
Anonymous posted

EC-Link Platform

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You would like to connect with Urban Environmental Sustainability practitioners and researchers in China and exchange your approaches to green transport, clean energy, compact urban development, water and solid waste management, green buildings and municipal finance? Then sign up to the EC-Link platform! The platform links Eco Cities across Europe and China, offering inspiring examples from both sides of Eurasia and enabling direct contacts to the innovators. With the help of an integrated translation tool, posts can be translated into Chinese and English with just one click. Use of the platform is free of charge:

A description of how the platform works can be downloaded here:'%20Guide-EN.pdf

EC Link

Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted


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Innovating Crowd Management Practice

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Mobility
Laury Zwart, Project Manager and Communication , posted

Parksharing: for local collaboration and sharing between businesses

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The importance of working together locally, sharing together, and matching supply and demand between companies is increasing. More than ever, we see local entrepreneurs helping each other and purchasing products or services from one another. Working together from the catering industry to healthcare pays off. Parksharing enables entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations to take concrete steps towards local cooperation and sustainable entrepreneurship.

Connecting, collaborating and sustainability
We connect companies and organizations at local level through Parksharing. The platform shows which companies and organizations are in the municipality and what they can do for each other. Companies can then offer and purchase their products and services among themselves. After all, why find a distant friend when you have a good neighbor?

In addition, companies can match and share the supply and demand of company resources, materials, residual flows, services, personnel and facilities. For some companies, there is a great demand for materials, resources or extra manpower, while for other organizations equipment is idle or staff are temporarily available.

Think very concretely about: forklift trucks, storage space, parking spaces, partial mobility, residual flows and materials, transport capacity, meeting rooms, surplus stock, knowledge, sustainable projects or business cases, workplaces, technical staff and warehouse employees, for example.


The importance of working together locally, sharing together, and matching supply and demand between companies is increasing. More than ever, we see local entrepreneurs helping each other and purchasing products or services from one another. Working together from the catering industry to healthcare pays off. Park sharing enables entrepreneurs, companies and organizations to take concrete steps towards local cooperation and sustainable entrepreneurship.


We connect companies and organizations at local level through Parksharing. The platform shows which companies and organizations are in the municipality and what they can do for each other. Companies can then offer and purchase their products and services among themselves. After all, why find a distant friend when you have a good neighbor?

In addition, companies can match and share the supply and demand of company resources, materials, residual flows, services, personnel and facilities. For some companies, there is a great demand for materials, resources or extra manpower, while for other organizations equipment is idle or staff are temporarily available.

Think very concretely about: forklift trucks, storage space, parking spaces, partial mobility, residual flows and materials, transport capacity, meeting rooms, surplus stock, knowledge, sustainable projects or business cases, workplaces, technical staff and warehouse employees, for example.


To accelerate this new and circular development from ownership to use, we have developed a ParkSharingScan. This allows companies to calculate in advance what they can potentially earn and save by sharing assets, materials, services and facilities, both in euros and in energy and CO2.

The first results of the SharingScan are already promising: 10.3 million euros potential savings in costs, 7.5 million CO2 savings and more than 11.5 million KwH in energy savings.

Laury Zwart's picture #CircularCity
Hugo Niezen, International Growth Lead at DutchBasecamp, posted

Globaliser Sustainable Solutions

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As today's world presents us with a growing amount of global sustainability challenges, there is no going around the importance of building more sustainable solutions for the future. We are helping 8 sustainable solutions entrepreneurs with their internationalisation strategy and to help them achieve a global impact.
The Globaliser is a ten week programme for the international growth of Sustainable Solutions scale-ups.
You will build a solid internationalisation strategy with the use of DutchBasecamp’s tools, network and unique approach. The objective is to create a foundation, so you can channel your precious resources into unfamiliar territories with conviction.

What to expect?
Four sprints containing each a plenary session, specific homework and individual coaching by a seasoned entrepreneur.

After finishing you will have:
A validated international target market
A GTM strategy for that market
A solid international roadmap which will give you practical guidance on the next steps to take

Hugo Niezen's picture #Energy
Nathalie van Loon, Project lead , posted

Urbact Civic eState and the Amsterdam Whole Commons Catalog

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In the Urbact Civic eState project Amsterdam works together with several European cities to locally adopt progressive policies on the urban commons. As a first step the Amsterdam Foundation Onschatbare Waarde ('invaluable value’), together with Amsterdam commons initiatives, made the beautiful catalog Heel de Stad, Heel de Aarde (the whole city, the whole earth) during the past 6 months. A guide with all kinds of tips and tools, ideas and projects, people and books for everyone who is or wants to work collectively.

