistics

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In 2018, the Board will strive for realizing the initiative ‘Green Deal Zero Emission Stadslogistiek (ZES) in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. Governments, companies and knowledge institutions are therefore working together in order to make goods transportation emission free by 2025.

Do you have an interesting initiative, or are you – along with other parties – part of a project that focuses on cleaner and more sustainable goods transportation? Share this with us before the end of March.
For, towards the end of April, we will start an ‘online display’. In it, all currently active projects/initiatives around sustainable city-logistics within the metropolitan area are going to be presented. This will offer a clear overview of all the initiatives already running, furthermore, it might inspire others to get started on zero-emission urban transport.

We are therefore calling everyone to enrol, regardless of whether you’re a big or small initiative. There are already countless transporters in the Amsterdam metropolitan area that contribute to this much needed improvement/change. The first step is to make them visible for other interested parties, in order for the latter to be able to find and join initiatives and/or to share their knowledge and expertise. The next step is to scale up successful local initiatives, from being regional to becoming nationwide and even worldwide projects.

Is your organization/business/company committed to clean and smart urban logistics, and do you believe others can learn from your experience(s)? Then sign your-self/company up! We’re not only looking for companies with, for instance, a sustainable and smart way of transportation, but also for interesting/innovative collaborations that contribute to clean and green city transportation!

Rolinka Kok's picture #Mobility
Katie Hans, Product Manager, Benelux - Endoscopy at Circle Economy, posted

Circle Lab

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Circle Lab is an online platform for cities, businesses, and citizens to explore, brainstorm, and implement circular business models and strategies to tackle universal and local challenges. By digitising knowledge, opening up access, and encouraging co-creation, we aim to break down information silos and fuel cross-industry collaboration and innovation. The circular economy has the potential to change the world, and we believe the time to bring the concept to the kitchen table – so that everyone, from entrepreneurs to big brands, can play a role in making it a reality – is now.

  • If you are interested in participating in one of our challenges register on the platform at www.circle-lab.com
  • If you would like to provide content for our knowledge hub or are interested in placing a challenge on the platform please email us at hello@circle-lab.com
Tanja van der Knoop, Director at Green City Buzz, posted

Circular & Upcycled Oyster Mushrooms in the City Centre

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We want to locally grow & distribute oyster mushrooms from a locally diverted waste stream: office and hospitality coffee grounds. For this process, you need four things: coffee grounds, mushroom spawn, a cold room and a warm room.

We’ve started collecting green waste and coffee grounds from fourteen businesses in Secret Village (west part of Reguliersdwarsstraat and its side streets), every weekday. We currently compost all of it in the area, but we’d like to start producing oyster mushrooms from the coffee grounds ASAP. We’ve secured the cold room, but we’ve yet to find a small local space (±10m2, ±500m from Muntplein) that can function as the warm room. We’re also working on finalising a participation project with the municipality, for manpower needed for the collection and distribution of coffee grounds and mushrooms.

See also

Secret Village project page: www.greencitybuzz/secret-village

To read about all our activities in Secret Village, navigate to http://www.greencitybuzz.nl/secret-village/#projecten

Tanja van der Knoop's picture #CircularCity
Anonymous posted


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Anonymous posted


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HEAT is the number one solution to the prolonged decision-making processes typically involved in energy issues. HEAT allows parties to co-design and develop a heating grid.

Quick: HEAT provides instant feedback about your own actions and those of your partners, providing an immediate and clear understanding of your and their goals and interests, funding, and the sustainability of the design.

Effective: Any range of scenarios and designs can be tested without a problem using HEAT. Decision-making is speeded up and projects are implemented quicker.

Realistic: Realistic simulations based on real data and smart mathematical models. 3D simulations of the city or neighbourhood that you and your partners wish to make greener.

Noud Verhave, co-artistieke leider MAP en projectleider KAREL , posted


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- is een rijdend podium voor INNOVATIEVE DENKERS en CULTUURMAKERS voor duurzame projecten
- rijdt op energie van de ZON en het net
- levert STROOM voor jouw evenement waar dan ook…
- rijdt in en rondom AMSTERDAM en in overleg ook (ver) daarbuiten
- is op verzoek te HUUR met festivaltent, tafels, banken, licht, geluid
- is rijdende RECLAME voor duurzaamheid én jouw evenement
- kan ook gebruikt worden als RUIMTE voor kantoor, kassa, café, dialoog en meer
- heeft een team beschikbaar voor PRODUCTIE van advies tot uitvoering
- biedt mensen een WERKERVARINGSPLEK
- meet 6 x 2 x 3 m, is een rustige heer in het verkeer en altijd SCHOON en opgeruimd

Missie KAREL
Projecten in de stad worden gefaciliteerd vanuit de grondgedachte van duurzaamheid en energie (energie is meer dan elektriciteit!). We willen letterlijk en figuurlijk mensen bewegen. Zo brengen we verandering op gang. KAREL levert een bijdrage aan maatschappelijke vragen op het gebied van duurzaamheid zicht- en bespreekbaar op een creatieve/culturele manier.
KAREL is en initiatief van Moving Arts Project.

KAREL staat voor KAR voor Elektriciteit op Locatie. KAREL is een stalen busje van het oerdegelijke Hollandse merk Spijkstaal dat al lang voordat het noodzaak werd elektrische wagens bouwde. Moving Arts Project bouwden hem om met zware moderne batterijen en met zonnepanelen op het dak zodat hij aan de moderne elektrische standaard voldoet en energie-neutraal is.
KAREL werkt als een inspirerend rolmodel. Hij is CO2 neutraal en verspreidt de boodschap van groen en duurzaam door de stad. En hij is vernieuwend: KAREL is een van de eerste in z’n soort in Amsterdam en levert stroom op elke gewenste locatie, vervoer, productiematerialen en meer aan bewonersinitiatieven, cultuur en maatschappelijke (buurt-)evenementen in de stad.

KAREL is een mobiele duurzame e-distributie unit en biedt een alternatief voor vervuilende dieselgeneratoren. En KAREL is stil, dus geen geluidsoverlast voor de bewoners rond het evenement, voor het publiek en de crew. KAREL heeft als standplaats culturele wijkonderneming Tugela85 aan de Tugelaweg in de Transvaalbuurt in Amsterdam Oost en kan hiervandaan in heel Amsterdam aan het werk om cultuur-maatschappelijke (buurt-)evenementen te voorzien van groene energie, productiematerialen, licht/geluid techniek en meer.

Meer weten of KAREL huren? Neem contact op via info@movingartsproject.nl of bel 0655335465

Noud Verhave's picture #Energy