University of Amsterdam (UvA)

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We provide academic education for tomorrow’s leaders and innovators, carry out pioneering research and use the results to develop socially relevant applications.

We provide research-intensive education for a broad group of students – irrespective of their origin, background, or beliefs, preparing them for the global job market.

We provide our academic staff with the space and facilities required to carry out innovative and interdisciplinary research.

We foster an innovative environment and have a large impact on society.

58 Organisation members

  • Thomas Riedlsperger's picture
  • Frank Hagendoorn's picture
  • Yu-Hsuan Hsueh's picture
  • Claire Gersen's picture
  • Julia Noordegraaf's picture
  • Sonia Vidal's picture
  • Juliette Roos's picture
  • Menno Zahn's picture
  • Agneta Fischer's picture
  • Suzanna Tomor's picture
  • Daniel Eduardo Bidot Betancourt's picture
  • Tycho van der Wal's picture
  • Stijn Verdenius's picture
  • Ludovica Viva's picture
  • Wouter Vrielink's picture
  • Daan van den Berg's picture
  • Nagwa Qadi's picture
  • Mariam Hussain's picture
  • Ingrid Wakkee's picture
  • Francesca Pilo's picture
  • Yuki Esser's picture
  • Ieva Rozentale's picture
  • Charlotte Leclercq's picture
  • Beatriz Pineda Revilla's picture
  • Coralie Pluut's picture
  • Luca Bertolini's picture
  • Maurits Bongenaar's picture
  • Lupe Salt's picture
  • Paul Chambriard's picture
  • Hanna Płonka's picture
  • Alinde Steenbakker's picture
  • Taghi Ramezan Zadeh's picture
  • Arman Karapetyan's picture
  • Suzanne Hansen's picture


  • 17
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    Thumbs up
  • 10
Suzanne Hansen, Head of Partnerships at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Last spots available for "Prototype for Change" project. Pitching your digital challenge february 4 and receive a prototype of a new website in june 2025 by talented, datadriven students UvA!

Featured image

Do you work on innovative new ideas and are in for a project where talented students develop digital prototypes of websites aiming for Change? Do you want work with students from the most innovative datascience programme of the University of Amsterdam? Please reach out to me and drop me an email at: or call me.

Students Computational Social Science are tasked with designing a website aimed at driving behavioral change in the contexts of climate change, surveillance, renewable energy, Circular economy or health. The project involves iterative prototyping and testing phases, which include conducting focus groups and experiments to refine users’ experience and impact.

The final deliverables include:

  • A website (in python)
  • A written report, investing divergent stakeholder perspectives and emphasizing effective opportunities for digital interventions

Students will also prepare and deliver a presentation of the study’s major findings to the partner, stakeholders, and their peers.

In 16 weeks from a challenge and idea into a prototype.
The only commitment we ask is your time, for at least 1 hour a week.
Please let us know if you have interesting project ideas!

greetings, Suzanne Hansen, head of partnerships Computational Social Science
M: 06- 482 72 193 |


De opleiding Computational Social Science, is een innovatieve datascience opleiding van de UvA gericht op de publieke sector. Onze internationale en gepassioneerde studenten werken 2x per jaar, in februari en september in teams aan digitale producten zoals websites, data analyses, infographics en meer.

Wat wij zoeken zijn ambitieuze opdrachtgevers en innovators, die 1 uur per week willen investeren en boeiende challenges kunnen aandragen gericht op gedragsverandering en systeemverandering.

Bel gerust als je meer informatie wilt. Mijn nummer is 06- 482 72 193 en mail is

Onze studenten werken op de Roeterseiland campus in Adam Oost, waar we voor onze partners ook een fijne werkplek kunnen bieden op de momenten dat zij online of fysiek studenten coachen en inspireren.

Suzanne Hansen's picture #DigitalCity
Taghi Ramezan Zadeh, Assistant professor at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

EU-funded project to study the unintended consequences of the green and digital "Twin Transitions" policies: The mobility industry and the public sector.

At the University of Amsterdam and via an EU funded international research consortium, namely READJUST, we are addressing the unintended consequences of green and digital transition policies on inequality. We are currently looking for collaborators from the mobility industry and public organizations. We aim to include diverse opinions from various stakeholders involved in these policies: from municipal perspectives to innovators, incumbents, and citizens.
Please feel free to read more about our project here.

and approach me at my email:

Taghi Ramezan Zadeh's picture News
Finn Mund, International Relations at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Master thesis about smart mobility solutions, also in Amsterdam

Hi everyone!

I'm currently writing my thesis on smart mobility solutions and their (expected) impact in the fight against climate change. As I'm also looking at cooperation between cities, I'd be very grateful if through posting this, I could get answers to the following questions.

- Does Amsterdam cooperate with other cities in the development of smart mobility solutions, like Roboat, Vehicle-2-Grid, or eHubs?

- Do other cities contact Amsterdam for advice and expertise with their smart mobility initiatives?

