#Waste solutions

Topic within Circular City
Caroline Beelen, Community Manager GO!-NH at GO!-NH, posted

Masterclass Growth Mindset / Scale-Up DNA

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Deze Masterclass is voor startups en innovatieve MKB-bedrijven die zich met hun baanbrekende innovaties in de groeifase bevinden. Zij hebben al tractie door omzet uit klanten en/of pilots. Ondernemers maken kennis met de succesvoorwaarden voor groei. Denk hierbij aan focus op herhaalbaarheid en schaalbaarheid van product/service, businessmodel, team, infrastructuur, verkoop en organisatie.

15:00 – 16:30
Aanmelden kan via https://go-nh.nl/agenda/

Caroline Beelen's picture Masterclass / workshop on Jan 31st
Henrike Slob, Marketing Communications Lead at Impact Hub Amsterdam, posted

Demo Day - No Waste Challenge

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You're invited the No Waste Challenge 2021 Demo Day organized by What Design Can Do & Impact Hub Amsterdam!

About this event

We are very delighted to invite you to the Demo Day of the No Waste Challenge 2021, taking place on: Thursday 10th of February at 16:00 CET, organized by What Design Can Do and Impact Hub Amsterdam.

After taking part in the half-year Development Programme, 16 winning teams of the No Waste Challenge will present their project, business case, their ambitions and their biggest needs moving forward, such as funding to scale-up, strategic partners, launching customers and specific expertise.

Get to meet these amazing creative entrepreneurs and enter in conversations with them in different breakouts. We promise you, you’ll leave the digital space inspired and engaged!


The No Waste Challenge called on creative entrepreneurs and designers all over the world to submit innovative, design driven solutions to the catastrophic waste issues the world is facing. From the more than 1400 entries, an international jury of design and climate experts selected the most professional, promising creative startups that submitted the most impactful and feasible design driven innovations to join the challenge’s development programme.

Henrike Slob's picture Online event on Feb 10th
Beth Njeri, Digital Communications Manager at Metabolic, posted

The interconnected city: Imagining our urban lives in 2050

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Our cities are evolving. Fast. How can we ensure they are sustainable, liveable, and healthy?

Metabolic has developed a nature-inclusive, community-centered, and circular city's vision.

This vision of the "ideal" city is only one of many. What's your favorite? Please share the story, vision, book, podcast, or image that best represents the city you hope to live in, one day.

Beth Njeri's picture #CircularCity
Hede Razoky, Accountmanager Upcyclecentrum at Gemeente Almere, posted

Ruimte zoekt bevlogen, startende circulair ondernemer

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Goed nieuws: er komt per 1 februari een bedrijfsruimte vrij in het Upcyclecentrum.
Voor het Upcylcecentrum in Almere zoeken we een startende ondernemer met een geweldig plan voor een onderneming dat bijdraagt aan onze lokale circulaire economie.

De afgelopen jaren is Almere uitgegroeid tot één van de koplopers van de circulaire economie in Nederland, en het Upcyclecentrum is daar een belangrijk onderdeel van. Bedrijven en overheden vanuit de hele wereld komen naar Almere om te zien hoe wij de circulaire economie vormgeven.

Het Upcyclecentrum bestaat uit drie onderdelen: recyclingperron, ondernemers en belevingscentrum. Op het recyclingperron zamelen we grondstoffen droog in. De gevestigde ondernemers in het Upcyclecentrum mogen deze gebruiken. De ondernemers laten in hun bedrijfsruimte zien wat zij doen met deze grondstoffen. Afgelopen 3 jaar hebben verschillende ondernemers zoals “Ruik”, ‘’SEEFD’’, “Unravelau” en “Ruig & Geroest” al geprofiteerd van deze kans. En er is weer plaats voor een nieuwe startup om eenzelfde ontwikkeling door te kunnen maken.

Wil jij een vliegende start maken met jouw onderneming? Of ken je zo’n ondernemer?

Stuur dan uiterlijk 30 december jouw businessplan naar ons toe via het inschrijfformulier op onze website: almere.nl/upcyclestartups.

Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Meet the members of Amsterdam Smart City! Boaz Bar-Adon: ‘Learn children about the circular economy’

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Boaz Bar-Adon is the founder of Ecodam, a startup that wants to create a place where children can actively learn about sustainability and the circular economy.

“Our big dream is a physical place where children can come to get acquainted with all aspects of sustainability—a kind of science museum, but with more focus on the concept of circularity and the role young people can play in the new economy.
It’s almost a cliche, but our children are the future. If we make them realise that we need to use resources in a different way, they will take that with them for the rest of their adult lives — no matter what profession they enter later. As a museum and exhibition designer, I see there is too little awareness among clients, designers and builders about the scarcity of materials. That should really change for future generations.''

''Recently, my associate, Pieter de Stefano, and I decided that we want to start making an impact as soon as possible. We designed a plastic-themed mobile pop-up lab. We recently gave our first successful workshop, and we plan to do it more often. In our school workshops, we give a brief explanation about circularity and the impact we have on the environment. But the most important part is when the children work on the concept of circularity. Together, we invent solutions and build prototypes. We let the children think about the problem and then let them come up with solutions themselves.”

“Once it got going, the group we gave the workshop to was unstoppable. A few girls designed an entire landscape from old waste, which was a prototype of an environment where children do not throw away their old toys but collect them. Another group built a submarine to remove plastic from the sea, inspired by the Dutch nonprofit The Ocean Cleanup. The workshop ended with children creating, with specialised machines, new products from plastic waste. In the future, Ecodam could be a place where schools and universities test or show new materials or techniques. Local authorities that want to promote new policies around waste or the circular economy can also work with us. In Ecodam, they can see how children react to their policies. Maybe they will come up with new ideas.''

Permanent space
''We would like a permanent space so we can work with large machines: a shredder, for example, that cuts plastic parts into small pieces or a machine that melts them and can then press the liquid plastic into a mould. Children can create new building materials with these machines, making technology something very tangible and rewarding.

I'd love to hear of any tips people may have for a permanent space. We are a social enterprise, still investigating which business model works best for us. We will probably be partly supported by subsidies, but we are also looking for fresh ideas for smart new financing methods. How can social value be translated into financial value? Our final goal is being able to facilitate as many visitors as possible and provide them with a meaningful and high-quality experience.”

If you’d like to get in touch with Boaz, you can find him on this platform.
This interview is part of the series 'Meet the Members of Amsterdam Smart City'. In the next weeks we will introduce more members of this community to you. Would you like show up in the series? Drop us a message!
Interview and article by Mirjam Streefkerk

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #CircularCity
Caroline Beelen, Community Manager GO!-NH at GO!-NH, posted

GO!-NH Masterclass Innovatieversneller voor bedrijven

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Een intensieve en hands-on workshop waarin de mindset, skillset en toolset wordt geleerd van het versneld innoveren.

Er wordt ingegaan op de theorie van “Lean Start-Up” en gaan we verschillende waardeproposities opstellen, waarmee inzicht verkregen wordt in de unieke en onderscheidende factoren van jouw innovatie.

We gebruiken een gestructureerd proces en 'best practices' uit de markt en uit jullie eigen praktijk; om zo de risico’s aanzienlijk te verminderen en de kans op succes te vergroten.

Aansluitend op de werksessie maak je kennis met het GO!-NH programma en ondernemers (oud deelnemers van GO!-NH) die met baanbrekende innovaties en vernieuwende businessmodellen de markt veroveren. Zij vertellen over hun ervaringen, leermomenten en successen van hun innovaties en ondernemingen.

Tijdens de Masterclasses en introductiebijeenkomsten kom je meer te weten over GO!-NH en leer je wat de verschillen tussen de 3 programma’s (Accelerator, Growth en Scale). Vaak zijn de bijeenkomsten aansluitend aan één van onze masterclasses of events.

