Project Smart Roof 2.0

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Project SmartRoof 2.0 is an innovative, lightweight, blue-green roof, that has been installed on Building 002 at the Marineterrein Amsterdam. Water management (blue) and plants (green) are carefully monitored using sensors. This provides a wealth of information.

Water is essential for plant growth. That’s why the blue-green roof features an 85 mm-high Permavoid hollow drainage layer that stores rainwater directly under the planted layer. These Permavoid units have special fibre cylinders that use the capillary effect to provide the plants with water during dry spells. This creates natural irrigation without using pumps, hoses, or energy: just like in nature.

About Marineterrein Amsterdam:

At Marineterrein Amsterdam, solutions to global issues are devised, tested and put into practice. Here, a leading international community of innovators, scientists and businesses work together toboost and build upon the strong international position held by both Amsterdam and the Netherlands. The Marineterrein is going to be a future-proof city district featuring open innovation, accessible and flexible living and working space, unique housing, sports, recreation, and greenery.

Current sensors:

Sensortype Aantal

Regenmeter 1

Infraroodcamera 1

oppervlaktetemperatuur 2

Bodemvocht 14

Bodemtemperatuur 14

Waterhoogtemeter 6

Luchttemperatuurmeter 10

Windrichting en -snelheid 1

Zonnestraling 1

Zonlichtreflectie 3

Lysimeter (verdamping) 3

Relatieve luchtvochtigheid 1

Totaal 57

What is the goal of the project?

The project aims at demonstrating and scientifically validating function and value of the combination of Blue (rainwater catchment, storage and reuse) and Green (biodiverse) roofs for resilient and climate adaptive cities, not for the future, but for today.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

Project Smart Roof 2.0 is an important international research roof. Drain Products Europe, Aedes Real Estate, KWR Watercycle Research Institute, the City of Amsterdam, the Public Water Authority Amstel & Gooi and Vecht, Waternet and Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam are working together in a two-year research project (2017-2018) for Topsector Water (water top sector) of the Dutch government.

What is the next step?

Opening: September 2017. Scientific research: 2017-2018, possibly untill 2019

