
Mark Sloothaak, Mobility developper for the province of North-Holland at Nederlandse Spoorwegen, posted

Electronic Parking-sign

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Better and efficient use of load- and unloading zones and bus stops.

Mark Sloothaak's picture #Mobility
Thibault Van der Auwermeulen, Founder & Managing director , posted

Smart Cities of things & Smart Government

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Brussels - The international Auditorium - 25/4/2017

​Plenary 6 tracks with 6 speakers - based on an ongoing interview

  • Smart Environment
  • Smart Mobility
  • Smart Government
  • Smart Living
  • Smart Economy
  • Smart People


About 4Instance:**

**4Instance, founded in 1996 in Brussels, is an independent organisation, having established itself as the ideal forum for today's modern public management with its main focus on ICT, HRM, organisation, finances, communication, etc.

4Instance combines the eMagazine, the public sector congress, the Whitepapers, the Public sector fair, the conferences, the workshops and executive events.

4Instance pays special attention to all aspects of management within the public sector. From the very beginning it involves the public management in all its activities. Innovation always plays a central role.**

Thibault Van der Auwermeulen's picture Event on Apr 25th
Susan de Grijp, Marketing and Communication , posted

Biggest social impact hotspot in Amsterdam is a fact: KIT & Impact Hub in one building!

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From 2017 on, the KIT (Royal Institute for the Tropics) and Impact Hub share the office in the East of Amsterdam and collaborate on local and global sustainability issues. The building becomes a breeding place for 200 entrepreneurs and organisations and will be the biggest social impact hotspot in The Netherlands. Read on in Dutch..

Ellen Oetelmans, programmamanager sociaal ondernemerschap van de Gemeente Amsterdam is zeer te spreken over de samenwerking: “Een belangrijk speerpunt van de Gemeente Amsterdam is het verder stimuleren van Impact First ondernemen. Nu Impact Hub zijn intrek neemt in het KIT-pand en er 200 ondernemers en organisaties werken met hetzelfde doel, wordt de synergie vergroot en zullen we meer impact maken. Zo wordt dit prachtige pand aan het Oosterpark de hotspot voor sociaal ondernemen in Amsterdam, of zelfs in Nederland!”

Lees meer hierover via http://bit.ly/2jCmdGu

Susan de Grijp's picture News
Ben Ritzen, Urban Planning Student , posted


(Dutch version below)


In februari I will start writing my thesis for the master in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Amsterdam. I would like to combine this thesis with an internship. I am looking for an internship in which I can do the research for my thesis and gain some practical knowledge.

The theme of my thesis is Climate Proof Cities, everything from water, waste, energy and sustainability can be discussed. The finished thesis will be a document of about 20.000 words, in which literature and policy research are the most important components. Next to this, interviews or other qualitative research methods are a plus. So if you offer an internship or have room for an intern in the period from February until Juli, please contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Ritzen


Als Master student Urban and Regional Planning aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam ben ik voor mijn scriptie opzoek naar een afstudeerstage.

Het thema van mijn scriptie is Climate Proof Cities en ik ben dan ook opzoek naar een stageplek die hierbinnen past. Het kan hierbij gaan om duurzame gebiedsontwikkeling, circulaire bouwprojecten, maar ook beleidsmatige interventies die de leefbaarheid in de stad ten goede komen. Ik ben beschikbaar in de periode februari tot en met juli voor maximaal 32 uur per week.

Het eindproduct moet bestaan uit een zelfstandig uitgevoerd onderzoek met enkele semigestructureerde interviews, beleidsanalyses en aanvullende literatuurstudie die uiteindelijk leiden tot een document van ongeveer 20.000 woorden.
Voor mijn stage zoek ik vooral naar een inspirerende plek waarbinnen ik mijn onderzoek kan doen en daarnaast praktijkervaring kan opdoen.