Aanmelden via de website van GO!-NH: https://go-nh.nl/agenda/

Caroline Beelen's picture Masterclass / workshop on Jan 20th
Caroline Oort, posted

Transform Single-use Waste Plastic into Valuable Products

On Thursday, November 4, 2021 you are most welcome to join the webinar about TRANSFORM-CE in English. The project team will then tell you what it is looking for and provide examples of business support opportunities.

Opportunity for your business?
Interreg NW Europe funded project, TRANSFORM-CE, launches the first in its informative webinar series on turning single-use plastic waste into valuable new products. It will introduce two innovative technologies, additive manufacturing and intrusion-extrusion moulding, which are facilitating the transformation of this common waste stream into the feedstock for countless applications, from roof tiles and decking to architectural models and 3D printed components.  This is a fantastic opportunity for businesses, manufacturers and government authorities interested in learning more about TRANSFORM-CE and the potential benefits of transitioning to a circular economy business model. The project partners also welcome designers, creatives and members of the public who are interested in exploring the potential of single use plastic waste.

New technologies for a circular economy of plastic?
TRANSFORM-CE is currently running two pilots to turn single-use plastic waste into raw plastic feedstock: an AM R&D centre in Greater Manchester (United Kingdom) and an IEM plastic factory in Almere (The Netherlands). A third AM facility, a prototyping centre, will open early 2022 in Belgium. Work has already begun, using the feedstock to manufacture products like outdoor furniture, building materials and even houses. Once the technology is scaled up, TRANSFORM-CE’s partners will have the potential to develop circular economy business models and stimulate new secondary material markets across North West Europe and beyond. Waste plastic can be re-purposed and revalued.

Who will speak?
• Rhiannon Hunt: Circular Economy Project Manager at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
• Bram Peters: Owner of the Green Plastic Factory Almere and Save Plastics, the Netherlands.
• Malou van der Vegt: Researcher and Lecturer in the Circular Economy at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.
• Evert-Jan Velzing: Scientist and Lecturer at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.

David Greenfield will be the facilitator of the webinar. He is managing director and founder of SOcial, ENvironmental & EConomic Solutions (SOENECS) Ltd.

What will be preliminary programme?
14:00 Opening address and introduction to TRANSFORM-CE
14:05 Transforming single-use plastic waste into filament for additive manufacturing
14:15 Creating new products from single-use plastic waste using intrusion-extrusion
14:25 The business case for adopting circular economy solutions
14:45 Be a part of TRANSFORM-CE; opportunities for businesses
15:00 Q&A

Online event on Nov 4th
Jered Vroon, Post-doctoral researcher Human-Robot Interaction at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), posted

Robots voor een schonere stad?

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Wat als iedereen in de stad op <b>elke</b>straathoek hun afval volledig gescheiden aan zou kunnen bieden – van luiers en lokaal composteerbaar groen, tot plastic en drinkpakken? Niet met de logistieke nachtmerrie van een overdaad aan aparte inzamelbakken, maar met robots die het aangeboden afval naar een centraler punt rijden. Of wat als robots kunnen helpen om het opruimen van vermoedelijk drugsafval efficiënter en veiliger te maken? Of wat als ze de schoonmakers van de stad ondersteunen in het schoon houden van lastige plekken als oevers en kades?

Dat zijn een paar van de ideeën die zijn geoogst tijdens de workshop ‘Robots & een leefbare stad’, op de demodag van Amsterdam Smart City, 16 september 2021. Ik deelde resultaten van ons onderzoek met het AMS Instituut en de TU Delft naar de interacties die ontstaan tussen robots en mensen op straat. Daarna hebben we gebrainstormd over hoe ‘straatrobots’ van nut kunnen zijn voor een schonere stad. Het werd een inspirerend gesprek, door een rijke mix mensen van gemeentes, provincies en onderzoeksinstituten.

Naast de vele ideeën, kwamen ook de meer kritische vragen aan bod. Kan een robot bijvoorbeeld wel omgaan met de onvoorspelbaarheid van de stad? Zouden gebieden buiten de stad dan niet beter werken? Kunnen robots bewustwording verhogen, ‘nudgen’, zonder manipulatief te zijn? Hoe kunnen we dit juist een kans maken voor kwetsbare groepen, zoals mensen met een beperking? Kunnen we niet beter eerst de behoeftes in kaart brengen, in plaats van meteen na te denken over robots?

