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Program Partner Amsterdam Smart City

Alliander is a energy network company. We provide a reliable, affordable and accessible energy transport and distribution to a large part of the Netherlands.

Alliander brings the renewable energy market closer.

As a network company, Alliander is responsible for the distribution of energy such as electricity, (bio)gas and heat. We don’t produce or trade energy ourselves. This is done by energy suppliers, buyers and traders. Most of the energy we distribute regionally is produced by power stations and windfarms and carried through the international and domestic energy grids run by TenneT and Gasunie. A growing number of consumers and businesses are also feeding the energy they have generated themselves back into our grid.


17 Organisation members

  • Gijs Duffhues's picture
  • Marisca Zweistra's picture
  • jos blom's picture
  • Pallas Agterberg's picture
  • Chantal Termeer's picture
  • Lineke Goorix's picture
  • Arne Kaas's picture
  • Celina Kroon's picture
  • Paul Bierman's picture
  • Pallas Agterberg's picture
  • Nathalie Ahsmann's picture


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Pallas Agterberg, posted

Embassy of Digital Futures: Balanceren tussen Utopie en Dystopie

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Embassy of Digital Futures organiseert een expositie op de Dutch Design Week 2024 over superpowers & escaping the algorithm. Op de conferentie: “Balanceren tussen Utopie en Dystopie”  gaan we op zoek naar handelingsperspectief.

Er is de laatste tijd veel aandacht voor de polarisatie, mentale gezondheid van jongeren en de toenemende invloed van de big tech. De Embassy of Digital Futures gaat in op de vraag hoe we de ontwikkeling van digitale toekomsten kunnen beïnvloeden. Deze toekomsten bieden een beeld van hoop en nieuwe mogelijkheden. Er komen ‘superpowers’ tot onze beschikking! Deze superpowers hebben echter ook een keerzijde.

Onder het motto "Escape the algorithm" zoeken we naar het handelingsperspectief en verkennen we de ingrediënten voor de volgende vraag in onze zoektocht naar digitale toekomsten.

Na een presentatie van o.a. Koert van Mensvoort verdiepen we ons in de expo van ontwerpers; Julia Janssen, Leonore Snoek, Mayra Kapteijn en Bas Sala waarna een paneldiscussie volgt met onder meer Martijn de Waal, Marcel Thaens en Mieke van Heesewijk.

Meld je aan!

Klik hier voor meer informatie over de programma’s rondom de Embassy of Digital Futures

Pallas Agterberg's picture Lecture / presentation on Oct 23rd
Tisja Kuiper, Technische trainee at Alliander, posted

Wanted: Solutions to easily and accurately detect gas pipelines underground without digging

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Alliander seeks solutions to easily and precisely locate gaspipelines underground without digging. 🔎 Pitch for €50,000 budget

More and more households are moving off natural gas. As a result, Liander anticipates a rise in demand for connection removals, projecting an increase from 12,000 annually to 100,000 in 2033. The biggest bottleneck is locating connection lines due to missing or inaccurate drawings.

Alliander is therefore looking for solutions that help technicians get location information in advance or tools to determine the location during the job.

🚀 Why participate in this challenge?
- Innovation budget of up to €50,000 for pilot or realization concept
- Possible follow-up assignment, scale-up or sustainable cooperation
- Technical specialists / consultants as sparring partner

⏰ Send your solution before the deadline March 29th!
- Questions? Read the brief or ask them in the online q&a session on March 4th

Nathalie Ahsmann, posted

Innovation Challenge: increasing the demand for elektricity when the sun is shining

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Alliander is a group comprising various operating companies. As one of these operating companies, network operator Liander is responsible for the gas and electricity grid for a large part of the Netherlands and manages the energy distribution across all grids, day in day out. Liander’s professionals keep the lights on and the heat going at around 3 million homes and businesses in the Netherlands.

The number of requests from large business customers asking to be connected to the electricity grid or be given access to increased capacity is growing. At certain points in the electricity grid, capacity is scarce and the grid cannot always be upgraded quickly enough to meet this extra demand, which means that a transmission limit must be imposed on customers.

Therefore, we have decided on an Innovation Challenge. For this challenge, we are focusing on the problems caused by the large amounts of solar energy being generated. Because electricity generation by solar panels largely takes place at the same time and also in places where there has previously only been limited demand for electricity, there is a shortage of transmission capacity. Given that solar energy is difficult to control, we are looking for ways to shift the demand for electricity to, or increase it during, the hours when the sun shines the most. This way local balancing of supply and demand can be ensured.

We want to facilitate the development of solutions that stimulate the electricity consumer to consume more electricity when the sun is shining. This prevents us having to impose transmission limits and/or having to expand/upgrade the grid.

Do you have a good idea or do you want to read more about this challenge? Visit our Innovation Challenge on StartHubs via

Nathalie Ahsmann's picture #Energy
Marisca Zweistra, programme manager at Alliander, posted

Nationaal Laadonderzoek 2020

ElaadNL, de Vereniging Elektrische Rijders en de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen zijn op zoek naar de laadbehoeftes en -ervaringen van EV-rijders. Met de input kunnen we de stad verder helpen bij het uitwerken van de mobiliteitsvisie.
Rijd jij elektrisch? Help ons dan met het Nationaal Laadonderzoek 2020! Start de enquête (max. 10 minuten) hier:

Marisca Zweistra's picture #Mobility