Amsterdam Smart City

Innovation begins where boundaries fade

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Highlight from Amsterdam InChange, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam InChange, posted

Saskia Bosnie Joins Amsterdam InChange as Programme Director a.i.

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As of the beginning of January 2025, we are pleased to welcome Saskia Bosnie as the programme director a.i. of Amsterdam InChange. Saskia brings valuable experience from her previous role as director of Zuidoost City, where she successfully built strong connections between residents, businesses, educational institutions, and local entrepreneurs. Taking over from Francien, Saskia will work closely with the team to shape the programme’s future vision.

Together with the team, Saskia will focus on operationalizing this vision, developing concrete activities, and strengthening our proposition for partners and funding structures. A key priority will be to further strengthen and solidify our collaboration with Amsterdam Economic Board.

Saskia looks forward to contributing to innovative solutions for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area together with our diverse partner network. Her passion for innovation, collaboration, and tackling complex challenges aligns with the ambitions of Amsterdam InChange.

Amsterdam InChange's picture News
Highlight from Amsterdam InChange, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam InChange, posted

Amsterdam Smart City gaat verder als Amsterdam InChange en dit is waarom

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[for English, scroll down]

Al 15 jaar zetten we als Amsterdam Smart City netwerk innovatie en digitalisering in voor betere straten, buurten en steden. We groeiden uit van het realiseren van energieprojecten, naar aanjagers op het gebied van digitalisering, naar een open innovatieplatform gericht op sociale innovatie. Altijd met de mens centraal. En we blijven groeien en ontwikkelen. Innovatie en digitalisering (lees ‘Smart’) zitten nog steeds in onze kern, maar de aandacht is verschoven naar hoe we de complexe maatschappelijke opgaven samen kunnen aanpakken, hoe iedereen hiervan kan profiteren en hoe we dit duurzaam en toekomstbestendig kunnen doen. En daar past een nieuwe naam bij. Een naam die beter aansluit bij wat we al doen en waar we naartoe onderweg zijn. We nodigen je uit om met ons mee te doen, op weg naar een duurzame toekomst voor iedereen.

Waarom Amsterdam InChange?

InChange staat voor dynamiek, verschuiving en transformatie vanuit creatief denken. Het impliceert dat innovatie niet alleen gaat over nieuwe ideeën, maar ook over betekenisvolle veranderingen die gemeenschappen, bedrijven, individuen en de samenleving beïnvloeden.

‘In’ geeft aan dat innovatie momentum heeft; het is gaande, we zijn aan de slag! Het zegt ook dat het een gezamenlijke inspanning is, we hebben elkaar nodig. Het benadrukt dat elke belanghebbende, van de kleinste start-ups tot de grootste bedrijven, een cruciale rol speelt in deze transformatie.

‘Change’ versterkt het beoogde doel en resultaat van waar we met elkaar aan werken. Het gaat niet om innovatie omwille van innovatie, maar om innovatie gericht op tastbare, betekenisvolle veranderingen. Daarmee staat Amsterdam InChange voor een netwerk dat zich inzet om zichtbare en betekenisvolle verandering teweeg te brengen. En zo samen te leren hoe het anders kan.

Er is de afgelopen tijd veel veranderd: een nieuwe naam, een nieuw logo, nieuwe kleuren en een website die er anders uitziet. We leggen je graag meer uit over dit proces.

Online Community

Wat betekent dit voor jou? Voor de online community verandert er voorlopig nog niet veel. We hebben een nieuwe website, die we later gaan samenvoegen met ons online Amsterdam Smart City platform. Je behoudt gewoon je account en je kunt het platform blijven gebruiken zoals je dat gewend bent.

Mocht je verdere vragen hebben over onze rebranding en online community, neem gerust contact op met ons team via

Amsterdam Smart City continues as Amsterdam InChange and this is why

For 15 years, the Amsterdam Smart City network has been using innovation and digitalization to create better streets, neighborhoods, and cities. We grew from realizing energy projects to becoming leaders in digitalization, and now to an open innovation platform focused on social innovation. Always with people at the center. And we continue to grow and develop. Innovation and digitalization (read 'Smart') are still at our core, but the focus has shifted to how we can tackle complex societal challenges together, how everyone can benefit, and how we can do this sustainably and future-proof. This calls for a new name, one that better aligns with what we already do and where we are headed. We invite you to join us on the journey towards a sustainable future for all.

Why Amsterdam InChange?

InChange stands for dynamism, shift, and transformation through creative thinking. It implies that innovation is not just about new ideas, but also about meaningful changes that affect communities, businesses, individuals, and society.

‘In’ signifies that innovation has momentum; it is ongoing, we are taking action! It also suggests that it is a collective effort; we need each other. It emphasizes that every stakeholder, from the smallest start-ups to the largest companies, plays a crucial role in this transformation.

‘Change’ reinforces the intended goal and outcome of what we are working on together. It is not about innovation for the sake of innovation, but about innovation aimed at tangible, meaningful changes. Thus, Amsterdam InChange represents a network committed to bringing about visible and meaningful change. And so, together, we learn how things can be done differently.

In the last weeks, a lot has changed: a new name, a new logo, new colors, and a different website. We are pleased to tell you more about this process.