Kortom, vele inzichten die samen een eerste aanknopingspunt kunnen vormen voor een schonere stad. De diversiteit van de groep gaf hele verschillende perspectieven op het wel of niet inzetten van robots. Een waardevolle aanvulling op waar we zelf al aan dachten. En de nadrukkelijke uitnodiging om de toegevoegde waarde voor mensen voorop te zetten.

Jered Vroon's picture #DigitalCity
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

City of Amsterdam focuses on sustainability and circularity for the seventh edition of its Startup in Residence innovation programme.

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The City of Amsterdam is on the lookout for innovators for the seventh edition of its Startup in Residence programme. This year’s programme will focus on the themes of sustainability and circularity, with the city looking for its best entrepreneurs, start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs to develop creative and innovative solutions.

Folkert Leffring's picture #CircularCity
Ilona Kemps, Programme Assistent at City of Amsterdam, posted

Startup in Residence Info Webinars

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Do you have questions about the Startup in Residence programme, your application, the process or one of the challenges? Join a webinar!

During the next couple of weeks, we will organise 3 online webinars. During these online webinars, you get the chance to ask your questions and get to know more about the Startup in Residence programme.

You can register via:
Webinar #1 14 oktober from 12:00 -13:00 https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/168076899531
Webinar #2 28 oktober 12:00- 13.00 https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/168082608607
Webinar #3 (with the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam) 2 November 12:00 - 13.00 https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/168084925537

More information

Ilona Kemps's picture Lecture / presentation from Oct 14th to Nov 9th
Ilona Kemps, Programme Assistent at City of Amsterdam, posted

Startup in Residence Amsterdam launches new challenges

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Startup in Residence Amsterdam launches a new programme on the themes of sustainability and circularity! Application deadline is November 24th 23:59 2021.

The City of Amsterdam is looking for the best entrepreneurs (start-ups, scale-ups, innovative SMEs, and social entrepreneurs) with creative and innovative solutions for the city’s sustainability and circularity issues.

Like previous years, this edition also has the "wild card challenge". If entrepreneurs have good ideas and solutions that are not described in one of the issues, they can register for the wildcard. The complete series of challenges can be found at www.startupinresidence.amsterdam

Applications will be accepted from 4 October 2021 until 24 November 2021 23:59 (CET).

About the programme
·       Government’s incubation programme
·       Entrepreneurs work together with the City on social urban challenges
·       Guidance from a professional mentor
·       Opportunity to test and validate product / service within the City
·       Get the City as launching customer

In addition, the aim of the SiR programme is for the municipality to make public tenders more accessible to smaller parties such as startups, scale-ups, and social entrepreneurs.

More information
Find more information about the programme and an overview of the challenges on www.startupinresidence.amsterdam

Ilona Kemps's picture #CircularCity
Camille Janssen, Sustainability Consultant , posted

Circular Week 2021 Partnership Event: Circularity in the Startup Nation

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How does Israel pave its way to circularity? Which actions are taken to accelerate the transition to a circular economy?

During this event, we will discuss the value of innovation and collaboration on the path towards a circular economy in Israel together with key figures in the circular economy and startup ecosystem. Next to that, we will present the first Israeli Circular aInnovation competition as a way for you to connect with industry leaders in Israel and help us accelerate the transition to circularity.

The event is a partnership event of Circular Week 2021: https://circularweek.org/.

Welcome by Avi Blau, Director of Afeka Institute of Circular Engineering & Economy (AICEE)
16:00 – 16:10: Dr. Arik Ryvkin, Director of FoodTech and Circular Economy in the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry
16:10-16:20: Ari Siegmann, head of business development. Israel Innovation Authority
16:20 – 16:30: Rachel Barr, Vice President Sustainability UBQ Materials
16:30 – 16:40: Mino Negrin, CEO NUFiltration
16:40 – 16:50: Presentation of America Israel chamber of commerce Circular Economy Forum, and the first Israeli Circular Innovation Competition. Avi Blau & Camille Janssen
16:50– 17:00: Q&A

UBQ Materials
UBQ Materials has developed a conversion technology that transforms household waste into green thermoplastic material. The patented bio-based material can substitute for oil-based plastics in the production of thousands of everyday products.

