
Hannah Lennett, Outreach & Partnerships at OpenIDEO, posted

Join the $1 million #CircularDesign Challenge

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Organizations involved


The New Plastics Economy is an ambitious, three-year initiative to build momentum towards a plastics system that works. Applying the principles of the circular economy, it brings together key stakeholders to rethink and redesign the future of plastics, starting with packaging. The initiative is led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with a broad group of leading companies, cities, philanthropists, policymakers, academics, students, NGOs, and citizens.

The initiative is supported by Wendy Schmidt as Lead Philanthropic Partner, and MAVA Foundation, Oak Foundation, and players of People’s Postcode Lottery (GB) as Philanthropic Funders. Amcor, The Coca-Cola Company, Danone, MARS, Novamont, PepsiCo, Unilever, and Veolia are the initiative’s Core Partners.


The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was created in 2010 to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The Foundation works across five areas: insight and analysis, business and government, education and training, systemic initiatives, and communication. With its Knowledge Partners (Arup, IDEO, McKinsey & Co., and SYSTEMIQ), and supported by Core Philanthropic Funder (SUN), the Foundation works to quantify the economic opportunity of a circular model and to develop approaches for capturing its value. The Foundation collaborates with its Global Partners (Danone, Google, H&M, Intesa Sanpaolo, NIKE, Inc., Philips, Renault, Unilever), and its CE100 network (businesses, universities, emerging innovators, governments, cities and affiliate organisations), to build capacity, explore collaboration opportunities and to develop circular business initiatives. By establishing platforms such as the New Plastics Economy initiative, the Foundation works to transform key material flows, applying a global, cross-sectoral, cross value chain approach that aims to effect systems change.

www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org | @circulareconomy


The Prince of Wales's International Sustainability Unit (ISU) was formed in 2010 to address critical challenges to development and the environment. The ISU builds on the success of The Prince’s Rainforests Project, established to help find a solution to tropical deforestation. With an international reputation for neutral convening, underpinned by rigorous analysis, the ISU engages key actors from Governments, the private sector, research communities and civil society to catalyze positive change across the global sustainability agenda.

The ISU's Marine Programme focuses on the global transition to a sustainable Blue Economy. The core components of this work include fish stock recovery, coral reef health and marine plastic pollution. During the last six years the ISU has brought together stakeholders from all sectors to accelerate solutions to some of the most pressing ocean-related challenges and build consensus on solutions for and a pathway towards a sustainable Blue Economy.



Wendy Schmidt is President of The Schmidt Family Foundation, where she works to advance the development of renewable energy and the wiser use of natural resources. The Foundation houses its grant-making operation in The 11th Hour Project, which supports more than 150 non-profit organizations around the world in program areas including renewable energy, ecological agriculture, human rights, and our maritime connection through its 11th Hour Racing program. In 2009, Wendy Schmidt and her husband, Eric Schmidt, created the Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI), and in 2012 launched the research vessel, Falkor, as a mobile platform to advance ocean exploration, discovery, and knowledge, and catalyze the sharing of information about the oceans. Since 2012, Falkor has hosted more than 500 scientists from 27 countries.

To further her commitment to ocean issues, in 2010 Wendy Schmidt partnered with XPRIZE, following the Deepwater Horizon disaster, to sponsor the Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup XCHALLENGE, a $1.4 million competition designed to identify efficient and innovative solutions to clean up surface oil spills. Wendy Schmidt once again partnered with XPRIZE in 2012 to design the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE, a $2 million purse, awarded in July, 2015, where competitors responded to the global need for accurate and available sensors to more broadly measure the signs of ocean acidification, one of the harbingers of climate change.

Wendy Schmidt is the Lead Philanthropic Partner of the New Plastics Economy Initiative, which is led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Wendy earned an M.J. in Journalism from The University of California at Berkeley, and a B.A. magna cum laude from Smith College.

Follow Wendy on Twitter: @wenschmidt

Hannah Lennett's picture #CircularCity
Andrej Gjokikj, Business Development at Lightinus, posted

Webinar: Managing Solar Street Lights Remotely

This introductory webinar demonstrates how to monitor and control solar street lights in real-time from your desk. The remote management software that makes this possible reduces maintenance cost by 80%. Check out how we can now accomplish 365 days of clean energy LED illumination.

Interested in watching the entire webinar course? Follow this link: http://bit.ly/2tcoRaP

Andrej Gjokikj's picture News
Egbert van Keulen, Community Manager at Smart City Hub, posted

Barcelona and Amsterdam are world-leading "smart cities" says Jason Pomeroy

Western cities have done a better job of integrating technology into their infrastructure than the new wave of Asian smart cities, according to architect and television presenter Jason Pomeroy.

