
Marije Poel, Programma manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Logistic hub for smart and sustainable supply / Simply Mile

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The Logistic Hub supplies the city in a smart and sustainable manner, gets rid of inefficient courier routes and replaces smelly delivery trucks with clean electric vehicles.

Watch the movie

Watch the movie about the logistic hub for smart and sustainable supply on youtube:

Slim en duurzaam bevoorraden UvA-HvA

SimplyMile stadsdistributie

Smart Stories

Check the article about the Logistics Hub/Simply Mile featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Marije Poel's picture #Mobility
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

India's newly planned smart cities are not that smart after all

Facing a tremendous population growth next years, India plans building 100 new smart cities. The government has chosen for uniformity in order to shorten construction time. Here many social scientists and architects have objections: India needs a specific type of urganisation that respond specifically to existent culture and local networks.

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Citizens&Living
Andrew Green, Creative Director , posted

Listen To This New Podcast Series on Circular Economy

I just created my first podcast. It's a 30-minute chat with Rieta Aliredjo on how she teaches school kids about the Circular Economy. The exercises she uses are valuable to any business that creates or uses physical products.

Please give it a listen by hitting the link below. I'd love to hear your honest feedback so please either review the show on the iTunes link or leave a comment on this post.
Thank you!
#CircularEconomy #Sustainability #Education #Amsterdam

Andrew Green's picture #CircularCity
Carry Schomper, Sr. Communications Advisor , posted

Towards a city without gas - Debate Pakhuis de Zwijger

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The way we use energy to heat and cook our homes is changing on a large scale. The phase out of gas is about more than money and technology. It affects people in their home situation and is therefore a matter of feeling and acceptance. What do residents actually know about the heat transition and the impact that it will have on their home? And what do they think about it? In what way can we take that into account when phasing out gas from Amsterdam.

In the 39th episode of ‘The Circular City’ Nuon and Pakhuis de Zwijger are going to Amsterdam's neighborhoods: how do residents move on to a city without natural gas?
We let residents speak. How do they think about the climate, energy, heat transitions and the phase out of gas? What do they know about it? Does the subject interest them? Are they active in being sustainable themselves?
The answers and experiences of the residents will form the base for some edgy statements we will be discussing in Pakhuis de Zwijger on 5 July. Please join us!

Carry Schomper's picture Event on Jul 5th
Carry Schomper, Sr. Communications Advisor , posted

Towards a city without gas - Debate Pakhuis de Zwijger

The way we use energy to heat and cook our homes is changing on a large scale. The phase out of gas is about more than money and technology. It affects people in their home situation and is therefore a matter of feeling and acceptance. What do residents actually know about the heat transition and the impact that it will have on their home? And what do they think about it? In what way can we take that into account when phasing out gas from Amsterdam.

In the 39th episode of ‘The Circular City’ Nuon and Pakhuis de Zwijger are going to Amsterdam's neighborhoods: how do residents move on to a city without natural gas?
We let residents speak. How do they think about the climate, energy, heat transitions and the phase out of gas? What do they know about it? Does the subject interest them? Are they active in being sustainable themselves?
The answers and experiences of the residents will form the base for some edgy statements we will be discussing in Pakhuis de Zwijger on 5 July. Please join us! The program will start at 19:30

Carry Schomper's picture #Energy
Yanti Slaats, posted

Playful data-driven Active Urban Living (PAUL)

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In this project we want to understand in more detail how physical activity of city dwellers can be increased by using personalized app technology.

Project subsidised by:

  • Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA RAAK-mkb
  • NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)
  • FAPESP (Sao Paolo research Foundation)

Video PAUL Project HvA

HvA Bewegen in de stad

Smart Stories

Check the article about PAUL featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Counter Content, posted

E-bike als oplossing voor onderhoud A10 West

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Vanaf 24 juli starten de werkzaamheden aan de A10 West, wat automobilisten hinder op gaat leveren. De FietsCoalitie, een samenwerking van verschillende bedrijven en overheden, heeft hier een oplossing voor bedacht. Met hun ‘A10 West dicht? Ga toch fietsen!’ zomeractie kunnen automobilisten een e-bike winnen voor de duur van de werkzaamheden aan de A10 West om zo de afstand tussen huis en het werk op een andere wijze, comfortabel af te leggen. Op deze manier wil De FietsCoalitie ook het fietsgebruik in de regio Zaanstad en Amsterdam stimuleren.

Maak kans op een e-bike voor zes weken!