Mochten jullie een stageplek voor me hebben, of toevallig een beschikbare plek bij een andere instantie/bedrijf weten dan hoor ik graag van u.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Ben Ritzen

Erik Bos, MSc student Urban Environmental Management at Wageningen University and Research, posted

The community and its members: some interesting results!

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During my internship at Amsterdam Smart City, I did a research about the use and expectations of our online community (this website). As you may remember, I asked our members to fill in an online questionnaire about their behaviour and wishes on our online community. I want to share some outcomes of this survey with you!

During my internship at Amsterdam Smart City, I did a research about the use and expectations of our online community (this website). As you may remember, I asked our members to fill in an online questionnaire about their behaviour and wishes on our online community. I want to share some outcomes of this survey with you!
The total amount of respondents was 304, which gives a good indication of the whole community (more than 2000 members at this moment). From these 304 respondents , some interesting results were observed:

> 46% lives in Amsterdam
> A wide range of type of organisations where members are working (SME’s, Corporates, Knowledge institutions, Governmental organisations and start- ups)
> 72% of the members is satisfied about the interface of the site

Interests of the members

> The most important reasons to sign up on the online community are to find smart city projects (65%) and to acquire knowledge (66%)
> 55% of the start- ups wants to find partners on the community to do business with​- The community members have most interest in start-ups (74%) and knowledge institutions (74%)
> The project section and event section are the most important/interesting sections on the community. Events are mostly interesting for users who live in Amsterdam.​Activities of the members
> 58% visits the online community once or twice a month
> 28% visits the community weekly
> Only 9% never visits the online community
> 25% of the respondents shared content in the past54% expects to share content in the future

A smart city, according to the members, is mostly associated with:

> Technology
> Citizens; Liveability (a higher score was given on this aspect by respondents living in Amsterdam)
> Environmental sustainability
> Mobility

The results show that the community is a diverse and growing group with different interests, depending on where people live and work. The results also show some challenges for the future.

  1. To ensure the quality of the shared content (with a growing amount of members). We already try to remove irrelevant content from the community.
  2. Involve citizens from Amsterdam (more actively) on our community. We already made a program with offline activities, which are also interesting for the citizens of Amsterdam! This ‘off-line’ agenda will be shared soon.
  3. How can we help start-ups to find partners to do business with? We already to try share relevant events for start- ups in Amsterdam, like the start up in residence program.

If you have any suggestions our tips to improve our community, you can always share these tips with us! Please give us your comments below!

Erik Bos's picture News
Malou Brantjes, project manager , posted

Wilt u 'smart' kansen in India laten onderzoeken?

Het FSA Research Project van de Universiteit van Amsterdam organiseert in de zomer van 2017 voor 18 studenten een onderzoeksreis naar India. Zij zijn op zoek naar opdrachtgevers voor wie ze research kunnen doen.

Het onderzoek kan zich bijvoorbeeld richten op kansen voor Nederlandse bedrijven in India.

De Financiële Studievereniging Amsterdam is een van de grootste verenigingen voor financieel en economisch georiënteerde studenten. Met het Research Project geven zij op non-profit basis advies op maat en schrijven ze onderzoeksrapporten voor bedrijven met internationale ambities.

De onderzoekers worden zorgvuldig geselecteerd. Ze hebben allen een economische, financiële, econometrische en/of bedrijfskundige achtergrond. Gedurende het hele proces worden de studenten getraind door toonaangevende bedrijven, om voor het project relevante vaardigheden en kennis te verbeteren.

Op zoek naar opdrachtgevers

Voor de reis naar India zijn de studenten op zoek naar 9 opdrachtgevers met een onderzoeksvraag.

Dat kunnen bedrijven zijn die:
•nog geen zakendoen met India en de Indiase markt willen leren kennen;
•op zoek zijn naar Indiase zakenpartners;
•al actief zijn in India, maar ergens tegenaan lopen en daarnaar onderzoek willen doen.

De grootte van het bedrijf is daarbij niet relevant. In het verleden is onderzoek gedaan voor mkb-bedrijven, maar ook voor grote multinationals als Philips en Shell.