NUFiltration designs, manufactures, and distributes water and wastewater treatment systems based on its patented NUF technology. The technology enables the reuse of medical filtration devices in the field of water treatment.

The Circular Innovation Competition
As part of the AMCHAM Israel Circular Economy forum, the competition was launched that includes 24 challenges of leading companies.


Camille Janssen's picture Online event on Oct 12th
Beth Njeri, Digital Communications Manager at Metabolic, posted

Urban mining and circular construction – what, why, and how it works

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When the functional lifetime of an object is over, its highest possible value should be retained. This shortens supply chains, increases resilience, and safeguards the environment from manufacturing-related emissions.

Currently, the construction sector is optimized for a linear supply chain. This is mainly due to a lack of information on harvestable materials and their reuse value.

Learn more about urban mining and how it can help us move towards a circular economy.

Beth Njeri's picture #CircularCity
Simone Magilse, Community advisor/Building impact networks at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Amsterdam doughnut days 28 sept -1-okt

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Amsterdam must and can transit into the doughnut much faster. That is why we organize the Amsterdam Donut Days. Four days full of meetings and workshops to find out together with Kate Raworth how we can create breakthroughs. So mark September 28 to October 1, 2021 in your agenda for the Amsterdam Doughnut Days!

- Donut Design Workshop, WDCD and Tolhuistuin
28 Sept. 09.00 - 13.00
- Workshop Powers to Act, Pakhuis de Zwijger
29 Sept. 09.00 - 18.00
- ADC Community Event, Culture Club
30 Sept. 15.00 - 17.00
- The Big Donut Showcase, Pakhuis de Zwijger
30 Sept. 20.00-22.00
- Center for Economic Transformation, AUAS
1 Oct. 9.30 - 13.00

A week full of donut events at various locations in Amsterdam. Go where the energy is: save the date and keep an eye on our event page for more info.

The Amsterdam Donut Days is an initiative of the Amsterdam Donut Coalition, in collaboration with the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK), Culture Club, the Donut Economics Action Lab (DEAL), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), Pakhuis de Zwijger, Tolhuistuin , What Design Can Do (WDCD) and YesAndMore.

Note from ASC: Have a question? Let’s hear it in the comments.

Simone Magilse's picture Masterclass / workshop from Sep 28th to Oct 1st
Anne-Ro Klevant Groen, Marketing and Communications director at Fashion for Good Museum, posted

Fashion for Good Masterclass: designing with nature (Hybrid)

Hybrid event: join virtually or in person!

The Creative Directors of BOTTER and Nina Ricci, will take you into a deep dive on the relationship between nature and designing fashion.

Since forever, collections are based on the galaxy, designs based on fungus, floral application or leopard print accessoires - nature is a massive source of inspiration for the fashion industry.

Lisi Herrebrugh and Rushemy Botter take this a level up. Their BOTTER manifesto says:

“(...) We care about fashion, as the golden daughter of all arts. We care about nature, as the golden mother of all arts. Without nature, no arts, nothing. Without the sea, no human, no us. (...)”

The BOTTER Coral Nursery, an organization that actively works on reviving the coral reef, and using innovative materials, such as the ocean waste plastic materials, for their collections is part of their mission to make a change in the industry.

Nature is not only their inspiration to create fashion, but also their drive.

Join the masterclass to learn more about their thought processes for creating fashion for BOTTER and Nina Ricci, struggles they’ve come across and their ultimate dreams.

Some questions that will be answered:

What does a day in the life of Lisi and Rushemy look like?

When and how did nature start influencing their work?

What is their biggest source of inspiration?

Are there assessments to be made between nature and commerciality?

What can you, as a consumer, do to make a positive impact?