De werkzaamheden door Rijkswaterstaat aan de A10 West bij Amsterdam beslaan een periode van zes weken. De eerste drie weken is de Noord-Zuid richting afgesloten en de overige drie weken de richting van Zuid naar Noord. Het verkeer zal omgeleid worden met alle hinder van dien. Om automobilisten een goed alternatief te bieden heeft De FietsCoalitie de campagne ‘A10 West dicht? Ga toch fietsen!’ opgezet.

In samenwerking met deelfiets bedrijf Urbee verloten zij 60 e-bikes voor de zes weken waarin de werkzaamheden plaatsvinden (10 fietsen per week). Daarnaast maken 10 personen kans op een Stromer, een high speed pedelec, die wordt geleverd door QicQ. De periode van de werkzaamheden valt voor de automobilisten precies in de zomervakantie, waardoor zij de gelegenheid krijgen om de e-bike ook in de vakantie te proberen.

Deelnemers kunnen zich aanmelden voor deze e-bike zomeractie op:


E-bike als alternatief voor de auto

Niet alleen wordt fietsen met een e-bike een stuk comfortabeler, ook zijn langere afstanden relatief snel (20 t/m 40 kilometer per uur) en gemakkelijker af te leggen. Daarnaast is de e-bike efficiënter dan een auto in de stad. De e-bike biedt een prima alternatief voor de auto bij woon-werk afstanden van wel 20 tot 40 kilometer. Daarnaast is de e-bike beter voor het milieu, de gezondheid en levert het een bijdrage aan het reduceren van files. De regio heeft een zeer goed fietsnetwerk wat fietsen hier nog aangenamer maakt.

“Naast dat wij automobilisten met deze actie een comfortabel alternatief bieden, is dit natuurlijk een uitgelezen kans om het fietsgebruik te stimuleren. Het verloten van een e-bike in plaats van een gewone fiets zal hierbij helpen. Het is immers prettiger fietsen met het gevoel de wind in de rug te hebben, dan er tegenin te moeten trappen. Je legt daardoor sneller en gemakkelijker grotere afstanden af, ook dus van en naar je werk.” aldus Helma Schenkeveld, partner in de FietsCoalitie.

Over De Fietscoalitie

De FietsCoalitie is een samenwerkingsverband tussen een aantal private partijen, de gemeenten Amsterdam en Zaanstad en diverse ondernemersverenigingen. De FietsCoalitie heeft als doel om vertraging tussen woon-werkritten te verminderen, bereikbaarheid van de regio te verbeteren en de lucht schoon te houden. Dit doen zij door, in samenwerking met lokale partijen en overheden, campagnes op te zetten die het fietsgebruik stimuleren.

Deze acties hebben met name betrekking op mensen die dagelijks voor het werk in of door het gebied Westpoort, Sloterdijk, Amsterdam-Noord en Zaanstad reizen. De FietsCoalitie wordt ondersteund door het programma Beter Benutten Metropoolregio Amsterdam. Binnen dit programma nemen het bedrijfsleven, het Rijk en regionale en lokale overheden tot 2018 ruim 30 maatregelen om de reistijd op de drukste knelpunten in de spits met 10 procent te verbeteren. Kijk voor meer informatie op: www.fietscoalitiesmartcity.nl.

Tessa de Boer, European advisor , posted

Municipality Zaanstad is looking for partners for EU project: empowerment of the citizens. Who will join?

Project summary: Europe’s energy market is undergoing a fundamental transition from a system based on fossil fuels and nuclear power towards one based entirely on renewable energy. It is also transforming from a centralized market dominated by large utilities to a decentralized market with millions of active energy citizens or “prosumers”. Without energy citizens, the energy transition is not possible.

Nonetheless, energy is something we take all for granted. It is available, it is cheap and it is reliable. We grew up with it. However, times are changing. In 2016, many countries signed the Paris Climate Agreement. The effects of this Agreement seems to be far away, but you can read them already in different EU and national government policies.

The Agreement is about 3 key components: local, clean and affordable energy. These three have a huge impact on the citizens. All consumers across the EU will be entitled to generate electricity for their own consumption, store it, share it, and consume it or to sell to the market. These changes will make it easier for households and business cases to become more involved in the energy system, to better control their energy consumption and respond to price signals.
However, energy citizens still face significant legal obstacles throughout the European Union including explicit legal restrictions, disproportionate administrative and planning procedures and punitive tariffs. With the right EU legal framework, energy citizens could flourish and deliver a significant share of Europe’s renewable energy and provide important flexibility to the energy system through demand response. An important side effect of this energy awareness is often stated: saving energy.