Singapore-based Pomeroy, the architect behind Asia's first zero-carbon house, claims that Barcelona and Amsterdam are far more successful examples of a smart city than places like Songdo, the new hi-tech satellite city in South Korea.

Egbert van Keulen's picture #DigitalCity
Anonymous posted

Cinema and Creative Industry

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In a world where growth is driven by sustainable development.
We are for alternatives of social development and that aim at a global well-being.
Thus, cinema, therefore, has been shown to be an important activity, because in addition to being a form of expression, an art, also involves the participation of many resources, and therefore, generates an economic movement, as well as jobs and income, whereas Can also foster social development through new forms of interaction between people, encouraging creativity and cultural diversity.
We are looking for companies that are interested in supporting our feature film project that connects Amsterdam/Holland and Paraty/Brazil.

More information - leonardovieira21@hotmail.com

Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Join the launching party of City Fest Amsterdam next week!

Coming Tuesday, the 27th of June, Amsterdam deputy mayor Kajsa Ollongren will officially kick off City Fest in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. City Fest is a five-day festival in Amsterdam which is planned for 20 - 24 June 2018. During this festival, companies, municipalities, knowledge institutions, startups, social organizations and citizens' initiatives will join forces and share their work for the growing and changing cities of this time. Discover urban innovation in Amsterdam!

Curious to know more about City Fest? Or is your organization interested in joining the festival? Then join us next Tuesday at 17.00 hrs. Please register via the link.

Amsterdam Smart City is co-initiator of City Fest. The event on the 27th will be in Dutch. After this, more information in English will follow.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture News
Gulia El, Human Being , posted

Interscy Trails for Super Cities of the World and for Super Cities toBe.

I thought of those ideas just now, this morning when I got email from Amsterdam Smart City. The seeds of it, perhaps, grew over time. This is the news of my mind and I am always willing to share such news with wider audience.

The cities with many skyscrapers should adopt a system of interscy mobility, where all the tall buildibgs are connected by corridors/ tunnels/orbits few stories apart which allow citizens to walk and to use bike as well in order to accomplish activities that are purposefully summonned to those buildings. That will allow those pedestrians or bikers, disables not even enter streets of the city unnecessarily.

The interconnectedness of skyscrapers will also allow for more safety during fire situation, providing paths for escape to safety.

The citie's architecture has to consider such changes in advance when planning for new skyscrapers and to build them as one infrastractural hub instead of separate building of particular function. Town inside the city is what those hubs will represent.

Of course, the elements of interconnectedness can be implemented onto preexisting building also, althought they might prove to be not so efficient in their purpose.

To create an entire hub of skyscrapers, social studies have to be involved. What sort of population will predominantly live there, what are dynamics of it through aging. Young families with kids will benefit from daycares being located inside the hub, small medical centers for non emergency cases have to be present there as well, and so on. Half century later the same hub will have to adopt centers for seniors, for disables, and emergency care.

It is futal to keep building skyscrapers without giving the new floor its own paths, trails, escalators, may be even roads for gold carts and other small electrical vehicles.

Gulia El's picture News
Vincent Westzaan, Communicatieadviseur Duurzaamheid at City of Amsterdam: Department of Planning and Sustainability, posted

Roadmap Circular Tendering of Building Sites worldscoop for Amsterdam

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Amsterdam is the first city in the world that issues a Roadmap Circular tendering for constructing sites. With the Roadmap a bidder can ensure circular construction. The Roadmap contains a thorough definition of circular construction and how you can measure the degree of circularity in a quantitative and qualitative way. Furthermore the Roadmap offers practical information how to design a circular tender.

In the last part of this year the municipality of Amsterdam will use the Roadmap for issuing building sites for houses and one non-housing site. The instrument will also be used for tenders on the field of transformation, renovation and demolition.

Metabolic and SGS Search have written the Roadmap in assignment of the municipality of Amsterdam. In the process were also involved market party’s and external experts. The actual version is a version 1.0. Based on practical experience Amsterdam wants to develop the instrument, again together with market party’s but also with other public authorities.

Anonymous posted

SIGNAL London 2017

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If you’re a developer, product manager, enterprise architect, CTO or CEO, then SIGNAL London is the event to be at on Sept 19th. This year, SIGNAL will be opening up three content tracks filled with inspiring developer and strategy sessions, there will be loads of networking with more than 600 liked minded Doers, and the legendary $BASH party will arrive in London for the first time!

