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Resourcefully is an environmental consultancy providing project management tasks and technical services to both public and private sector clients in the Netherlands and the European Union.



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Anne-Martine Hupkens, medewerker communicatie at Resourcefully, posted

Miniconferentie Power to the People: Energiedelen in je buurt!

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Twee projecten binnen één energiegemeenschap op het Amsterdamse Sporenburgeiland: FlexCity en FlexPower.

FlexPower stuurt de publieke laadpalen aan, FlexCity het verbruik bij mensen thuis. Bewoners wisselen onderling elektriciteit uit via een lokale energiecoöperatie in oprichting. 

In het eerste deel praten we met de ‘professionals’, en in het tweede deel met professionals en de échte stakeholders: de buurtbewoners uit Sporenburg. Om 17:00 uur netwerkborrel!

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Meet-up on Jun 12th
Carlos Varela Martín, Data analyst at Resourcefully, posted

Batteries that react to weather forecast and energy prices

Among its activities, Resourcefully researches how to improve the management of energy flows in districts, maximizing the use of locally produced energy.

You are invited to check our interactive presentation, that sketchs a methodology to make a communal battery aware to weather forecast and energy prices. Among the highlights that you can find:

- Use real time data from six prosumers.
- Use of machine learning for predicting solar forecast
- Demonstration of custom algorithms to decide when to charge or discharge the battery
- Functioning of the IT infrastructure necessary to make it work.

(Mind that in some browsers the slides appear as too big or small. You can set the zoom with Ctrl + and Ctrl - , and you can see the presentation fullscreen pressing the key f. Navigate with keyboard arrow keys.)

We finish the slideshow with a call to action. If you are interested in prototype the method described, please let us know!

Best regards

Carlos Varela Martín's picture News
Carlos Varela Martín, Data analyst at Resourcefully, posted

Any Software Developer interested in integrating Energy and Mobility in a single management system?

Resourcefully has been working on a Living lab during the last two years, with promising results connecting renewable energies and electric vehicles. We want to take this capacity for integration to the next level, with an improved Energy Management System.

Resourcefully ( is an Energy and Water consulting firm placed in Amsterdam, that also runs a living lab: Amsterdam Vehicle to Grid (V2G) (<>)

In a nutshell, Amsterdam V2G consists in connecting an electric vehicle to a household equipped with renewable energies. The battery of the vehicle can be used, therefore, not only for mobility purposes, but also to store the energy produced by the photovoltaic installation.

The energy stored can be used to supply the household during the evening. Our results, after two years running, indicate that the household could be practically self-sufficient during six months per year (<>). This increase in renewable energies uptake and energy reliance has serious potential for commercialization in the near future.

To take Amsterdam V2G to the next level we want to make a solid Energy Management System. The current one was done "ad hoc" for Amsterdam V2G; therefore lacks standardization and its algorithms are rudimentary.

We would like to collaborate with a software company interested in exploring this avenue: an Energy Management System that is interoperable and scalable, allowing to integrate the demands of the grid, weather forecasts, household appliances, electric vehicles, stand-alone batteries and renewable energies. All of this in order to reduce CO2 emissions and foster the uptake of renewable energies and electric vehicles.

If you find this appealing, drop me a message. We do not have yet a formal roadmap about a commercial product release, so we could discuss together our mutual expectations.

As a last note, here are some technologies to consider an integrated Energy Management System:

ITTTT: connects apps and appliances (<>)

- HomeKit, from Apple (<>)

- ISO 15118: Protocols for communication between electric vehicles and the grid. (

Carlos Varela Martín's picture #Energy