But why wait for new regulations? If the right size and scale of cooperation can be achieved, a direct access to the energy market can easily be obtained. At least: it is our presumption.

In the existing MRA-project CITYZEN the outline of the new energy market is already there. However, acceptance is low; energy is a low-interest product, within this project we want to bring this to a higher level.

In the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA) we choose a business-oriented approach to exchange energy directly for and by the society. It offers (to all those involved) a low-threshold / easy access to the energy market. What is the plan? We set up a local Energy market place where selling and buying of green energy takes place. It looks like an aggregator, owned by residents, local companies.
This (local) energy is not only affordable, but also makes a local product of clean energy: Our energy. This approach gives directly meaning to the 3 components of local, clean and affordable energy.
But size, scale,in-depth knowledge, time and money often lacks with ’energy-cooperatives’ .
How to empower these citizens, so that they actually be able to participate in this energy system? How do we make this energy system attractive, affordable, legal and digitally possible? And do we involve and engage citizens in this energy transition.

The challenge lays in integrating governance, financial, technical and community approaches. This project takes actions to increase energy awareness and improve the sustainable behavior of European citizens

With this local Energy Platform, we test and demonstrate how consumers can control their own energy system and how to make them part of the system. We want to empower our citizens and develop a New energy deal.
This project focusses on 4 workpackages to develop and test solutions for; legal and organizational, financial (Business case), technical (ICT) and community (communication tools and networks) parts of this new local energy deal.

Contactinformation: tessa.deboer@vindsubsidies.nl

Tessa de Boer's picture News
Egbert van Keulen, Community Manager at Smart City Hub, posted

Visual guide for smart city leaders on smart city privacy

The Future of Privacy Forum has released a new tool for municipal and technology leaders: a visual guide “Shedding Light on Smart City Privacy.” This tool will help citizens, companies, and communities understand the technologies at the heart of smart city and smart community projects – and their potential impact on privacy. It also connects stakeholders with guidance documents, best practices, and other resources designed to help them implement new technologies in privacy-protective ways.

Click around the infographic in the article below to see the many ways data can be used, the privacy issues, and solutions.

Egbert van Keulen's picture News
Julie Chenadec, Relationship Development Manager at Aknostic, posted

Project EV Energy at the Vehicle 2 Grid conference (Amsterdam)

Green IT Amsterdam was present at this high-level conference (http://amsterdamv2gconference.eu/) on Electric Vehicles and Smart IT Solutions.

It was a unique opportunity for one of our projects, EV Energy (https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/projects/ev-energy), to introduce its vision and goals while getting in touch with relevant stakeholders of the wider Amsterdam region.

Julie Chenadec and Vasiliki Georgiadou represented our consortium and collected experiences and insights on how different cities and countries have initiated a Vehicle-2-Grid approach, combining Renewable Energy and Smart IT Infrastructure for the roll-out of Electric Vehicles.

Ms Georgiadou wrote an article that highlights the importance of revising policies to boost the uptake of EVs by both the industry and society at large.

>> "Removing the last hurdle to EV’s integration: policies and regulations overdue make-over"

Julie Chenadec's picture #Mobility
Yung-Lai Woo, IT , posted

Interviews for graduate research: SMEs active in Smart Building

Dear members of the Amsterdam Smart City community,

I am currently in my final year of the bachelor study Industrial Engineering at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, and I am having my 6-months internship at Amsterdam Trade, who collaborates with Amsterdam Smart City in the area of internationalization. During this 6-months internship, I am doing my graduate research and thesis on innovation failure in the context of Smart City, more specifically SMEs specialized in Smart Building solutions, and internationalization. Right now in the third week of my research, and in this phase, I want to conduct interviews with people working in SMEs that are specialized in Smart Building solutions (both indoor and/or outdoor) that could give me insights in the key topics of my research: internationalization, innovation failure (in this case specified to innovation processes) and SMEs.

What will be the end result of this research? An innovation process specifically designed for SMEs when they want to offer their innovations on foreign markets. This could help and accelerate Amsterdam Trade in the internationalization process of SMEs. And ultimately, what's the added value for SMEs? This innovation process is designed through practical cases (interviews) and literary research on innovation processes and internationalization. It should help SMEs in setting up and shaping their innovation process for internationalization purposes: from exploring multiple ideas to selecting one idea, to building business cases for the innovation, to testing the innovation, and eventually to the launch of the innovation on foreign markets, or just the re-engineering of an existing innovation for release outside of the home country (considering different countries require different approaches than the home country).

