Justin Rijnberg


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Justin Rijnberg, Project Lead at DutchBasecamp, posted

Bootcamp to Cape Town

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Did you know Cape Town is ranked as the smartest city in Africa?
With the Dutch Consulate General we are organizing a trade mission to this amazing city to discover the opportunities for Dutch start and scale-ups. We will visit the SA Innovation Summit and work together closely with local entrepreneurs to fully understand what it takes to do business in South Africa.

Sounds interesting? Send an email to justin@dutchbasecamp.org
More info: cocreatesa.nl/cocreate2accelerate-2017

- Did you know Africa is home to 7 of the 10 fastest growing economies?
- Cape Town is the emerging hub for IT startups on the African continent.
- Fully funded by RvO except flights and accomodation

Justin Rijnberg's picture Event from Aug 27th to Sep 7th