
Herman van den Bosch, Curator at Amsterdam Smart City; professor in management education , posted

Zürich is one of the world's most sustainable cities

Zürich is implementing very tough sustainability goals and enables citizens and companies to elaborate (in Dutch) pathes to realization

Herman van den Bosch's picture News
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Last Friday's Round-Up

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In the past months we published a tripartite series on living off the grid in Amsterdam. This Last Friday's Round-Up summarizes this interview series (in Dutch)!

Going off the grid in Amsterdam

In the past months we published a tripartite series on living off the grid in Amsterdam. We followed Koos, Frank and Jan on their journey to live off the grid. What were their motivations and how did they manage it? Read all about in this last Friday’s Round-Up (in Dutch).

Koos, Frank en Jan besloten elk om een andere reden hun huis zo energieneutraal mogelijk te maken. Wat bewoog hen deze keuzes te maken? Lees en leer van de verhalen en motivaties van Koos, Frank en Jan.

Voor Koos die opgroeide in het noorden van Nederland begon het met een nostalgisch gevoel naar de houtkachel in zijn ouderlijk huis. Niet alleen een houtkachel was een langgekoesterde wens van Koos maar ook een energiezuinig huis. Toen de kans zich voordeed kocht hij een huis dat flink verbouwd moest worden en begon zijn avontuur, zijn jongensdroom. Nauwelijks ervaring, dagenlang googelen en alles wat mis kon gaan, ging mis. Toch zette Koos door. Misschien versterkte dat juist zijn enthousiasme voor wat er allemaal mogelijk is. Over een paar jaar hoopt Koos helemaal onafhankelijk te zijn zodat hij ook van het gas kan.

Lees het hele interview met Koos hier.

Frank had een heel andere motivatie om off the grid te gaan. Autonomie was zijn motivatie; zelfvoorzienend te gaan leven. Daarom was het niet gek dat hij een schip kocht om op te wonen, daar kun je gewoon eigen baas op zijn. Het wonen op het water zorgde ervoor dat Frank bewuster ging nadenken over het milieu en het feit dat grondstoffen op kunnen raken. Bij de aankoop van een nieuw schip besloot hij de stap te wagen en het schip zo energieneutraal mogelijk te maken. Tijdens de planning voor de verbouwing realiseerde Frank zich hoe innovatief<a></a> verduurzamingstechnieken zijn. Hoe je gebruik kan maken van de natuur om je heen, het is bijna magisch.

Lees het hele interview met Frank hier.

Jan rolde onbewust in een duurzaam verbouwingsproject. De bouwtekeningen waren al klaar toen de aannemer vroeg of hij wel eens overwogen had een aantal duurzame maatregelen te overwegen. Hoewel duurzaamheid voor hem geen onbekend onderwerp was, had Jan toch niet de link gelegd met zijn eigen verbouwing. Direct was hij enthousiast en gaf hij de aannemer toestemming om duurzame technieken te verwerken in de bouwtekening. Achteraf had vindt hij het jammer dat deze tijdens de verbouwing in het bouwplan verwerkt zijn. Daardoor is over sommige maatregelen niet goed nagedacht. Maar ondanks dat is hij heel erg blij met het resultaat en de energierekening van vijf euro per maand!

Lees het hele interview met Jan hier.

Koos, Frank en Jan hebben voor hun bouwprojecten gebruik gemaakt van de subsidies van City-Zen. City-Zen is een internationaal samenwerkingsverband om de duurzame energietransitie in steden te stimuleren. Enthousiast geworden door bovenstaande verhalen? Bezoek dan www.amsterdamsmartcity.com/city-zen maak gebruik van de expertise en projecten voor duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture News
Anonymous posted

Startup in Residence Noord-Holland & The Hague

We are excited to let you know that 'Startup in Residence' is expanding. Both the provincie Noord-Holland and the city of The Hague are launching their own 'Startup in Residence' programme. Applications close very soon, so be sure to enter very quickly.

Go to the city specific pages on www.startupinresidence.com for more information.

