Smart Republic 2019

Smart Republic 2019 is envisaged as a Multi Partner global forum to deliberate on the collaboration framework between government and multiple agencies like the World Bank, UN Habitat, UN Global Compact, Asian Development Bank, Industry and academia for achieving shared goal of making India a Smart Republic by 2022. Smart republic forum will focus on innovative ICT and New Media platforms and deployment of best practices to catalyse effective, coordinated and results-based implementation of 100 Smart Cities Program, AMRUT, HRIDAY and RURBAN missions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Smart Republic forum aims to contribute to achievement of following objectives:
Strengthen and deepen the collaboration among multiple implementing agencies working in the domains of smart cities and smart villages.
Fostering knowledge sharing among practitioners of Smart Cities and Smart villages programs to ensure adherence to global standards and good practices for accelerated achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.
Helping government agencies leverage private sector investment, knowledge and resources through innovative public private partnership models.
Support deliberations among multiple players to formulate structured mechanisms for improving cross-sectoral integration to accelerate deployment of sustainable smart city and smart village programs.
Facilitate sharing of good practices among the Smart City and smart village practitioners for development and deployment of Digital Platforms for transformative interventions across multiple thematic areas.