Heel de Stad, Heel de Aarde is inspired by the Whole Earth Catalog. Like in the original Whole Earth Catalog, experts and doers share reviews of all kinds of books and practices. The Catalog - in short - shows the positive and practical ways in which we can shape the future and shows that we not only have to look at the government or the market, but also start ourselves: in commons!

The Catalog is available online in Dutch via - and you can also request one hard copy (with poster). And via you will find an interview with Natascha, the editor in chief, and a short introduction video about the commons in Amsterdam.

<> and <>


Heel de aarde, heel de stad

Whole Commons Catalog

Gemeente Amsterdam Vimeo](

Nathalie van Loon's picture #Citizens&Living
Sander van Lingen, Innovation Manager at Dell Technologies, posted

Blue Force Tracking

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Testing medical certified body sensors to detect unexpected behaviour, triggering an alert, which allows the command & control room to act and better support their fellow officers in the field.


Blue Force Tracking - Nalta Experience #1

How to improve the protection and safety of the Dutch Blue Force using smart Technology?
Nalta built a new innovative Internet of Things solution solving just that. In partnership with the Netherlands Police, the municipality of Amsterdam, Johan Cruijff Arena, Dell Technologies and Dell Boomi we cre

Nalta YouTube](

Sander van Lingen's picture #DigitalCity
Sagar Bavarva, Founder & Chief Researcher , posted

Schijnerg Group

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Creating the next-generation renewable energy digital platform, focusing on machine learning-based consulting and sustainable community. Additionally, it provides engineering consultancy which is 100% digital through machine learning optimization. Furthermore, it also transforms the data to solve unique to our client need and it embarks a lifelong companion for clients to grow from installation to decommissioning.

Sagar Bavarva's picture #CircularCity
Sagar Bavarva, Founder & Chief Researcher , posted

Bees Digital Farm

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Ever since the 20th century most of the countries across the globe are still using the traditional way of farming and it’s still going on for the demand and supply of people. As we all know that by the year 2050, the 80 % estimation of the world population will have been living in urban areas which can lead the total population of the world to increase by 3 billion people. With this large amount of increase in population, scientists and researchers are quite worried about the farmland which will be required to generate such a huge demand for food supply to fulfill the necessity to survive. Noticing this fact in mind as what would be the future source of alternative solutions to solve such a type of problem a concept was proposed named “In-House Farming”.

Sagar Bavarva's picture #CircularCity
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab

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Like cities worldwide, Marineterrein Amsterdam faces major challenges. For example in mobility, circularity, and (ethical) digization. To come up with innovative solutions, there is a need for physical location, knowledge and collaboration. Marinetterein Amsterdam Living Lab (MALL) is a place where this happens.

The Marineterrein uses the terrain as experimental environment for its own development. The partners work together to stimulate collaboration between companies, scientists, students and government agencies. This creates (scalable) experiments that are tested on the grounds, and ultimately applied in urban environments.

MALL is a place to research, experiment and test in a real-life setting. To achieve this MALL partners bring together their expertise, network, and communities in the field of research, innovation, urban development and experimentation at this unique location in Amsterdam.

Everyone is welcome to test at the Marineterrein. Given the special location, high demands are made on parties who come to develop and test on the Marineterrein. In addition to thematic alignment with the themes of the parties, careful consideration is given to whether the applications are innovative, whether they ensure connection between people and knowledge and to opt for a clear focus within a relevant issue.

Current Experiments
CINDERELA | CINDERELA is a demonstration plant that transforms urine into nutrient-rich fertilizer. The plant consists of a refurbished shipping container – containing a laboratory and two urine-diverting toilets – and an adjacent greenhouse which also serves as a meeting space.
Roboat | autonomous floating vessels that create a more dynamic urban infrastructure, and provide new ways of transporting people and goods.
Space for Food | the European Space Agency (ESA) explores the potential and scalability of applying space technology for applications in urban contexts.
Smart Roof 2.0 | an innovative, lightweight, blue-green roof equipped with a Permavoid drainage layer that stores rainwater and provides plants with water during dry spells.
Curious to see what else is being tested? Click here for a full list!