Maartje Oome, Communications Manager at Green Business Club Zuidas, posted

CEOs on business district Zuidas prefer electric transport (in Dutch)

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Zeventien CEO’s tekenden tijdens het CEO ontbijt van Green Business Club Zuidas de Intentieverklaring Elektrisch Taxiverbruik. Hiermee geven zij aan voortaan voorkeur te geven aan elektrisch vervoer bij zakelijk taxigebruik. Ook wethouder Verkeer en Vervoer Pieter Litjens was aanwezig en gaf een toelichting op Mobility as a Service (MAAS) als oplossing voor goede bereikbaarheid van Zuidas. GBC Zuidas organiseert jaarlijks een CEO ontbijt om duurzaamheid bij de top van het bedrijfsleven onder de aandacht te brengen.

Maartje Oome's picture #Mobility
Siebe Zwerver, Owner at GroeneZaken.com, posted


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Preliminary programme 8th edition 20 - 23 June 2017:

Day 1 - Tuesday 20th June

Start at Agriport A7 in Middenmeer (NL), most modern greenhouse Agropark in the world powered by geothermal heat
Visit Enexis + Enexis House in Zwolle (NL), new sustainable regional HQ of leading Dutch energy grid operator
Visit Energy Academy Europe in Groningen (NL), most sustainable education building in the Netherlands
Visit and networking evening Groningen Seaports in Delfzijl (NL), one of the largest energy production locations in the Netherlands
Day 2 - Wednesday 21st June

Visit and guided tour VW plant Emden (DE), factory tour production of the (electric) VW Passat
Visit Energiebunker in Hamburg (DE), transformation of a WW-II bomb shelter into a renewable energy power plant
Visit and networking evening at GreenTEC Campus in Enge-Sande (DE) with Renewable Energy Schleswig Holstein
Day 3 - Thursday 22nd June

Visit Greentech Center in Vejle (DK), Danish smart grid living lab
Visit Climate Planet in Aarhus (DK), a unique globe to visualize climate change with NASA technology
Visit Hydrogen Valley in Hobro (DK), hydrogen and biogas center to advance a green transition of the Danish energy system
Finish and networking evening House of Energy in Aalborg, cluster for sustainable energy in northern Denmark
Day 4 - Friday 23rd June

Individual journey home


visit the E-Mobil Rallye in Enge-Sande on Saturday 24th June with the first driverless EV contest!

Siebe Zwerver's picture Event from Jun 19th to Jun 22nd
Egbert van Keulen, Community Manager at Smart City Hub, posted

How Connected Cities Are A Platform For Innovation

Urban innovators are increasingly thinking of the city not just in terms of place, but as a platform. Throughout history, cities have been crucibles of innovation because of physical concentration of people, the independence of spirit, and the creative collision of different backgrounds.

Today, the connectivity revolution through which we are living offers new possibilities. Digital platforms are already changing the way we use our urban spaces: AirBnB for staying; Tinder for dating; Uber for moving.

The next wave of transformative change may come from seeing the whole city as an innovation platform. Dan Doctoroff, CEO of Sidewalk Labs, on a recent visit to the UK asked: “What would a city look like if you started from scratch in the internet era - if you built a city from the internet up?”

See whole article below:

Egbert van Keulen's picture News
Dieuwke van Buren, B. Amsterdam lead at B. Amsterdam, posted

Indie Brands® The Music Edition

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Yes! We can finally reveal that Indie Brands and B. Building Businessare joining forces! Inspirational events on indie entrepreneurship. Four times a year. First one this June. So excited!!

With lectures on Rock & Roll branding, innovative start-ups that are shaking up the music scene, panel discussions on the musician as entrepreneur, a one night only exhibit with awe-inspiring eye candy and a live performance by the Smartphone Orchestra! And we’ll reveal the ‘line-up’ for the Indie Brands market at Lowlands this summer. In short, we’re going to make this a night to remember!

