SensorTeam: Indoor school air quality

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How Does Indoor Air Quality Impact Children's Health and School Performance?

The classroom is often overlooked when it comes to indoor air quality. Problems with heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, known as HVAC systems can trigger a host of health problems and reduce school performance. SensorTeam is developing a smart IoT device and cloud tool that helps analyse the air in schools and shows how the indoor environment influences children's health and performance.

SensorTeam’s IoT indoor climate sensor, currently placed in a classroom on a primairy school in Amsterdam West, autonomously sends temperature, humidity, CO2 , light and motion measurement data to a cloud dashboard (internet), which provides real-time insights to teachers, parents and school management.

Data is sent using LoRa wireless network technology provided by KPN en Simpoint. This means that SensorTeam’s sensors do not need any existing network infrastructure or power.

The example below shows SensorTeam's cloud dashboard.

For further information please contact us.

Gertjan de Vries

SensorTeam B.V.

What is the goal of the project?

Develop an easy-to-use (wireless) tool that helps schools analyse the air quality in classrooms. This will help understand how to make the air cleaner and thus improve children’s environment.

What is the result of the project?

  1. Monitor & control air quality at schools.
  2. Create an index for indoor air quality at schools.
  3. Display air quality status on (teacher’s) smartphone.
  4. Warning sign if CO2 raises above 1000 ppm.
  5. 100% automatic; no efforts from teachers needed.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

SensorTeam B.V.
Simpoint B.V.
Primary school in Amsterdam West

What is the next step?

  1. Find more primary and secondary schools that want to run SensorTeam’s air quality pilot.
    Involve students (at secondary schools), make them aware that poor indoor air influences students’ health and school performance and learn what to do about it.

  2. Open our database for data mining

  3. Integrate new next IoT-sensors:

  • Gas sensor: Gases that can be detected include Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) from paints (such as formaldehyde), lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, furnishings, office equipment, glues, adhesives and alcohol.
  • Sound sensor. SensorTeam is developing an IoT sound sensor that measures ambient noise. Indoor sound levels can give insight in the quality of the building (acoustic).

What can other cities learn from your project?

Poor air quality in buildings is a world wide problem. SensorTeam will expand their solutions and techniques to other cities, schools and countries.



Data in SensorTeam’s current pilot looks promising and suitable for different stakeholders, from security (PIR/motion) to classroom management and from fresh air monitoring to energy waste solutions.


Thank you for your enthusiastic response.

Adrian Lisko's picture
Adrian Lisko

Wow, that's a lot of interesting info. Thanks!
PS: did you also release the data anywhere? I couldn't find any information about it there.

Ivonne Jansen-Dings's picture
Ivonne Jansen-Dings

Indeed! Open data and open hardware should hopefully be prerequisite :)

Adrian Lisko's picture
Adrian Lisko

This looks really cool. Looking forward to do some data crunching on the open dataset.