Thank you all and have a nice week ahead!


Maartje Luinenburg, Digital Marketing & Communication at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Masterclass Toekomst van de Stad

Featured image

In deze masterclass denken we na en discussiëren over oplossingsrichtingen voor diverse uitdagingen. We proberen we ons een voorstelling te maken van de stad van straks. Geen toekomstvoorspellingen, maar toekomstvoorstellingen.

We gaan o.a. in op de onderwerpen

✓ Wat maakt een stad een stad?
✓ Wat is stedelijkheid?
✓ Hoe ontwikkelen steden zich, groeien ze allemaal?
✓ Bouwen we in of buiten de stad?
✓ Wie wonen er nu in de steden en wie kan er straks nog wonen?
✓ Wat voor werk is er nu in de steden en wat voor werk in de toekomst?
✓ Hoe houden we steden veilig in onzekere tijden?
✓ Is de stad voor de yup en expat of kan Jan Modaal er ook nog terecht?
✓ Is de stad nog de “emancipatiemotor”?
✓ Hoe “smart” wordt de stad?
✓ Mogen auto’s straks nog in de stad?
✓ Hoe krijgen we de stad duurzaam?
✓ Blijft de stad bestuurbaar? Hoe houden we “de boel bij elkaar”?
✓ Welke dynamiek kennen stedelijke netwerken?
✓ Wat gaat dat betekenen voor stedelingen/niet stedelingen?
✓ Oplossingsrichtingen voor de knelpunten met woningmarkt, mobiliteit, duurzaamheid, klimaat, onder controle krijgen van de stedelijke arbeidsmarkt/evenwichtigheid.
✓ Nadenken over / input voor beleidsvorming over stedelijke vraagstukken/regionaal economische vraagstukken (stad voor iedereen - of ga er buiten wonen en regel goed vervoer; woningmarkt voor de middenklasse, etc).


De Masterclass De Toekomst van de Stad is onder leiding van dr. Piet Renooy. Verschillende UvA docenten verzorgen een bijdrage in het programma o.a. prof. dr. Pieter Tordoir en dr. Tim Verlaan en diverse gastsprekers, te weten prof. dr. Gert-Jan Hospers, dr. Bas van de Griendt, drs. Josse de Voogd, dr. Jos Gadet, drs. Floor Milikowski en Nik Smit.

Deelnemers ontvangen een certificaat van deelname vanuit de Universiteit van Amsterdam

Masterclass / workshop from Nov 1st to Dec 6th
Raphaela Lark, Researching the intersection between climate adaptation and social inequality at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Looking for community organisations in Amsterdam that deal with climate adaptation!

I am currently conducting research on climate adaptation strategies in London and Amsterdam for the university of Amsterdam. I am approaching this topic from a social justice lens, i.e. understanding how the city is incorporating social justice in its climate adaptation strategies and policies.

I am currently looking for community organisations that are involved in projects that are directly or indirectly involved with tackling the urban heat island effect. This could be projects that seek to increase green spaces, improve how homes perform during heatwaves or even raise awareness on these issues in their community.

Any help is appreciated!

Frank Hagendoorn, Student at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Expert needed for Interview Bachelor Thesis

Dear members,

My name is Frank and I am a student at the University of Amsterdam.
At the moment, I am working on my thesis for the bachelor Social Geography and Urban Planning at the University of Amsterdam. My research is about the influence of electric cars on urban sprawl. The focus of my research will be on urban sprawl and the increase in automotive mobility and in the increase in efficiency of fuel consumption (both for electric cars and gasoline cars). For this, we have to do some fieldwork and for my thesis I have chosen to do in-depth-interviews.

Are you, or are there in your team people, interested in helping me do my research? Because of the current situation around the corona-virus, the interviews will take place in a different form, for example through Zoom or Skype. These interviews can be conducted in English or Dutch.

Thank you in advance and kind regards,

Frank Hagendoorn
Student social geography and urban planning at UvA

Frank Hagendoorn's picture Request
Daan van den Berg, Teacher & researcher on optimization at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Smart City conference event gathering happenings on and off

Dear all,

Data Analytics 2018 has a special session on Smart Cities. I'll probably be going (and presenting). Let me know if you go too.

The track "Metaheuristics for smart grids and energy systems" in the META'18-conference is off (look closely at the programme). It's still in the glossary, but this appears to be incorrect.

Daan van den Berg's picture News
Ludovica Viva, Project Manager at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Circular Organic Waste in Amsterdam Questionnaire

The project Circular Organic Waste in Amsterdam wants to investigate on the potential of separate collection and treatment of organic waste in improving Amsterdam's circularity. To get data on the social perception on this issue from Amsterdam’s inhabitants a questionnaire has been created. If you live in Amsterdam, answer the questionnaire, you will help the research and you will also get the opportunity of winning a prize! It will take less that 5 minutes! You can access the questionnaire through the link below:

Ludovica Viva's picture #CircularCity