With Nancy Poleon, Box of Doom, Knops, Thunderplugs, KOLLEKT.FM, Bøkers, Holyscrap, Whitestone Interactive, CMD Amsterdam, Smartphone Orchestra, Liat Azulay and many more! See you there...

Get your tickets here!

Dieuwke van Buren's picture Event on Jun 27th
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Government and companies agree on energy savings for households (in Dutch)

Vandaag hebben overheden en bedrijfsleven een convenant gesloten voor verdere energiebesparing huishoudens. Mooie steuntje in de rug voor het goede werk van Melchior Kanyemesha dat hij doet samen met Amsterdam Smart City @adamsmartcity

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Energy
Roel Swierenga, Director , posted

Contest Hansa Green Tour for Start-ups in energy transition that want to do business in Germany and Denmark

We zijn op zoek naar start-ups, jonge en innovatieve bedrijven met concrete producten of diensten die kunnen bijdragen aan het versnellen van de energietransitie en die zaken willen doen in Duitsland en Denemarken.

De energietransitie biedt grote kansen voor Nederland om samen met Duitsland en Denemarken te zoeken naar technische oplossingen en zakelijke kansen. Om samen te innoveren en technologie leiders te worden in de energietransitie. In deze energietransitie ligt Denemarken ver op kop in Europa en ook Duitsland is al veel verder met het aandeel duurzame energie in de totale energiemix. Hoog tijd voor Nederland om (opnieuw) aan te haken bij onze buren en Denemarken.

In de aankomende 8e editie van de Hansa Green Tour van 20 – 23 juni zal dit thema, en de kansen die de energietransitie biedt voor zowel bedrijven als overheden, centraal staan. Terug naar onze ‘roots’ van 500 jaar samenwerking in het Hanzeverbond. Op zoek naar nieuwe kansen voor grensoverschrijdende samenwerking in de nieuwe ‘Hansa’ regio.

We zijn op zoek naar start-ups in de energietransitie met een concreet product of dienst die zaken willen doen in Duitsland en Denemarken.

Hansa Green Tour stelt in samenwerking met GroeneZaken 1 gratis ticket voor deelname aan de Hansa Green Tour beschikbaar voor het beste idee, product of dienst. Motiveer jouw deelname aan deze prijsvraag en geef aan waarom jij denkt dat jouw product of dienst kan bijdragen aan het versnellen van de energietransitie en de samenwerking in de Hansa regio en wat je nodig hebt om jouw product of dienst succesvol aan te kunnen bieden in Duitsland en Denemarken.

De winnaar krijgt een gratis ticket voor deelname aan de Hansa Green Tour én de mogelijkheid om dit idee, product of dienst kort te presenteren op de netwerkwerkavonden in Duitsland en Denemarken.

Ga voor meer informatie over deze prijsvraag en om mee te doen naar de website van Groene Zaken: www.groenezaken.com/groenezakendeals/prijsvraag-hansa-green-tour
De actie loopt tot 6 juni.


Roel Swierenga's picture #Energy
Yeni Joseph, Public Policy Manager , posted

B. Amsterdam Startup & Innovation Ecosystem

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Europe's largest innovation ecosystem, focused on international scale-ups, corporate innovation and public-private partnerships to accelerate international business growth.

Do you want to learn from the largest start-up and innovation ecosystem in Europe? Make sure to visit B. Amsterdam, an innovation hub covering 40.000m2.

B. Building Business offers a tour to share insights on how government, start-ups, corporates, investors and incubators co-build this innovation- and tech ecosystem on a global scale.

Our programs focus on building a global startup ecosystem, future talent and corporate innovation. Interested? Click the link to B.visits and fill in the request form to book a tour now!

Costs for a 1 hour tour + introduction about B. Amsterdam:
Commercial group (max. 20 persons) - 300 euro (excl. VAT)
Non-commercial group (max. 20 persons) - 200 euro (excl. VAT)

*Due to high demand, we kindly ask you to share your request at least 2 weeks before your visit.