If you have any questions for Lisi and Rushemy, please make sure to submit them or ask them during the Q&A!


16.00: start event & welcome by FFG

16.05: deep dive by Lisi Herrebrugh & Rushemy Botter

16.40: Q&A

17.00: end of event

Masterclass / workshop on Aug 12th
Anne-Ro Klevant Groen, Marketing and Communications director at Fashion for Good Museum, posted


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From Wednesday July 28th, the Fashion for Good museum features a new audio tour narrated by Dutch rapper Dio. In the tour, visitors can listen to Dio explain the rise of fast fashion, why sustainable fashion is so important for people and planet, and what kinds of natural materials can be used to create the fashion of the future. The tour is in Dutch and is free to all visitors to the sustainable fashion museum on the Rokin in Amsterdam.

The Fashion for Good Museum audio tour is made possible with the support of the Kickstart Cultuurfonds.

Anonymous posted

Ready to meet the winners of the No Wast Challenge and their ground-breaking ideas?

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Ready to meet the winners of the WDCD No Waste Challenge? Earlier this evening, a total of 16 ground-breaking ideas were selected for the top prize, representing a wide range of strategies for reducing waste and its impact on the planet. Each winning team will now gain access to €10.000 in funding and an extensive development programme designed to launch their ideas into action.

“The quality and range of entries we’ve seen in this Challenge is remarkable,” comments Richard van der Laken, co-founder and creative director of What Design Can Do. “In a turbulent year, it’s particularly inspiring to see that the creative community is willing and able to break away from decades of linear thinking and bad design. I’m hopeful that others in the industry will follow their lead.”

Revolutionizing the the taking and making
The winners were determined by an international jury who reviewed every project from a list of 85 high-potential nominees.  Among the ideas to take home the top prize are solutions that focus on the production process – aiming to revolutionise the taking and making of all the things we use and eat. Sustrato (Mexico), for example, combines traditional craft, contemporary design and waste from the pineapple industry to develop a range of sustainable bioplastics. Modern Synthesis (UK) makes use of a similar waste stream, this time from apple farms, to feed microbes that grow fully circular fibers for the fashion industry.

Adressing the underlying problem of consumerism
Meanwhile, other winners are unified by their desire to uproot entire value systems. These projects are looking to prevent waste by addressing the underlying problem of consumerism. Reparar.org (Argentina) for example, is a service which connects individuals to local cobblers and repair shops, working to promote a culture of care and the right-to-repair. Similarly, Project R (Japan), is a community centre that empowers citizens to learn about circular techniques and lifestyles. Together, these winners suggest inventive ways for us to reconcile what we want with what the planet needs. In doing so, they also help to redefine design as a tool that can be restorative and regenerative, instead of merely productive or destructive. Congratulations to all!


What Design Can Do and IKEA Foundation launched the No Waste Challenge in January 2021, calling for bold solutions to address the enormous impact of waste on climate change. The competition was open to innovators everywhere, and offered three design briefs tackling different aspects of our take-make-waste economy. In April, the open call ended with an exceptional 1409 submissions from creatives in more than 100 countries. As part of the No Waste Challenge award package, sixteen winners will now enter a development programme co-created by Impact Hub, which will propel their projects through 2022.

Learn more about the No Waste Challenge at: nowaste.whatdesigncando.com

AMS Institute, Re-inventing the city (urban innovation) at AMS Institute, posted

Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab in full swing

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During the pandemic, it might have felt as if the world temporarily stood still. However, while most of us worked at home, the Living Lab projects at Marineterrein Amsterdam were still running.

Although dealing with traveling restrictions, social distancing, and the accompanying delays - it was still possible to run the experiments - all within guidelines - and some of the projects developed at a rapid speed. Despite all these restrictions, Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (MALL) was in full swing.