For anyone interested to join, Twilio is offering a 15% discount with the “amsterdamcity15” promo code. Hope to see you there!

Event on Sep 19th
Anonymous posted

Open Council Information (Open Raad Informatie)

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Het doel van Open Raadsinformatie is om documenten zoals verslagen, voorstellen, stemuitslagen en moties van gemeenten op een gestandaardiseerde wijze als open data te ontsluiten. Door hergebruik van de informatie kunnen innovatieve toepassingen gemaakt worden die de lokale democratie versterken. Al dan niet door meer inzicht te verschaffen in de gegevens, analyse mogelijk te maken of participatie eenvoudiger te maken. Via de

Open Raadsinformatie API

zijn meer dan 30.000 documenten van inmiddels zeven gemeenten te vinden. De informatie is via de zoekmachine

Open Raadsinformatie

te doorzoeken. Het project is in de tussentijd onderdeel geworden van het Actieplan Open Overheid 2016-2017 en van de Digitale Agenda 2020 van VNG en KING. Vanuit de Pilotstarter wordt nu verder gewerkt aan het project.


De Pilotstarter kent drie fases, pilot, praktijkbeproeving en opschaling. Voor de zomer is door de Open State Foundation samen met VNG-KING gewerkt aan de pilotfase. Samen met de gemeente Utrecht, die al in de pilot van 2015 haar raadsinformatie als open data heeft ontsloten, is gewerkt aan verbeteringen omtrent de herbruikbaarheid van de data. Er is samen met de griffie van de gemeente Utrecht en hun raadsinformatieleverancier gewerkt aan het ontsluiten van machine-leesbare stemuitslagen, presentielijsten, personenregister en tekst-doorzoekbare moties en amendementen. Bekijk hier een voorbeeld vanuit de zoekmachine en de API. Eerder waren deze gegevens niet op een goede manier uit de data te halen, terwijl hergebruikers hier wel om vragen.


De pilot met de gemeente Utrecht om beter herbruikbare open data te ontsluiten was succesvol. Nu wordt er door KING in samenwerking met de Open State Foundation gewerkt aan de praktijkbeproeving. Dat betekent dat de methodiek die toegepast in de gemeente Utrecht opgeschaald wordt naar een extra aantal gemeenten met ook een andere leverancier. Lukt het bij gemeenten, met bijvoorbeeld een kleinere griffie of andere systemen, ook om dezelfde informatie te ontsluiten? En hoe kan het project verder opgeschaald worden voor alle gemeenten? Daarnaast werkt KING aan een gezamenlijke standaard voor het ontsluiten van raadsinformatie door raadsinformatieleveranciers. Een doel dat opgenomen staat in het Actieplan Open Overheid.


Van de vijf grote raadsinformatieleveranciers, zijn er momenteel vier die raadsinformatie als open data via een API kunnen aanbieden of hieraan werken. MSI (iBabs) ondersteunt open data ontsluiting via een API al vanaf het begin, Company Webcast en GemeenteOplossingen hebben sinds enkele maanden ook een API-koppeling actief. NotuBiz heeft onlangs laten weten vanaf medio 2017 Open Raadsinformatie technisch te kunnen ondersteunen.


Op dit moment werken we samen met tien gemeenten die gebruik maken van iBabs Dossiers of GemeenteOplossingen voor de Praktijkbeproeving. De resultaten van deze Praktijkbeproeving worden verwacht in april 2017. Heb je interesse of vragen? Neem dan contact op met <a >Tom Kunzler.</a>

In de tussentijd kun je alvast bij jouw raadsinformatieleverancier aangeven dat je interesse hebt in het beschikbaar stellen van de eigen raadsinformatie als open data. Er is ook een FAQ waar je antwoorden op veelvoorkomende vragen.

Susan de Grijp, Sr. Partnerships & Communication manager , posted

Hello Sunshine Amsterdam

De Amsterdamse Zoncoalitie is gestart met de campagne Hello Sunshine! Een campagne die informeert, verbindt en activeert! Het doel: 1 miljoen zonnepanelen in Amsterdam.

Of je nu Amsterdammer bent, er werkt of vastgoedeigenaar bent. Doe mee en help Amsterdam de duurzaamste stad van Nederland te worden.

Susan de Grijp's picture #Energy
Nikita Johnson, Founder , posted

Autonomous Vehicles Summit, Amsterdam - June 2017

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We're looking forward to hosting the Autonomous Vehicles Summit in Amsterdam next week on 28-29 June!