Online Community

What does this mean for you? For now, the online community remains the way it is. We have a new website, which we will later merge with our online Amsterdam Smart City platform. You will keep your account and can continue to use the platform like your used to.

If you have any further questions about our rebranding and online community, please feel free to contact our team via

Amsterdam InChange's picture News
christine groothuis, Programmamanager energie en circulair at Amsterdam InChange, posted

Circular Utility Hub Challenge

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The City of Amsterdam has taken the initiative to develop the Modular Circular Utility Hub, an innovative concept aimed at providing a future-proof solution to challenges related to space utilization, finances, technology, aesthetics, and climate. The Utility Hub concept is part of two parallel trajectories: a local innovation process that was already underway and a second trajectory in which the concept is being submitted as part of the EU call "Rethinking Urban Spaces Towards Climate Neutrality."

Project Phase

The project is currently in its research and implementation phase. A significant step was taken during a digital meeting on December 19, 2024, where a coalition of stakeholders began forming, and the plans for the EU subsidy application were further solidified.

What is the goal of the project?

The primary goal of the project is to demonstrate the Utility Hub concept on a practical level through two pilot projects. These pilots will showcase how utilities and shared elements, such as solar panels and community functions, can be integrated into public spaces. This approach aims to optimize space usage, offer more sustainable solutions, and improve the quality of life in increasingly dense urban areas.

What are the expected results?

The initial outcome of the project includes enthusiastic commitments from various project partners to support the EU subsidy application. These commitments provide a strong foundation for the further development and implementation of the Utility Hub pilots. Additionally, a collective approach and shared sense of urgency surrounding the challenges have been reaffirmed.

Two pilot projects are set to develop the Utility Hub concept, enhancing the quality of public spaces. Several organizations have committed as project partners, while others will act as executing parties without formal roles.

Plans for 2025

In 2025, the focus will shift to refining the subsidy application and further developing the pilot projects. Key steps include:

  • Finalizing work packages and project structure in January.
  • Continuing collaboration with knowledge institutions.
  • Organizing follow-up meetings. The deadline for submission is February 11
  • Building a coalition with other interested parties.

Who initiated the project, and which organizations are involved?

The project was initiated by the City of Amsterdam. The following organizations are involved:

Project partners: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), AMS Institute, TNO, and VDL.

Executing parties: Alliander, Vattenfall, and Bright.

Internationally, Lyon and Stockholm are involved as the Lead City and Lighthouse Cities, respectively.

What’s next?

The coalition of project partners, together with the City of Amsterdam, will submit an application for the EU Horizon Call. The deadline for submission is February 11, with the hope of securing the funding to bring the vision to life. It is important to note that even if the EU does not approve the project, the local innovation trajectory will continue independently.

christine groothuis's picture Project
Manon den Dunnen, Strategisch specialist digitaal , posted

Sensemakers knowledge sharing: Deepfakes & Digital Humans

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This Wednesday we have 2 speakers introducing you to the latest on synthetic media (deepfakes) and digital humans.

  • Manon den Dunnen
    Introducing you to the latest developments in synthetic media (deepfake, LLM's)

  • Mao Lin Liao (Reblium)
    Introducing the challenges and possibilities of customized digital humans (avatars) and their various applications.

Looking forward to seeing you! Presentations are in Engels, maar we spreken ook Nederlands!

Manon den Dunnen's picture Meet-up on Feb 19th
Emma Schep, Communicator at Waag, posted

Waag Open: Wat zou de ideale internetroute zijn voor jouw data?

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Wat is jouw dagelijkse schermtijd? Heb je wel eens nagedacht over de routes die jouw gegevens afleggen, wanneer je een email verstuurt, gebruik maakt van een zoekmachine of iets plaatst op sociale media? Het maakt niet uit of we het over apps hebben, online streaming, of simpele webpagina’s bekijken – data over ons reizen door de hele wereld.

Ontdek tijdens Waag Open hoe jouw gegevens via internet reizen en ontwerp je mee aan de meest wenselijke routes. Je gebruikt Packet Run, een software-tool waarmee je kunt zien hoe het internet data routeert. Het nemen van deze ideale route doen we al spelenderwijs. We bespreken wat een ideale route voor jou betekent, wat voor inzicht in internet routing wenselijk is, en hoeveel controle over internet routing nodig is.

Meld je aan:

Wanneer: 6 maart 2025
Tijd: 19:30 - 22:00 uur
Waar: Waag Futurelab, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam


19:30 - 19:45 uur welkom & introductie
19:45 - 20:45 uur interactief spel: jouw ideale route op het internet
20:45 - 21:30 uur afsluitende discussie
21:30 - 22:00 uur borrel

Meld je aan:

Emma Schep's picture Masterclass / workshop on Mar 6th

This online community is established by Amsterdam Smart City, a network consisting of 27 public and private partners that are convinced that necessary changes for the Metropolitan Area Amsterdam can only be achieved through collaboration. At Amsterdam Smart City, we are committed to use smart technologies in a responsible way to help solve urban challenges. We bring our partners together and facilitate collaboration concrete issues within the following themes: energy, mobility, circularity and digitisation.

Get to know us