Bent u geïnteresseerd?

Heeft u een onderzoeksvraag waar de studenten mee aan de slag kunnen in India? Of wilt u een informatieboekje ontvangen? Neem dan contact op met:

Emma Haccou
voorzitter FSA Research Project commissie
T: 06 51 072 889
E: rp@fsa.nl

Meer informatie

Lees meer over het onderzoeksproject op www.fsaresearchproject.nl

Malou Brantjes's picture Request
Malou Brantjes, project manager , posted

Holland High Tech Paviljoen op Mobile World Congress

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> Werkt u in de mobiele IT-sector? Heeft u internationale ambities? Neem dan deel aan het Holland High Tech Paviljoen op het Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. Van 27 februari tot en met 2 maart 2017 is Nederland vertegenwoordigd met het paviljoen.

Het MWC is met ruim 100.000 bezoekers en vele productlanceringen van toonaangevende bedrijven de belangrijkste bijeenkomst ter wereld voor de mobiele en IT-sector. Op het MWC komen vertegenwoordigers uit de hele wereld samen om ontwikkelingen binnen de mobiele sector en onderwerpen op het gebied van onder andere veiligheid en het 'Internet of Things' te bespreken.

Holland Lounge voor Starters International Business

Export biedt nieuwe kansen voor uw bedrijf. Het kan leiden tot meer omzet of het antwoord zijn op de toegenomen concurrentie op de binnenlandse markt. Met Starters International Business (SIB) helpt het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken bedrijven die de stap willen maken naar buitenlandse markten.

Speciaal voor de Starters International Business wordt een Holland Lounge samengesteld, die onderdeel is van het Holland High Tech Paviljoen. Binnen dit programma krijgen deelnemende bedrijven krijgen matchmaking, presentaties en workshops, netwerkgelegenheid en gratis toegang tot de beursvloer. Reis- en verblijfskosten zijn voor eigen rekening.


De Holland Lounge is een open concept, waarin ieder bedrijf de mogelijkheid krijgt voor exposure. Bij deelname aan de Holland Lounge huurt u niet zelf een stand, maar zet u uw bedrijf toch in de 'spotlight'. Het MWC is hét platform om de producten en diensten van uw bedrijf op internationaal niveau te profileren, leads te genereren, contacten te leggen en een internationaal netwerk op te bouwen.

De Holland Lounge wordt ondersteund door de RVO.nl, de Nederlandse Ambassade, het Netherlands Business Support Office Barcelona en de gemeente Den Haag.


Het aantal plekken is beperkt. Wilt u deelnemen? Stuur dan een e-mail naar:

E: info@nbso-barcelona.com

Schrijf daarin een korte motivatie waarom uw bedrijf deel zou willen nemen aan de Holland Lounge en het SIB programma op het Mobile World Congress.

U hoort midden januari of u bent geselecteerd voor deelname. Bedrijven die voldoen aan onderstaande criteria hebben voorrang:

•Spanje is een nieuwe afzetmarkt voor uw bedrijf.
•Uw bedrijf haalt momenteel niet meer dan 25% van de omzet uit export

Malou Brantjes's picture Event from Feb 27th to Mar 2nd
Malou Brantjes, project manager , posted

Smart building conference at ISE

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> ## SBC 2017: IOT makes smart building even smarter

**The Smart Building Conference will take place on 6th February 2017 in the Forum.

Registration begins at 08.30.**

> The Smart Building Conference is a one day event that explores the
> latest smart building technologies, business strategies, market research
> and workflow case studies all presented by some of the world’s leading
> smart building experts and thought leaders. This year’s SBC theme is IoT
> Makes Smart Buildings Even Smarter.

