City of Amsterdam: Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam

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Het Ingenieursbureau is de partner binnen de gemeente op het gebied van inkoop, techniek en projectrealisatie in grond-, weg- en waterbouw. Wij hebben expertise op het gebied van civiele constructies, water en deltatechnologie, stedelijke inrichting en milieu, infrastructuur en verkeersadvies en project- en contractmanagement.


9 Organisation members

  • Eduardo Carbajo Fuertes's picture
  • Jasper Passtoors's picture
  • Christina Ottersberg's picture
  • Jaleesa Schaap's picture
  • Scipio Kok's picture
  • Ewout Pieter den Ouden's picture
  • Cees de Boer's picture
  • Tim van de Laar's picture


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Tim van de Laar, Project management, Scale Up, Innovation Partnerships, Sport at City of Amsterdam: Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam, posted

Ondernemers met duurzame oplossingen gezocht voor aanbesteding

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De aanbesteding Scale Up Toekomstbestendige kunstgrasvelden is gepubliceerd. Met het project dagen de gemeenten Amsterdam en Haarlem ondernemers uit om duurzame oplossingen op kunstgras sportvelden toe te passen. De inschrijving hiervoor sluit op 17 juni 2024 om 14.00 uur.
De genoemde gemeenten zijn op zoek naar partijen met innovaties op het gebied van: duurzame energie, klimaatadaptie, circulariteit of slim en schoon bouwen. De duurzame oplossingen willen ze vervolgens toepassen bij de vervanging en nieuwe aanleg van kunstgras sportvelden. Naar verwachting staan er de komende tien jaar meer dan 200 velden op het programma. Hiermee wordt verwacht een grote bijdrage te leveren aan de doelstelling van de gemeenten Amsterdam en Haarlem om in 2050 een klimaatneutrale stad te zijn.  

Doe mee!

Doe mee met dit project en schrijf je in voor de aanbesteding op Mercell.

Kijk voor meer informatie op de website van het project of stel je vraag door een e-mail te sturen naar

Disclaimer: Het project wordt medegefinancierd door het LIFE Programme van de Europese Unie. Noch de Europese Unie, noch de subsidieverlenende autoriteit kan voor de inhoud van het project verantwoordelijk worden gehouden. Aan dit artikel kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend, de aanbestedingsdocumenten zijn leidend.

Tim van de Laar's picture #CircularCity
Scipio Kok, Advisor at City of Amsterdam: Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam, posted

Available for download now: Mayor’s Manual Book Edition

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What advice would you give to mayors of cities worldwide?  In the first season of the Mayor's Manual Podcast, Sacha Stolp (Director of Future-Proof Assets, City of Amsterdam) and Kenneth Heijns (Managing Director of AMS Institute) have embarked on a journey to discuss solutions for urban challanges together with over 50 frontrunners from different countries working for  governmental institutions, knowledge institutions and businesses. Each frontrunner was asked what advice they would give to Mayors and cities worldwide. The Mayor’s Manual Book Edition is a compilation of these advices accompanied by 6 Essays written by guest writers. The book is meant not only to inspire, but also to provide actionable recommendations for cities globally.

We invite you to read the first Mayor’s Manual Book and share
your insights with us!

Download the book for free on our website or by clicking here.

Currently, we are working on a Dutch edition so keep an eye on our site
for updates!

Find the Mayor’s Manual podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Podcast &  view our trailer or go to

Scipio Kok's picture #Mobility
Jaleesa Schaap, Strategic Advisor Climate Adaptation and Future Proof Assets at City of Amsterdam, posted

Give your Climate Adaptation project a stage during the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021!

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Amsterdam, how do you keep your head cool and your feet dry?
Give your project a stage during the CAS21!

Proud of your project? Does it take into account the changing climate and more extreme weather? Then you now have the opportunity to put your project on a world stage.

Expand your network and the visibility of your climate adaptive project on a global level and register to be part of the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021.

What is CAS21?

The online CAS21 ( ) will take place on 25 and 26 January, hosted by the Netherlands. CAS21 is a global climate adaptation conference organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. World leaders present the Adaptation Action
Agenda during this 24-hour climate summit. They make agreements to prepare for the consequences of more extreme weather.

Week full of events

In addition to the CAS21 itself, the whole week is devoted to climate adaptation. Various events will be organized by municipalities and partners between 19 and 25 January 2021.

Amsterdam should of course not be missing in this spectacle. CAS21 is the unique place to generate global visibility for Amsterdam's climate adaptive projects and innovations.

How do you give your project the stage?
We really need your input to show as much inspiring content as possible!

There are two ways to contribute:

1. We make a video of your (climate adaptive) project.
Register with us with your idea and a brief description of what you would like to show and tell in the short film. Do we choose your idea? Then a film crew will visit you and your project in the short term and we will make an inspiring video. This will be broadcast on January 25th and 26th as a  side programma of the CAS21. Deadline for submitting your idea: before December 14th. Mail to:

2. Organize a coronaproof event in the week of 25 to 29 January 2021.
This week will be entirely devoted to Climate Adaptation. You too can contribute this week by organizing something on this theme! This can be both a physical and an online event. Think of an online workshop, digital innovation market, tile seesaw campaigns, planting façade gardens, large or small it does not matter! As long as it has to do with climate adaptation. Register with us so that we can include your contribution in our program. Deadline: before December 18. Mail to:

In order to make as much impact as possible, we try to bundle all ideas and projects. This way we can be part of CAS21 with a powerful program and communicate this as a whole to the outside through various channels.

We would love to hear from you!

Team Climate Adaptation
Gemeente Amsterdam

Jaleesa Schaap's picture #Citizens&Living