Open Calls
Amsterdam Drone Lab | drone flight testing facility at the heart of the Amsterdam city centre.

Want to start testing in the heart of Amsterdam?
MALL provides a publicly accessible but privately governed site in the heart of Amsterdam. This ensures you to test and implement solutions in the public space under credible circumstances with less restrictions. From quay walls, to buildings and roofs. The infrastructure of the site has been set up in such a way that experiments can be easily set up.
Submit your experiment!

MALL is a collaboration between Marineterrein Amsterdam and Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, with partners Amsterdam Smart City and NEMO Science Museum.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Citizens&Living
Jacqueline Bij de Vaate, Marketing Manager Eurofiber NL at Eurofiber, posted


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The 5G-Blueprint project is an international consortium of 28 parties. Together, these partners will be researching how real-time data exchange to and from vehicles, between terminals and vehicles, and between vehicles and distribution centers can contribute to increased efficiency in the supply chain, and help to resolve driver shortages by providing remote control of and support for vehicles and vessels. These developments are expected to improve accessibility of a key logistical corridor between the Netherlands and Belgium (Vlissingen – Ghent – Antwerp), as well as creating more jobs and strengthening the competitive position of the region. New 5G telecommunication technologies can be deployed as a useful resource in this area.


Jacqueline Bij de Vaate's picture #DigitalCity
Teska Drosten, Communicator at Waag, posted

Hollandse Luchten

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Via diverse pilots, burgermetingen en evenementen brengen we de leefomgeving van Noord-Holland in kaart en zetten we deze gezamenlijk om in actie. Door data samen te verzamelen, zullen we ook samen op zoek gaan naar oplossingen. Deze aanpak noemen we citizen sensing. Hollandse Luchten maakt gebruik van experimentele technologie en onderzoekt de waarde van nieuwe sensortechnologie voor inwoners van Noord-Holland.

Via diverse pilots, burgermetingen en evenementen brengen we de leefomgeving van Noord-Holland in kaart en zetten we deze gezamenlijk om in actie. Door data samen te verzamelen, zullen we ook samen op zoek gaan naar oplossingen. Deze aanpak noemen we citizen sensing. Hollandse Luchten maakt gebruik van experimentele technologie en onderzoekt de waarde van nieuwe sensortechnologie voor inwoners van Noord-Holland.

De belangrijke doelstelling van de pilot opzet van Hollandse Luchten is het betrekken van burgers rondom data verzameling om zo op basis van nieuwe inzichten een leefbare en duurzame samenleving mogelijk te maken. Door open innovatiemethoden in te zetten in combinatie met het gebruik van betaalbare open hardware en nieuwe digitale mogelijkheden, worden burgers betrokken en ontwikkelen ze handelingsperspectief in het aanpakken van belangrijke maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Hollandse Luchten maakt hierbij gebruik van experimentele technologie en onderzoekt de waarde van nieuwe sensortechnologie voor inwoners van Noord-Holland.

In dit project onderzoeken we in opdracht van Provincie Noord-Holland hoe door middel van open source en betaalbare meetsensoren, burgers meer inzicht kunnen krijgen op de luchtkwaliteit in gebieden waar de leefkwaliteit onder druk staat. Hier werken meerdere partners aan mee o.a.: RIVM, Omgevingsdienst IJmond, Omgevingsdienst Noordzeekanaal, TATA Steel, Smart City Haarlem, Gemeente Zaanstad, Gemeente Haarlem, Buiksloterham Circulair, Brak! IJmuiden en Waag.

Citizen Sensing
Citizen sensing is een nieuwe manier om de leefomgeving in kaart te brengen. Een belangrijk onderdeel van deze leefomgeving is de luchtkwaliteit. Traditioneel gezien wordt luchtkwaliteit gemeten door officiële meetstations van partijen zoals het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) en de GGD. Deze meetstations geven nauwkeurige maar plaatsgebonden data. Luchtkwaliteit kan echter sterk verschillen per locatie en tijdstip. Omdat er relatief weinig meetstations zijn wordt de luchtkwaliteit op veel locaties of geschat via berekeningen en voorspellingen of niet gemeten waar dat wel belangrijk is. Hoe is de luchtkwaliteit van een basisschool of voetbalclub naast een drukke verkeersweg, bijvoorbeeld, of voor mensen die in de buurt van een fabriek wonen?