**SBC 2017

Date:** Monday 6th February 2017 Time: 08:30 – 17:30

Location: Forum, RAI Amsterdam

Theme: IoT Makes Smart Buildings Even Smarter

Tracks: Residential / Commercial

SBC 2017 Speakers

Aglaia Kong, Google’s CTO Corporate Networking, will talk about how IoT goes beyond energy management in smart buildings

Claire Penny, Worldwide Solution Leader, IBM’s Watson
IoT, will show how ‘cognitive IT’ brings a new intelligence to smart
homes and smart buildings

Gabriel Wetzel, VP for IoT and Smart City at Bosch Software Innovations, will present how IoT transforms buildings

Bernhard Huessy, CEO, Nomos System will explain how IoT creates opportunity In commercial, residential and marine installations

The twin tracks (Residential and Commercial) will offer dual insight
to help you understand that Smart Building is neither a product nor a
standalone technology but an end-to-end solution that will change our
homes, offices and buildings forever.

Attending SBC is an affordable way to make great contacts, understand
the latest technology from the companies that are driving the changes,
and learn how some integrators are already applying technology like IoT
in installations for home and business.

Bob Snyder believes that the pan-European focus of the Smart Building
Conference makes the event unique: “I think that it provides a
different perspective, a different flavour than events in the USA or
local European national events. We are the leading conference for the
smart tech inside buildings that enables seamless, collaborative,
healthy and comfortable working experiences. We don’t believe a building
is ‘truly’ smart until it enables its occupants.”

Early bird delegate passes with 25% discount are available until 10th January 2017.

Visit SBC Website

Malou Brantjes's picture Event from Feb 6th to Feb 5th
Christian Fasting, Owner , posted

Brazil: Public Sector Urban Sustainability Meeting

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4th Meeting of Municipalities with Sustainable Development in Brazil (IV EMDS)

Meet the main mayors and public managers of Brazil during the biggest event on urban sustainability in Brazil.

Demonstrate your smart city and sustainable urban solutions at the Good Practice Plaza and Expo Cities. Share your knowledge and explore your opportunities in Brazil and South America at the Thematic Rooms, TED-alikes and Dialogue Areas.

The IV EMDS will be held from the 24th to the 28th of April 2017 in Brasilia and:
• Will have around 10.000 participants
• Target amongst others, state governments, parliamentarians and legislative advisors, managers and technicians of public consortia, academics and federative entity representations
• Be visited by more than 500 mayors, who have been recently (re-)elected, took charge last 1st of January and are at the beginning of their 4-year mandate
• Host around 350 lectures
• Is supported by over 100 national and international institutions. (e.g. European Union, United Nations, Smart City Expo World Congress and French Republic)

The IV EMDS is realized by the Brazilian National Front of Mayors (FNP-Frente Nacional de Prefeitos). The FNP focusses on 400 municipalities which represent:
• 100% of the state capitals
• 75% of the GDP
• 60% of the Brazilian population of 200+ million inhabitants

As the partner of the IV EMDS in the Netherlands Brazil Services is available to provide you with more detailed information about the event, the key subjects and on how to participate and collaborate. Contact Christian Fasting at +31 06 17456045 or christian.fasting@brazilservices.nl

In April 2017 you will have a place reserved to take part in framing the future of the Brazilian cities and participate with strategic dialogues with the new generation of Brazilian mayors.

Christian Fasting's picture Event from Apr 24th to Apr 28th
Robin Neven, Business Intelligence & Analytics Engineer , posted


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Not for profit.

1. Gebiedonline offers an extensive range of functionalities for both small
networks who are just starting, and larger, more mature networks.
2. Gebiedonline is flexible: its set up is modular and customizable –in
functionality and visual design.
3. Gebiedonline co-op members are permanently learning from (each others)
practice. The development agenda is managed by consent.
4. Gebiedonline beliefs in circular economy. Value created by the online
platform flows back to the local community.
5. Gebiedonline acts as trans local network. Its members increasingly give
voice to the Dutch urban bottom-up movement.