If you're working in an SME specialized in Smart Building solutions, either indoor or outdoor solutions, and either active in the business or consumer market, then I would like to get in contact with you! My contact information can be found below, or you can leave your contact information below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

I hope to hear from you, and if you have any questions or anything related, feel free to contact me as well.

Thank you.

Yung-Lai Woo
Email: yunglai.woo@hva.nl
Phone: 06 39483718

Edited: expansion second paragraph

Yung-Lai Woo's picture #DigitalCity
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

Jezelf bezinnen op je toekomst tijdens een week in Italië

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De Upstarter is een een educatieve start-up die cursussen en programma's aanbiedt voor jonge professionals. Het gaat niet alleen om 'harde skills' als copywriting, branding en online marketing, maar ook om de ontwikkeling van zelfvertrouwen en persoonlijke groei.

De Novanta Trainingsweek is al jaren een topper. Hierin gaan we met een groep jonge professionals even helemaal offline op een berg in Italië. Doel is om inspiratie op te doen om het komende jaar in te vullen en je sterke en zwakke punten beter te leren kennen.

Wie meer wil weten neemt contact op met Caecilia Rasch:
telefoon +31657711416
website: https://goo.gl/LUSxhv

Herman van den Bosch's picture News
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Launch WeMakeThe.City Festival!

Yesterday the WeMakeThe.City Festival was launched in Pakhuis de Zwijger, with all stakeholders and deputy mayor Kajsa Ollongren. WeMakeThe.City is a big event between the 20th and 24th of June 2018 in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Amsterdam Smart City is a proud partner in this initiative! Want to contribute? Read on...

First we shape our cities. Then the cities shape us. The place where we live and work has a big influence on us. And we have influence on those exact places. Worldwide more and more people live in cities. The city calls, seduces, connects and makes us creative. But the city can also divide, pollute, tire. The urban area asks us challenging questions. WeMakeThe.City assembles all doers, thinkers and creatives!

Want to know more about the event? Check WeMakeThe.City and download the flyer with all the information.

Do you want to contribute to WeMakeThe.City or get in touch with the organization? E-mail via info@wemakethe.city.

Music 'The new error' by Moderat (https://itunes.apple.com/nl/album/a-new-error-single/id313380498?l=en).
Video Amsterdam 'Amsterdam in motion' (https://vimeo.com/83464882)
and 'Stories from Amsterdam' (https://vimeo.com/39939428).
This video was created for the launch event only.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture News
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Smart City Summer Drinks

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Summer is here! We will either leave for holidays or we are looking forward to a more quiet period of time in the office. Amsterdam Smart City stays active during summer. Last year we started off our online community. It has become thé place for residents, companies, municipalities and knowledge institutions to share knowledge on innovation in the city. Within one year, we welcomed more than 3000 members of the community. Some of these people know each other quite well but others are new in the community. Time to get to know each other while enjoying a drink and a bite!

Join us during our summer drinks and bites from foodtrucks on the 13th of July!
Where: Marineterrein Amsterdam, Kattenburgerstraat 5, building 2
When: 13 July 2017, 16.30 - 19.00 hrs

Places are limited so be sure to register in time!

The Amsterdam Smart City Summer Drinks will host the festive start of the European tour of the Science Bus, a project by Waag Society. From July until November 2017 the Science Bus will travel through Europe bringing workshops and tools to investigate the world around people. How clean is the air in your street, and can you measure this yourself with some vaseline and a milk can? Can you charge your phone with a bike dynamo? We want to find out, with you!

During the ASC Summer Drinks the Science Bus captains will host their workshops specially for you. Be prepared to make your own soap and sunscreen! Not only you but also your children are very welcome to join the workshop program in the afternoon (from 15.00 hrs).

Would you or your children like to take part in the workshop hosted by Waag Society before the drinks? Reserve a spot via http://waag.org/en/event/kick-european-tour-science-bus). Do you want to do a workshop during the drinks? Then you only have to register for the ASC Summer drinks via this Eventbrite!