Citizen sensing probeert dit gat op te vullen met burgermetingen van luchtkwaliteit. Met goedkope en toegankelijke open-source sensoren kan de luchtkwaliteit door heel het land in kaart gebracht worden. Op deze manier kan citizen sensing lokale problematiek aankaarten en biedt het data om verandering teweeg te brengen. Met data kan bijvoorbeeld een nieuw gesprek op gang gebracht worden dat gebaseerd is op een beter inzicht van de situatie. Ook kunnen oplossingen beter worden afgestemd op de werkelijke lokale situatie. Het RIVM onderzoekt dit van hun platform Samen Meten aan Luchtkwaliteit. In de volgende video leggen ze uit waarom dit belangrijk is.

Waag en Citizen Sensing
Voor Waag is Hollandse Luchten een belangrijk project binnen haar onderzoek naar burgergedreven dataverzameling over de kwaliteit van leefomgeving. Waag deed hier eerder in Europees verband onderzoek naar onder de noemer Making Sense. In samenwerking met o.a. Barcelona, Pristina (Kosovo) en Amsterdam werd in negen pilots gekeken naar dit soort onderzoek. Over dit project verscheen de documentaire: Citizen Science Revolution.

Teska Drosten's picture #Citizens&Living
Jacqueline Chang, AMC®, Circular Economy Consultant , posted

Developing Pilot Project in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Looking for the experts behind Circle Scan, Amsterdam on mappin material flows in the city. Applying the “Circle Scan” methodology meant identifying the top contributing sectors in terms of environmental and economic impact and mapping the material flows of such sectors in the city. That is, organizing the information about the inputs used (energy, water, etc) and the outputs generated (types of waste, where they end up, etc). These mapping exercise allows for a clear understanding of where resources come from and where waste goes to, which actors in specific sectors are key and whether there are empty spaces that can be utilized differently, providing solutions to create closed loops

Email me at <> or <>

Jacqueline Chang, AMC®'s picture #CircularCity
Roel van de Weijer, Cashew Officer , posted

Johnny Cashew

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Be a superhero! Our cashew travel 12.500 km less than the cashew you will find in your local supermarket and they are better for the farmer, the environment and you.

Did you know that 90% of all cashew nuts travel 27.000 km before they end up at a store near you (3/4 the glove)? Did you know that Africa is the world largest producer, but that 90% of the nuts are being processed in Vietnam & India under harsh conditions, only to be shipped all the way back to the Netherlands?

Neither did we...

But as soon as we realized this, we started this project: Johnny Cashew. We decided to ship cashew straight from Tanzania, while making sure the farmer and the local processor got a fair price. Also, we found a home for the broken cashew nuts that are normally cast aside: we started workshops in Amsterdam to turn them into bars, pasta and maybe also a dressing on your next ice cream :).
Part of our profits will go to planting new cashew trees in Tanzania: good for the farmer, the environment and your karma.

In other words: our nuts taste good, look good and do good!

More info at

Roel van de Weijer's picture #CircularCity
Jonathan Bloch, Consultancy Intern at TheRockGroup, posted


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Jonathan Bloch's picture #CircularCity
Jonathan Bloch, Consultancy Intern at TheRockGroup, posted

Circular Economy Course - UvA

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PPLE at the University of Amsterdam is an intense interdisciplinary program for bright bachelor’s students. Within this faculty, international (including Dutch) students are brought together and posed with challenging courses designed to help them think critically about society and the world around them. These dedicated driven students typically have strong backgrounds in social sciences, however, lack education in the area of sustainability. TheRockGroup sees it as its mission to fill this gap by presenting practical societal perspectives on our current sustainability challenges.

The courses invited guest speakers from relevant societal actors (businesses, government and/or NGO’s) to provide real-life examples to students. This brought the studied theory and our class debates to a higher level. Not only did it show the relevance of what we studied, it also portrayed the complexity of current challenges in a world without perfection information.

Jonathan Bloch's picture #CircularCity
Jonathan Bloch, Consultancy Intern at TheRockGroup, posted


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Founded in 2014, enerGQmobility develops and markets low cost self-learning energy management systems to the full range of organizations from households to multinationals in all sectors of the market. Our aim is to contribute to “stop the global warming” within 5 years by licensing the technology to partners. It uses the low cost and energy saving technology to assess the performance and provide improvements in the areas of aviation, maritime, rail, and road transport.