Hear from experts including Toyota, Voyage and TomTom on the latest advancements in autonomous vehicles, as well as the ethical and regulation issues regarding integrating AVs into society and cities.


Feel free to reach out via njohnson@re-work.co for further info!

Nikita Johnson's picture #Mobility
Nikita Johnson, Founder , posted

Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit

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The Machine Intelligence Summit is taking place in Amsterdam on 28-29 June at the Postillion Convention Centre.
The event will bring together a mix of industry and academia to share the latest technical advancements and challenges of autonomous vehicles. We will also explore the ethics behind driverless cars and how they will be integrated into society.

Hear from experts including Toyota, Voyage and TomTom on the latest advancements in autonomous vehicles, as well as the ethical and regulation issues regarding integrating AVs into society and cities.

Please email njohnson@re-work.co for further information!

Nikita Johnson's picture Event from Jun 28th to Jun 29th
Emmy Huiskamp, Marketing consultant , posted

Win €40.000 with your solution for 1 of the 5 mobility challenges (in Dutch)

U kunt als bedrijf t/m 30 juni uw oplossing voor mobiliteitsvraagstukken indienen. De twee beste oplossingen krijgen ieder €40.000 ontwikkelingsbudget. Er zijn vijf vragen van opdrachtgevers:

-Veilig Verkeer Nederland is op zoek naar de oplossingen voor de veiligste route
-Centraal Beheer heeft een vraag over ouderen en mobiliteit
-Het Utrecht Science Park wil bereikbaar blijven en is op zoek naar een oplossingen die multi-modaal reizen makkelijker maken
-Gemeente Hilversum zoekt mogelijkheden voor fietsparkeren
-Bij de Gemeente Woerden draait het om de inzet van Elektrische deelauto’s

U kunt meedoen door in te schrijven op een van de vraagstukken of door samen met een opdrachtgever een nieuw initiatief in te dienen als wildcard. Lees meer over de vijfvraagstukken of over de wildcard optie op https://mobilitymonday.net/challenge/inschrijven/

Emmy Huiskamp's picture Request
Ross Tilchin, Strategic Advisor , posted

Competition, Supercharged: Cities, Economic Development, and Globalization

Hi Amsterdam Smart City! My most recent blog is up. This week, I share a few thoughts on how globalization has affected the way that Amsterdam and cities in the U.S. interact with competition, both domestically and internationally. I'd love your feedback--particularly on whether or not you agree with my characterization of the dynamic between Dutch cities.

Thanks for reading!

Anonymous posted

Open data waste seperation (in Dutch)

Voor Afvalfonds Verpakkingen en Nedvang inventariseerden we data over inzamelsystemen in (bijna alle) gemeenten in Nederland.
Op opendata.afvalfondsverpakkingen.nl maakt het Afvalfonds Verpakkingen deze data beschikbaar zodat iedereen daar vrij gebruik van kan maken.

Ook op zoek naar moeilijk vindbare data? We denken graag mee!

Annelies Van der Stoep, Strategic advisor at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

How grass-root initiatives contribute to the development of vital urban areas

R-LINK researches how small grass-root initiatives in development of city areas can help to solve societal issues. This will contribute to create vital and inclusive urban regions.

Amsterdam Smart City program partners HvA, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Waag Society and Amsterdam Economic Board participate in the R-Link consortium.

Annelies Van der Stoep's picture #Citizens&Living
Jantien van der Laan, Marketing Manager Amsterdam Impact at Gemeente Amsterdam, posted

Pitches Amsterdam City Fellowship

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The City of Amsterdam, in cooperation with Impact Hub Amsterdam, selected 9 social enterprises to take part in the Amsterdam City Fellowship, a business development programme. For approximately 8 months, social entrepreneurs refine their business models with the aim to co-create and implement innovative solutions to health-related urban challenges such as clean air, mobility and climate resilience.

On 27 June we are hosting the finale of the Fellowship’s Business Model Challenge phase with a Stakeholder Forum, where all 9 participating social enterprises will pitch their businesses to an audience of potential partners and clients. 4 organisations will then be chosen to explore collaboration with the City and its network in facilitated meetings, and further develop their product or service.

Among others, our entrepreneurs are looking for:
* healthcare institutions who want to increase a wider audience’s access to transparent physical and mental healthcare,
* corporates who would like to engage their employees in supporting people with a mental disability,
* school boards who want to have their kids eat less sugar,
* city organisations who are aiming to improve air quality.

Please join!

Jantien van der Laan's picture Event on Jun 27th