Lisa Stamm


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Lisa Stamm, Community builder , posted

Intel IoT Roadshow

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Are you ready to build something innovative with the Intel® IoT Developer Kit?

Here’s your opportunity! In 2016 Intel® is hosting IoT Roadshow events for developer communities in cities across the US, Europe, South America, and Asia.

If you’re a maker, an IoT startup, a developer, a student or a hardware novice, join us, get your free Dev Kit, which includes an Intel® development board, and begin building something awesome!In addition to providing you with the Dev Kits, we will have tools, tasty food, giveaways on-site, and prizes for the best IoT solutions.

Come by and tinker with the Dev Kit – which is based on Intel® architecture and designed to be hardware and software pin-compatible with Arduino. Plus it includes lots of cool sensors, software and accessories to stimulate your creativity.

The Intel® IoT Roadshow will kick off with training on both the technology and Dev Kit, followed by a hackathon. You can work in teams or solo, and we will be there to help along the way! See the IoT Roadshow schedule below and choose your preferred country location. We hope to see you there!

Lisa Stamm's picture Event from Apr 23rd to Apr 24th