Read on for updates on:

• The autonomous and modular vehicle Roboat
• Roboat meets The garbage module
• Space For Food: from waste water to cultivating purple bacteria
• Respyre lets moss grow on concrete
• The Responsible Sensing Lab
• Side walk robot Husky

AMS Institute's picture #CircularCity
Isabelle van der Poel, projectmedewerker communicatie at De Gezonde Stad, posted

Van Afval naar Oogst

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We gooien in Amsterdam nog steeds ons gft-afval bij het huishoudelijke afval. Zonde vinden wij! Van dit gft-afval kan namelijk goede compost gemaakt worden. Daarom zijn we in mei 2020 samen met Stichting Onschatbare Waarde van start gegaan met het project Van Afval naar Oogst.

De centrale locatie van het project is in de buurttuin van I Can Change The World With My Two Hands, een initiatief van Onschatbare Waarde, in Amsterdam West. Onze gezamenlijke ambitie was 100 Amsterdammers te betrekken bij afvalscheiding en hergebruik. Meer dan 100 mensen hebben zich aangemeld en leveren nu wekelijks hun gf-afval in bij de buurttuin waar waardevolle compost van wordt gemaakt.

De Gezonde Stad werkt aan een groene, circulaire en inclusieve stad, niet door er lang over te praten, maar door te doen, samen met een community van bewoners, bedrijven, overheden en andere organisaties. We planten bomen, leggen buurtparken en moestuinen aan, we organiseren events om lokaal voedsel op de kaart te zetten, we zijn trekker van het platform Van Amsterdamse Bodem en we sluiten kringlopen, zodat afval weer tot iets waardevols kan worden omgezet.

Volg ons op social media of check degezondestad.org om op de hoogte te blijven.

Isabelle van der Poel's picture #CircularCity
Henrike Slob, Marketing Communications Lead at Impact Hub Amsterdam, posted

Alternatieven voor Single Use Plastic en Plastic Verpakkingen

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Plastic verpakkingen, welke alternatieven en innovatieve oplossingen zijn er?

Om het toepassen van nieuwe innovatieve en duurzame oplossingen te bevorderen koppelen ABN AmroImpact Hub Amsterdam en TNW innovaties aan bedrijven tijdens het Impact Nation programma. Op 26 augustus doen we dit live bij CIRCL met verschillende experts op het gebied van plastic en verpakking. Tijdens het evenement behandelen we drie strategieën om met het plastic probleem om te gaan en bijbehorende innovaties:

1. Minder plastic: zoals ontwerpstrategieën die minder plastic materiaal vereisen
2. Beter plastic: ontworpen voor hergebruik inclusief retourlogistiek
3. Geen plastic: biobased of andere alternatieve materialen, verpakking weglaten.

15:00 Welkomstwoord en introductie door Impact Nation
15:05 ABN Sector Banker David Kemps: B2B plastic
15:10 ABN Sector Banker Retail Henk Hofstede: B2C plastic
15:15 Expert presentatie: Minder plastic
15:30 Expert presentatie: Beter plastic.
15:45 Expert presentatie: Geen plastic.
16:00 Einde virtueel event.
16:00 Q&A met sprekers en publiek bij CIRCL.
16:30 borrel bij CIRCL

Minder plastic: Tim Brekers, Vytal
Beter plastic: Liz Madaras, PoliLoop
Geen plastic: Jan Berbee, Grown Bio

Voor wie:

  • MKB
  • Startups
  • Experts uit de plastic industrie.

Waarom meedoen?
Er zijn 8,5 miljard stuks plastics in de wereld, dat is 1000 kilo per inwoner. En er overlijden 1 miljoen mensen per jaar door gevolgen van plastic. Voor de toekomst is het nodig dat we met elkaar blijven werken aan slim ontwerp, hergebruik, retoursystemen en hoogwaardige recycling.

Dit evenement vindt zowel online als offline plaats. Wilt u het event virtueel bijwonen? Kies dan voor het ticket Online bijwonen in de check-out. Daarnaast zijn er 50 regular tickets (Live bij CIRCL) beschikbaar om het event bij te wonen op locatie bij CIRCL, in Amsterdam.

Dit evenement is een samenwerking tussen Impact Hub en CIRCL.

Note van ASC: Wil je net iets meer weten? Laat het weten in de comments.

Henrike Slob's picture Online event on Aug 26th