The self-learning energy management systems of enerGQmobility make use of AI-techniques and visualize excess energy so that it can be reduced easily.

Jonathan Bloch's picture #Mobility
Olina Terzi, Digital Transformation Designer at Digital Society School, posted

Digital Society School

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Digital Society School is an energetic training ground where creative solutions are being developed, tested and prototyped to address business and societal challenges. We root our design, tech and social innovation in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This unique combination offers insights and new perspectives to add innovation power to organisations. We work together with governments, businesses and citizens to help them adapt and become future-proof for the digital world.

Join forces with us now to work on the Sustainable Development Goals and explore how these can help open up market opportunities for your business. Embark on innovative projects together where we use digital technology to find effective results for the most pressing social and business challenges. Join forces with our creative and curious minds to work on challenges that your organisation faces. Develop competencies that are essential for now and the future. Learn the tools, mindset and methods that can be implemented back into your own organisation to lead the digital transformation of your business and of society. Customize or join our existing courses where we share knowledge, tools and methods to empower (your) people on their lifelong development journey. Whatever your choice is, it is bound to be a worthwhile investment towards building our digital future.

Olina Terzi's picture #DigitalCity
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Outdoor Office Day

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In het Nieuwe Werken staan gezondheid en vitaliteit centraal. Voor iedereen is bewegen en werken in het stedelijke groen een ‘must’. Wist je dat wetenschappelijke onderzoeken hebben aangetoond dat een groene omgeving bij mensen creativiteit stimuleert, de concentratie verbetert en een rustgevend effect heeft? Buiten bewegen is noodzakelijk voor je gezondheid. Het sluit perfect aan bij de breed gevoelde noodzaak om het werkgeluk en het welzijn van medewerkers te verbeteren.

Staat het idee van een #OutdoorOfficeDay je wel aan?

Verlang je ook naar een werkoverleg buiten in het stedelijk groen, in de omgeving van je kantoor? Wil je bij voorkeur je plannen wandelend bespreken met een collega? Of gewoon ergens in een park in de buurt een werklunch organiseren? Of het liefst dat belangrijke telefoongesprek buiten voeren?

Initiatiefnemer Nature Desks wil ook andere mensen, organisaties en bedrijven in Nederland uitnodigen om ook dit jaar op 23 juni hun ‘werkplek’ letterlijk buiten in het stedelijk groen te plaatsen.

Ook jij kunt aan de slag met deze landelijke Outdoor Office Day! Ga naar buiten. Maak je collega’s enthousiast en verzin een gaaf idee voor de #outdoorofficeday!

Ioana Biris's picture #Citizens&Living
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Urban Nature Amsterdam

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#UrbanNatureAmsterdam, de eerste papieren groene en blauwe kaart van de stad.

Amsterdam is veel meer dan een verzameling straten, gebouwen, cultuur en economische activiteit. Het doel van deze stadskaart is om te laten zien dat we leven temidden van parken, (binnen)tuinen, plantsoenen, natuurspeeltuinen, groene daken, meren, grachten, rivieren, polders en bossen. Een uniek groen en blauw stadslandschap dat we ongemerkt delen met meer dan 10.000 soorten flora en fauna.

Ioana Biris's picture #Citizens&Living
Marten de Vries, Project Manager , posted

Circulaire Houtketens

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Om te kijken hoe hout opnieuw en duurzaam gebruikt kan worden, zijn de provincie en Dr2 New Economy gestart met een aantal pilots waarin lokaal en gebruikt hout wordt toegepast in de bouw. Zo zijn 1.200 balken uit de busremise in Zaandam gesloopt en hergebruikt voor een nieuwe toepassing in de bouw.

Via een tweede pilot wordt gekeken hoe resthout als snoei-, tak-, top- en stamhout uit plantsoenen en parken van de stad, in de bouw hergebruikt kan worden. Bijvoorbeeld in de vorm van balken, planken of plaatmateriaal. Hout is een bekend en prachtig bouwmateriaal. Bij productie en verwerking is de CO2-uitstoot veel lager dan die van staal of beton. In het hout is juist veel CO2 vastgelegd, waarmee de woningen zorgen voor langdurige CO2 opslag.

Marten de Vries's picture #CircularCity