13 of July 2017, 16.30 - 19.00 hrs

Marineterrein Amsterdam
Kattenburgerstraat 5
Building 2 (outside if the weather is ok!)
1018 JA Amsterdam

15:00 - 16:30 Waag Science Bus workshops
16:30 – 19.00 Amsterdam Smart City Summer Drinks
17:00 - Speech by ASC and Marleen Stikker (Waag)
17:30 - Official start of the Science Bus tour

See you there!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Event on Jul 13th
Egbert van Keulen, Community Manager at Smart City Hub, posted

Leadership guidelines for the cities of tomorrow

City leaders play a vital role in shaping the development trajectory of their city; they set a far-sighted aspirational goal for the city and drove a single-minded and practical approach towards the vision. The governance structure and the extent of a leader’s or mayor’s empowerment definitely have an impact on a city’s leadership. However, important characteristics that civic leaders need to exhibit, such as pragmatism, businessfriendliness and a can-do attitude, remain consistent irrespective of the governance structure.

Leaders need to:

* Develop a culture and mindset of agility among employees
* Promote the measurement of performance
* Create structures that reward impacts on the urban environment (rather than rewarding outputs)

But there is more. Read the full article below. Written by was Alice Charles, Cities & Urban Development Expert at World Economic Forum.

Egbert van Keulen's picture News
Bastien Faugeroux, Trade advisor , posted

Airbus brings you the Global Earth Observation start-up challenge !

Dear innovator,

Don't miss the chance to collaborate with Airbus, take part in our Global Earth Observation Challenge!

Are you a driven start-up ready to take on a challenge that uses the best technology and a unique approach? Do you have great ideas to develop new and creative businesses out of it?

Airbus invites you to present your innovative solution to the following question:
How do you create added value for businesses, based on Airbus data?

You can take part in this challenge by submitting a brief presentation of your solution before July 24th, 23:59pm.

What is at stake? The winning startups will have the chance to pitch their project in front of Airbus Executives and selected stakeholders. The winners will be rewarded with satellite data vouchers worth up to €50,000! Participating in this challenge could also be the opportunity to be integrated into the Airbus BizLab, the global aerospace business accelerator.

This is a great business opportunity not to be missed!

Bastien Faugeroux's picture News
Noémi Mené, Student , posted

Looking for an Internship

After an Erasmus year in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and my upcoming graduation in Political Science from the University of Lille 2, I am looking for an internship in Amsterdam related to urban policy. I am particularly interested in subjects as sustainable energies, circular economy and reducing waste. I can help you develop your actions inside and outside the country as I speak French, English and Spanish. Any help concerning job opportunity would be highly appreciated.
You can contact me on my email adress : noemi_mene@hotmail.com.
Have a nice day!

Noémi Mené's picture Request
Charley Fiedeldij Dop, Programmaker at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Living sustainable

Featured image

Alles wat je over duurzaam wonen wil weten, maar nooit hebt durven vragen. Hoe krijg je een bestaande woning energieneutraal, wat is daar voor nodig en wat kost dat? Wat is eigenlijk het verschil tussen een zonnepaneel en een zonnecollector en wat kost zoiets nou? En als ik nou geen plat dak heb, wat dan? En die subsidies, hoe zit dat? Tijdens deze avond gaan we in gesprek om de mogelijkheden van het energieneutraal maken van jou woning te verkennen. Met nieuwe technieken en innovaties wordt het steeds makkelijker en betaalbaarder. We gaan inspireren met voorbeelden en informeren met hands-on tips zodat je aan het einde van het programma aan de slag kan om je huis energieneutraal te maken. Gratis toegang, graag wel aanmelden.

Foto: emmapatsie via Flickr

Charley Fiedeldij Dop's picture Event on Jul 11th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Bring your international ambitions further!

Dear community member,

Amsterdam Smart City and Amsterdam Trade (program of the City of Amsterdam) have combined their efforts to signal potential business opportunities abroad for growth-minded business owners. In order to better serve you in the future we would like to gain insights into your company’s needs and interests in expanding your business abroad. For this reason we are conducting a survey which should only take 4-5 minutes to complete. Be assured that all answers will be kept in strictest confidentiality. After we have processed the input we will inform you on the next steps we will take.

For more information on this survey and on how we can help you advance your international ambitions at this moment please contact Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra (Trade developer Smart City & Health) at florentine@amsterdamsmartcity.com.

We hope you will take the time to answer the following questions: http://bit.ly/2scx2Ee

Thank you in advance!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Request
Egbert van Keulen, Community Manager at Smart City Hub, posted

How smart is India's smart city program?

India has for long been known for fragmented technology deployment that has lead to islands of automation and pockets of excellence. But when it comes to Smart Cities, a structured approach is paramount to Smart Cities seeing the light of day in India.

With states moving forward with their individual programs for creation of Smart Cities, there are a variety of approaches, at play currently.

Egbert van Keulen's picture News