Together we realize a healthy and happy Jan Eef!
Geef om de Jan Eef
What is the goal of the project?
We are entrepreneurs and residents from Jan Evertsenstraat. Together we are committed to the "Jan Eef" Jan Evertsenstraat area. Sometimes we do it 'just' as involved neighbours and sometimes we do it as the shopping street association Jan Eef. We successfully use our talent, energy and knowledge to make our own neighborhood bonded and more beautiful.
What is the result of the project?
It all started in 2010, after the raid and murder on jeweler Hund. With "Geef om de Jan Eef" we stimulated our neighbours to do more shopping in our street, the Jan Eef. Meanwhile, we have become a large group of concerned and active citizens. This makes our neighbourhood a connected and caring neighbourhood.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
Residents and companies in the Jan Eef neighbourhood
What is the next step?
Keeping the neighbourhood involved
What can other cities learn from your project?
We have been successful in making our Jan Eef a more liveable street. Involving citizens and cooperation is our biggest succes.
Hi Annemijn, hoe staat het met jullie project? Hoe staat het met de doelen die jullie jezelf gesteld hadden? Is het bijv gelukt de omwonenden meer spullen op de Jan Evertsen te laten aanschaffen?
Vanuit de gemeente zijn we bezig om diversiteit in winkelstraten te bevorderen, oa door de omwonenden te stimuleren meer aankopen in de buurt te doen (zowel online als offline). Ben benieuwd naar jullie ervaringen en wellicht kunnen wij weer helpen met jullie initiatieven.
Gr. Pim Stevens, gem Amsterdam