Yeni Joseph's picture #Citizens&Living
Bas Overbeek, Project Manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

KennisDC masterclass City & Mainport Logistics

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2e KennisDC masterclass City & Mainport Logistics
23 juni 2017 Amsterdam, 14.30-19.00

Locatie: Centrale Bibliotheek Amsterdam (Oosterdokskade 143)
Dagvoorzitters: Dr. Walther Ploos van Amstel & Dr. Dick van Damme

Wat kunt u verwachten?
* Keynotes van AF KLM Cargo en Urban Arrow
* Presentaties van onderzoeksresultaten
* Workshops in parallelle sessies

Thema’s en onderwerpen:
- Wat is de toekomst voor lichte elektrische voertuigen?
- Welke kansen biedt het gebruik van verkeersdata voor stadslogistiek?
- Bouwlogistieke kansen voor de transportsector
- Een nieuwe visie op afvalinzameling in de stad
- Foodlogistiek
- Benchmark Airport Seaport Regions
- Airport Seaport Logistics
- Blockchain & Logistics

Aanmelden en meer informatie: http://bit.ly/2q3cnNu

Bas Overbeek's picture Event on Jun 23rd
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Recap: Smart Data, Smart City #3: ‘A Data Lab without Data’

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The faculty Urban Technology of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS or HvA) has a ‘data lab without data’. How does this work? Amsterdam Smart City’s partner AUAS, elaborated on their research for the city at Datalab on the 18th of May.

The faculty of Urban Technology of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS or HvA) has a ‘data lab without data’. How does this work? Amsterdam Smart City’s partner AUAS, elaborated on their research for the city at Datalab on the 18th of May.

Urban Technology focuses on technical innovation in the city. Research is mostly done in the fields of Energy, Climate, Logistics and the Public Space. Nanda Piersma, senior researcher Big Data at the AUAS kicks off the meeting by explaining the urban analytics: ‘Our research group is basically a data lab without data. Others have the data and we just want to tap into it. That is why we work with a lot of companies, municipalities and foundations. After collecting the data, students research what happened, why this happened and make predictions for the future.’

Data mining and the city

How does this work in practice? Nanda explains two cases. For example, the AUAS conducted research on the use of electric vehicles’ charging poles. Currently there are around 2000 poles in use in Amsterdam. The AUAS distinguished different patterns in the usage of these poles: ‘pillow chargers’ charge at night and visitors charge their cars during the day. Visualizing the data per district shows a massive rise of the use of the charging poles in the Nieuw-West area in the autumn of 2014. What happened? ‘At that moment, electric taxis started driving from and to the airport’, Nanda explains. ‘It became clear that a lot of taxi drivers live in Nieuw-West. We warned the city beforehand and because of this, the municipality was able to place extra charging poles in this area.’
The next example of weighing the amount of domestic waste in containers evoked some questions. Data helps to predict when the container is full or empty, however the audience was surprised that the researchers didn’t use sensors for this. Nanda: ‘Sensors are very valuable, but these weren’t
yet available at that time. And besides, 80% of the waste stream in containers was predictable by data analysis, so why buy expensive sensors for that?’

De Gezonde Stad

De Gezonde Stad (‘the Healthy City’) develops projects to make Amsterdam fit for the future in association with companies and citizens. They teamed up with AUAS to streamline their data. More accurate and real time data helps to better define their focal points. De Gezonde Stad uses the data to understand how to activate citizens and make citizens aware of sustainable city development.

Justin Bieber

In the coming months, the AUAS has room for around thirty cases. Companies, foundations and governments can apply and students will help them with their data related questions. Someone in the audience asked if the AUAS is looking for more students within the workgroup. Nanda: ‘Our work groups are packed and extremely popular. Once registration is open, the group fills like a concert of Justin Bieber. Sold out in a few minutes.’ Right now there is a capacity of 40 students. In the coming year this amount will expand to 80 students. ‘We will make Amsterdam our data lab’.


The presentation led to a lively discussion about the possibilities of data and the opportunities of Datalab and their open data platform. One of the challenges seems to be bringing together the questions people in the city have and
which data(sets) could be useful. Amsterdam Smart City or the HvA Smart City Academy are investigating if they can play a role in this matchmaking!

