Amsterdam Open Beacon Network

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The City of Amsterdam is exploring the opportunities of a city wide, open beacon network. Currently 200 beacons are installed on almost all bus- and tram stops in the innercity. This is a first step. At this current stage, we want to involve app developers in the use case exploration for such a network.
We would like to invite you to test the open beacon network, and find out what kind of opportunities arise for your business.

Join the Google Group <!forum/amsterdam-open-beacon-network> to get instant access to the Amsterdam Open Beacon Network and start using the beacons by adding your attachments in your own namespace.

What is the goal of the project?

Involve app developers in the use case exploration for acity wide open beacon network.

What is the result of the project?

Currently 200 beacons are installed on almost all bus- and tram stops in the innercity. This is a first step in offering people a 'seamless journey'.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

Gemeente Amsterdam, Amsterdam Smart City, Google

What is the next step?

If enough opportunities arise for businesses in Amsterdam to use the beacon network, it can and will be expanded by installing more beacons in a larger geographic area and other types of locations/vehicles.

What can other cities learn from your project?

Think big, start small, fail fast, learn rapidly!forum/amsterdam-open-beacon-network

