Marco Marechal


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Marco Marechal, Strategic (Communication) advisor (CEO) , posted

Adding knowledge towards your project in the area of the enduser...

Adding knowledge towards a project you have (City level) in the area of water or smart city and smart mobility. To actively envolve the end- user, citizens engagement and participation;. We have large survey results in the area of smart city and smart mobility to actively involve the end user in the project you have. To make your project more succesfull because people actually use it.

Looking for a project and / or partnership in a city or area of the city to conduct further study in the area of citizens engagement and to add the human factor within the project or city for you.

Marco Marechal's picture #Citizens&Living
Marco Marechal, Strategic (Communication) advisor (CEO) , posted

Toronto Canada Information question and Smart City expo world forum

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Going to Toronto Canada from 05-12th of May by suggestion and request of the Dutch embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Keynote speaker at organized by Dr. Hafiz Yasar Lateef and his team. If you have any suggestion of people I can meet in the area of smart city/smart mobility or watermanagement at Toronto, please feel free to contact me. And of course the other way around, if I can do something for you in Toronto also contact me. Thank you in advance.

Marco Marechal's picture #Mobility