NYC Launches Electric Vehicles Tech Challenge
Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City of New York are committed to leading in the charge against climate change. In service of that mission, on Monday we announced the latest in our NYCx Moonshot Challenges. As part of a partnership with the City of Paris, we’re launching NYC’s Moonshot Climate Action Challenge to fast-forward to a future where we replace all gas-powered vehicles in NYC! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, researcher, technologist, executive, or just someone with a good idea, I’m inviting you to participate in this challenge and be part of shaping that future. Here are the details:
Challenge participants will submit proposals for 1 or both of 2 tech categories:
Emerging technologies for charging EVs: self-charging streets, inductive/wireless charging, 350+ kW charging, connected vehicle solutions, vehicle-to-grid tech, etc.
Immediately commercializable EV charging tech: 25-150 kW charging, solar parking canopies with integrated EV charging, etc.
Up to 3 finalists from Track 1 will be awarded $20,000 each to demo their technology to the NYC Department of Transportation & Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. Up to 3 finalists from Track 2 will be able to pitch their business plan to the NYC Department of Transportation.
Only 1 winner from each track will be eligible for:
Track 1: full feature at an upcoming global NYCx event
Track 2: $20,000 to further research and develop/expand their proposal and present a live demo that brings that proposal to life (e.g. virtual reality demo, charging demo, city-scale mock-up with adoption scenarios), with a chance to have design elements of their submission included in the City’s EV charging roadmap (currently in development)
Interested? Send us your ideas by Monday 1/15/2018 5PM ET for a chance to make NYC the global leader in climate action:
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