Robin Neven's picture #Citizens&Living
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

New Year's Drinks - Amsterdam Smart City

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Join us at the Amsterdam Smart City New Year’s drinks on the 20th of January from 16.00h at Datalab Amsterdam to kick-start 2017. This will be the first event in a row organised in collaboration with Datalab.

Here you’ll have the opportunity to learn about city data of Amsterdam, the upcoming event program and the story you can be part of… You are most welcome!


  • Doors open at 16.00h
  • Introduction by Datalab
  • Update of Amsterdam Smart City
  • 3 Smart Pitches by our community:
  1. Amsterdam Kunst en Cultuur & Amsterdam Marketing, using data to unlock innovation
  2. Hemelswater, talking and bringing beer made from rain
  3. And more….. Would you like to pitch at our event? Let us know, via <elien@amsterdamsmartcity.com>

You’ll experience new projects and updates from other innovators. We’ll close with an open space for further exchange accompanied by drinks at 17.15h.

Please RSVP here via Eventbrite, registration is required because places are limited.

We are wishing you an inspiring 2017 & looking forward to see you there!

Team of Amsterdam Smart City

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Event on Jan 20th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Yearly numbers: most viewed items of 2016

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Amsterdam Smart City was launched in June 2016 and in 7 months time 2.000 members registered! Our developers at Crowded distilled a top 5 of most viewed items and more. Check out the facts and figures.

Amsterdam Smart City was launched in June 2016 and in 7 months time 2.000 members registered! Our developers at Crowded distilled a top 5 of most viewed items and more. You love to read about smart mobility and energy solutions!

Top 5 of most viewed items

  1. Smart Traffic Management (project)
  2. Smart Light (project)
  3. Organising Smart City: Lessons​ learned from Amsterdam (post)
  4. City-zen: Virtual Power Plant (project)
  5. The Green Living Lab (project)

Time spent

Together we viewed 532,781 pages and spent 384,235 minutes on the site! (the same time you need to watch half of Netflix series).

You shared

Our platform is operating fully user generated. This resulted in:

  • 565 Posts
  • 183 Projects
  • 283 companies
  • 164 Events
  • 107 Requests

This is all thanks to YOU, our community!

Most active members

Special thanks go out to:

Xaris Xaritwnidis, Margot Frederiks, Rogier Havelaar, Kim Gijsbers, Cornelia Dinca, Nuray Gokalp, Sander van Lingen, Melchior Kanyemesha, Paul Voskuilen, Chanhee Leem Esther Somers and Mirko van Vliet as our dedicated members!

Of course we could not have done this without the support of our developers' team of Crowded.

We are looking forward to continue our story together in 2017!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture News
Saleh Mohammadi, PostDoc Researcher , posted

Smart Urban Isle

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The Smart Urban Isle (SUI) project pretends to move forward with the urban energy savings.

The Smart Urban Isle (SUI) project pretends to move forward with the urban energy savings. Based on a three cornerstones procedure, the SUI project aims at a whole new urban planning that allows cities to grow in a sustainable way. Consequently, we develop an innovative new concept for city planning, where cities are arranged and grow through small integrated areas. We will probe Smart Urban Isle as innovative basic energy unit in the Smart City.

Saleh Mohammadi's picture #Energy
Annelies Van der Stoep, Strategic advisor at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Is this green field the place to play soccer or just to hang around?

In the Amsterdam district Slotermeer locals use an purpose made app to map (un)healthy spots and behaviour. This helps the local government to fine-tune measures to make neighbourhoods more healthy and social.

Annelies Van der Stoep's picture #Citizens&Living
Peter de Kruijk, Director at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Economic Mission Bayern region

With its knowledge intensive industries, capacity for innovation and strong R&D base, Bavaria is the innovative motor of the Germany’s economy.

Join the mission of Amsterdam / Utrecht region to explore trends in the fields of urban mobility, e-health, digital media, fashion, agro-food and startups.

Find new avenues for cooperation. Expand partnerships.

Peter de Kruijk's picture News