Do you want more information, do you want to share your data and help students or do you have a specific case for the students? Please let us know by responding to this post. Then we will get in touch!

Check out the Powerpoint presentation here

Amsterdam Smart City's picture News
Maud Kaan, Communications Advisor at AMS Institute, posted

AMS Science for the City #3 - Climate Proof Cities

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Climate change impacts urban life all over the world -and we need to start preparing our cities for it. Also in the city of Amsterdam, where hot summer days make the urban mercury rise 6-9 C higher than in its rural surroundings, do citizens face problematic living conditions due to extreme weather conditions. What - and who - do we need to improve the climate of the cities we live in? According to the AMS' climate responsive design specialist, Sanda Lenzholzer, the answer lies within the field of urban design and with you, the citizens. That's why Sanda and two other urban (micro)climate researchers present their insights on climate resilient cities, while challenging the audience to be part of the solution: how can you help to design a climate-proof city?

Maud Kaan's picture Event on May 31st
AYA Nuray Gokalp, Founder at Amsterdam Tech City => Global Tech City, posted

AmsterdamTech.City | HealthTech & The City

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HealthTech & The City


Monday 5 June 2017


OBA Amsterdam Public Library

Oosterdokskade 143

1011 DL Amsterdam


speakers & demonstrations to be announced soon




"Think Global, Act Local & Think Local, Act Global"

"matching trending tech solutions with societal challenges around the world"

GlobalTech.City is founded in 2017 and is the global platform connecting AmsterdamTech.City and the other tech cities around the world.

AmsterdamTech.City started in 2016 with successful monthly "Tech & The City" events in Amsterdam.

The vision of GlobalTech.City is to combine city events, tech topics, societal challenges, tech solutions, and speakers for the city, communities, and citizens around the world.

The mission of GlobalTech.City is to facilitate the city, communities, and citizens in the engagement and transformation.

The target groups are public and private; governmental and non-governmental; educational institutions; corporates, scale ups and start ups; investors and programs, inventors and experts; visitors and citizens...

The technology trends are Big Data, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Ambient Intelligence (AmI), Robotics, Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Realty...



AYA Nuray Gokalp's picture #DigitalCity
Floor Thomasse, Projectmanager Urban Economic Development , posted

Shopping Street Innovation Lab (SSIL)

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The Shopping Street Innovation Lab (SSIL) is the very first innovation lab that conducts research in an entire shopping street.

Floor Thomasse's picture #Citizens&Living
Marije Poel, Programma manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Webinar EIP-SCC en HvA on the evaluation of Amsterdam Smart City projects

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The HvA and EIP-SCC Business Models, Finance and Procurement Action Cluster would like to invite you to join the webinar on Organising Smart city projects - Lessons learned from Amsterdam, which will be held on the 6th of June 2017 starting at 14.00 CET. The webinar is open to everyone who is interested!

The Webinar will describe the wide and complex context of smart cities, focusing on non-technological aspects, the creation of partnerships and the challenges that they face. Professor Willem van Winden, from the Amsterdam University, will report on the results of 12 smart city projects and describe the lessons that were learned from their development.

At the end of the presentation, there will be an exhaustive Q&A session and you will have the opportunity to ask for any clarification.

Additional information on the Webinar is available at https://eu-smartcities.eu/content/webinar-organising-smart-city-projects-lessons-learned-amsterdam

To register for the Webinar, please, follow the link: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/webinar-on-organising-smart-city-projects-lessons-learned-from-amsterdam-registration-34544287895

Marije Poel's picture Event on Jun 6th
Emmy Huiskamp, Marketing consultant , posted

Smart Mobility Challenge meetup - 7th June

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On the June 7th the second and last info meeting on the Smart Mobility Challenge is taking place. When you want to know more about the challenge, the 5 cases in need for solutions and to ask all your questions about the rules and the process, or for some networking, you're invited!

Emmy Huiskamp's picture Event on Jun 7th